Transdimensional Archives


HEY!In case you don't know All things power rangers belong to Saban Prodution with the exception of the creations of this and other authors. So Mr.Saban or any of his lawers if you're reading this i'm not making any money and neither are any of the other authors of fan fictions so please don't use your supreme power and wipe us off of the net thankyou.

By the way all characters in this story with the exception of the ones owned by Saban are property of The author so don't use them unless you plan on asking and giving credit to me if you do decide that you want to use aything from this story please E-Mail me FOOMARTINI@YAHOO.COM

Alright, Now that all that legal crud is out of the way Let's Partayy.

These Coins Are WHAT!
By : Shaun M

(One and a half Weeks later)

"Hi, umm is Sammantha there?" Robert asked "I think so let me go check, May I ask who's calling." Ashley said "Yea tell her it's Rob." was the reply "Alright hold on a second." Ashley said. A few minutes later as Robert was about to back out of asking Sammantha to the Angel Grove Carnival Ashley picked up the phone and told Robert that Sammantha wasn't home and that he should probably check the Surf Spot." Alright thank you Ashley." Robert said as he heard a slightly high pitched beep come from her end of the line."No problem Rob I've got to go now Bye." and she abruptly hung the phone up.



"Twenty seven minutes to impact with Earth beginning final preparations for landing, Target Command Center of the Power Rangers. Margin for error 75%." the S.I.C.S.01 computer announced as it headed for the blue green planet.



Robert walked into the Surf Spot and was almost shocked by the fact that there were only about ten people in the place then he remembered the reason he'd come here in the first place, to ask Sammantha to the Carnival.

Sure it's not the most imaginative place to take someone on a first date but I am low on freedom cash right now. Robert chuckled as he remembered how he'd come to refer to his spending money as freedom cash, it happened when he first got his trust fund.

Then he saw Richard standing behind the counter cleaning up a mess. "Bulk and Skull?" Robert asked with a smile on his face Knowing full well those two had made the mess. "Who else?" was Richards reply as he wrang out the rag he'd been using to clean up the mess. "What's up Robert?" Richard asked. "Not much, Have you seen Ashley and the others?" Robert asked. "Yea they told me to give you this note if I saw you." Rich said as he handed Robert the note.

it read,

Robert if you get this note before four o'clock meet us at the north end of the park by the grove of trees Darius has something he wants to show you.

- The Guys

Robert looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was only fifteen minutes until four now. "I gotta go, see you later." Robert said as he bolted out the door. "Man I hope Robert got the note on time this thing's giving me the heebs." Brittany said as she stared at the strange object that Darius had found. "Oh yea well it gives me a case of the heebs with a side order of EEP." Peter said with a smirk on his face.

"Hey look here he comes now." Sammantha said with a broad grin on her face. To anyone but Robert it was obvious that she liked him but she'd never admit to it. "Jeez. You think you could've cut it any closer Rob." Mike said with a grin as Brittany giggled behind him. "Sorry but I just got your message, What is it you wanted to show me?" Robert asked



"But Jarak, dear why not just capture those teens one at a time and the get those coins you're so interested in." Velescia questioned. "Because my Omechs have just undergone extensive reprogramming and I want to test them first, my sinester beauty." Jarak replied as he carresd his wifes darkley tanned cheek. "Now, Omechs Attack! And Bring me those coins or end up like your former leader here." Jarak commanded holding up a small plastic cup full of ashes and mechanical debries.

The Omechs vanished in a briliant flash of light. "Father are you really going to destroy them if they fail again?" K'ellai inquired of her father."Oh no dear, there are far worse things than death, Far more painful things." Jaraks eyes glowed blood red as he said this and his voice was cold enough to lower the room temperature ten degrees.



"This" darius said pulling a dark green tarp off of a large dome shaped peice of metal with all manner of tubs lights and things portruding from it and a small screen that blinked to life the instant it turned four o'clock."I am S.I.C.S.01 Omega computer to the former Ject home Empire. And I require the assistance of the Power Rangers." the device announced in the willowy metallic voice of a woman .

"Umm, we don't know how to tell you this but as far as we know the Power Rangers are in space." Peter informed the computer. "That is not true why would a ranger lie to one in need?" The computer inquired.

"What! a ranger that's impossible I'm no Ranger." Peter said "How can a non-Ranger posses the Power Coins of the Rangers of Earth?" the computer asked."Power Coins what are power coins?" Robert asked and as he said this the coin that he'd been keeping with him shocked him "Agh!" all six teens cried in unison."what was that?"

Brittany asked reaching into her pocket and removing her coin which was glowing a bright Pink. "Rangers of earth remove your Power Coins and see the gift which fate has given you." The computer said Each teen took his or her coin out and they were all glowing Brightly but none as brightly as Roberts which was an almost a blinding green.

"What does it mean?" Sammantha said in a confused voice unable to take her Eyes from the glowing red light in the palm of her hand. "There are the ones who caused the Captian to be destroyed, Get Them!" the Omech commanded in his primal voice. "Aww man not again. Didn't you lame brains learn the last time that you can't beat us." Mike said sounding very cocky.

Then the Omechs charged the Six teens "Hey No fair five on one!" Brittany cried as she was knocked back by five of the cyber-monkies. Two of them attacked Robert and he Did his best to defeat them but he just couldn't seem to hurt these guys no matter what move he tried they just seemed to shrug them off as slaps.

"AAGHH!" Robert heard the cry and knew immedieatley that one of his freinds had just been thrown towards the computer. A few minutes later all of the Teens were piled by the computer which calmly asked them why they didn't just Morph and use their power weapons."Because we're Not Rangers, and even if we could Morph We don't know how!" Robert yelled at the computer ready to tear it apart.

"Hold your coins up high and Call on the morphers Then Transform into the Power Rangers, It is your only hope now." S.I.C.S.01 Said calmly. "Well it's worth a shot right?" Sammantha said fear showing in her radiant blue eyes. "Alright let's do it." Robert shouted and holding his still glowing coin in his hand he thrust it up high and said "POWER MORPHER" the others did the same and were shocked to see that silver devices had appeared in their hands. Well let's try this, IT'S MORPHIN' TIME" Robert yelled.







"This is awsome Guys I can feel the power flowing through me it's amazing" Peter said . "We really are the Power Rangers" Sammantha said. "That's Right Red Ranger, now le's get these goons out of our town." Robert The Green ranger said. "Ha, You think your power armor will scare us away." the Omech commander said.

"No but this might convince you to go home rather quickly" Sammantha the Red Ranger said as she lept into the air and shouted an attack command. "Red Ranger lightning spin kick." she shouted and turned into a cyclone of pure red lightning, which took out several Omechs but unfortunatley left her a little dizzy."OOOh, I've got to practice that one."



"No, They're using my coins." Jarak screamed in anguish. "Onicus get down there and destroy those pathetic Ranger impersonators and get me my coins!" "Yes my lord." came the reply from Jaraks oldest son.



"Man and I thought that these guys were tough" Robert said as he and Peter both attacked an Omech with their power weapons the Omech then surveyed his surroundings and noticed that his troops were in the same position that he was in and did the only sensible thing and signaled for his fellow Omechs to retreat back to the dark kingdom "Yes that was really kickin'." Brittany said "Hey Peter you look good in yellow heh heh." Robert said snikering.

"Oh put a sock in it greeny." was Peters reply. At that moment the rangers heard a near deafening boom as they all looked up they saw what had made the noise, a giant reptilian creature with humanoid features and glowing red eyes. "Rangersss Of Earth you shall pay for ssstealing my fathersss coinsss the Green coin wasss to be mine." Onicus belowed.

"To bad green meanie the power of the Dragon is mine." as he said this the Green Ranger removed his dragon dagger and played the tune that would summon the new Dragonzord. It sounded like a thousand trumpets all playing in unison. The Dragon began to rise from the bay and started it's march towards the battle site.

"We need Dinozord power, NOW!" The five remaining rangers cried in unison. "Afro-Invader, power up" Sammantha cried as she lept into her zords cockpit. "Mastadon Dinozord, power up" Mike yelled as he landed in his zord. "Stegosuarus, Power up." Darius said as he jumped into the charging zord. "Sabertooth tiger, power up." Peter hollared as he lept into his zord.

"Psauradon, power up." Brittany said as she landed gracefully.

"This is the green ranger to all dinozords, it's time to activate the Megazord and to take this lizard down." Robert said over the zord to zord commlink. "Right, let's show this goon whose planet he's on." Sammantha said from the cockpit of her zord. "Let's bring 'em together." Right" the other rangers agreed.

As the new MegaZord formed the DragonZord was in fierce battle with Onicus and was winning until Onicus reached for the Dragonzord and pulled off a peice of armor and jammed it into the Dragons mouth, keeping it from firing the the proton beam that Robert had been charging in hopes of stopping the monsters assault. The Dragonzord shuddered and collapsed sparks and energy flowing off of the gargantuan zords hull like water."I'm down! Guys I need Help now, you've got to cover me until I can get my zord operating again." Robert said.

"Right, Try and make it quick this guy looks Tough." Sammantha said as the MegaZord completed it's assembley sequence and the other rangers came into the cockpit."Alright let's take this guy." Brittany said activating the main deflector array of the megazord."Okay Rangers we've got a legacy the size of a mountain to live up to and we're only at the base of our climb." "What the heck was that!?" Mike said in confusion. "I'm trying to be uplifting in the face of danger, what do you think i'm doing?" Sammantha said. "Do you really want an answer to that?" Peter said jokingly as the MegaZord was rocked by an attack from Onicus.

The MegaZord landed a painful blow of it's own. Robert looked up helplessly from his control panel then looked back down and saw a blueprint for an uplink of the Two Zords. "I've got to get primary power back online or the others are toast, okay now Cross this wire connect this wire and you get." Robert Coughed as smoke rose from his open console."Smoke, You get smoke That's just great." as Robert began to lose hope of getting his zord up and running the cockpit lights came back on and the Computer said that main power had been restored. and then Robert noticed the weapons array was also online and fully charged.

"Man this guy is tough we need the Dragon."Sammantha said. "The Green Ranger can't help you now Rangersss, Hisss ZZord Iss to damaged to help you." Onicus hissed. While he was distracted the DragonZord was taking aim with it's finger missiles. Onicus screamed in agony as the ten missiles slammed into his back causing severe dammage to it. "Rangers I'm transmitting a new configuration for the Zords, Activating the Mega-Dragon DinoZord linkup sequence." the green ranger said. The DragonZord split into five seperate parts and began attaching to the MegaZord as it's new weapons, helmet and armor. "Mega-Dragon DinoZord locked on and Fire." The Rangers all said in unison. With that the newly formed Zord opened fire on Onicus who took heavy damage but was still standing. "this is deffinatley not a good thing." Brittany said.

"Guys look there's a weapon that we can call that will give us ten times the power of this zord." Darius said pointing at his console. The rangers all gave the command in unison, "Mega Dragon Power Sword,Now!" there was a blinding flash of multi colored light as the sword formed in the zords hands, just as it was finished forming Onicus,Bleeding from his wounds was rushing the rangers. The zord struck out and cut Onicus in two causing him to blow up as he fell apart. "Let's power 'em down rangers." Robert said.

As the Rangers returned to the Park. They approached the computer which then told them,"Rangers of Earth, with your new powers comes a new command base for us to monitor the Earth for Emporer Jaraks attack forces. Rangers focus your thoughts through your power coins to build and teleport to your cammand base." S.I.C.S.01 Said. The rangers did as they were instructed and seven streams of light took to the air of Angel Grove and the citizens of the city cheered as the rangers they had once known streaked across the sky in triumph.



"NOOOOO, Those rainbow clad snot nosed Babies destoyed my Son, the most feared warrior in the universe!" Jarak was fuming his wife and daughter both cowared in the far end of the fortress and still did not feel that they were far enough away. "Onicus was my armies commanding officer, their leader. For this those Power Rangers will pay with their leader. The Green Ranger will be destroyed." Jarak was proud of his brilliant idea. although it was a simple one, Destroy the main support of a stucture and the rest will soon crumble.



"Wow, this place is amazing." Brittany said as she and the other rangers surveyed the wonders of their new command base. "Rangers" S.I.C.S.01 commanded their attention. "Onicus was Jaraks favored son and his military leader. He will not be pleased with the fact that you destroyed him." "Well then he should have kept that butt ugly lizard off of our planet." Mike said, "Right Darius?...Darius, HEY BRITBOY focus here." Mike said iratley "OH! sorry I was very taken by this hyper phase induction matrix, I've never seen anything like it before." Darius said "The Command Base has many new technologies that no government on this or any other planet will ever have." S.IC.S.01 informed "So how'd you know what it was?" Sammantha asked puzzeled. "Oh well it says what it is on this computer console, see." Darius replied pointing at the console.

"Rangers if the need arises I will contact you through your Coins it will take time to create the communicators that I have on record but when they are finished I will inform you." with that S.I.C.S.01 teleported the rangers to the park just out of veiw of the clean up crews. "Man let's hope we don't have to do that again too soon." Mike said sighing.

Peter added "Yea we don't want to make Jarak feel too bad about losing." they all laughed as they were leaving the park to meet Ashley and her friends for something to eat. T.J. and Cassie walked by and asked the clean up crew what was happening. "The power rangers just stopped a monster from trashing the city, Where've you been? Another planet." one of the clean up guys said as he picked up a piece of monster.

"How could the rangers have saved Earth from a monster attack if we were three solar systems away at the time?" T.J. asked making sure to keep his voice down. "I don't know. but if there are two ranger teams then we can devote more time to searching for Zordon without having to worry about Earth being in danger." Cassie replied. T.J. then added "Well we'd better get going if we're going to meet Ashleys cousin and her friends." "Yea let's go" Cassie said stepping over a peice of twitching reptillian looking skin.



To be continued in Rangers Reborn pt.3

"For whom the power tolls."

Roberts got a secret that he didn't even know about and Jarak plans on using it as part of his plan. Can the new rangers stand up to Jaraks latest plan? tune in and find out.


Shaun M Index
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