Disclaimer: All Power Ranger-type stuff belongs to Saban! They belong to him, they are legally his, he has a rightful claim to them, they are not mine...... any other ways I can say it?

Author Note: This series continues on after the Omega Fleet trilogy, which was a continuation of the Samurai Ranger saga. Originally 'Power Rangers: Symbiosis' was meant to continue there, but I have decided to stop that series (for reasons too long to go into here!) Really you need to have read the previously mentioned series to understand everything that's going on here. As usual, all comments, thoughts and suggestions about this and all my other fics are welcome! This is more of a prologue to both Omega Fleet and The Rings of Xentar than a part of the actual story, so that is why it is so short!

Time Scale: This takes place shortly after the Rangers have returned from the future, but before the Omega Fleet Trilogy.

All in the Past
By Matt

Eons ago, a war waged on a planet called Xentar, a war between Light and Dark. Each side was evenly matched in brute force and raw power, so it seemed magic was the only possible advantage each side could get. The technomancers of Light created weapon after weapon, only to find it evenly matched by Dark's latest creation. Their knowledge of the magical power flowing through the Galaxy grew, and in time caused the strength of their weapons. Calling on all the Power available to them, the forces of light created a set of five Rings, drawing their power from the very life essence of their world, the elements. The five rings, Earth, Wind, Fire, Water and Lightning were colossally powerful. They tipped the scales of the war in favor of the Light.

In a final attempt at retaliation, the Dark technomancers created a second set of Rings, but they were in need of a power source. With the power of the elements taken, they turned to a more primal power, the power of existence itself. The five rings were given the powers of Matter, Energy, Mind, Body and Shadow. Pitting the two sets against each other, the two sides once again found themselves in a stalemate. They continued to fight with their assortment of weapons and the Rings until one fateful day.

The technomancers discovered something that rocked their society to the very foundation. It was a asource of unimaginable power, eventually to be named 'The Morphin' Grid'. Xentar was completely disrupted by this. Factions from both sides rose up in protest of the new discovery, claiming its power was too great and would ultimately destroy them all. As Light and Dark both ignored the warnings and continued to research the Grid, the factions from other side split away from their societies and joined together. Taking the official title 'The Shadow Society', they gradually began to distance themselves from the events of their own world.

They watched with intrigue as Dark and Light both took different approaches to the Grid. Whereas Light used their part of the Power to create numerous smaller power forces - Coins, Crystals, Zords etc. - Dark drew raw power from it and enfused certain beings with the energy, resulting in mystical and astounding Dark Powers. Despite their rejection of the Grid, the Shadow Society began researching their own uses for the Power. Instead of creating weapons, powers or other such things, the Shadows used it to create improved technology - defences against attacks and most importantly, cloaking technology.

Giving one final warning about the power of the Grid to the Dark and Light, they activated their cloaking technology. On that day, the Shadow Society split away from Xentar, disappearing completely. Although they remained in the area, they were undetectable. They watched over the years as their warnings came to be. Both warring sides were destroyed in one final battle, the only things remaining on Xentar were the creations from the Morphing Grid.

More years passed, and from a far distant part of the cosmos, two forces came, originating from the planets Eltar and Onyx. The Eltarians raided the resources of the Light, while the Onyx pillaged from the remains of the Dark. The Eltarian scientists studied the things they had found and modified it, using the artefacts to create powerful beings called Power Rangers. Meanwhile, on Onyx, the Dark side's reserch into the Morphin' Grid was being used to bestow mighty powers upon their most powerful warriors, wizards and technomancers.

Once again, the Wars started, Eltar heading up the new forces of Light and Onyx leading the renewed dark force. In time, they will simply destroy each other, or so it should be, but that is not the case. Xentar nears the end of it's life, already it's Sun has swollen and reddened. The planet's destruction is imminent and with it's end, shall come a terrible fate for the rest of the cosmos. The pre-Morphin' Grid technology, especially the Rings, that had layed long forgotten, shall now be flung forth across the galaxy for anyone to claim.

Should anyone gain control of the rings, and use the Morphin' Grid at the same time, the results could be catastrophic. We, the Shadow Society, shall never allow that to happen. As I speak, the Shadow mages weave their spells, commanding the rings and the technology to go to a place where they will be used correctly. If the wielders of this Power are wise enough to use it in its proper way, they can end the War forever, but should they use it incorrectly...... we pray the Universe will never find out the possibilities!

The spell is cast, Xentar is no more, and the Rings have gone, headed for their ultimate destination. Go great power, seek out the place, the beings, that shall cease the rivalry between Light and Dark forever. Go... to Earth!

The Desert Planet Drindall

The small ship sat alone in the middle of a vast expanse, no sign of anything for miles either way. Phantom Ranger had been in some tight spots beforem but this was by far one of the worst! After all the evil he had faced, it had been a simple meteor shower that could finish him. They had battered his ship into submission and he had been forced to land on this forsaken world to repair. Unfortunately, the damage had been worse than he had first thought and repairs would be near impossible.

"Nice one! The almighty Phantom Ranger, dead from starvation!" he mumbled to himself, looking around. He knew it was true, for there was nothing edible in sight and the only food he had on board came from the built-in Synthetron. Without power, even that was useless!

"Better get going now if you want to die here!" he said to himself, pushing his already weary body up onto its feet. He had really pushed himself to the limits over the last few weeks and he was looking forward to getting home so that he could rest - no such luck.

He trapsed his way across the dunes, hoping that each ridge would reveal some kind of salvation, but instead, each one simply revealed further miles of searing hot sand. Fortunately, his armor protected him from the heat, without it, not only would he be so hot that starvation would be the least of his problems, but his skin would be burnt so much that it would be painful to even move.

He checked up on his power levels. The ruby was slowly decreasing in power, just like him, it had been taxed greatly, and trying to keep him cool in the blaziing Sun was just draining it more. He had thirty, maybe fourty minutes before it gave out completely. He had never allowed the power levels to get that low before, and should he somehow survive the current ordeal, he swore never to let it happen again.

Time drew on, and his Ruby was about ready to shut down. It was not something he was looking forward to. He closed his eyes as he fell to the ground. A sudden flux in his power shot pain through every nerve in his body. Opening his eyes once again, he looked round only to find himself back at his ship. On closer inspection however, he found the ship to be completely repaired. Rushing on board, he got himself a massive bottle of ice cold water and downed it in nearly one gulp.

Finally re-hydrated, he put his mind back to more important matters, how and why had the ship been repaired. A sudden thought struck him, making him check the power levels of his ruby. It had been charged back up to maximum capacity. Not wanting to stay on the planet any longer than he had to, the Phantom Ranger piloted the ship off the sandy ground and back out into space.

"Computer, report status." he ordered.

"All systems running at maximum efficiency, new data download ready for viewing." the computer replied.

"New data!" he exclaimed. "Where di it come from?"

The computer was silent for a moment, then said, "That information is not available."

"Okay, let me see it!" he requested. the computer screen blacked out and page after page of information appeared. As the Phantom Ranger read it, he realised they were instructions. He had been recruited to do something, and he was slowly finding out what. He had to search out a being named Psi'Gar and enlist his help. Together they were to complete a mission.

"Computer, locate Psi'Gar, and set a course... for Earth!" Phantom Ranger ordered.

I pray we are doing the right thing. We, the Shadow Society have sworn not to meddle in the affairs of others, but this situation is different, it threatens our very existence. All the pieces are now in place! The bearers of the Rings must be tested, and now that shall be done. Go Phantom Ranger, go to Earth, test them there, and warn them. Dangerous times approach and I fear they shall not be easy times either.