White Psycho
By Liz
Scene 1: On Astronema's ship, hovering over Earth, Astronema looks out the window. Starring down at Earth, Ecliptor is behind her. Astronema's hair is not red, but now green with yellow streaks. Her eyes are underlined with reddish-pink, and she is still evil.By Liz
Astronema: "Dark Specter's powers are almost fully drained. Even though the Psycho Rangers are gone, Dark Specter must be destroyed!"
Ecliptor: "My princess, Dark Specter may be on to you. I think--"
Astronema: "Don't be telling me what to do. I have my own plan..."
Ecliptor: "What can I do?"
Astronema: "Go down to Earth. Find me a teenager suitable for the job."
Ecliptor: "What job is that, Astronema?"
Astronema: "For the new Psycho Ranger."
FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE, Rangers In Space...Set control to outer space, yeah, Flying higher than ever before... Rangers... In Space, Go Power Rangers, Go Power Rangers, Oh- oohohh...Power Rangers... In Space!HR>
Scene 2: On Earth, in Angel Grove Park. There is a swing set in the background, trees, grass, the lake, and a bench. Rocky is walking on a gray, cement path toward the bench. His book-pack on one shoulder, and his other hand combing back his wonderful hair. He's wearing a karate uniform, and just got back from teaching karate lessons.
Rocky: "Gee, it's so quiet around here since I gave my powers to--" Rocky stops, then looks his wrist.
Rocky: "Why did I have to give my powers to Justin! I could still be a ranger, but then again, Justin did a good job. Uh, I better hurry. I don't want to be late again." Rocky hurries it up, then looks behind him. Someone was there, but Rocky turns around, confused, and continues walking. Then, out of nowhere, Ecliptor flips over him.
Ecliptor: "Don't worry, teenager, I won't hurt you. I just want to kidnap you!" Ecliptor runs toward Rocky, but Rocky kicks him away. Ecliptor gets up, and sprays Rocky with a white mist. Rocky starts coughing.
Rocky: "Who are you, what is that stuff? ::cough:: What's... happening..." Rocky coughs then falls to the ground. Ecliptor teleports out of there with Rocky on his right shoulder.
:::: On the Space Station :::::
Andros: "Hey, Zhane, what did you think of Astronema before she was pure evil?"
Zhane: "What are talking about? She's your sister!"
Andros: "No, really. Did you like her?"
Zhane: "Well, we--"
:::: Ashley and TJ run in::::
Ashley: "We got trouble!"
Zhane: "What kind of trouble?"
TJ: "Scanners in the Engine room showed that there was a disturbance on Earth."
Andros: "Aren't Cassie and Carlos down there?"
Ashley: "There at Angel Grove's Cemetery."
Zhane: "Cemetery? Why?"
TJ: "Carlos wanted to see Sylvia's brother's grave, and Cassie came along to keep him company."
Andros: "We better warn them." Andros touches his communicator.
Cassie: "This is Cassie, what's wrong Andros?"
Andros: "TJ and Ashley picked up some interference or disturbance in Angel Grove. Be aware."
Carlos: "All right, Andros. We'll let you know if anything occurs."
Andros: "All right, Red Ranger out." Stops communication. Carlos and Cassie nod to each other and run out of the cemetery. They run to Angel Grove's park that is up, behind the hill. Looking around they don't see anything.
Cassie: "Andros, this is Cassie," she talks into the communicator, "Nothing unusual here."
Andros: "All right, just keep an eye out."
Carlos: "Don't worry, we will. Carlos out." They end the communication and walk around the park.
Astronema: "Ecliptor, did you get my new Psycho?"
Ecliptor: "Yes, of course my princess. Here he his." Ecliptor pulls on the chains in his hands and out tumbles Rocky, unconscious.
Astronema: "You applied the spray, correct?"
Ecliptor: "Yes, Astronema. All according to your plan. He should wake up soon, though."
Astronema: "Good, I want him to. When the new Psycho ranger wakes up, he'll be pure evil, like me. His new powers will be stronger than the regular Psychos', and he can morph right away."
:::::Rocky groans and starts getting up. Breaking the chains, he stands up next to Ecliptor. Rocky turns his head to Astronema::::::
Rocky: "What are my instructions, Queen Astronema?" Rocky's eyes now glow white.
Astronema: (laughs) "My perfect Psycho. Go down to Angel Grove fun and destroy everything! Have fun with your new powers."
Rocky: "I understand and I obey." Rocky then puts his hand to his head and morphs into the White Psycho Ranger. Clutching his hand together, he teleports right to Angel Grove Park.
Astronema: (laughs)
Ecliptor: "What is so amusing?"
Astronema: "My White Psycho will destroy the rangers for me, and at the same time be killing his friends! Ha ha ha..."
Scene 3: White Psycho is shooting white beams everywhere in Angel Grove Park, and enjoying it as well. Rocky has been turned evil, and now only refers to the name White Psycho. People are running and screaming throughout the place, and the rangers are on the space station.
Andros: "Another Psycho Ranger? How is this possible?"
TJ: "I don't know, but we better get down there and stop him."
Ashley: "Agreed!"
Zhane: "Let's Rocket!"
::::The Rangers flip over the White Psycho. Cassie and Carlos then run into action as well::::
White Psycho: "Hello Rangers, here to die?"
Carlos: "We are here to get rid of you!"
Cassie: "Yeah, so you better leave now before you get hurt!"
White Psycho: "Me, get hurt? That's a riot!"
::::TJ whispers into Ashley's ear::
TJ: "Ashley, doesn't that voice seem familiar to you?"
Ashley: "I don't think so." ::she whispers back::
::::Astronema then appears next to White Psycho::::
Andros: "Astronema!"
Astronema: "Hello, Andros. I'd like you to meet my White Psycho. He's unstoppable, just the guy I like." ::Astronema feels around, up and down the White Psycho, then kisses him on the cheek.:::
Astronema: "Show them what you got!"
White Psycho: "I hear, and I obey." ::The White Psycho puts his hands together then pushes them forward, striking Zhane in the stomach, flying him across the skies and into a tree. Zhane doesn't move:::
Ashley: "Zhane!" ::Rushes over to him to see if he's alright::
Astronema: "Haha, perfect. White Psycho, finish them. I must go celebrate."
White Psycho: "Yes, my Queen."
Andros: "Queen?"
Astronema: "Yes, why haven't you heard? I destroyed Dark Specter! I am now the Queen of Darkness! Hmm.." ::Astronema disappears::
Carlos: "That wasn't nice what you did to Zhane!"
White Psycho: "Nice? I'll show you nice!" ::The White Ranger takes his fists and pounds them to the ground. The ground starts to shake and Carlos starts flying. He doesn't land far away but he's hurt, trying to get up:::
White Psycho: "Time to finish--" ::The White Psycho then goes down on his knees. Grabbing his head and moaning. The Rangers stop, and stare at him.:::
White Psycho: "What's happening to me!" ::The White Psycho's voice is no longer in echo, but a regular human's voice. A white haze forms around him, then disappears.::::
Andros: "What's going on?"
Cassie: "I think he's human under there."
Ashley: "But who?" ::Ashley comes from behind them, dragging Zhane along. Zhane is barely conscious.::::
White Psycho: "Where am I? What the--" :: The rangers turn to around to see the White Psycho getting up and looking at his hands. Almost in shock:::
TJ: "Hey, what's happening to the Psycho Ranger?"
Carlos: "I don't know." ::Carlos rubs his neck and stares at the Psycho::
White Psycho: "What did you just call me?"
TJ: "Psycho Ranger."
White Psycho: "I'm not a--" ::The White Psycho Ranger looks again at his hands then his suit::
White Psycho: "What did they do to me!" ::The Psycho begins to cry::
Andros: "Who did what? Who are you really?"
White Psycho: "This green guy, sprayed me with something. That's all I remember. I was.. I was coming from karate lessons in Angel Grove Park..."
Ashley: "Then you are human?"
White Psycho: "Yes, of course I am human!"
Cassie: "This could be a trick!"
White Psycho: "This is no trick. What did they do to me!" ::White Psycho continues to cry and the rangers stare at each other on what to do. Then, Astronema appears!:::
Astronema: "Why didn't you destroy them!?"
White Psycho: "You! You did this to me!"
Astronema: "Huh? Your voice.... You're good again! I knew Ecliptor would mess up!"
Andros: "So it is true. The White Psycho Ranger wasn't lying. He is a good human under there."
Astronema: "Well it doesn't matter, you are no longer any use to me. Dark Specter is gone, and you drained the last of his energy, White Psycho. You can go back to your regular self, though I really liked you this way."
::::Astronema fires a purple lightning zap at the Psycho and he starts changing back. Astronema then disappears again:::
Rocky: "Yeah. You're--" he stops and looks around for people then continues, "You're TJ. Blue, good choice."
TJ: "Yeah."
Andros: "You know him?"
Rocky: "Yes?"
Ashley: "I think you've had a rough day. I was thinking--"
Cassie: "Want to come aboard the Mega Ship?"
Rocky: "Sure, I'd like that." :::smiles with both girls on his arms. Andros and Zhane, now awake, stare at each other and shrug their shoulders::::