Transdimensional Archives

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The New Green Ranger
By Lamont Stewart

I was always interested in the Green Ranger, but he kept on losing his powers. Then finally he was taken out of the picture completely. Sure in Zeo/Turbo there was a green color costume, but I was interested in the original powers. I like the new Rangers better, but the old powers and zords too. For when the Thunderzords came, the Green Ranger never got one, or a Ninjazord for that matter so I got my two favorite things, and made zords out of them. Now you might ask about the Horse Thunderzord in the story, well in the first season, the Rangers activation powers, and their zords had the same name. However in the 2nd season, they kept the same powers but different zord names. Now the White Rangers activation powers and his zord were the same. So in my opinion, even though it connected with the Thunderzords, doesn’t mean it is one. Any way this was the base for creating the first part of this saga.

The second part, well even though Lamont is friends with the Lightstar Rangers, his zords and theirs, really can’t hook together, so ultimately bringing him back in time so his zords could play a bigger part I think is good. In fact going back in time plays some interesting results in the future of these sagas.

Name: Lamont Christopher Doyle Stewart

Age: 18

Home: Vandalia, Ohio

Powers: The Dragonzord Power Coin, and Green Ranger Ninja Power coin combined in a Zeonizer.

Zords: The Dragonzord, Dragonzord-Knight Thunderzord, and Dove Ninjazord.

Weapons: The Dragon Dagger, and the Merger Healing Device. (Steven Mana gave Astronema the power to merge humans with other things creating creatures. This unmerges the creatures, and saves the person from serving Astronema.)

All of his Ranger Friends: Andros, Zhane, Karone, T.J., Ashley, Cassie, Carlos, D.E.C.A., Alpha VI, Ninjor, Billy, Kim, Kat, Aisha, Tayna, Tommy, Adam, Rocky, Alpha V, and Zordon.
