Disclaimer: Power Rangers and all related materials is copyright Saban Entertainment/International. This is in no way meant to present these characters officially in any way whatsoever. All original characters and all story contents are property of the author(s). For use of original characters, please e-mail the author(s).
Girls’ Day Out
Written By Stealth Photographer
Written By Stealth Photographer
I was with my friend Ken when Waterite attacked. We were thrown into the river and Ken remembered the legend about the Power Rangers. It was then that I found out that I was the new Blue Ranger. The forces of evil better beware.
Stephanie Tanner
I walked into my first day of school after winter break to discover that Lamont and Blade were going here too. I wanted to eat with Lamont, but he pushed me towards Blade. He’s kind of cool too, but in the middle of lunch they got a phone call and left. I wonder where they went?
Lucy Camden
From Stephanie’s & Lucy’s POV
Friday, January 7, 2050 ~ 6:54 p.m.
Stephanie’s P.O.V.
Stephanie’s House
"Dad, I’m going out with Lucy and the other girls, O.K.," I said.
My dad walked into the living room and said, "Stephanie, are you going to meet her, or can she come here?"
I said, "Either, why?"
He said, "I have to step out so I need you to watch Michelle, Nicholas, and Alexander. D.J. will be back at 8:00. You can go out then. I’ll extend you curfew to 12:00 tonight."
I hugged him and said, "Thanks Dad. You’re the best."
He said, "I know." He left and I went to my room to call Lucy and the others.
Lucy’s P.O.V.
Lucy’s House
I put my light jacket on. I was going to go out with Stephanie, Kari, Yolie, Jessica, Kay, Charity, Whitney, Simone, Angela, Sora, Topanga, and Mimi. We were going to have some fun and try to get Kari’s mind off of T.K. being kidnapped. Stephanie and Shawn had danced around the issue of what really happened.
Ruthie ran down the stairs and said, "Can I come too?"
I said, "No, you’re a bit young."
Ruthie said, "But Kari is going?"
I said, "Maybe next time."
Ruthie said, "O.K."
Just then the phone range and Stephanie told me about babysitting. I told her I would have the girls meet her at her house.
Helke Park
Lamont walked to the new playground to see what the equipment was like fifty years in the future. Just then he heard an evil laugh and turned around to see Magical-El-Play and Count Daniel Funela.
Magical said, "Do you remember this place?"
Lamont said, "Yes. I believe it is where my friends and I defeated you with the help of the Pink Merger Crystal." Then he looked at Daniel and said, "I believe David and me trapped you in the vortex, then the L-team trapped you in the black hole, and finally I defeated you in the jungles of Brazil."
Daniel said, "Yes all of that is true, but thanks to Tom Yolk we have another chance at life."
Magical said, "And now together we are a force to be reckoned with."
Lamont said, "I defeated you both when I was weaker, and now even though both of you are together and stronger. So are we."
Daniel said, "So I guess we’ll see when you all reach Star Mountain how powerful you really are."
Lamont said, "I guess we will."
Daniel and Magical vanished and Lamont walked away.
Stephanie’s P.O.V.
Stephanie’s House
The doorbell rang and I answered it. Lucy and everyone were standing out side. I invited them all in.
I asked Kari how are you holding up?"
Kari said, "Physically I’m fine." She broke down in sobs and said, "Emotionally is another story. I never told him how much I deeply care for him, and now I might never get that chance."
I said, "Look Kari we must never give up hope. We will find the last two Time Devices, defeat Dark Parallax and free T.K. from his grasp."
Kari smiled faintly and said, "I know you’re right. I’ll be fine."
Charity said, "Stephanie, D.J. is here."
I said, "Great let’s get going."
Lucy came up and asked, "So what exactly happened to T.K.?"
I said, "Um he was kidnapped."
Lucy said, "And you saw it?"
Kari nodded her head yes.
I said, "Come on everybody. Let’s get going."
The Recovery Room
We all arrived at the recovery room with no problem.
Frank Scanlon said, "What can I get you lovely young ladies?"
Lucy said, "I’ll take a pizza."
I said, "I’ll have a cheese sandwich and French Fries."
Lucy said, "Oh fries here too."
Lucy’s P.O.V.
"Oh fries here too," I said.
The other girls ordered and I mentally hit myself. "Fries here too." I sounded like a child ordering.
Just then I saw Lamont and Blade entering the Recovery Room. Charity leaned over and said, "You like them, don’t ya?"
I said, "Ya, the question is which one?"
Charity said, "What do you mean?"
I said, "Blade is very handsome and looks very tough and strong. Lamont on the other hand is cuter like, and smart. He’s also very loyal, but kind of shy."
Charity said, "You just described my boyfriend Miguel to a T. He’s both cute and handsome. Plus he’s tough, strong, smart and loyal. Plus he was a little shy around me in the beginning."
I said, "Miguel is a great guy."
Charity said, "You will find a guy for you. I have Miguel; Stephanie has your brother. Elizabeth has Lucky. Yolie has Ken. Topanga has Cory. Angela has Shawn. Sora has Tai. Mimi has Izzy. Then there’s Kari who deeply cares for T.K."
I said, "Your right. I’ll just have to watch both of them, and from their actions choose who would be the best choice."
Just then Charity got a headache, and said, "I see a Yellow looking gadget."
I said, "Are you having another premonition?"
Charity said, "Ya."
I said, "Stephanie, come here she’s having it again."
Stephanie said, "All right Lucy. We’ll be right back you all."
Stephanie’s P.O.V.
Lamont and Blade entered the recovery room. I noticed that Lucy was staring in their direction. I think she might like one of them. I must admit they are both cute. If they weren’t a lot older and if I wasn’t hooked up with Simon, Lucy’s brother I might go out with one of them.
Blade said, "There is Lucy."
Lamont said, "So?"
Blade said, "She’s looking in my direction."
Lamont said, "There’s a simple reason for that."
Blade said, "What’s that?"
Lamont said, "She’s looking at me, and you happen to be in the path of sight."
Blade said, "Smooth."
Lamont said, "So I see we both like the same girl."
Blade said, "So I guess we are in composition with each other. But this in no way reflects my friendship with you."
Lamont said, "Of course, and while we’re doing this impressing we must never forget why we are here."
Blade said, "To survive long enough to allow our descendants to eliminate Danny and Magical."
Lamont said, "Plus along the way we have to find the lost Time Devices and finally do away with your soulless clone."
Blade said, "I wish I dealt with him when I still had the power."
Lamont said, "Let’s just finish the job now, and rescue T.K."
Blade said, "You know besides being afraid of his bosses I think Kari, you and me are the only three that truly scare him."
Lamont said, "What do you mean?"
Blade said, "Kari is the keeper of the Crest and Digimental of Light. She is light and he is darkness, and that weakens him. I am his opposite. As long as I’m around there is always another just like him. Even though I no longer have the Parallax Powers he still has the urge to defeat his exact opposite in personality. Finally there is you. The only one who ever wounded him. He has a hook instead of a right hand thanks to you, and he will never forget that."
Lamont said, "Kind of like Peter Pan and Captain Hook."
Blade said, "Don’t get to cocky, how did you beat him anyway?"
Lamont said, "Didn’t he tell you?"
Blade said, "Ya, but that was like a life time ago."
Lamont said, "O.K" It was like about one week after we first meet. He and a traitor of ours named Andy White who had become Cyborg Andy had created mirror duplicates of us called the Mirror L-team. We couldn’t even morph with out them descending upon us. Finally we realized that we couldn’t defeat our mirrors so we defeated our friend’s mirror. Then Dark Parallax kidnapped and killed our friends so we had a face off. He was so sure of himself he even demorphed and attacked me in his Civilian Mode. I was Morphed and in Star Mode. Using a steel pipe he knocked my light saber out of my hand. He was about to hit me with it when I called for the Excaliber and sliced his right arm off."
Blade said, "Wow, no wonder he hates you."
Meanwhile Topanga was talking to me about how cute Cory was. While I was bragging about Simon. We both felt bad for Kari. I was just about to ask her if she wanted to get a drink when Lucy said, Stephanie, come here. She’s having it again."
I knew what that meant. Only Lucy and I knew about Charity’s secret. I said, "All right Lucy. We’ll be right back ya all."
We walked out of the Recovery Room and I said, "What is it?"
Lucy said, "She said she saw some kind of powerful yellow looking gadget."
I said, "The Yellow Time Device."
Lucy said, "The what?"
I said, "Never mind, Charity can you lead us to it?"
Charity said, "Yes, but?"
Lucy said, "But what?"
Charity said, "It’s moving."
The first place we detected the crystal to be was the Police Station. When we entered Charity’s Uncle Sam Bennett the Chief of Police was there.
Sam asked, "Can I help you lovely young ladies?"
Charity said, "Uncle Sam have you seen a yellow looking thing?"
Sam said, "As a matter of fact his creepy looking guy was in her with it, then he left."
Lucy said, "What did he look like Mr. Bennett?"
Sam pulled out a photograph and said, "He was wearing a strange costume." We all looked at the picture and gasped.
I said, "That’s the guy who kidnapped T.K."
Sam said, "Are you sure?"
I said, "I never forget a face like that."
Sam went to put an APB out on Dark Parallax and we continued the search for the Yellow Time Device.
After a long search we went to the Vandalia Church, where Lucy’s dad was the Reverend there.
Charity said, "A very evil presence is near here."
Stephanie said, "It must be Dark Parallax."
Lucy yelled, "Over here!"
Lucy’s P.O.V.
We arrived at my Dad’s Church and I started to explore the area when I saw him. He was carrying something Yellow. I yelled, "Over here!"
Stephanie and Charity ran over to see what it was, but I was already walking towards Dark Parallax. However as I got closer the yellow device started glowing brighter and brighter.
Finally Dark Parallax said, "I can’t hold any longer." He threw the device up in the air, and we could see how the light burned his hand. I caught the device with no problem. In my hands it glowed very brightly.
Stephanie said, "The Yellow Ranger."
Dark Parallax said, "I’ll be back." Then he vanished.
I asked, "What is this?"
Stephanie said, "I’ll explain everything." Then she took me to Lamont’s Penthouse.
Encarta said, "Do you except this responsibility?"
Alpha 7 said, "It is very serious."
LeAnn said, "Are you up to it?"
I smiled and said, "I’m in."
Kari said, "Welcome to the group."
I said, "What is our first mission. Are we going to kill Count Funela?"
Blade said, "Not yet, first we have to find the Red Time Device and the Ranger it goes with. Next we kill Dark Parallax and rescue both T.K. and the city. Then we go on a quest for the other Devices, while rescuing other cities from Star Mountain’s grasp."
I said, "I’m up to it." Then I walked over and kissed Blade on the cheek.
Next I walked over to Lamont grasped his head, and kissed him on the lips. Then I said, "Lets go girls. Oh by the way either one of you can ask me out on a date." Then we left.
Blade said, "We can defeat evil, and save the world, but…"
Lamont said, "I don’t think we’ll ever understand women."
Meanwhile Charity was standing in the Church and she said, "Daniel and Magical aren’t the true evil."
Narrator: What does Charity’s vision mean? Who is the Red Ranger? And whom will Lucy go out with? Find out at least one of the questions in, Red Fire of Courage