<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <nonECT type="application/x-oleobject"CLASSID="CLSID:E5DC6D40-424A-109D-2FAC-89113DF8278F"></OBJECT> <head><style type="text/css"> a{font-family:arial;color:brightblue;font-weight:;text-decoration:none} body{font-family:arial;color:black} h3{font-family:arial;color:black}</style><TITLE>Transdimensional Archives</TITLE> <META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META content="MSHTML 5.00.2614.3500" name=GENERATOR><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://shadowserver.net/style.css"> </HEAD> <BODY leftMargin=15 rightMargin=15 MARGINHEIGHT="15" MARGINWIDTH="15"> <P> <CENTER>&nbsp;</CENTER> <i>[See Previews for disclaimer]</P> <P>I am interested in photography, so I decided to establish this in the story.</P> <P>You might also notice some instances about history changing. This will all be revealed in time.</FONT><P></i> <h3><center> The Secret of the Photograph<BR> By Lamont Stewart</center></h3> <P>In space a hole in time opened up, and a lone photograph appeared out of nowhere.</P> <P>Meanwhile, Prince Gasket, and Darkonda spotted the incident.</P> <P>He said, "With that picture, I could tell the future, and rule the Universe. Maybe I would even be more powerful then Dark Specter."</P> <P>Gasket just laughed, "That will be the day."<P> <P>Back on the Megaship, the alarm went off.</P> <P>There is a giant floating head in space," Ashley said.</P> <P>Zhane looked at Andros, and said, "It’s time, pal."</P> <P>Andros said, "Let’s Rocket!"<P> <P><I>{Power Rangers in Space Theme Song.}</I><P> <P>The Lightstar Rangers pushed a few buttons on their device.</P> <P>Andros transformed into the Red Ranger.</P> <P>Zhane transformed into the Silver Ranger.</P> <P>T.J. transformed into the Blue Ranger.</P> <P>Carlos transformed into the Black Ranger.</P> <P>Cassie transformed into the Pink Ranger.</P> <P>Ashley transformed into the Yellow Ranger.</P> <P>Lamont pulled out his Morpher and said, "Dragonzord!"<P> <P>The picture still floated in space as the Galaxy Gliders neared it.</P> <P>Then the giant head attacked.</P> <P>The head said, "That time traveling picture is mine."</P> <P>Ashley said, "I don’t think so, heady."</P> <P>Darkonda now appeared, and started to go after the photo.</P> <P>Andros just grabbed him and demanded, "Where’s my little sister?"</P> <P>Darkonda said, "You will never know, and as soon as I get the photograph, it won’t matter, because you will all be dead."</P> <P>"Not if we can help it," said Lamont.</P> <P>"You fools, it is just a picture of the past," Darkonda said.</P> <P>"Then why do you need it?" asked Carlos.</P> <P>Darkonda said, "I never had to give a reason before."</P> <P>Then he looked over at the head, he said, "Oh no, Dark Specter sent Homing Equip Action Device after the picture also. Well he’s not going to get it."</P> <P>All of a sudden, Dark Specter appeared with an angry look upon his face.</P> <P>"Darkonda! You traitor, you will never survive," he said.</P> <P>Then he shot him with a bolt of energy, but Darkonda just laughed.</P> <P>Dark Specter then said, "No, he is as powerful as me now!" Then he disappeared.</P> <P>"Wow, what was that?" Zhane said.</P> <P>Darkonda rushed for the photograph.</P> <P>T.J. said, "Alpha teleport the photograph aboard now."</P> <P>The picture disappeared, and Darkonda was hopping mad.</P> <P>Andros said, "Spiral Saber."</P> <P>Zhane said, "Silver Silverizer."</P> <P>They ran into Darkonda, who exploded.</P> <P>KA-BOOM!</P> <P>After that the Rangers realized that H.E.A.D. was still after the picture.</P> <P>"Quadro-Blaster, form now," T.J. said.</P> <P>They all aimed it at H.E.A.D.</P> <P>"Quadro-Blaster fire!" they all said.</P> <P>KA-BOOM!</P> <P>They went back to the ship to see what the big fuss was about.<P> <P>Meanwhile, Darkonda reappeared in his cave, and was very upset.</P> <P>He said, "No, my power is now gone."</P> <P>Then Dark Specter appeared and said, "Betray me will ya? Next time you won’t be so lucky."<P> <P>Back on the Megaship, Andros asked, "So where is the picture?"</P> <P>Alpha said, "I’m sorry, you can’t see it."</P> <P>The Rangers left disappointed and continued to work around the Megaship.</P> <P>D.E.C.A. said, "Alpha, shouldn’t you tell them about the picture? It came from the past."</P> <P>Alpha said, "It came from the past, but it is their future."</P> <P>Alpha looked at the picture, which had the Ninja Megazord in it. Below it were Alpha V, Ninjor, the Red Ranger, Black Ranger, White Ranger, Yellow Ranger, Blue Ranger, Pink Ranger, and the…Green Ranger.<P><p>aV