Transdimensional Archives

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Note: This contains scenes from the Episodes Climb Every Fountain and the last one Hog Day Afternoon - Part II.
Now in the Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers era.

By Lamont Christopher Doyle Stewart

Command Center > 1988

Billy is making a device with the Aquitar Rangers, to try to solve their latest problem.

Cestro: That’s the last thing I can do. The rest are too small for my hands to make.

Young Billy: I can make the rest of the adjustments back in my lab, myself.


Zedd’s Palace

Zedd got an idea of what the Rangers were doing, and sent Rito, and Goldar down to Earth to catch the young Rangers on the School Bus.


The School Bus

Rito got on the bus to catch the Rangers, but failed miserably.


Billy’s Lab

Billy and Adam finished up the regenerator.

Young Adam: So is it finished?

Young Billy: Yes, but it needs the Ninja Coins to work.

They walked to the Command Center, not knowing Rito and Goldar were following them.


Command Center

The Rangers all gathered around, and gave Billy their coins. Just then, Rito and Goldar attacked. Billy grabbed the device, and was restored to his true age. However, before any one else could do it, Goldar grabbed the device, got the coins out, and Zedd and Rita destroyed all seven coins.

Just then, a dark cloud formed over them all.


Angel Grove Park > 1998

The Lightstar Rangers where playing in the park, when Steven Manna appeared. He captured a near passer-by, and merged her with a basketball to form Basketizer.

Basketizer: You Rangers are doomed.

Andros: Come on guys, Let's Rocket!

The Lightstar Rangers pushed a few buttons on their device.

Andros transformed into the Red Ranger.

Zhane transformed into the Silver Ranger.

T.J. transformed into the Blue Ranger.

Carlos transformed into the Black Ranger.

Cassie transformed into the Pink Ranger.

Ashley transformed into the Yellow Ranger.

Karone pulled out her Morpher.

Karone: Green Ranger Power!

Karone transformed into the Green Ranger.

Karone got out the Merger Healing Device to reverse the merging.

All of a sudden, Karone just demorphed for no reason.

Karone: What’s going on here?

Without the Green Ranger’s Merger Healing Device, they could not restore the creature to its true form, so it escaped through Steven Manna’s secret porthole.


Command Center

Billy: What are we going to do?

Young Aisha Campbell: This is bad.

Young Lamont Stewart: This is not the end.

Billy went to find the Alien Rangers in the fountain.


Command Center > After The Zeo Quest

Tanya appeared out of the Time Warp, and handed the Zeo Sub-Crystal to Billy.

He put the crystal in the device. It is activated, and a force surrounds the Earth.


Command Center > 1995

The Rangers look around. It worked. All of the Power Rangers were their rightful ages again. All except for Lamont, he stopped getting older when he reached the age of thirteen.

Tommy Oliver: What happened?

Zordon: Because of his time traveling, and the destruction of the Dove Coin in the Past, history has changed.

Katherine Hillard: What can he do to restore his true age?

Zordon: He must tap the full power of the Complete Royal Ninja Merger Mirror Crystal. Then he will be his true age again.

Tommy Oliver: First, we have to say goodbye to some friends.


Ten Minutes Later

Alpha V: Get out of here now Rangers, hurry, go!

The Rangers were teleported outside, and looked up to see the Command Center blow sky high.


Next time, the Zeo Rangers fight King Mondo, but with no powers anymore, Lamont decides to return to his hometown. But, if Mondo has anything to do with it, it won’t be the time wants or is in.

In Farewell to a Friend.