<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <nonECT type="application/x-oleobject"CLASSID="CLSID:93180144-9BA7-4C5F-D8DC-DDCE084F3782"></OBJECT> <head><style type="text/css"> a{font-family:arial;color:brightblue;font-weight:;text-decoration:none} body{font-family:arial;color:black} h3{font-family:arial;color:black}</style><TITLE>Transdimensional Archives</TITLE> <META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META content="MSHTML 5.00.2614.3500" name=GENERATOR><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://shadowserver.net/style.css"> </HEAD> <BODY leftMargin=15 rightMargin=15 MARGINHEIGHT="15" MARGINWIDTH="15"> <P> <CENTER>&nbsp;</CENTER> <P><B>Disclaimer:</B> <I>All used items from other shows are © by their owners. Kid Vid is © Burger King. Everything else is © Lamont Stewart.</I></P> <P><B>Note from Author:</B> <I>The tide of battle is about to turn. You won’t believe what happens this season.</I></P> <P><I>This is told in first person from David Erbaugh’s view.</I></P> <P><I>This is the 3<SUP>rd</SUP> music episode.</I></P> <h3><center>Nathan’s Return<BR> By Lamont Stewart</center></h3> <P><I>Last time, the training was over, and all of us went to the final face off with Davis.</I></P> <P><I>We were almost stopped in our tracks by a river full of piranhas. However I came up with a plan to cross the river by swinging on vines. Then on the other side, some ants attacked us while some music played.</I></P> <P><I>When we got there, we were surprised to see Sam and Charlie also tied up. Davis now has the Reverser right at us. HELP!</I></P> <P ALIGN="right"><I>David Erbaugh</I></P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>There before us was Davis aiming the Reverser right at us. My nerves were shot as the weapon slowly powered up. I spoke up and said, "Davis, I don’t know what your problem is, but get over your self."</P> <P>Davis smiled and said, "You were not part of the L-team, so you are not responsible for my body being like this. However, you and your little friend Lamont were the ones that handcuffed me inside that vortex for six years. Not even in the other dimension, but the vortex. Nothing to do there, no food, only the spinning walls."</P> <P>I said, "That had to be boring."</P> <P>Davis walked up and went face to face with me and said, "You will soon find out the full extent of my Wrath. All eight of you will. I just wish there were three other people in this place. One, Mathew Cola the person that constantly defeated me a few months ago. Next, there was Deviot the one who mutated the four of us unto this monster. Finally, the person I want is Lamont. He started this whole mess back in 1985 when he blew my body up in that acid filled vat."</P> <P>Jamie said, "Man, do you know how to hold a grudge."</P> <P>Davis said, "Enough stalling, my first victim will be the new leader f the group." He fired the Reverser.</P> <P>Just then Brad dashed forward, and pushed the gun up. The laser beam shot into the sky.</P> <P>Davis said, "You made me miss."</P> <P>Brad said, "Ah too bad."</P> <P>Davis picked Brad up by the through and said, "Electrical Lightning!" The beam of electricity hit Brad’s neck. Then he tossed him back into the group.</P> <P>I said, "Good job Brad."</P> <P>Davis said, "It will take another ten minutes to recharge to full power."</P> <P>"Take your time," I said.</P> <P>Davis walked off, and left us all alone for a while.</P> <P>I walked over to the posts and help the rest of the team untie Sam and Charlie.</P> <P>Charlie said, "Thanks."</P> <P>Mandy said, "You know. It wasn’t that long ago, when the tables were reversed."</P> <P>Sam said, "What do you mean?"</P> <P>Jamie said, "Remember when we were chained up in Nathan’s hideout?"</P> <P>Sam said, "Oh ya."</P> <P>A voice said, "That was kind of scary, wasn’t it?"</P> <P>They all recognized the voice and turned to face Nathan Lee.</P> <P>(Start Song)</P> <P>Nathan ran towards the team and started to attack.</P> <P>Sam and Charlie punched him right in the face.</P> <P>Nathan said, "Oh, we have two traitors in our mists."</P> <P>I said, "You haven’t seen anything yet." Then I kicked him.</P> <P>We all passed him down like a toy.</P> <P>Jamie kicked him the gut.</P> <P>Mandy punched him in the back.</P> <P>Brad kicked him in the leg.</P> <P>Jacob hit him over the head.</P> <P>Finally, Chris kicked him between the legs.</P> <P>Nathan fell down in pain.</P> <P>(End Song)</P> <P>Davis then appeared and said, "Nathan, finally we meet face to face. Thanks for ridding the team of their powers."</P> <P>Nathan said, "That was the plan."</P> <P>I said, "You both planed this whole thing?"</P> <P>Nathan said, "Ya, do you think I knew all that stuff about Merger day because I’m smart."</P> <P>Davis said, "Back when I was Count Funela, I contacted Nathan while you were chasing Sam here to the Price is Right."</P> <P>I said, "Wow you losers planed this whole thing out didn’t you?"</P> <P>Davis said, "You shall be the first to go. Death Claw!" Nothing happened. "I don’t understand. Nathan what…do…you…" He looked at Nathan. "How did you get here?"</P> <P>Nathan said, "I appeared in the middle of Gettysburg cemetery a few minutes ago along with…"</P> <P>Davis said, "No! It can’t be."</P> <P>A voice said, "I’m afraid it is."</P> <P>Everyone looked up in the trees. Standing on a branch, with a sword in a holster by his side was a young man about fifteen years old.</P> <P>I smiled and said, "Lamont, you’re back."</P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P><I>Lamont has finally returned. Davis is now powerless again. Will this turn the tide of battle? And what about Merger Day? Stay tuned for the finale of this three part series.</I></P> <h3><center>The End</center></h3><p>-Ö