<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <nonECT type="application/x-oleobject"CLASSID="CLSID:6FAFF9C4-945D-A739-C192-77D02C2D3232"></OBJECT> <head><style type="text/css"> a{font-family:arial;color:brightblue;font-weight:;text-decoration:none} body{font-family:arial;color:black} h3{font-family:arial;color:black}</style><TITLE>Transdimensional Archives</TITLE> <META content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv=Content-Type> <META content="MSHTML 5.00.2614.3500" name=GENERATOR><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://shadowserver.net/style.css"> </HEAD> <BODY leftMargin=15 rightMargin=15 MARGINHEIGHT="15" MARGINWIDTH="15"> <P> <CENTER>&nbsp;</CENTER> <B> <P>Disclaimer:</FONT></B> </FONT><I>This story is © Lamont. All things in this story is the truth.</FONT></P> </I><B> <P>Note from Author:</FONT></B> </FONT><I>This series is partly based on my real life experiences. It will explain the time between when I was a young hero till the time I found the Power Coin. This series also explains my behavior in the future. What you are about to read really did happen. Most of it.</FONT></P> <P>This is written in 1</FONT><SUP>st</SUP> person.</FONT></P> </I><B> <P align="CENTER">A Friendly Betrayal<BR>By Lamont Stewart</FONT></P> </B> <P>I walked into the Choir Room, it was a Friday in October of 1995. I was depressed because Jamie Pounds and Travis Key were going together, I had just found this out Wednesday.</FONT></P> <P>I was carrying my folders, and walked over to my chair. Someone said, “Hey.” I turned around and the kid knocked my folders out of my hands. He walked away, laughing, while I got on my knees and started to pick up my folders when Eric Griffith walked up behind me.</FONT></P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>Meanwhile in the Town of Angel Grove, the Power Rangers had the new Ninja Megazord. There was the White, Red, Black, Blue, Yellow and Pink Ranger.</FONT></P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>What Eric said next shocked me to my core. Eric had been a good friend of mine for about 2 Years. I’d known him for six years, and what he was saying just blew me away. My other friend, Chris Leis was saying it to.</FONT></P> <P>I’m not going to go into details about what happened, but lets just say it was disgusting.</FONT></P> <P>I said, “Hey, that’s not true.”</FONT></P> <P>Eric said, “Oh ya, he have it on Video tape.”</FONT></P> <P>I said, “So you like watching that kind of stuff.”</FONT></P> <P>Eric said, “He’s admitting to it.”</FONT></P> <P>I said, “Hey, I didn’t say …” Then I thought I’d just better be quiet. I thought, “Maybe this will all die down after a while.” I was wrong, I was dead wrong.</FONT></P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>The next class was Geometry. I had that class with Eric too, and he didn’t waste anytime spreading the <U>rumor</U> around that class too.</FONT></P> <P>He said, “I saw Lamont fool around with Jacob.”</FONT></P> <P>I said, “That is a lie.”</FONT></P> <P>Eric said, “That’s a lie.” In a really mocking voice. In a high pitched sound. All of this was making me angrier by the second, but still I waited. Hoping that this would be over soon, after class I went home and didn’t look back.</FONT></P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>The next week, I got to school, putting the events of last Friday behind me. However, I would soon get a wake up call about how my so called Friends were really like.</FONT></P> <P>I did my morning routine, and we all sat at our big table that we has sat on for the past year. There was Jacob McLaughlin, David Erbaugh, and me. David had been at Smith while me and Jacob were at Morton.</FONT></P> <P>When the bell ring I walked to my homeroom, when some kid said the same thing that Eric had said last week. I was startled for a moment then hurried to class.</FONT></P> <P>Then in between all my classes for this week, most of the people are saw were just teasing me and laughing. I was torn in two directions, one part of my was sad and just wanted to go somewhere and cry. However another part of me, wanted to rip each of their heads off and throw them in a disposal.</FONT></P> <P>By the end of the week, I couldn’t take it anymore, and one week after it started, I finally tolled the assistant principal about everything and they gave three of the main spreaders, Chris Leis, Kyle Goodwin, and Eric Griffith, Saturday school. However, that is all they did, and next Monday, they were at it again, but this time not at such a big scale.</FONT></P> <P>Things were really peaceful, and then it was February 14, 1996.</FONT></P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>Meanwhile in Angel Grove, the Rangers had just received their Zeo Powers, and had started to oppose the forces of King Mondo.</FONT></P> <P>Tommy/Zeo Ranger V said, “You can’t stop us.”</FONT></P> <P>Mondo said, “We shall se about that pesky Ranger.</FONT></P> <P>The Zeo Rangers said, “We need the Zeo Megazord now!”</FONT></P> <P>The Megazord came and destroyed Shiloh after showing off the new helmets.</FONT></P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>Back in the small city of Vandalia it was Valentines day, a great day for candy, and other stuff, unless you don’t have a girlfriend which was my predicament. I did have a crush and this one girl, by the name of Andrea Maggard however. She was a girl from Northridge I had meet in my Church’s youth group and was in the same grade as me, the only problem was I was to nervous to ask her out. But that is a different story.</FONT></P> <P>Every year since 5th grade, someone would by a Carnation and send it to someone in the school. This year I was surprise that someone had sent me one. I was so excited, until I got back to my seat and read who it was from, Jacob.</FONT></P> <P>All of a sudden a strange feeling came over me. I looked down at the piece of paper and crumbled it up. Then I ripped it up. Then I put it in my pocket. All the emotions that had been in my system for the past four months, finally rocketed to the surface. Good luck to anyone who got in my face today.</FONT></P> <P>I went to my first class barging strait ahead, not caring about anyone else. I did see Eric pass by, I so wanted to choke the life out of him, but I knew I would get my chance at Choir.</FONT></P> <P>At lunch time some kid thought it would be cute to give me a neck message. I grabbed his hand and nearly broke his arm. Everyone else stayed away from me for the rest of the day.</FONT></P> <P>Finally it was time for Choir and there was Eric, bragging about what he had done. I ran over there picked up and band stand and nearly whacked him in the head with it.</FONT></P> <P>But then I put it down when I stopped to think about it. It was there and then I decided I had to leave this school so that is when I put my application for CTC through.</FONT></P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>Two years have past. I am now a Senior at Miami Valley Career Technology Center and was happy. I meet a girl in my class named Renée Cerney and she taught me how to use the email and Internet.</FONT></P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>Meanwhile in space, four of the Turbo Rangers meet up with Andros and they all became the Lightstar Rangers. Little did I know that I would be meeting them soon.</FONT></P> <B> <P align="CENTER">The End</FONT></P><p>/p> <Pjâ„¢