Misplaced Love
By Kari and Rob
We're Power Rangers. We're supposed to be teammates. It's our responsibility to serve and protect. But look at her, she's so beautiful. But is she my type? Look at how we started out, after all that, is it even possible?
No, it can't be. Even if it was, something like that wouldn't be fair to the team. I'd always be siding with her and being extra protective of her. No, it can't happen. But she's so wonderful... Maybe we can just-
"Hey, you awake bud?"
"Yeah, sorry about that." Ryan looked down at his plate; he'd barley touched anything. And his cousin Tim was starting to look at him funny. But he couldn't blame him. This had to be the fourth time he'd dosed off into his sea of thoughts. Thoughts about.............. her. And they hadn't started just now either. This had been happening for about three days now. His mind had been on it a lot, it was important to him to get his thoughts strait on the subject. But that as hard to do when you had a nagging teacher on your tail every minute of the day. He'd already gotten a Friday detention over his day dreaming. It hadn't happened before, but that was because nothing like this had ever happened before. He'd never met anyone like her before.
"It's a girl isn't it?" Tim said, interrupting his train of thought yet again.
Ryan gave him a desperate look. "Is it that obvious?"
"No." Tim replied. "It's a cousin thing. What's her name?"
Ryan hesitated. "I don't know man, I'm not real sure about it...," Ryan had never liked talking about his love life with relatives.
"C'mon," Tim coaxed. "We're like bros. I talk to you about girls, right? So c'mon, what's her name?"
Ryan, took a breath, and then all of a sudden, it came out. "She's a girl that I'm friends with. She Asian, her name is Dani. Dani Williams."
Dani plopped down on the pink bed spread that covered Kaylee's bed. Ever since becoming the Pink Ranger, she'd gotten this thing for Pink. It was everywhere, in her clothes, on her bed, in her notebooks. This girl knew how to think Pink! But then again, she had brought in a whole lot of Yellow into her life too. She guessed it was a girl thing. But she'd have to adapt to it, after all, she was sleeping over. Anything to get away from her parents, who were fighting constantly. Suddenly, the door to the room slid open and in walked the most hilarious thing that Dani had ever seen. A Pink Alpha android, carrying a tray of drinks. "What's so funny?" Kaylee asked as Dani collapsed down on to the floor. "Oh nothing." she said as she took a drink. "I've just never seen a Pink Alpha droid before."
"Don't even listen Alpha 609," Kaylee soothed. "She's just jealous because she doesn't have an Alpha like you." The Alpha remained silent as he trotted out of the room. The girls laughed. Alpha droids, so cute and loyal, and they had such adorable voices too! Dani exhaled. "Oohhhhh, I am beat! All those exercise simulations tired me out. I don't know how you do those things every week!"
"It's a hobby." Kaylee replied. "And don't get too tuckered out. Last week, my Grandma told me about this great game that she used to play when she was about our age!"
"What's it called?" Dani asked. "It's called, Truth or Dare." Kaylee answered. "I ask you 'Truth or Dare', then you answer. If you say Truth, I ask you a question, and then you HAVE to tell me the truth. But if I say Dare, you have to do whatever I Dare you to do. Sound good?"
"Sounds kinda cheezy to me." Dani said. "But I guess I can give it a try."
"Great!" Kaylee cried. "Okay, you go first, I'll take the first one."
"Okay," Dani pondered, what was something she could ask or Dare Kaylee to do that wasn't wimpy or cheezy. "Okay, I dare you to...Yell something at those people outside." Kaylee laughed. "Okay, sounds decent enough."
"And make it good." Dani insisted. "No stupid stuff, yell something good, so they don't think you're a ten year old."
Kaylee pressed a button, and the window popped up. And with all her might, hollered out "HEY DANI! LOOK AT THOSE PEOPLE OUTSIDE, THOSE ARE THE FOLKS WHO ARE ALLERGIC TO GOOD TASTE!" Kaylee shut the window as fast as she could and leaped down on to the floor.
"Allergic to good taste?" Dani raised her eyebrow.
"I don't know, you try coming up with something better. And anyway, I don't want to yell something too bad, they're our neighbors."
"Okay." Dani said. "Now give me a good one."
"Well let me ask the question!" she demanded. "Truth or Dare?"
"You ready?"
"Gimme all you got."
"Okay, who do you like?"
Dani blushed. "Oh c'mon! At least I didn't get personal!"
"Hey," Kaylee replied. "You agreed to it right? So tell me, who do you like."
Dani blushed again. Could she really tell Kaylee who it was? They had become good friends, but could she trust her with something as personal as this? Well, it was a rule. Dani took a deep breath, shut her eyes tight, and let it out. "Ryan Calloway."
"And the hip bone connects to the thigh bone."
Ryan spaced out his Science Teacher and let his head drop to his desk. Ever since he'd told Tim that he liked Dani, the crush had only grown. It was frustrating him. Should he ask her out? Or just keep being friends?
What if she likes me, but expects me to make the first move? And then I don't and she's mad at me forever? Ryan thought frantically.
Ryan lifted his head from his desk and found Dani, staring down at him oddly.
"Class ended like five minutes ago," She explained, motioning with her hand to the empty classroom.
Ryan blushed. "I didn't even notice."
He grabbed his books and stood up. Dani glanced at him expectantly.
"Oh, Dani, do you want to go see a movie tonight?" He blurted out.
Dani's eyes went wide. "Jeez, I was just going to ask if you wanted to walk me to Math, but hey, a movie's good too."
Ryan sighed inwardly with relief. "Good, I can pick you up at your house about 6:00?"
"Yeah, that'd be nice."
"Good, we can get dinner, too."
Dani grinned, and Ryan boldly reached with his free hand and grasped hers and the two walked out of the big classroom.
"Kaylee! Over here!" Dani jumped up waving her arm, so Kaylee could see her small figure in the midst of teenagers.
Kaylee nodded and pushed through the cafeteria to reach her.
"He did it!" Dani screeched grabbing Kaylee's shoulders and jumping up and down.
Kaylee looked around nervously at the people who were staring at them. She removed Dani's hands from her shoulders and then asked, "Who did what?"
"Ryan asked me out!"
Kaylee shrieked and clamped her hands together. "You're kidding! This is so perfect!"
Dani's face just glowed with delight. Kaylee was genuinely happy for her.
They finally realized they were getting more odd glances and escaped out into the courtyard to discuss the evening for Dani.
Steve turned to see Ryan running down the hall to catch up.
"Hey, what's up Ryan?"
"Can I talk to you?"
"Course. What about?"
Ryan blushed for the second time that day. "Well, you've gone out with girls before, haven't you?"
"A few."
"Well...I asked Dani out today. I'm taking her out for dinner, and then a movie!"
"Finally! I can't believe you guys lasted this whole time without one of you making a move!" Steve grinned.
"What's your problem?"
"I've never been on a date before, or asked a girl out! I don't think I could do it without screwing something up. Is it right to break off a first date?"
"Heck no. Then she'll think you have no interest in her at all!"
"But I do have interest in her! I just think I made a wrong move, I should have waited a few more weeks."
"No, you know her now, it's all good. So where are you taking her?"
"I guess, Pizza Palace, and then we're gonna see 'Night of the Living Vampire'." Ryan looked so excited at seeing the new movie.
Steve wrinkled his nose. "I don't think Dani would like to see that. She doesn't seem the type. Besides isn't rated like, X?"
Ryan looked disappointed. "What are you saying? I have to take her to see 'Princesses and Ponies'?"
"I wouldn't go that drastic, Calloway. She's 15, I think she's past that stage. How 'bout 'Rose'?"
Ryan sighed. "Fine. I'll take her to see 'Rose'."
Steve grinned. "That's more like it."
"Ok, Dani, have fun. And call me back as soon as you get home, I have to know what happened!" Kaylee ordered over the phone. She was oblivious to one of her 3-year-old sisters, Emily, as she ran past her, straight from the bathtub still dripping in soap. Her mom was next to race past a towel in hand. No big deal...a happening of every bath night.
"Will do," Dani answered excitedly over the phone.
Then the phone went dead. Kaylee looked at it in disgust. Then she looked around for the culprit. There stood Anna fresh from her earlier bath, standing on a chair by the phone. She held the cord in hand. An innocent smile gave the girl dimples.
"Whoops. Sowwy, Lee," She apologized gleefully.
Kaylee sighed. "Liar."
"Kaylee! Can you give me a hand? I can't catch Em!" Her mom called from out back.
Kaylee looked out the open back door incredulously. There she her mom still trying to catch Emily.
Kaylee grinned. "Em! Guess what's on TV? 'Jo-Jo and Lucy'!" It was the stupidest children's show in the galaxy, something about little furry...uh....somethings. She'd never actually watched a whole episode. She just knew that Emily loved it.
Emily stopped dead in her tracks, allowing her mom to grab her wrapping the fluffy blue towel around her body.
Emily realized she'd been tricked and began screaming.
As soon as Mrs. Marie reached the door she handed the squirming toddler over to Kaylee. "Finish giving her, her bath. I need to make dinner."
Kaylee sighed in disgust, but retreated to the bathroom anyway.
She emerged a half-hour later, soaked more than her sister. She blew a strand of wet blond hair out of her face, and went into her bedroom to change before dinner.
She pulled out another pink T-shirt and padded down stairs in her sock feet.
Dinner was on the table, the twins were running around it, and Mike was sitting at it reading. Her mom was on the phone bustling around the kitchen with their pink Alpha droid, trying to clean up a little from the spaghetti spill they'd encountered while Kaylee was still in the bathroom.
She took over for her mom, cleaning up and her mom smiled gratefully before running into the Family room to quickly finish her conversation.
Ten minutes later, the 5 were at the table saying grace.
"Amen," Tara Marie ended.
"Men," The twins echoed.
"So Kaylee how was your day at school?" Tara questioned, while giving a little slap on the hand to the nearest twin, Emily, for sticking her hand in the butter dish.
"Well, in History we talked about Clinton's assassination. I can't believe-"
She was broke off by her mom, "Michael, I told you to put that book down! Go on Kaylee."
Kaylee nodded and continued. "I can't believe that two teenagers got together and just shot him in the middle of a speech! It's never been heard of before!"
"I'll never know-Emily for the last time, get your hand out of the butter!-what possessed those two kids to just up and shoot them!"
"Yeah, and in Science we talked about our upcoming-"
"Annabelle Marie! You get your finger out of your nose and eat your dinner!" Her mom insisted pointing a threatening finger at the little girl across from her. Anna scowled but went back to picking up her spaghetti noodles and slurping them into her mouth.
"Sorry, Kaylee."
Kaylee sighed and went on. "Our project in science. We'll be assigned with partners and we have to construct a life size model of the human body. Every organ, muscle-"
"Michael, last time. Put that book down! Better yet, give it to me."
Kaylee sighed again and gave up talking to her mom. It was just to hard with her siblings around.
The moving aisle carried Ryan and Dani out of the theater. The movie hadn't been too bad. 'Rose', it was a lot like those classic romances. But it was still very romantic and entertaining. Ryan could tell that Dani had enjoyed it. So they had made it through the night. Ryan in his black vest, white shirt and black pants. And then Dani in her Yellow shirt and blue shorts. They'd been to Pizza Palace, and had actually had a nice conversation about their lives. It helped Ryan to get to know her little better. And then the movie, Ryan had managed to put his arm around her once. And she didn't seem to mind. Or at least she hadn't dumped the Popcorn on his head. So he was apparently doing something right. But now it was over. And he hadn't messed up. And Dani looked happy.
"Hey," she said. "Do you, uh, want to go for a walk in the park with me?"
Apparently it wasn't that simple. Which was perfectly fine with him. He was actually hoping for this. "Sure, I'd like that."
They turned and began to their stroll down the sidewalk, holding hands as they did so.
"I know it's late. It's just that I'm not really looking forward to getting home. My parents are always going at it over something."
Ryan looked at her. "Is it really that bad?"
Dani shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I've gotten used to it. Mom and Dad will fight over the silliest things, but I'm pretty sure that deep down they still have feelings for each other."
"Yeah," Ryan agreed. "My parents used to go at it on occasion. But it all cleared up."
"Used to?" Dani asked. Uh oh, wrong subject. It was getting too personal now.
"Um, never mind, I'd really rather not bring my parents into this."
"Sure." Dani replied.
"Of course, you know you can always talk to me right?" Ryan smiled.
"Yeah, thanks."
"Anyway," she continued. "I really think that they might just be in a phase, you know? Who's got a perfect relationship right? Little arguments like that are just part of love. You know what I mean?"
"Yeah." Ryan said. Suddenly, it became apparent that they were slowing down.
"I mean, when two people really care about each other, and I mean really care about each other, those little things don't matter. It's about the love, and nothing else I think my parents are just a little lost right now."
"Yeah, that happens." he replied.
"They just need to get back in touch with their relationship. They need to express their love."
"Right." Ryan agreed. And then they stopped.
"You know they need to do more, talking. And more holding hands, more hugging. More..."
"Kissing?" Where had that come from? And suddenly it didn't matter; Dani leaned forward and kissed Ryan. Ryan closed his eyes and enjoyed the magic of the moment. Dani broke away slowly, her eyes were shut too.
"You're good," she said. Ryan shrugged.
"I've had practice."
"What do you mean?"
"Well it's just that..." Ryan answered. "I've done that so many times in my dreams... I just sorta learned." Dani smiled, and kissed him again. Ryan looked into her eyes... "I'm glad to be here with you," he said.
"Me too." Dani answered. And the most magical thing about the moment was that everything they had just said, was true.
"So have you seen them?" Cody asked as he walked with Steve and Kaylee toward the Levitating Bud waiting to take them home.
"They're like, all over each other. They hold hands in the hall, and I think I even saw them sneak a kiss in when they were in the Library!" Steve laughed and shook his head.
"You're a peeping tomb. You know that right? What's so fascinating about the whole thing?"
"I don't know." he replied. "I just never really pictured Dani... well you know, WITH anybody. And don't even get me started on Ryan."
"Oh, your terrible." Kaylee growled. "C'mon, they seem perfectly happy together! And since when did you get the role of matchmaker?"
"I didn't say that," he replied. "It's just, well-"
"Hey there they are now." Steve exclaimed. Indeed there they were, getting on the same bus, smiling and holding hands. Ryan bowed and let Dani get on the bus first. He followed after her, with a swagger that neither Steve, Cody, nor Kaylee had ever seen him do before.
Cody's mouth dropped open. "Oh man, now he is definitely..."
"Yeah." Kaylee finished. "See, I think that's great. You think there are a lot of guys in the school who would do that for their girlfriends?"
"What? You mean the whole 'Ladies First' thing?" Cody exclaimed.
"I taught him that y'know." Steve complimented. Kaylee grinned and slapped Steve in the arm.
"Mom, I'm home!" Dani called through the house.
She was greeted by the sound of yelling.
"Figures," She muttered.
She dropped her bag in the front hall and raced to her room.
There she found Alpha 313 dusting and vacuuming at the same time.
Dani sighed and scowled. "Can you do that in a while? I have some homework to finish before Ryan picks me up."
The Alpha nodded and with a flick of the wrist the dusting tools and the vacuum retracted into her metal body.
The door pulled down after her, and Dani looked around her room. On earth, it had been a complete mess. Clothes everywhere, old dishes with who knows what stuck to them and an inch of dust covering everything. Now they had an Alpha droid who was in there every second she got. Her room was now impossible to get dirty.
She plopped down at her desk and opened the thick History Book.
"I swear, the only thing in this book is the Battle of Darkness," She mumbled.
It wasn't true, but that's all she noticed anymore, so it seemed like it.
A soft jangling from her private phone scared her, and she reached to answer it.
"Hey Dani!"
"Oh, Hi Kaylee."
"Jeez, you sound REAL happy to see me."
"Sorry, I was just hopping it was Ryan."
Kaylee sighed from the other end.
"Nothing, listen, do you want to come over tonight? My mom is taking the twins to see 'Princesses and Ponies' and Mike is at a friend's house. I rented a bunch of DVD's. I thought it would be fun, like last time. Maybe play a little truth or dare?"
"Well, Ryan and I were going to for a walk in the park tonight, maybe go get a bite to eat."
"What's the matter, Kaylee?"
"Well, you're spending so much time with him! All you ever talk about is, Ryan this, Ryan that! We haven't talked in weeks!"
"We just started going out, Kaylee. We're testing the waters."
"What are they scalding? He can't keep his hands off of you!"
"Do I hear jealousy in your voice?"
"Jealousy?? Heck no."
"Well, then what?"
"Come on, Dani, we're only 15. We're sophomores in high school. Boys come and go all the time. Don't you think you're taking this a little fast with Ryan?"
"No. Listen, Kaylee. Ryan is going to be here in like a half-hour, I have to get ready. I'll talk to you later."
Kaylee sighed loudly as the phone clicked on the other end. She could only hope her friend would be careful...
Ryan knocked on Dani's door, and almost immediately Dani came rushing out.
She threw her hands around his neck and buried her face into his chest. "Thank you for not being late, thank you, thank you, thank you," She mumbled.
Ryan glanced up and saw Dani's parent's fighting in the front room.
"Are you ok, Dani? Maybe we should talk to some one about this. You could always stay with Tim and I, if you need to," Ryan volunteered.
"No, that's ok. I can live with it. This way they don't pay attention to me and I can be in and out of the house all I want."
"Well, let's go for our walk, shall we?"
Dani smiled affectionately and let Ryan take her hand.
"Hey Kaylee, what are you doing here?" Cody asked, his surprise not hidden when he opened his front door to find her.
"I need to talk. Dani is stuck to Ryan, and Steve is out," Kaylee relayed.
"Sure, come on in," Cody motioned for the tall girl to come inside.
Kaylee entered the front hall and Cody led her further into the house, the kitchen.
A young woman looked up from the evening paper.
"Mom, this is Kaylee. She's a friend from school," Cody introduced.
"Hello Mrs. Stewart," Kaylee greeted warmly.
"Hi, Kaylee, nice to meet you," Mrs. Stewart answered back sweetly.
"Do you want something to drink, Kaylee?" Questioned Cody.
"Water would be nice," Kaylee replied.
Cody handed her the glass a moment later.
"You wanna go out back?" He asked.
The two walked out the sliding back door and walked across the lawn to a swinging wooden bench.
Kaylee sat down, and Cody made sure to sit far enough away so it wouldn't hint anything.
"Dani is spending too much time with Ryan," She blurted out.
"Are you finally figuring that out?" Cody snickered.
Kaylee blushed. "Well, I know it seemed harmless before, but now...now it's getting out of hand. I mean, do you see anytime that they aren't connected?"
Cody shook his head. "Not lately."
"What I mean exactly! She needs to be careful. We haven't known each other very long, and we don't know how well either of them can keep a commitment. What if they break up suddenly, and it hinders teamwork with ranger duties?"
"That's what I was thinking. But, maybe we should let them find out for themselves, eh?"
Kaylee nodded. "I guess. I just don't want Dani or Ryan to get hurt. Dani's home life is tough; we don't know what she would do if they broke up."
Cody agreed with a short nod of the head, and then a flying bug of some sort caught his attention. It was fluttering around Kaylee's head. He reached and swatted it away, running his hand accidentally through Kaylee's hair in the process.
He blushed and dropped his hand quickly into his lap.
Kaylee smiled and scooted closer to him. "Thanks," She breathed gently.
Cody looked up his cheeks still scarlet, and his own greenish eyes locked with the bright blue ones.
He heard Kaylee let out a small contented sigh. Their eyes still bore into each others, wondering what was going to happen.
Then with barely thinking, Cody leaned forward and fastened his own lips against Kaylee's.
They pulled away a few moments later and a look of surprise crossed both faces.
"Uh-oh," they said in unison.
"It's so quiet, and peaceful out here," Dani whispered.
"All I can think about is how beautiful you look," Ryan answered.
Dani blushed. "Please.... I'm wearing faded jeans and a yellow T-shirt. Tell me. How beautiful is that?"
Dani blushed again, thankful for the darkness around them.
"So, how are things going at home? Any easing up on the fighting?"
"Not really. They say it's only disagreements, but it doesn't look like it. It looks like full blown out arguments."
"My parents used to have arguments like that. It didn't last long though. They went to see a counselor and it made their marriage a lot better."
"I've never met your parents, did they stay on earth?"
Ryan stiffened. Why did he always manage to bring up his parents at the worst times?
"No, I really don't want to talk about this, ok?"
"How come? You know all about my family, why can't I know about yours?" Dani asked. She sounded slightly wounded.
"Dani, just drop it ok?"
"Ryan, I'm hurt. Why are you hiding things from me? Don't you care about me?"
"Of course I do! I just don't want to talk about the past, all right?"
"You're being awfully stubborn, tonight."
Ryan tore his hand away from Dani's and glared down at her. "My parents are dead, Dani! They died when I was only 8 years old! Are you happy now??"
Dani's usually mischievous face turned sour and she took a step back from Ryan.
"You jerk! I only wanted to know about your family!"
"Me? You can't even mind your own business! I don't like talking about my personal life. Especially to you!" The words were out before Ryan could stop them.
Dani's eyes went wide and then they turned to pure hatred, she rose one small hand up and slashed it across Ryan's cheek.
Ryan closed his eyes and let the sting penetrate through his skin, but he didn't move. He didn't want to give her the satisfaction of turning his cheek.
"Ryan Calloway, I regret the day I met you. Consider this relationship a mistake, and over!"
Long after Dani had bolted from his sight, Ryan stand there, his eyes closed, and his cheek somewhat sore. Because of being selfish about wanting to keep his parent's death a secret, he lost the one thing that had opened his eyes to love.
Now, Dani was gone, probably forever. She'd never speak to him again, and it would surely hinder teamwork.
Ryan scolded himself. He knew he should have never asked her out. Now what was going to happen?
"Cody, I'm sorry. I led you on. Can we just forget this happened? I mean...what will the others think? Oh jeez, I'm so sorry," Kaylee rambled on.
"Kaylee, don't be sorry."
Kaylee stopped her endless speech and glanced over to Cody. A new spark filled his eyes. Something she'd never seen before.
"But...Steve...he'll be so upset. I have to go tell him right away, get it off my chest. Then we can't speak to each other. Ever again."
Cody raised his brow. "Don't you think you're being a little irrational? I sorta liked it..."
Kaylee blinked and sighed. "That's the problem! So did I!"
Cody, I'm sorry. I led you on. Can we just forget this happened? I mean, what will the others think? Oh jeez, I'm so sorry," Kaylee rambled on.
"Kaylee, don't be sorry." Kaylee stopped her endless speech and glanced over to Cody. A new spark filled his eyes. Something she'd never seen before.
"But...Steve' he'll be so upset. I have to go tell him right away, get it off my chest. Then we can't speak to each other. Ever again."
Cody raised his brow. "Don' t you think you're being a little irrational? I sorta liked it."
Kaylee blinked and sighed. "That's the problem! So did I!"
Cody raised an eyebrow. "You're gonna have to be a little more specific here... 'cause you're not making any sense."
"Cody!" she replied. "If we do this, we'll probably end up like Ryan and Dani!"
"What's wrong with Ryan and Dani?" Cody demanded.
"Well you know! They're always........ touching each other. I just can't do that. Now promise me Cody, this is just us okay? No one else will ever know!"
"Oh," Cody sighed. "All right. I still think your being real irrational about this."
Kaylee never answered, for she was out the door with Cody's last words. She sighed as she slid the front door open and stood there for a moment. What had she just done? How had it happened? She couldn't even remember. But it didn't make much sense worrying about it now. She had just ruined a perfectly good friendship, and from what she had heard up there, Cody didn't even understand why. But wasn't it obvious? Or was she being irrational like he said? She didn't know, maybe she'd never know.
And that was when she saw him. Across the street, standing perfectly still, was the boy who had been mysteriously popping up wherever she went ever since she moved to Terra Venture 2100. He stood there, perfectly still. Hadn't he noticed that Kaylee saw him? What was he doing? Suddenly, a LevaBus passed by. Kaylee jumped, had he been hit? He was standing so still, had he even noticed it? Kaylee watched it pass by, she looked to see if the boy was all right... And he was gone. Kaylee ran out into the street, half expecting to see the boys remains lying there. But no, there was no trace of him anywhere. Kaylee sighed, "This could not get any worse."
"Oh but it can little Ranger." Sinister Sludge laughed. "I assure you, it can." The evil master turned around to his kneeling servants, Grimbar, Squatt and Baboo.
"Oh, it's all so perfect," he said "The young Rangers all seem to be confused with each other. Indeed, the power of love is strong. Strange however, that a power so strong can make someone so weak."
"What do you mean your nastiness?" Baboo asked. "I think it's time, that we bought the young love birds a nice wedding present. How does a nice juicy monster sound?" "Brilliant master." Grimbar replied. "What sort of creature will you be sending?"
"Hmmm," Sludge answered. "How about our own evil love bug? Yes, that would suit the purpose nicely. Squatt, bring me one of what the people from Terra Venture call a "House Fly"."
Squatt sighed. "Well, I was saving this for a rainy day snack, but I guess you're better of with it." The blue beast opened the bag over his shoulder, and with two fingers, pulled out a small black fly.
"Be careful master," Baboo warned. "Anything from Squatt's bag may be hideously altered, you never know what he's put in that thing." Sludge ignored Baboo and shot a beam of green light directly at the fly in Squatt's hand. And with another flash of green light, a giant fly appeared. Squatt fell forward.
"Whoa!" Squatt cried. "Now that I think about it, this thing probably wouldn't have made a good lunch anyway."
"Ah yes," Sludge said. "The Fiendish Fly, daggers in his fore arms, boxing gloves on his middle arms, and a harness to keep him and his hind legs. Fiendish Fly, show me what you can do!" And with that, the Fiendish Fly released an ear piercing buzzing sound that nearly brought Sinister Sludge to his knees.
"Um," Sludge stuttered. "Okay, I guess that works. Now fly away! And do evil!" Just before he flew off, Grimbar managed to get a good look at the harness, which looked like a white cross on the Fly's torso. Was that thing on right?
Ryan let out a deep breath that he hadn't even realized he'd been holding. What a nerve racking day! He'd passed Dani twice in the hall, and had to sit a few seats away from her in Social Sciences. And each time, you could cut the tension with a knife. This couldn't go on, for his sake it had to stop. And what as with Kaylee? She seemed all nervous too. She wouldn't go near Cody or Steve, or hardly anybody today. What was her problem? And Cody, he seemed really depressed. Almost like he wanted something he just couldn't get. What was with everyone today? Well, at least the day was over. No more tension, or wondering about anyone else's problems. He had enough of his own to worry about.
"Hey Ryan!" he heard Steve's voice call. "Wait up!" Ryan sighed. This was definitely not a good time. He was far from in a talking mood.
"Hey," Steve said as he caught up. "How you doin'?"
"Okay I guess." Ryan replied.
"Just okay?" Steve asked.
"Well..." Ryan started. Had he said the wrong thing?
"Just okay?!?" Steve repeated. "How dare you be 'okay'. After today's Math test, you should be beaten and bruised in the brain!" For the first time in the day, Ryan managed to crack a smile. He hadn't even thought much about that test.
"Well, sorry if I don't meet the requirements. And anyway, it wasn't THAT tough." Steve's jaw dropped.
"You keep that up mister and you'll be over your head in Oil 5." Ryan opened his mouth to respond... When suddenly, a bright light flashed in his eyes. He held up his hands to shield them, Steve did the same. And when they opened their eyes again, the schoolyard was blanketed in Miroids.
"Looks like I'm not the only one in over my head." Ryan answered as students all over ran either on to their bus, or simply in a direction the Miroids were not in. Steve took action. He swung his foot up to kick.
Ryan meanwhile, delivered an elbow to a Miroid and followed it up with a swift kick in the chest. After that he approached another and tripped him with a swing of his foot. He then stuck his fist out to stop a running attacker. He kneed a Miroid in the chest, and kicked it away. He then slapped one in the face, and did a swinging back kick, which knocked it down. Suddenly, Ryan found himself unable to use his arms, one of the Miroids had obviously snuck up behind him and grabbed them. And there was another one heading this way. Ryan was in trouble. And then, he wasn't. The Miroid approaching him was soon down on the ground. Moments later, the one holding him suffered the same fate. Ryan released a sigh of relieve as he turned around to thank the one who had saved him. And when he saw her, he suddenly wished the Miroids had taken him out.
"You moron!" Dani shouted at him. "Can't you do anything right?"
Ryan ignored her, and resumed combat. But it was not long, before the Miroids vanished, and another battle broke out.
"Can I ask you something?" Ryan cried. "What the hell is the matter with you? What is it huh? You asked me a question, and I answered it! What did you expect me to do? You were nagging at me so much, it was almost unbearable!"
"You knew what I meant!" Dani shot back. "You know I wouldn't dare ask you to tell me something as personal as that. You were just too stupid to realize what I meant!"
"Whoa, whoa!" Steve interrupted. "Did I miss something? What's the deal here?" And then they realized that they were not alone.
"Yeah," the monster said. "What's the deal! Do I have to sell entrance cards? C'mon, fight ME! Or pay the price, I am the Fiendish Fly, your destructor!" Ryan glared at Dani.
"We'll finish this later." he growled.
"HEY!" Kaylee shouted from behind them. "What's going on?!?" The three teens looked back to see Kaylee and Cody running on to the scene.
"Who's the new kid?" Cody joked.
"I think he's in Special Ed." Steve replied.
"That's it!" Fiendish Fly shouted. "If you won't come to me, I guess I'll just have to come to you!"
"Bring it!" Ryan cried. "Let's Rocket!" The Five Power Rangers opened their wrist morphers and punched in the numbers three, three, and five. Ryan morphed into the Red Ranger. Steve changed to the Black Ranger. Cody transformed into the Blue Ranger. Dani became the Yellow Ranger. Kaylee turned into the Pink Ranger. The Five Lightstar Power Rangers took a battle stance, and mentally prepared themselves for battle.
"Rangers!" Ryan called out. "Astro Blasters!" With those words, the Five Rangers drew their Astro Blasters, and simultaneously shot blue laser beams at the Fly. The Fiendish Fly fell back, grasping his torso. The Pink and Yellow Rangers stepped forward. Drawing their weapons. Pink with the Satellite Stunner, and Yellow with the Star Slinger. They each leaped into the air and fired their weapons. Both shots were direct hits. The monster tumbled to the ground.
"Oh, so you want to play dirty, eh? Well, you forget, I am a fly. So I can be as dirty as you!" And with that, the Fiendish Fly unleashed that same ear piercing buzzing sound he had used in Sinister Sludge's lair. The Power Rangers fell to the ground, placing their hands on the sides of their helmets in attempt to shield their ears from the sound waves. If that sound were to pop their ear drums and leave them deaf, that would leave them at an extreme disadvantage. However, they could only do so much, being as with the helmets on, they could not directly cover their ears. They could only push the helmet in to try and block it out.
The Fiendish Fly walked forward, knowing that he had the Rangers in his grasp. He bent down and scooped up the Black Ranger with his high arms. He held the warrior there for a moment, before punching him directly in the stomach with the boxing glove on his middle right arm. He dropped the Ranger, who had one hand on his throbbing stomach, and one hand, and one shoulder trying to cover his ears. He inhaled a number of times, trying to regain to wind that the beast had knocked out of him.
The Fiendish Fly quickly drew his two daggers, and held them in his high hands. He eyed the Red and Blue Rangers, who like the others, were trying to shield themselves from the soundwaves he was making. He measured them up, and then with all the force he could sum up, stabbed them both in the back with the daggers. The teen warriors screamed out in excruciating pain. Their armor had only partially protected them from that shot, so the daggers had nearly gone directly into their spines. The Fly twirled the daggers in his hands. He spotted the Pink Ranger, and placed his foot directly on her neck, choking her. And suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his side. He dropped the daggers, and grasped his wound. He looked down to see the Yellow Ranger holding her Star Slinger, which was pointed directly at him.
"How dare you!" the beast shouted through the buzzing. He scooped up his daggers from the ground and with his middle legs, scooped her up in his arms. "And now Yellow Ranger," he said to the squirming Ranger, "You will feel the true wrath of the Fiendish Fly!" He pointed his two daggers strait at her chest, and raised them to the sky............ And then something struck his wound, he cried out in pain, dropping the Yellow Ranger through it all. He couldn't handle it anymore, he stopped the buzzing to concentrate on his side. He looked down, past the Yellow Ranger to see the Red Ranger lying down on his stomach. In his hand, he held a Spiral Saber that stained with the blood of a fly. Red Ranger rose, his left shoulder bent back from the wound Fiendish Fly had given him with the dagger. "Don't you touch her." he growled. His Spiral Saber then ignited in a Red flame, the Red Ranger held it up in the air, and then swung down on the Fiendish Fly, sending him flying through the air, and landing hard on the ground. "I won't let you hurt her." he continued. Suddenly, from out of the sky, a green lightning bolt flashed down, and struck the Fiendish Fly. Sinister Sludge was lending a helping hand. The Fly suddenly began increasing in size, until he was a full grown giant. The Power Ranger re grouped, huddling near the school wall.
"Is everyone alright?" Pink Ranger asked.
"I don't know." Blue Ranger replied. "I think I'm bleeding from when he stabbed me."
"Me too." Red Ranger added in. "I can barley move. But it looks like I'm gonna have to if I want to control the Astro MegaZord."
"Are you sure you can?" Black Ranger asked. "I can if your not up to it." "No," Red responded.
"I can do it. C'mon let go! Astro MegaZord power, now!" Within moments, the Astro MegaShip/N.A.S.A.D.A. Shuttle combination, code named the Astro MegaZord, arrived on the scene, Astro MegaZord Saber in hand. The Five Rangers leaped up into the cockpit, and began working the controls.
"Come on!" the Fiendish Fly taunted. "I'm waiting for some entertainment here!"
"Entertain this!" Red Ranger shouted. The robot charged forward, and swung it's saber downward. But the beast blocked it with one of it's daggers. But the Red Ranger was quick witted, and with a single stroke, sliced the right half of he dagger off. The Fiendish Fly backed off.
"So you destroyed the dagger! Big deal! Now I can just use it like a boomerang!" And as he said, he hurled the remains of the weapon at the MegaZord. "So nice," he continued "I'll do it twice!" And with that, he threw the other dagger at the Zord. However, this time the Astro MegaZord was ready, and brought it's saber up to block the dagger. Destroying it in the process. And suddenly, the Fly was without weapons. "
Oh well," it said. "I don't need daggers to beat you anyway! Hey Tin Man, you ever boxed before?" The Fiendish Fly charged forward, with his middle boxing gloved arms swinging. The Astro MegaZord was put away, and the MegaZord managed to block the first shot, and then stick it's other fist out to block the second. But it was unable to avoid the third shot, which was a jab in the lower torso. The glove made contact. And with a clanging sound, bounced right off. It had no effect.
"Our turn." Red Ranger called out. The MegaZord stuck it's fist up, and knocked the Fly back a few Yards.
"Wait!" Yellow Ranger cried out. "Ryan! Do you see that thing on it's chest?"
"Yeah," Red Ranger replied. "Why, what is it?"
"It looks like a restraint or a harness or something. I think it's keeping him on his feet. Do you think you can hit that with the Astro MegaZord Blaster?"
"Must you ask?" he replied. "Bring it out!" The Astro MegaZord pulled out the blaster from it's arsenal and aimed it directly at the Fiendish Fly.
"Hey!" it shouted. "Point that thing the other way will ya?"
"Cross your fingers." Red Ranger said aloud. And with those words, the Astro MegaZord fired a beam of light directly at the harness on the Fly's torso. The beam was a direct hit, the harness snapped off.
"No!" Fiendish Fly cried. "Not the har-" The Fly never finished his sentence, for with no harness, he had no power, and was therefore shrunk back down to the size of the average house fly. The danger had passed. The Fiendish Fly was gone.
"Ow...ow...ow!" Ryan screeched.
Kaylee sighed. "Don't be such a baby. It's just a little slice."
Ryan scowled and tried to look at the wound on his shoulder. "A little slice?! There's nothing little about it! Ouch! Stop putting that crap on it!"
"Do you want it to get infected?" Kaylee was losing her patience.
Ryan glared at her. "Or course I don't want it to get infected!"
"Then hold still!"
The med bay was quiet for the next minute, while across the large room; Cody was resting from the battle. Both had taken a very hard hit from the overgrown housefly, but naturally, Cody hadn't whined the whole time they were trying to bandage it up.
"Knock, knock," Dani said from the doorway.
Kaylee looked up from where she was wrapping the bandage around Ryan's chest and back. "Hey, Dani," She greeted.
"Hey," She replied, "Uh, could you give me a minute? I need to talk to Ryan alone for a minute."
"Sure, if you'll finish wrapping."
Dani nodded and took Dani's spot behind Ryan with the white cloth.
Ryan was silent, and bit back the yelp as Dani hit a bad spot.
"Sorry," She mumbled realizing her mistake.
"I'm sorry, too."
Dani stopped with wrapping and waited for an explanation.
Ryan sighed and turned just enough to see her. He winced. "I'm sorry for being such a jerk in the park the other night. It sorta popped out before I could hold it back."
"And I'm...I'm sorry for pestering. I should have respected your feelings about wanting to keep it to yourself."
Ryan smiled grimly. "That's another bad habit. I keep it to myself, and then some one asks about it, and I blow up. I don't want to do this...but, do you want to know how it happened?"
"Only if you want to tell me."
"Ok, but first finish bandaging that so I can put my shirt back on. It's cold down here."
"I think you look pretty cute with out a shirt on."
Ryan turned away quickly before Dani saw him blush. So, lifting weights for the past 2 years had paid off after all.
The room was quiet while Dani finished, and Ryan eagerly reached for the red T-shirt, slipping it on.
Then he painfully turned toward Dani. She waiting, her face expectant.
Ryan opened his mouth to start, and it all tumbled out.
"My parent's and I used to live in Illinois back on earth. When I was about 8, they decided to go on a second honeymoon. They left me with my aunt. Tim was 15 then. Anyway, on their way to Hawaii, their plane went down. Never to be found. They searched for the plane for months and months. The only thing they ever found was some luggage and the tail of the huge jet. One of the suitcases they recovered turned out to be my mom's. I still have it. All her stuff in the case, not moved, sitting under my bed. I found out from a TV. I went camping with my uncle and Tim, and there was no way to contact us. On the way back home we stopped to get gas. On the TV in the gas station, I saw a picture of my parents. I was curious, and kept watching. That's how I found out. They had been killed. I screamed right there in the gas station. I don't actually remember much after that until a few months later. My aunt told me that all I did was sit and cry. I didn't even eat. That's not even the worst of it. A few days before I was going to go back to Chicago, they had a horrible storm. It might have been a tornado. An electrical wire fell on my house and it burnt to the ground. All of it. So the only thing of my parent's, is the suit case," Ryan finished and realized that there were tears running down his cheeks. Embarrassed he brushed them away. He hadn't cried or talked about it since their death.
"Hey...it's ok to cry Ryan," Dani promised. She scooted closer and draped her thin arm around his shoulders.
"You know, Dani. You had some really good ideas for the battle today. And look! We beat the big 'ol bug!" Ryan had already pushed the memories from his head again as he turned more to look at Dani.
It was Dani's turn to blush. "The idea sorta just came to me, I guess."
The silence that followed was unbearable. What were they supposed to say next?
It was Ryan who spoke first. "Dani...I really care for you a lot, I do, but...this...this isn't going to work."
Dani took in a shaky breath and retracted her arm from Ryan's body. She knew that was coming. It was for the good though. She knew it was. But then, why did she feel like some one just took the other half of her heart. She finally answered. "Yeah, you're right. A boyfriend/girlfriend relationship isn't going to work out. We can still be friends, though, right?" She asked, a little to eagerly.
Ryan nodded slowly. "Of course. We're teammates, and we'll always be friends."
"Excuse me," Dani mumbled. She jumped up and exited the room before the flood gates REALLY opened.
"I did the right thing," Ryan assured himself. "Didn't I?" He let out a low moan, and lay back against the cot, groaning as his battle wound hit the cotton mattress.
"I demand to know what's going on with you two!" Dani placed her hands on her hips and stared menacingly up at Cody and Kaylee.
Cody laughed nervously. "Us? Nothing. Nothing out of the normal, anyway. Why do you ask?"
"Don't give me that crap, Decoda. I can see right through you. You guys are going out, aren't you?" Dani's face brightened considerably.
Kaylee's head ducked immediately, and Cody was left to explain. "Yes...you know now. Keep it to yourself. We don't want it public knowledge!"
Cody had barely gotten the words out of his mouth before Dani had turned around to the crowded school hall way and shouted, "They did it! They're going out!"
Boys laughed and smacked Cody on the back on their way past.
They heard comments, such as,
"It's about time!"
"Lemme know when you get free again!"
"Dump him! Go out with me, babe!"
Kaylee scowled at Dani and grabbed Cody's arm steering away from the crowd and into the library.
There in the five's corner they found Steve and Ryan, fighting over something.
"It's a vegetable!" Ryan insisted.
"Fruit! Definitely a fruit!" Steve challenged.
"It grows out of the ground, it's a veggie!"
"It's got seeds and juice. And it does not grow in the ground!"
"Guys, guys! What are you fighting about now?" Cody asked, pulling out a chair for Kaylee to sit in.
"Is a tomato a fruit, or veggie? We're studying them in Science," Ryan asked.
Cody threw his hands in front of him. "Don't include me in this. I'm undecided."
"By the way. What was all that racket in the hall?" Steve questioned, dropping the tomato debate for the time being.
Dani came then, practically skipping to the secluded corner of the library. "They're going out!"
Ryan and Steve's heads swiveled to meet Kaylee's and Cody's scarlet faces.
Ryan whistled. "Go, Decoda! You da man!" He teased.
"Yeah, finally! I thought it was never going to happen!" Steve smiled.
"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" observed Dani, sitting down next to Ryan.
"We didn't really want any one to know, because we weren't sure if it would work out. We've been going out for almost 3 weeks now. Ever since Fiendish Fly," Kaylee answered.
"Well, a new couple. I hope it DOES work out," Dani mumbled. A little angrily. So she was jealous. Her relationship fell apart in 2 weeks, and theirs was only blossoming! Then she perked up. "But I am happy for you."
"Jeez, guys. You act like we're getting married! We're only going out!" Cody gasped.
Ryan snatched the denim hat off of Dani's head and planted it on his own. He crossed his legs and folded his hands in his lap. In a really girly voice, "Oh! We must get the big cathedral in the city! It's the only place to have a wedding. And Kaylee, we must get your hair permed. You'll look just beautiful!"
Steve and Dani broke into laughter, and Kaylee leaned across the table pulling the floppy denim hat over Ryan's eyes. "You can delay the wedding plans, Aunt Emma." She advised.
More laughter, and then quiet. The five teens all locked eyes and grinned. So much had happened over the last few months. They were the Power Rangers, defenders of the universe. Monster beaten, friendships made. One mislead relationship, and a new powerful one.