In the next 3 stories, you will notice many differences between the TV show and my stories. Some things that happened in the show didn’t happen just yet in my writings. Let me get you up to speed and how I became “involved†with the Power Rangers. I first showed up during MMPR. I was made the Orange Ranger and controlled the Brontosaurs Zord, or more commonly known on MMPR as Titanas. Once the Green Ranger was destroyed, my powers were fading also. I was given the Dragon Zord in hopes that it would help my week powers, and also because Titanas was now useless with the Thunder Zords. It didn’t and I lost power. Later after Tommy was back I later became the Purple Ranger, The Twin of the Green Ranger. The rangers costume looks exactly like the Green rangers but with better powers and better Zords. Then ZEO came by and I became White Zeo Ranger 6. Then that’s when I wrote my different series and stories. During those I got around to doing a few turbo stories as the Gold Turbo Ranger. And now we arrive at PRIS. At the beginning of PRIS I have the Purple Astro Ranger powers. I also have 1 original ranger on the team and a girl that I admired in high school who is the Pink Ranger. But don’t worry later I will bring back Cassie and Ashley. And now, here is the story of how the Gold Astro Ranger came to be, and how the Purple Astro Ranger met his match! HA HA HA!
A Gold Awakening
By Eric H. "Gold Astro Ranger"
By Eric H. "Gold Astro Ranger"
Part I: Astro Disaster
As the show begins, we see a new villain joining the forces of Astronema. His name is Darkonda. Some how he has been involved in Astronema’s past, but how? Only time will tell.
Astronema - Why should you join us?
Darkonda - With me as your number 1 soldier, I shall get rid of those Lightstar rangers myself!
Ecliptor - Yeah right! And how do you plan on doing that?
Darkonda - I have a plan that will destroy that troublesome Purple Astro Ranger, Eric! I know about his past with the Power Rangers of Earth and he’s leadership qualities. Take away what is his true love and he will be helpless.
Astronema - Perfect. Lets begin now. Send the Quantrons to Earth. NOW!!
Ecliptor - As you wish, my queen!
In the spaceship, the rangers are in the simulation when DECA detects trouble on earth.
DECA - Rangers, I have detected Quanatrons on Earth.
TJ - What do you think Astronema’s up to now?
Carlos - Who knows with her!
Kim - Well, let's go get them.
All 6 rangers morph!
Purple - Hold it right there tin heads, you're not going anywhere!
Meanwhile back on the Dark Fortress.
Ecliptor - The rangers are winning!
Astronema - Darkonda, go down there and capture the Pink Ranger!
Darkonda - Yes my queen, I’m on the way.
Astronema - Hmm, lets see the rangers get out of this one now! Ha ha!
Blue - LOOK!!!
Black - Who is he?
Yellow - Ewe, gross! He needs a major facelift!
Red - Darkonda!
Darkonda - Greetings, Red Ranger. Its been a long time, I do believe the last time we saw each other was when I destroyed your home planet! Ha Ha ha! Okay, make it easy on yourselves and surrender!
Yellow - Never!
Purple - I’m gonna take you down! HYYAAAAIIIIII!!! Ooh!
Carlos - He’s too strong!
Blue - We gotta retreat!
Pink - Let me go!
Purple - Hey, let her go!
Pink- Eric, help me!
Purple - Amanda!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Red - Come on, Eric, we gotta go!
Astronema - Good. Part one of my plan is done!
Darkonda - The next phase will be even better! If the Purple Ranger doesn’t comply, I will destroy his love. Ha ha ha!
Eric - Alpha, did you find her yet?
Alpha - Yes, but I’m afraid she’s being held captive in Astronema’s Dark Fortress.
DECA - Rangers, we have a transmission coming in.
Darkonda - Hello Rangers. As you can see your pink lady friend is safe, for the time being! If the Purple Ranger does not surrender his powers, along with the Pink powers, I will destroy her.
Eric - You hurt her and you’ll be sorry you ever met me!
Darkonda - SILENCE! You have 1 hour to surrender!
The transmission ends and all the rangers stand there for a second in silence.
Andros - Eric, You can’t go alone!
Eric - I won’t listen to Darkonda! I’m going after her alone!
TJ - Its too dangerous Eric, we all have to help!
Eric - I don’t care. I’ve been through worse. This isn’t about you guys, this is personal! No one messes with me and gets away with it!
Kim - Eric, don’t go!
Eric morphs and teleports to the Dark Fortress.
Astronema - Perfect. The Purple Ranger will soon be mine, and then the rest of the rangers will fall, leaving me to take the world for my own!
Darkonda - Yes, now it's time to destroy them forever! HA HA HA!
Part II: What You'll do for Love
Darkonda is holding Amanda captive. Eric, who is Amanda’s love interest, is enraged at him and is going to save her, not knowing the danger that is ahead. He teleports inside Astronema’s hidden Dark Fortress, but her sensors indicate his presents right away.
Elgar - Hey, you, Astronema, we got some trouble.
Ecliptor - My queen, sensors indicate a intruder in the fortress.
Astronema - Who is it??
Darkonda - Purple Ranger! Just like I said! He’s falling for my trap!
Astronema - Capture him now! Take the Quantrons!
Purple - Quantrons! Oh man, They sure didn’t waste any time finding me!
Darkonda- Surrender or be destroyed!
Purple - You want me? Come and get me! HYYYAAAIII!
Eric battles the Quantrons and Darkonda, but he is getting weak, but then he sees a break and he makes his move.
Darkonda - GET HIM! He’s headed straight for the Pink Ranger!
Amanda - Eric, get me out of here!
Purple - Andros it's Eric, do you read me?
Andros - YES! You guys okay?
Purple - Yeah but not for long. I found her but I also see a table with 5 cards on it.
Andros - Get them. They might be the 5 missing key cards that Zordon had on Eltar. Oh I got great news. The Phantom Ranger has given us a new Zord. The Delta Megazord.
Purple - Cool, we’ll talk later, get ready for us.
Andros - Right on!
Purple - Amanda, you okay?
Amanda - I am now. My Morpher?
Purple - Here it is!
Darkonda - And you can hand it to me, along with your powers Purple Ranger.
Purple - You ready to make the call?
Eric and Amanda fight Darkonda and the Quantrons but their battle grows worse.
Purple - Ooh! Amanda get out of here! I’ll stall him!
Pink - He’s too strong, you’ll be destroyed.
Purple - Just go!
Amanda teleports out to the spaceship.
Purple - Okay Darkonda, now its just between you and me!
Darkonda - I shall enjoy destroying you! YAAAA!
Darkonda gives Eric many devastating blows. His power readings begin to fade fast.
TJ - Eric’s losing power!
Amanda - Get him out of there now!!
Alpha - Teleporting now!
Purple - Ooh! I….must get the cards! Ooh!
Eric begins to glow purple. He grabs the 5 cards just before being teleported to the spaceship.
Darkonda - NOOOOOOO!!! This is impossible!
Andros comes into sick bay where the rangers and Alpha watch over Eric.
Andros - Alpha, do you have a reading on those cards? Are they genuine Eltar cards?
Alpha - There from Eltar alright!
Kim - Amanda, how’s Eric holding up?
Amanda - He seems okay. He’s resting comfortably. But why was he glowing purple when we got him back?
Andros - I’m afraid I got bad news on Eric. That battle with Darkonda exhausted his powers. Eric can no longer use the Purple Lightstar Ranger powers. They’re useless.
DECA - A transmission is coming in!
Darkonda - Rangers, now that the Purple Powers are no more, I have been partially victorious. However, you stole what was rightfully mine.
Andros - The key cards, I don’t think so!
Darkonda - SILENCE! This is it for you. If you don’t return the key cards to me along with your Astro Morphers I will destroy your home planet Earth! Ha Ha Ha!
Carlos - What do we do now?
Kim- Andros????
Andros- DECA, set a course for the planet Earth.
Part III: The Green Emerald
With Darkonda and Astronema together joined as one, the universe is in deep trouble. But with the Phantom Ranger hot on the trail to find Zordon, The quest for the other 5 rangers is much easier. Now that Eric has lost his powers, and that Andros now knows the truth about Darkonda kidnapping his sister Karone, he is obsessed with finding her and capturing Darkonda for information. But now they have a emergency. If they don’t give up their powers and the 5 key cards that Eric retrieved shortly after power failure, Darkonda will destroy Earth and all will be lost.
Darkonda - Hmm, my plan is working perfectly! With the Purple Lightstar Ranger destroyed, I shall rid us of the others.
Astronema- We must do it now! Dark Specter is growing madder every day.
Darkonda - As you wish……my queen.
While the rangers are off on Earth searching for Darkonda, Eric does some repairs and work on the ship with Alpha and DECA. But then DECA detects something.
DECA - Eric, I must say that with you on the quest without powers is going to be very dangerous.
Eric - Yes, I know, but we’re a team and we have to stick together. Powers or no powers.
Alpha - Aye, Yai, Yai! Sensors indicate strong power readings coming from the remains of the Power Chamber site!
Eric - What!! I thought everything was destroyed! I’m gonna go check it out! I’ll be back later!
DECA - Be carefull!
Eric - I will!
Amanda - Man, it's too quiet here!
TJ - Yeah your telling me!
Kim - Whoa! Creepy!!
Carlos - Look out! Quantrons!
The rangers fight the Quantrons but it grows bad for them!
Pink - There’s too many of them!
Black - We sure could use Eric at a time like this!
Eric teleports to the remains of the Power Chamber.
Eric - Oh man! What a mess. Wait a second is that! Could it be???
Eric sees the weapon that he once used as the original Purple Ranger, Excaliber, his sword. Eric takes a minute to remember the good ol' days with Tommy, Billy, Kim and all the rest of the rangers. Not far from Excaliber was White Ranger's sword Saba. Eric picks both swords up. Then towards were the far wall was, directly where Zordon and Dimitria’s capsule sat, there glowing at Eric was a gold and silver box with green trim. Eric opens it up and inside is a note and a glowing green orb. Eric reads the note and it's from Zordon. Zordon stated that he hid the power here from Dark Specter because he knew the power would be needed. He goes on in the note saying what the powers do and how to use them when needed.
Eric - Man, this is awesome!
Eric then touches the green emerald and the power begin to enter inside of Eric.
Eric - OOOHHH! What is going on! Ooh!
Astronema - Perfect, the rangers are down for the count. Ecliptor, When Darkonda is in position, fire the satellite lasers to make him grow!
Ecliptor - As you wish!
Red - Ooh! Guys we can’t take much more of this!
Darkonda - Give it up rangers! Your no match for OOOOOOHHHHHHH!
A loud explosion erupts. Darkonda is shaken. In the shadows of the blast coming out of fire is a brand new ranger.
Blue - A new Gold Ranger.
Gold - You all okay?
Yellow - Yeah, thanks!
Red - Who are you?
Gold - It's me, guys!
Pink - Eric?
Gold - Yeah, it's me. I’ll explain later. But now I got a little unfinished business to deal with!!!
Darkonda - So you got new powers! Ha, I’ll destroy them, too!
Gold - I don’t think so! Okay Excaliber. It's been a very long time, you ready to go for battle again?
Excaliber - Lets do it, Eric!
Gold - Si AYYAAA!!
Red - Delta MegaZord on line!
Gold - Astro MegaZord power up! Were all set!
Darkonda - Take this rangers! YAAA!
Black - Were losing power!
Blue - Power down by 60 percent!
Elgar - Don’t be surprised if they bounce back! Hee Hee!
Astronema- Quiet! A Gold Ranger? How?
Ecliptor - The former Purple Lightstar Ranger found the green emerald in the remains of the Power Chamber. Zordon must have hidden it there for him to find it.
Astronema - It won’t matter. They’ll all be destroyed. But I want that Emerald. And soon!
Pink- Ooh! All systems down!
Gold - The Zords can’t handle this much longer. Too many more blows and they’ll blow up just like the Thunder Zords! Ooh!
Yellow - I sure don’t want to go through that again! What do we do now?
This is exactly where I left off when they got the new Voyager Zords. Before we go get the Zords, both Kim and Amanda experience power loss so Cassie and Ashley come back to our team. Amanda stays with me on the ship while Kim goes back to her Gymnastics. Later on we go get the Zords. My Zord is the Gold Super Astro Zord. Zhane finally shows up. Later on I hope to add more rangers and even get rid of a few. When the series PRIS ends on TV I will not follow the new series. I will make a final episode of PRIS into a movie where it all comes down to the big show down. I only got a few ideas on it right now, but in the end, you’ll be surprised at what I got in store for this Series Finale of Power Rangers. Keep up to date with me. And I’ll tell you a little more everyday as the year goes on. Sorry guys but the rangers need me now. Looks like we might have found Zordon….I hope! Bye! Okay Let's Rocket!!!!!
Do you want to read any stories of mine from past PR series or stories from my own Series I’ve created. Email me at and let me know. Here is a list of all of the series that I’ve created or written on so far. Power Rangers Zeo, Peace Power Rangers, Jedi, Power Rangers, Super Jedi Rangers, Power Rangers Turbo, Power Rangers Metallic, and Power Rangers In Space.