Aqua World
By Larry J. Hall
By Larry J. Hall
The gang took in a day at Aqua World Water Park. When they changed into their swimwear, the girls were shocked when they saw Adam, Billy, Rocky and Tommy wearing Guts Swim Briefs, each in their respective colors (Tommy had green and white stripes).
"Are you out of your minds?" yelled Kimberly, "If this was on Fox Kids, we would be cancelled! Put on some trunks!"
"Relax." Tommy said, "It's only a fanfic."
Billy then explained to the girls, "Guts Swimwear's sponsoring a Handsome Hunk Pageant. All of us are entered. And only six entered the contest.
"I guess no men had the guts to enter!" Aisha said as she laughed at her punful joke.
"Bad joke," groaned Tommy. "Let's enjoy our day at Aqua World. Let's put our sunscreen on and buddy up."
The gang put some sunscreen. Then they buddied up as it was Tommy and Kimberly, Rocky and Aisha, and Billy and Adam.
The gang rode all the water slides. Billy wisely stayed away from the Big Dip and preferred floating clockwise along the Hang 410 Lagoona Loop. Tommy caught a few waves surfing.
When Rocky and Aisha worked the monkey bars around the lagoon activity area, Aisha accidentally slipped down into the deep end. A well-built hunk came to her rescue. When she found out who had rescued her, she couldn't believe it.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"I suppose you want a kiss." said Aisha.
"No," he said politely, "I'll get us some snow cones."
About ten minutes later, Rocky and Aisha were on charis soaking rays when that hunk came with some snow cones.
"Hope you like orange, babe." as he handed hers, "Let me put some oil on your back."
"You never give up, do you." said Aisha as he rubbed her back.
"I'm Taylor Jackson." he said, "When I win that hunk pageant, I'll whisk you away on that motorcycle I'm gonna win to take you out on a date."
"I'm winning that contest!" Rocky said as he put his fists up.
"Put those fists down, it's not worth fighting about." he said, "May the best hunk win!"
Aisha sighed as he showed his sensitive side.
Just then, an announcement was made over the PA system.
"Hello hello, this is Rosemary Sage, popular DJ of KAGR-1450 AM, hostess of the hunk pageant. Will all contestants report to the pool stage for the pageant. The contest starts in an hour. That is all."
One hour later, Kimberly and Aisha had good seats as they saw a house band on stage as Rosemary Sage came onstage.
"Guts Swimwear, for men who have guts, proudly sponsors The Handsome Hunk Pageant! We got six hunks dying for $40,000 in cash and prizes. The winner gets $15,000, a motorcycle, a surfboard, 10 pairs of Guts Swim Briefs, and a case of suntan oil. Each hunk will be judged on looks, personality, swimming ability and talent. As my grandma would say about the missing meatloaf, WHERE'S THE BEEFCAKES!?"
The band played some funky music as they entered one by one as Rosemary introduced each one.
"Hunk #1's Rocky DeSantos. He's a karate ace and teacher who looks for honesty in girls. Hunk #2's Tommy Oliver. He's also a karate ace and teacher. Was the quarterback for the football team and can play the drums. Hunk #3's Brendan Morgan. He'a a jock who plays football and bowls. He once bowled a 300-279-282 games for a 287 average. Whoa baby! Hunk #4's Adam Park. The strong and silent type, he's into boxing and believes a girl should be treated with dignity. Hunk #5's Taylor Jackson, a bodybuilder with a sensitive heart. Taylor can play ten musical instruments and is a fine singer as well. I wonder which instrument he chose for the talent portion? And Hunk #6's Billy Cranston. Billy's into science, reading, computers and weights. The 100:1 shot!" Kimberly booed at Rosemary's remark.
The dudes started dancing as the girls screamed.
Up on the moon, Rita Repulsa was watching the contest on her Repulso-Scope, she was drooling as well.
"I can't believe those Rangers are hunks!" she said drooling as Lord Zedd snapped her out of it.
"Whose side are you on anyway?" yelled Zedd, "Instead of trying to come up with a plan to get the Rangers, you're watching a hunk pageant!"
Then when they overheard about a swimming competition, that gave Zedd a plan.
"Finster, make me a monster that will turn that pool water into slime!"
"It will take a while, Lord Zedd," Finster said as he worked on it. Rita was spying on the talent show.
"Why couldn't I have been a VR Troopers villain instead!?" groaned Zedd.
Back at Aqua World, the talent portion began. Each contestant got a chance to play with the house band. Rocky played a rock tune on the organ, Tommy played the tympani to the song "Wipe Out". Brendan played the guitar and sang "More Than Words," Adam played a tenor sax solo. Taylor dedicated a song he wrote to Aisha as he played the vibes (or vibraphone) and sang. And Billy ended the talent show playing his electric guitar and singing "MMM Bop". The girls went wild over Billy as Rosemary said, "Billy's really handsome as Hanson & I like dancin to Hanson!"
Just then, a dark cloud came as Zedd sent Bubblehead, a monster who turned clean or pool water into slime. Folks panicked as they saw the slimey water as Rosemary announced, "The pageant's postponed until the Power Rangers get our water back to normal."
The gang got together they teleported to The Command Center.
"What's going on?" asked Adam.
"While Rita's drooling over your swimsuit pageant, Lord Zedd sent Bubblehead." Zordon told.
"I can't believe Rita's got the hots for us. GROSS!" said Billy.
Just then, the alarm sounded.
"Rangers, Zedd sent down some Putties and they're causing a disturbance at Aqua World. And Bubblehead's headed toward the resevoir to destroy Angel Grove's water supply."
"Let me guess." Kimberly interrupted, "We tackle the Putties while White Ranger drives his Shark Cycle to battle Bubblehead."
"You read Zordon's mind!" Alpha said in amazement.
"No," she said, "The fanfic writer likes having White Ranger on a motorcycle."
"Thanks, Larry! You're cool!" said Tommy as he shouted, "It's Morphin Time!"
As the White Ranger drove down U.S. 467 South, he saw another motorcyclist dressed in a blue racing uniform, on a red white and blue motorcycle, pass by him giving a thumb up. Then the White Ranger thumbed right back at him.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, I mean Aqua World (I watch too much Westerns, excuse me), the Putties are running amok until the Rangers showed up. As they fought the Putties, Taylor came out and helped the Rangers fight. He had great fighting skills, he knocked one Putty into the pool of slime. The Yellow Ranger came over to him.
"Thanks! We'll handle the Putties, go somewhere safe and stay until the danger's over."
"I'm only trying to prove my bravery to Aisha. I'd make an excellent Ranger with this beefcake bod!" said Taylor.
"Go!" she said as he left for cover.
When The White Ranger reached the resevoir, there was a gate. So he pushed a few buttons as his Shark Cycle turned into a jet motorcycle. Then he landed the bike when he found Bubblehead.
"Nice of you to drop in, White Ranger!" said Bubblehead, "Before I destroy the water supply, I'll do away with you! Here, play with my deadly bubbles!"
And bubbles started flowing as the White Ranger got out his talking sword, Saba, and burst the bubbles before it would explode him.
"I'm forever blowing bubbles. Pretty bubbles in the air." sang Saba.
"Quiet!" ordered Tommy, "Stop being funny!"
The White Ranger and Bubblehead started battling. They fought a vicious battle exchanging blows, when Tommy was down, he called Alpha on his communicator.
"Alpha, I'm in trouble," the White Ranger said.
"You don't say, Tom Kennedy!" giggled Alpha.
"That's a terrible, but outdated pun!" Zordon groaned.
"Get the others quick and get the Power Blaster!" yelled White Ranger, "No more corny jokes!"
The other Rangers arrived as they worked together aiming the Power Blaster at Bubblehead.
The cannon shot, but missed Bubblehead.
Meanwhile on the moon, Rita and Zedd were celebrating what seemed to be the Rangers' doom.
"We're gonna win! The Rangers are finally ours!" screamed Rita.
"I'm glad you snapped out of your infatuation of those Rangers in that hunk pageant," said Zedd as he kissed Rita.
Just as Bubblehead's about to destroy the Rangers, the motorcycle stranger zoomed from nowhere and knocked Bubblehead into the falls and was blown to bits! When it did, the water was saved and Aqua World was back to normal, with pool water. They went over to the motorcyclist and were shocked when the helmet was taken off.
"Cool cameo, huh?" said Jason, "Anything can happen in a fanfic!"
Up on the moon, Rita and Zedd threw a fit.
"Our Bubblehead was an airhead!" Zedd screamed.
"It burst our bubble!" Rita cried, "I got a headache!"
"No more puns!" Zedd groaned.
Outside the resevoir, the White Ranger shook Jason's hand.
"You saved us. If there's anyway we can repay you, name it."
The scene switches to U.S. 467 North as Jason David Frank drove the Shark Cycle and the White Ranger drove his bike. When they reached a rest area, they switched bikes. Then the White Ranger teleported.
The next day, the pageant resumed as the contestants stood at the deep end of the wave pool. Each one had to swim from deep end to shore and reach the lifeguard's chair. They all took turns to prove their bravery.
After that event, the contestants were on stage as Rosemary announced the three finalists.
"Our three finalists are (drum roll), Adam! Taylor! And, I don't believe it, Billy! The 100:1 Shot!"
The others got $500 for participating. Rosemary had some questions in her hand.
"Okay, each finalist will be asked a question and will be judged based upon his answer, Adam, what's your definition of the pursuit of happiness?"
"Following your dreams and goals, achieving in them."
"Taylor, what do you think it takes to be a Power Ranger?"
"Being fit, good grades and working as a team."
"Billy, who's your favorite fictional character and why?"
"Sherlock Holmes. He uses brains before brawn, just like I would. He relaxes with a violin like I do with a guitar."
"Okay. Judges, cast those votes!"
Fifteen minutes later, Rosemary had the envelope in her hand.
"Who's going to be our Handsome Hunk? I got the results. Our 2nd runner-up, winning $3,000, Billy!"
Billy got his envelope as Adam and Taylor were nervous.
"You know the drill about the unfufilled duties toward the winner and first runner up gets the title, if you watch other pageants. Our 1st runner up winning $4,500, Taylor! Adam's our Handsome Hunk!"
The fans cheered as Adam got a crown, sceptor and the prizes. Taylor was disappointed of not only losing the contest, but losing Aisha. Adam went over to Taylor and gave him his motorcycle keys.
"I got a car," he said, "you can have my motorcycle!"
"Cool!" said Taylor.
"Now that's good sportsmanship!" Rosemary said, "Adam gave his bike to Taylor. We'll see you next year and hopefully have more contestants if they got the guts to wear Guts. So long!"
That evening at the Juice Bar, Aisha was surprised when she saw Taylor played smooth silky tones on his electric guitar and sang her another love song. When he finished, he told Aisha, "I'll win your heart even if I have to play the piano, organ, trumpet, trombone, tenor sax, bass guitar, marimba, drums, and tympani, the other eight instruments I can play. Who cares if I'm a misfit bodybuilder who likes music."
"You're not a misfit," Aisha said. "You got a fine body, good voice and are an excellant musician. I heard you helped the Power Rangers out. You are very brave."Then Aisha kissed Taylor, he was in heaven.
"Aisha," Taylor said, "I'm gonna work on making an album singing and playing all ten instruments!"
"How about a ride home?" she asked as Taylor put on his helmet and drove Aisha home on his new motorcycle.