Disclaimer: For Disclaimer please read
Regroup. Only new character that I claim is Telia. However, I
don't claim Sam Goodies, Burger King, or London Fog.
Author's note: Not trying to give too much away some of the
things in this fic may not make sense right now and don't get mad
after reading it. There's a bit more to everything in this Saga
then what appears.
Song note: The song I Knew I Loved You is by Savage Garden.
Suggested Reading: This is Guardians of Time #5, so please read
the above four fanfics, Zeo Disaster, Defenders, and Protectors
of Space.
Time frame: Starts where Regroup ends.
Only In My Dreams
By Dana
This adventures heating up I'll rescue you and if I do you gotta rescue me "Comin To The Rescue" By O-Town
Andros stared at the sword that was coming closer and closer. This was it. His dreams of being with Ashley, after this was all over, were shattered. Even worse his mother would die.
Suddenly the cage door swung open. "Master!" A voice called. "The rangers defeated us."
Timari lowered his sword long enough to glare at Tevu. "I know that! I watched the battle." His attention turned back to Andros who was struggling to get loose from his grip. "I haven't forgotten about you Andros."
However, Timari's momentary distraction was what Andros needed. He kicked Timari and the sword fell out of his hand then quickly picked it up with his Telekinesis.
Timari smirked at him as the sword disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Very clever Andros. You are much smarter then you look. It would probably be smarter to turn you evil then kill you but I know I can't. Your powers prevent it."
"Then let us go." Zhane said giving the chains another yank but they wouldn't budge.
"Now why would I do that Zhane?" Timari asked throwing Andros to the ground and spit on him. "You're not worth it. I'll deal with both of you later." He said and left the cell. The drones unlocked Zhane and quickly followed.
The Defenders and Leo were in the Control Room trying to decide what to do next.
"I think we should jump." Jason said. "We have no idea where or when Timari is holding them."
"I want to get back but Jason we need to find Andros and Zhane. That should be our first priority." Leo said.
"Dal you're the leader what do you think?" Sora asked.
'I don't want to think.' Dallas silently thought. "I think Jason has a point. We don't know when or where they are. Unfortunately, we won't be able to find out either right now. Dimitria get us out of here."
"RIGHT AWAY DALLAS. ENTERING CODE 98832321 RIGHT NOW." Dimitria informed them.
There was a bright flash of light.
Dallas nodded. "Okay everyone go back to your rooms. We'll meet in the dining area at 8:00 AM."
Tommy watched them all walk down the hall before following them. The past couple of nights he'd been having nightmares where Jason had to shake him to get him to wake up. Deep down he thought that there was something else about the nightmares that they were trying to warn him of something. When he got into his room he took off his shoes and climbed up to the top bunk. He noticed that Jason wasn't in the room yet.
He got under the covers and lay down. He was soon asleep.
Tommy found himself back in Angel Grove. He walked into the Surf Spot, one of his favorite hangouts when he came back from KO-35. He saw Adele working behind the counter looking older then the last time he'd seen her. He saw an older Jason talking to Emily near the counter. Dallas and Zhane sitting at a table with a three-year-old girl, Roland, and a woman he couldn't identify.
He spun around and saw Cassie and TJ and whispering to each other and laughing at some joke. Carlos handed a glass of juice to Ashley before kissing her on the cheek. Where was Andros? He wondered. He'd always thought that Ashley and Andros would be together.
He heard a familiar voice behind him. It was the only voice he could pick up. He turned around and that's when he saw Sora. She was talking to Petra. "I can't believe it happened five years ago today." Sora said.
"I know. But if they hadn't done it we wouldn't be here." Petra said putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Who?" He yelled but as usual in his dreams, no one answered him.
The room seemed to fill with the sound of lightning. He looked up as his vision was flooded with a bright light and he was falling. Someone was calling his name. "Tommy."
"Tommy." The voice repeated shaking him. Tommy opened his eyes and saw Sora looking at him. He sat up on his bunk. He looked at her in surprise.
"Jason told me about your nightmares. We switched rooms just for tonight just in case you had another nightmare so I could be there if you wanted to talk." Sora said.
Tommy sat up on his bunk and moved over so Sora could join him. "You didn't have to Sora. I'm okay."
"Tommy that nightmare was anything but okay. You were tossing and turning so much I was afraid you'd fall off the bunk. Tell me about it Tommy. I want to know."
"I don't want to talk about it." Tommy said looking away.
"Tommy it'll help if you talk about it. Maybe we can figure out the meaning."
Tommy sighed. "I'm afraid that they aren't actually nightmares. Ever since the training on Terqan, my visions have been stronger and clearer. I no longer just get a feeling something's going to happen I see it."
"Tell me what you see." Sora said in a softer voice.
"I see the future. I see everyone together but Andros isn't there and neither am I." Tommy paused. "You and Petra are saying something happened five years ago that day but not what. Then there's the sound of lightning and a flash of light and you calling my name."
Sora just sat there shocked. That wasn't exactly what she expected Tommy to say. "Maybe it's just a nightmare."
"I've had the same one for the last couple of nights Sora. It couldn't be just a nightmare."
"Maybe it's just showing you what could happen so you can change it?" Sora suggested. She hated seeing her boyfriend like this.
"I don't even know what happened to know how to change it. I really hope that it's not a vision. I don't like what it showed." He said turning away. He didn't want her to see the tears in his eyes. He was afraid of being hurt again. Both Kimberly Hart and Katherine Hilliard had dumped him and he didn't want to face that again. He knew what he had just told Sora would make her dump him. Who would want to date a guy that was going to end up dead?
Sora didn't say anything she just looked at her boyfriend. The pain was very evident in his eyes. She decided to tell him know how she truly felt about him. "Tommy when your parents introduced us eight months ago, I immediately liked you. I guess there is such a thing as love at first site. I knew, then, that I wanted to know you better. I've only known you for less then a year and I know already that I love you." She remembered a song she had heard a few times. "I don't mean to sound corny but it's like that song by Savage Garden 'I Knew I Loved You.' That's exactly how I feel." She said blushing.
Tommy knew the song well and could hear the song in his head. Sora started singing it softly.
Maybe it's intuition but some things you just don't question Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant And there it goes, I think I found my best friend I know that it might sound more than a little crazy but I believe...
I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life
There's just no rhyme or reason Only the sense of completion And in your eyes, I see the missing pieces I'm searching for I think I've found my way home I know that it might sound more than a little crazy but I believe...
I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life
A thousand angels dance around you I am complete now that I've found you
I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life
I knew I loved you before I met you I think I dreamed you into life I knew I loved you before I met you I have been waiting all my life
Tommy was almost crying at the end. "Same here Sora." He held her in his arms the rest of the night.
Jason walked into his room the next morning, to find Tommy and Sora cuddled together on Tommy's bunk. He hated to wake them but it was almost 7:45. He walked over and gently shook them. "Sorry guys it's almost 7:45."
Sora uncurled herself from Tommy's arms and headed to her room after calling goodbye to both of them.
"So Bro care to explain?" Jason asked with a slight smile.
"Explain what? We both fell asleep on my bunk. Nothing happened." Tommy said jumping off his bunk and quickly got dressed. Jason did the same and then they both headed toward the control room.
The others were all there waiting. "You ready to check out this place?" Dallas asked.
"Wait are you up to it Petra?" Roland asked.
"Ready as I'll ever be. I won't Timari keep me down." Petra said fingering the medallion that wouldn't come off.
They quickly teleported down and ended up in a giant mall.
"What?" Dallas asked in surprise. "We are at..."
"A mall!" Sora finished for her with a huge grin on her face.
"Guess it's a good thing we have money." Petra said grinning also.
"Well we should take advantage of being here." Dallas said. "Let's go shopping! As that cartoon we watched at my parents house once said, charge it!"
Jason, Leo, Tommy, and Roland groaned. The three girls laughed.
"Why don't we split up?" Petra suggested. "I'm sure the guys don't want to tag along with us while we're at the clothing stores."
"Sounds good. We'll meet back here in two hours okay?" Dallas asked. Everyone nodded.
As they separated, they didn't notice Camie, Mira, Chrisman, and Tierl come through the doors. "Okay our goal is to find out why they were sent here." Chrisman said. "For some reason I don't think this will be any good. Why don't Tierl and I follow the guys and you two can follow the girls."
Timari watched this from the ship. "Those Guardians are meddling again. Well they can't stop this plan. Telia!" He called.
A young woman appeared. She had long brown hair that ended just above her waist and dark brown eyes. "Yes?" She asked.
"How's your new skill coming along?" Timari asked his younger sister.
Telia wasn't sure what he meant right away but smiled when she did. "Oh that. I think I'm ready to try it out."
"Well I have the perfect person you can try it on." He zoomed in on the intended Ranger. "When he's separated from his friends you can go down and try it. You only have two hours to find him though."
"No problem. He'll be putty in our hands when I'm finished with him." She glowered when she saw the Guardians. "Oh and one more thing. Remember, Timari, Camie is mine." Telia said and disappeared.
Timari smiled. This was going to work out well.
Tommy watched Leo and Roland go into the music store before pulling Jason aside. "I need your help."
"Sure what is it?"
"I need your help picking out an engagement ring." Tommy said excitedly.
"Engagement ring?" Jason said confused then grinned when he figured it out. "You're going to ask Sora to marry you?"
"Yep. Come on. I think I saw a jewelry store down here." Tommy said and hurried away. Jason hurried to catch up with him. When he did, he found Tommy staring at a ring display. "Hey Jase what do you think of that one?" He asked pointing to a ring with a pearl in the center and small diamonds on either side of the pearl.
"Looks like a great one. I think Sora will like it."
"I think so too. Do you have it in a size six and a half?" Tommy asked the salesman. He had asked Dallas Sora's ring size back in February and still remembered it.
"Let me go check in the back for you." She said and left she came back a couple minutes later. "You are in luck. There was one in that size."
After Tommy had purchased it, he and Jason left the store. "You want to go back to Sam Goodies?"
"You can go there I think I am going to go up to the food court and get something to drink." Tommy said to Jason. "I'll catch up with you guys later."
"Telia he's alone." Timari said to his sister who had returned. He turned and saw her fingering the scar that was on her cheek. "I promise you. When you finish with him, you can go after Camie. But not before."
Telia nodded and teleported down. She found the Ranger sitting alone drinking some brown like liquid from a cup staring off into space. She went over to a restaurant called Burger King and ordered a lemonade thinking it sounded safe. She walked over to him. "May I join you?" She asked.
"Sure." Tommy said looking up at her and gave a small smile.
"This mall sure is crowded today." She said. "My name is Terry."
"I'm Tommy."
"You seem kinda down. Anything I can help you with?" She asked. She had to get Tommy's trust first.
"Just thinking about things is all." He started to get up.
"Oh I'm sorry if I am prodding. I didn't mean too."
"That's not it. I have to meet someone. I said I would catch up with my friends at Sam Goodies. It was nice talking to you Terry."
"I'll see you around then." Telia said frowning. She had to think of some way to keep him there. "Oh I'm headed to Sam Goodies too. Mind if I walk with you?"
'This is too easy. He's falling for it. It won't take long to break him.' She stopped walking when she felt the presence of her number one enemy. 'Not now! I can fix that.' She closed her eyes for a second before smiling. She hurried to catch up with Tommy.
Camie and Mira walked towards the food court still looking for Petra, Dallas, and Sora. Camie stopped. 'What's she doing here?' She wondered. She looked around quickly for Telia but couldn't find her. She was overcome with pain, and fell to her knees gasping for air.
Mira turned around. "Camie! Camie are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah. Just give me a sec." She whispered. She slowly stood up. "Contact Chrisman and tell him that Telia's here."
"Who's she?"
"I'll explain later. Just do it." Camie said trying to wave away the people that were coming over to check on her.
Mira nodded and hurried to a quiet spot. She raised her communicator. "Chrisman come in it's Mira."
'What's up?'
"Camie collapsed. She told me to tell you that Telia's here."
'Telia? No wonder she collapsed. Where are you two?'
"In front of London Fog."
'We'll be right there. Keep Camie from going after her.' Chrisman cut off communication.
Mira hurried back to Camie.
Telia walked towards Sam Goodies frowning. 'I hope the other Defender brats aren't there. That would ruin everything.' When they got to Sam Goodies, she followed him in.
After a few minutes, Tommy turned to her. "They aren't here."
"That's a shame." She said picking up a CD that said 'Janet Jackson Design of a Decade 1986/1996.' "Here's the CD I was looking for. I love Janet Jackson."
"I'm not too crazy about her but Sora likes her." Tommy said picking up a Meatloaf CD.
"Sora is your girlfriend?" Telia asked.
"Yeah. Hopefully soon to be my fiancée."
"How sweet. You're going to propose to her. She must be special. How long have you been dating her?" Telia asked glancing into his eyes. She knew she had to act fast if they were going to do this.
"Yes she is special and I've been dating her about eight months." For some reason, he couldn't take her eyes off her.
"Well I hope you don't mind me asking but I was wondering if you could help me find a friend. Her mother said I would find her here and well I guess we missed each other."
"Sure no problem." Tommy said frowning. He was having difficult concentrating. "I'm new here though so I don't know how good of like I'll have finding her." He felt Telia's hand on his forehead. "What are you doing?" He asked weakly unable to move. He was becoming very tired.
"You looked kind of ill. Are you feeling all right Tommy?" She asked trying to hide her smile. 'Another minute and he won't even know his own name.'
"Yeah just really tired." He said dropping into her waiting arms.
She noticed he was out cold. "Lightning Rangers are so easy to get to." She looked at him before brushing away a lock. 'Strong mind powers? Ha. They can't stop mind control.'
"Do you know where she is?" Chrisman asked Camie.
Camie was still shaking off the pain she had felt. Her eyes started to drift to a store downstairs. She took off running when she saw Drones with her. She also saw Tommy being carried away. "There she is!" She yelled as she ran down the stairs trying not to knock anyone over.
Tierl turned around and saw Jason, Roland, and Leo. "Don't just stand there! You've got to stop her!"
They nodded and followed the Guardians down the stairs.
Dallas, Sora, and Petra came running down the hallway when they saw the drones and the strange woman. "Tommy!" Sora cried.
"It's Morphin Time!" Dallas yelled.
"Sound Power!" Sora called.
"Thunder Power!" Jason called.
"Solar Power!" Roland called.
"Comet Power!" Petra called.
"Sun Power!" Dallas called.
"Go Galactic!" Leo called.
"Ninjetti Owl!" Mira called.
"Ninjetti Panther!" Camie called.
"Ninjetti Hyena!" Tier called.
"Ninjetti Tiger!" Chrisman called.
Telia turned around. "Long time no see Camie." She said in a menacing voice. She turned back to the Drones. "Take him up. I'll deal with them." Her eyes turning back to Camie.
"No!" Sora yelled charging at the drones that held Tommy. More Drones quickly surrounded the others to keep them from helping.
"Leave the Purple Guardian to me." She told the drones. "Let's continue the fight Camie. I almost beat you last time."
"Almost beat me? You were nearly unconscious if I remember correctly." Camie said ducking the sword that appeared. She kicked the older woman in the chest and watched her fall to the ground. "You remember incorrectly. You were the one nearly unconscious. If your friends hadn't saved you, you would be dead." Telia said picking herself off the ground.
"Does it really matter Telia? That was almost a year ago." Camie said bringing out her boomerang.
"Guess you have a point. But you will die this time. I promise you that."
Jason flipped over the drones and landed next to Sora. "Jason we can't let them take Tommy." Sora said while punching the drone in front of her.
"I know. Come on. If they are anything like the ones we fought in our dimension these will be easy to beat." Jason said taking out his blaster. He shot one of the Drones in the shoulder causing it to drop Tommy. "See?"
The drones went away from Tommy and started attacking the Thunder and Sound Defenders giving Petra a chance to grab Tommy and teleport out.
Telia turned around. "You idiots! You let the Lightning Ranger get away!" She yelled. She struck the ground with her sword splitting the ground in half. Everyone rolled away but unfortunately for Mira, one of the Drones shoved her hard and she fell into the hole.
"No Mira!" Tierl yelled running to the edge of the crevice. He could see her holding on to the edge.
Leo watched it happened and closed his eyes. 'This can't be happening again.' He thought at he raced towards Tierl to give him a hand. But stopped when he saw an owl fly out of the hole.
The owl quickly changed back to Mira. "These powers are definitely useful." She said grinning.
Telia frowned. The plan had gone sour. It was time to regroup. "Until next time Camie." Telia said and disappeared with the Drones.
"I hate her." Camie said aloud kicking at the ground.
Chrisman put a hand on her shoulder. "You'll get her next time. Now bout Tommy." Chrisman said turning towards the others. "He'll be fine. Just make sure he gets some sleep. He will most likely be exhausted. Just give him time." He turned back to his teammates. "I think it's time we went back to our base." The Guardians were gone in a flash of light.
"Come on guys. Let's get back to the ship." Dallas said.
Two days later Tommy walked into the eating area feeling a lot better. He had spent the last couple of days in bed sleeping. Now his strength was back and he was mad. He couldn't believe he had let an evil being tricked him like she did. He looked around and noticed no one was on the ship. He hurried into the Command Room. "Dimitria where are the others?" He asked.
"I feel a lot better. Maybe I should join the others." He said and started to raise his communicator.
Tommy knew he couldn't argue with her. His mind still felt a little fuzzy. "Let me know when they come up." Dimitria nodded. He walked back to the eating area, picked up an apple, and started eating it. He was very hungry. He hadn't eaten in two days.
His communicator beeped. "Yes?" He asked.
"Thank you." He said jumping out of his seat and ran back to his room to get the ring. He had just picked it up when he heard someone enter the room. He turned around and saw Sora.
"There you are Tommy. I'm glad to see that you are up." Sora said.
"Sora I want to ask you a question." Tommy said shyly.
"Go ahead Tommy. You can ask me anything." She said nervously.
"Sora I love you with all my heart." He got down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" He asked.
Sora started crying but was able to say the one word. "Yes!"
To be continued
Sorry the fic took so long. But I hope you enjoy it. Look for Guardians of Time #6 Ninjetti Revelations soon.