Song note: The song in this fic is called Lonely Nights and it's by Scorpions.
Suggested reading: Zeo Disaster, Defenders, Protectors of Space and the rest of Guardians of Time.
Time frame: Right after Only In My Dreams.
By Dana
The other night dear while I was sleeping I dreamed I
held you in my arms When I awoke dear I was mistaken So I
hung my head and cried "You Are My
Sunshine"-Lost In Reality
Jason walked into the room he shared with Tommy. He saw that he was awake. "Hey bro."
"Hey." Tommy said sitting up. "So how was the dimension?"
"It was the wrong one. Other then that, it was okay. Nothing special."
"Well I asked Sora to marry me. And she accepted!" Tommy said smiling.
"Congrats bro. I'm happy for the both of you."
"I'm happy that she accepted. I love her Jase." He admitted.
"I can see that. I know you two will be happy together."
Sora came into Dallas's room with a smile. "Hey Sora. You look happier then you did earlier."
"Just talked to Tommy."
"Oh so he's awake? How's he doing?"
"He's doing pretty good." Sora paused and raised her left hand up.
Dallas looked at her for a few seconds before smiling. "He asked you to marry him!" This was more of a statement then a question.
"Yes. I said yes!"
Dallas pulled her younger sister into a hug. "That's great! I am so happy for you both." She let go and sneezed.
"You okay Dal?" Sora asked.
"Yeah just a cold. I sometimes get a cold when I'm stressed. One time I even lost my voice."
"Better not let that happen this time. We need you to lead us." Sora joked. Both sisters sat on Dallas's bunk and joked around.
"I better ask Dimitria to send us to another dimension." Dallas said standing up. "Congrats again."
"Thanks." Sora said watching as her older sister left the room.
Dallas walked down the hall and stopped when she saw a flash of light. When the flash was gone, a box was in its place. Her name was written on it. She carried the box into the control room.
"Yes. Could you check this box to make sure it's safe?"
"NO PROBLEM DALLAS." A beam quickly scanned the box. "IT IS SAFE TO OPEN. IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE?"
"Could you change dimensions? I think it's time to look elsewhere."
Dallas opened the box and found pictures in it. The pictures were of herself, Roland, Alexis, and Zhane. There was a note in the box that said 'I found these thought you might want them.' It was unsigned. 'Who would send this to me? And where'd they get it?' She wondered. She sneezed again.
"Just one of my stress colds. I've had them before no big deal."
"You know what? Sora said the same exact thing earlier." Dallas said with a smile. "Could you contact the others?"
A few minutes later the others appeared in the control room. "What's up?" Leo asked.
"We've changed dimensions. Just wanted to see if you guys wanted to go exploring." Dallas said nonchalantly.
"Do you have to ask?" Jason kidded.
"I guess not." Dallas said with a grin.
They teleported down to Earth. "Well this doesn't look like Angel Grove." Tommy said.
"Looks kinda like Beverly Hills." Sora said eyeing the expensive shops.
Petra was standing at a newspaper stand. She came back. "According to the newspaper we are in Silver Hills California in the year 2001."
"Silver Hills? I've never heard of that." Jason said.
Dallas sneezed again. "Excuse me. Hey look there's a store called Nick of Time. I wonder if they sell watches. I could use a new wristwatch."
"The sign says odd jobs Dal. I don't think they sell wristwatches." Roland said. "Are you feeling alright?"
"Fine just a cold." Dallas said. She was beginning to hate that question.
Robots appeared in front of them. "Hey Jase do those remind you of Cogs?" Tommy asked.
"Kinda." Jason said. "Probably just as smart."
Dallas looked around and saw no one was around. "It's Morphin Time!" She called.
"Sound Power!" Sora called.
"Lighting Power!" Tommy called.
"Thunder Power!" Jason called.
"Solar Power!" Roland called.
"Comet Power!" Petra called.
"Sun Power!" Dallas called.
"Go Galactic!" Leo called.
They started to fight the robots when five new rangers appeared. With their help, they were able to beat the robots. "Who are you?" The Pink Ranger asked them.
"We're the Defenders who are you?" Dallas asked.
"Time force." The Pink Ranger replied.
"Look why don't we go in there and talk." The Red Ranger said pointing at Nick of Time. They walked into the store and demorphed.
"I'm Jen. This is Wes, Trip, Lucas, and Katie. You are?" The Pink Ranger asked.
"I'm Dallas. This is Roland, Petra, Jason, Leo, Tommy, and Sora. We come from another dimension."
"Wow." Wes said. "The others come from the future."
"Cool." Sora said and watched as her sister sneezed again. "Dallas are you sure you're feeling all right?"
"Yeah it's just a cold." She swatted her sister's hand away.
"Dal I think you've got a fever. Maybe you should go up to the ship." Sora suggested.
"I'm fine." Dallas protested. She smiled at the others. "I get stress colds sometimes."
"Dallas I think you should go up to the ship." Petra said. "You won't help us if you are sick."
Dallas nodded and before teleporting up she turned to Roland, "Don't forget Roland. You're leader." She said and was gone in a flash of purple light.
Roland frowned. He hated being leader more then Dallas did. But it was an order they had all agreed to years ago. But he never thought he'd have to lead with that kind of order. But since Alexis...'Don't think about it Roland!' "So what were those things we were fighting?" He asked Jen.
"Cyclobots." Jen answered. "Robots that when destroyed fall apart leaving nuts and bolts."
"Like Cogs." Tommy said. "You aren't fighting the Machine Empire are you?"
"No never heard of them. We're fighting Ransik and his daughter Nadira." She looked over and saw the ring on Sora's finger. Her heart broke at the sight. 'I miss you Alex.'
"What brings you guys here?" Katie asked.
"Well I come from a different dimension. I landed in theirs and they said they'd help me get back to where I belong." Leo informed her.
"We haven't been successful in finding the dimension though." Jason said.
"What is this place?" Sora asked looking around. "It looks to be some kind of clock tower." She said uncertainly.
"That's exactly what it is." Trip said. "See there's the stairs that lead up to where we stay. You want to go see it?"
"Sure." Sora said and followed Trip up the stairs. The others followed them. They looked around. "What a beautiful window." She said gazing out of it. "Great view too."
"I agree." Wes said. "I used to come here a lot when I was younger."
"Hey. Who's that?" Petra asked pointing out the window at a woman opening the door.
"It's Nadira." Lucas said and rushed down the stairs with the others following.
She smiled evilly at them. "Who are these people? Decide to call for help?" She asked. She looked the newcomers over with a smirk. "There's something different about you two." She said looking at Roland and Sora. "You are Kerovian correct?"
"How...?" Sora started to ask.
"How could I tell? I can tell from your readings. That, and the fact that I talked to Timari. Though I could have sworn, he said there were three of you. Oh well. Cyclobots get them!" She yelled as more Cyclobots appeared. Then a monster appeared.
Roland looked around wearily before yelling, "It's Morphin Time!"
"Sound Power!" Sora called.
"Lighting Power!" Tommy called.
"Thunder Power!" Jason called.
"Solar Power!" Roland called.
"Comet Power!" Petra called.
"Go Galactic!" Leo called.
The Time Force Rangers morphed also.
A flash of Purple, Red, White, and Black appeared and in its place were the Ninjetti Guardians.
"More Rangers?" Nadira whined. "Where do you keep coming from?"
The fifteen Rangers quickly disposed of the monsters. "Those Cyclobots were about as dumb as putties." Tierl said. Tommy and Jason looked at him strangely. "Or so I have heard."
'Real smooth Tierl.' Chrisman thought.
Tommy started to talk to Wes about something but Jason just stared at Tierl. There was something about him that struck him as odd. He'd have to ask him about it later.
"Thank you for the help." Jen said.
"No problem." Chrisman said.
The Time Force Rangers invited them into the clock tower and they talked for awhile.
"Well I'm going to go check on Dallas. Do you guys want to come?" Sora asked the Defenders as they started to walk away from the clock tower. Almost all of them went up.
"Come on we've got work to do." Chrisman said to Tierl, Camie, and Mira.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" Jason asked Tierl.
"Who are you?" Jason asked. "You seem to know so much about us and we know absolutely nothing about you."
"You don't want to know Jason." Tierl said and kept walking.
"I do want to know. There's something about you that just doesn't add up." Jason said grabbing his collar.
"Defenders had to protect their identity correct?" Jason nodded. "Well so do we. We aren't your normal Rangers. I gave up being a normal Ranger when we..." Tierl trailed off.
"When you what?" Jason asked. He wanted to know what was going on.
"Fine you really want to know? Jason I gave up being a normal Ranger when we left for the Peace Conference." Tierl looked around quickly and dragged Jason to a quiet area where he reluctantly changed images. Standing in front of Jason was Zack Taylor.
"I don't get it."
"Of course you don't. Remember when we were called back to save Tommy? Well Zordon brought me up to the Power Chamber later and told me of what I was supposed to do. I was supposed to be a guardian. Then when the Turbo Rangers saved Trini and me from Maligor and Divatox, Zordon told me I had to go. I'm the Black Hyena Ninjetti Ranger and I'm also the Phantom Ranger. To sum it all up I'm a member of the Guardians. I usually stay in a place where time doesn't exist. I go help where I am needed. You wanted to know now you do."
"What about Chrisman, Camie, and Mira?"
"They're all Guardians too. I didn't know them before I went to Phaedos over three years ago. None of them are from Angel Grove. The four of us aren't the only guardians Jase. Antiqua and Zordon were guardians also but on a different level as is Dimitria. They stayed in one place unlike Chrisman, Camie, Mira, and me."
Jason stood there speechless. He had never even considered what Tierl was telling him.
Zack looked up at him before changing back to Tierl. "Please don't tell anyone not even Tommy. I'm going to be in enough trouble just telling you." Jason nodded reluctantly. "I've got to go." Tierl said and disappeared.
Jason teleported back to the ship.
Dallas got out of her bed tiredly the next day. She hated being sick. She stumbled into the eating area. Everyone but Roland was in there eating. "Have we jumped yet?" She asked.
"Nope. There's some technical difficulties." Sora said.
"Is that where Roland is?" Dallas whispered.
"I don't think so. He hasn't left his room yet. I hope he didn't catch what you have." Leo said.
'I wonder.' Dallas's eyes fell onto the calendar that hung on a wall. 'I forgot what today was.' She thought as she ran out of the room.
"What's the matter with Dallas?" Jason asked. The others shrugged.
Dallas knocked gently on Roland's door. "Go away." He called.
"Roland it's Dallas. I know what today is please let me in." The door opened.
"Dal do you realize she would have been 23 today?" Roland asked without turning around.
"I know Roland. I think about her almost every day. I know what you're going through Roland. Talk to me."
"I miss her so much Dallas. I keep thinking that if only I had been watching Astronema she wouldn't have jumped in front of Astronema and she would still be here."
Dallas put her hand on his shoulder. "I know Roland. I may not have been on the ship with you guys but I know."
"I'll be okay Dallas. You don't sound like you're too well should you be out of bed?" He said making note of the fact that Dallas was losing her voice.
"I've got to be up to lead you guys in case Timari shows up the next place we are. I know you Roland. You don't like leading."
"Neither do you." He said and smiled.
"That's better! Now you're smiling! I'm going to go make some tea. Are you sure you're all right?"
"I'll be fine."
Dallas nodded and left the room.
Since you're gone There is an empty space Since you're gone The world is not the same I go back to the places we've been It feels like you're still there I live all those moments again Wishing you were here Since you're gone There is an lonely heart Since you're gone Nothin' is like it was There are memories all over the place Bringin' it back all so clear Remember all of those days Wishing you were here All those lonely nights I gotta fight for you, yes I do Yes I do Since you're gone There is a heart that bleeds Since you're gone I'm not the man I used to be I follow you steps in the snow The traces disappear We know what we've lost when it's gone I'm wishing you were here All those lonely nights I gotta fight for you, yes I do Yes I do
Roland looked at Alexis's picture hanging on the wall. He knew it was time.
Dallas walked back to Roland's room five minutes later. She knew Roland wasn't okay. She knocked. "Hey Roland?" There was no answer. "Roland are you still in there?" still nothing. She typed in the code that opened all of the doors and jumped back in shock.
"No!" She screamed. "No!"
Zhane watched as Tevu walked away from the cell. He looked at what he supposed was food with disgust. He wasn't sure if it was alive or dead. He turned around when he heard Andros drop the food with a loud bang. "That bad huh?" He joked. He quickly shut up when he saw how pale Andros was. "Andros?"
"Roland." Andros said.
To be continued.
I know that's cruel but you'll just have to wait till A Royal Return. I think that's the next fic in the series. Bet you can guess what that's about.