Disclaimer: The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers belong to Haim Saban. Any character or names of places that are not Haim Saban's MMPR related would be mine.
Authors note: OK I know I said this wasn't going to be a series but I was wrong. This is now in a series I have decided to start, called Zeo Disaster, along with The Power of Friendship and Earthquake.
Time Frame: Story follows after Earthquake. And the time frame of this series will always be after Golden Homecoming and before Hawaiian Zeo.

By Dana

Katherine Hilliard and Tommy Oliver are enjoying the day in Angel Grove Park. They are enjoying the peacefulness Angel Grove has had for a week. It has been pretty quiet since the earthquake hit a week ago. Even King Mondo hadn't sent anything down. Tommy lays down on the grass and closed his eyes. "I'll be glad when I finally get this cast off." "I'm sure you will." Kat said. Then she remembered something. "You ready to start the last part of senior year in a new school?" "Not really but Cornwall High School didn't suffer too much damage and was fixed during the break. That earthquake really hit Angel Grove High School hard. Of course not even counting what the monster did." "Jason still seems pretty mad at himself for using his staff. Though we have all told him he couldn't have known it would do damage like that." Kat said. "Yeah I know." They continue talking without knowing someone is watching them from a distance.

In the winnebego on the moon, Rita watches Kat and Tommy's conversation. "Finster!" She yelled Finster came running over to Rita. "Yes my queen?" "Is that potion I asked for ready yet?" "I just finished it now. It should do the job." "Fine I will send Goldar and Rito down to have it taken care of. Make sure to give it to Goldar. My stupid brother will probably mess things up if you give it to him." "Right away my queen."

At the park Kat and Tommy were getting ready to leave when they saw Goldar, Rito and Tengas appear in front of them. "What do you want now Goldar?" Tommy spat. "Gee Tommy I would have thought you had missed me. I was always able to kick your butt during a fight." Goldar replied. "Enough with the games Goldar." Kat said. "Fine Tengas attack." Goldar ordered. The Tengas, Goldar, and Rito attacked. Kat and Tommy were very much outnumbered. Tommy having a broken hand was not helping much either. "Kat try to morph!" Tommy yelled while trying to block a kick from Goldar. "Oh right! It's morphing t-" Kat was cut off when a Tenga grabbed the morpher out of her hands. And Rito kicked her to the ground. Tommy turned around to see what happened. In doing so, he turned away from Goldar. Goldar used the handle of the sword to hit Tommy in the back of the head. Tommy fell to the ground unconscious. Goldar hovered over him. He held his sword right above the unconscious teenager. Goldar turned to where Kat was fighting Rito. "Make another move Kat, and Tommy will get a haircut starting right below the chin." Kat stopped fighting. Glaring at Goldar she said, "All right Goldar you win. Just leave Tommy alone." "Wise choice Kat. Tommy will be left alone if you come with us. We have no need for a powerless rangers." Kat sighed and nodded. With that, Rito, Goldar, Kat and Tengas were teleported away.

At the Power Chamber, the alarms were going off. "Zordon Tengas, Rito and Goldar have appeared in Angel Grove Park, and are attacking Katherine and Tommy." "CONTACT THE OTHERS RIGHT AWAY ALPHA." "Ay yi yi Zordon I just lost Katherine on the scanners!" Alpha said. "CONTACT THE RANGERS AND TELL THEM TO GET TO THE PARK IMMEDIATLY!" Zordon said again.

At a spot near Angel Grove High School, groups of people are working hard at clearing the debris from the school. David Truhart's communicator went off and he looked around quickly before answering his communicator. "Yes Zordon?" "DAVID YOU AND THE OTHER RANGERS MUST GO TO THE PARK IMMEDIATELY." "All right Zordon." David looked up and saw the other rangers watching him. He signaled for them to come over. "Guys we need to get to the park." They all went to an empty place and teleported to the park. Not seeing anything wrong right away. Looking around Jason gasped at whom he saw. Jason ran over to Tommy; he knelt down to get a better look. He noticed he had a bump on the back of his head. "Guys Tommy's out cold. We better get back to the Power Chamber." Jason grabbed Tommy's arm and everyone teleported. When they arrived they saw an examining table. Jason put Tommy down on it and looked up expectantly at Zordon. Alpha came up and ran a scanner over Tommy. "Nothing seems to be wrong with him." Alpha stated. Zordon looked down at the rangers. "RANGERS I BELIEVE RITO AND GOLDAR HAVE TAKEN KATHERINE. MOST LIKELY THEY KNOCKED TOMMY OUT AND USED HIM AS BAIT." Tommy was beginning to stir. "Oh my head." He sat up quickly. "Kat?!" "Whoa easy bro you got hit in the head pretty hard." Jason said. "Jase how'd I get here? The last thing I remember is Kat and I were fighting Goldar, Rito and Tengas." Tommy asked. "Tommy, we think Kat was captured." Adam answered. Tommy paled after hearing this. Jason knowing what Tommy was thinking said, "Tommy it wasn't your fault. What ever happened I know it wasn't your fault. So you can stop blaming yourself right now." Billy sighed and began helping Alpha with the scans for Katherine.

"How stupid can you be?!" Rita yelled at Goldar. "I told you to use the potion on her before you came up here! What were you thinking?" "I'm sorry my empress but Tommy was there and it seemed easier to use him as bait." "Well I guess it will work out fine. Finster's giving it to her right now. You probably should have taken Tommy up here anyway." "But sis you said to leave Tommy there. You said you and Ed had no use for a former ranger." Rito stated. Finster came out of the winnebego. "My queen, it has been given to her. It might take a bit of time for the potion to take effect." "Exactly what is going on here?" A voice asked from behind them. Turning around Rita saw it was King Mondo. "Like we'd tell you tin can." Rita spat. "If it is something to get rid of the rangers I would like in on this too!" was King Mondo's reply. "Fine we could use your help I guess. Here's what we're planning."

A few hours later, Kat opened her eyes. Where am I? She wondered. She looked around and realized she was in some kind of motor home. This can't be right she thinks. She tried to sit up and realizes she was tied to something. She hears Rita talking outside and what happened came back to her quickly. Just then Finster walked in with a tray, and offered it to her. Kat turned away "What's the matter isn't the Kat hungry?" Finster asked. Kat thought this was a strange question. Then she looked down in absolute horror. Instead of seeing her normal human self she saw fur! They turned me into a cat she realized. Again! Just then Rita stuck her head in the door. "So the kitty cat woke up from her cat nap." Rita walked over to Kat. Kat instinctively tried to scratch Rita, and almost did. But Rita expected this and was ready, and moved out of the way. "Goldar!" Rita yelled. Goldar came in. "Yes my queen?" "Grab Katharine so we can get to the Moon Base." Rita commanded. Goldar reached over to grab Kat and got a scratch in return. "Ouch!" Finster walked over. "Here use this. It's a Tranquilizer. It will make it easier to move her." After drugging Kat they all left the winnebego.

In the Power Chamber the next day, the other Power Rangers went up to see if Zordon and Alpha had found anything yet. "Zordon have you been able to find Kat yet?" Tanya asked. "RANGERS AS FAR AS WE CAN TELL KATHARINE WAS TAKEN UP TO THE MOON. WE HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO PINPOINT HER LOCATION HOWEVER. WE WILL FIND HER. WE WILL CONTACT YOU WHEN WE FIND HER. SO GO BACK DOWN TO ANGEL GROVE." "All right Zordon. If we can't help up here we might as well. Come on guys." David said.

Finster and Klank hurried into the throne room. "Your majesties she is ready to be sent down." "Did you change her looks enough so that they won't recognize her?" Machina asked. "Yes she does not look like PC. She is a totally different color this time. The rangers will not be able to figure out it is her till it's too late." Klank answered. "Send her down!" Lord Zedd ordered.

In the park Jason, Tommy, Adam, Rocky and David were hanging out playing a game of Frisbee. They tried the best that they could to keep their minds off the disappearance of Kat. "What a break this has been. Who would have thought we would get an earthquake like that?" Rocky said while taking a drink of soda. "I know. It will definitely go down as the worst vacation." Jason said. "Well at least it's been quiet almost all week." Said David while going after the Frisbee that Adam threw to him. "Here Tommy." He threw it easily to his brother. Tommy catching it throws it to Rocky. He thought he heard a noise in a bush behind him. He crouched down and noticed a small calico cat. "Better be careful kitty." He petted the cat and she immediately started purring. Smiling he turned back to the game. He saw Rocky and Adam wrestling over the Frisbee. He saw Jason walking over to him. "Hey bro what's in there?" Jason asked while pointing at the bush. "A cat. I didn't see any tags, I think I should take her to the animal shelter. With Rocky out here this cat isn't safe." Tommy said with a grin. "OK I'll tell the others." Jason hurried back to the game. Tommy leaned over to pick up the cat. The cat for some reason seemed happy with being picked up. And started purring. "Well you seem to be happy about everything." He walked over to a box. "Sorry cat have to put you in here." He put her in there. She started mewing unhappily in the box right away.

Rito who had been watching this with Rita's telescope ran over to Zedd and King Mondo. "Ed! Tommy has found Katherine and is taking her to the animal shelter!" Zedd ignored the fact that once again Rito called him Ed. "Can't let that happen." He turned to Scorpina who had returned to help a few days ago. "Scorpina get to the animal shelter in disguise of a human!" He ordered. "Yes Lord Zedd." Scorpina changed forms and went down to the Earth. While there she took care of the woman who was running the shelter. She put on the nametag that said Dr. Julia Carmichael. Just in time to see Tommy entering the building with a box. "Can I help you sir?" Scorpina asked while looking at the box. "Yes. I found this cat in the park. She had no tags so I thought it would be better if I brought her here." He puts down the box and watches as Scorpina takes Kat out of the box. "Thank you sir. We will take care of it from here." She said with a smirk on her face. Tommy left the animal shelter with an uneasy feeling. Something about that Dr. Carmichael seemed strange. The smirk especially. He turned around and looked in the building again. Not seeing either the cat or the vet he shrugged. Maybe she took the cat in the back. He thought. Tommy walked back to the park.

The next day Jason was walking in the park to meet up with the others. He was running a little behind schedule. Which was unusual for him. That was usually Tommy's problem. He heard meowing near him. He looked around and saw the cat Tommy had found the day before. "I thought Tommy had taken you to the animal shelter. Oh well." Jason bent down to pick up the cat and was scratched in turn. "OK so you don't want to be picked up. I guess I don't attract cat's like Tommy does." Suddenly he started feeling really dizzy. He turned around when he heard Goldar behind him. Everything was circling and before Jason knew it the ground had rushed up to meet him. Goldar teleported himself, Jason, and Kat back up to the moon base laughing the whole way.

Kat sat there looking at Jason. I'm sorry Jason. Please forgive me. She silently said. "Good work my little kitty cat. Here's that medicine I had promised you." Rita said and placed a bowl in front of Kat. Kat started drinking the contents in the bowl. A few seconds later she was back in her human state. Rito and Goldar seized her arms. "Hey let go of me!" Kat yelled. "Katherine did you honestly think I was going to let you go? I said you had to bring the Gold Ranger to me and I would give you the antidote in return. I never said anything about you being able to leave. Now you can watch as I drain the Gold Ranger powers from Jason to add to my own." Rita cackled.

The next morning at Cornwall High School Tommy, Adam, Tanya and Rocky were walking down the hallways. "Guys this is too weird! I called the Scott's house this morning to ask Jason where he had been. Mrs. Scott said Jason didn't even come home last night. I hope he's all right." Tommy said quietly. "First Kat disappears, and now Jason? It's just too much of a coincidence. We had better be on the lookout. Who knows which one of us could be next." Tanya said. "Bells gonna ring. See you guys at lunch." Adam said. Tommy walked into his first class, English and realized that both Kat and Jason had this class. He knew he had better come up with an excuse for why neither of them was there. He noticed Bulk and Skull in the classroom. Along with a couple of others named Lisa Gerard and Peggy Walter who he kind of remembered from the other high school. Other then that everyone else had been going to this school before the earthquake. Tommy saw an open desk and sat down. Mrs. Kimble walked into the room and smiled. "I see there are a few new faces in here. I would like to extend a warm welcome to the students from Angel Grove High School. I am sure you will like our school. Now let me conduct roll." Halfway down the list she said, "Katherine Hillard? Is Katherine Hillard here today? OK." She continued down the list and got to Jason's name. "Jason Scott? Is Jason Scott here today?" When she was done with roll she stared at the list quizzically. Two students that were from Angel Grove High School weren't here strange. "OK class let's begin."

At the Moon Palace, Jason was being strapped to a device. He couldn't remember how he got there. He tried to pull his arm away but wasn't able too. He heard a voice above him and realized it was Lord Zedd. "Relax Jason. I will tell you what we are going to do. See Jason you have a great power, and well we want it. Unfortunately for you this is the only way we can get it. I am sure you will feel a lot of pain while this is happening." He laughed. Looking over at the tied up pink ranger he said, "Well you will have company. What is that earth proverb of yours? Misery loves company? Well in this case it does. Bye Jason." Zedd turned the machine on and Jason felt it right away. "I am so sorry Jason." Kat said quietly from her spot next to him. "Kat?" Jason asked while trying to turn his head to get a look at her. "Yeah Jase it's me. I'm sorry it was me who was transformed into a cat and scratched you. I had no choice Jason. I wish I didn't do it though." Kat said. And turned away when she heard Jason crying. "It's all right Kat we'll get out of here."

"Zordon I have gotten a lock on Katherine. Unfortunately we can't teleport her out of there. There is too much interference." Alpha informed Zordon. "ALPHA PLEASE CONTACT THE RANGERS AND TELEPORT TOMMY UP HERE ALSO." "Right away Zordon." Alpha hurried to do so. A few minutes later the other rangers plus Tommy came in. "Zordon have you found Jason and Kat?" Adam asked. "YES I HAVE ADAM. THEY ARE AS WE ORIGINALLY THOUGHT AT THE LUNAR PALACE. UNFORTUNATELY WE CANNOT TELEPORT THEM OUT." Zordon saw the shocked faces of the teenagers in front of him. "Can't you send us down Zordon?" Rocky asked. "I CAN'T SEND RANGERS THERE." Zordon looked down at Tommy. "BUT I CAN SEND NON RANGERS THERE. IT IS MUCH EASIER FOR NON RANGERS NOT TO BE DETECTED." "No way Zordon! Tommy has a broken hand! We can't send him there." David protested. "David there's no other choice. I will go." Tommy said. "TOMMY THINK THIS OVER. YOU WILL BE AT A DISADVANTAGE." "No Zordon I will do this." Tommy said. "ALL RIGHT TOMMY GET READY TO BE TELEPORTED THERE." Zordon said with some reluctance. Tommy turned around to see the scared looks from his friends. "I will be back guys don't worry. I'm ready Zordon." With that Tommy was teleported out of there to the destination where Alpha had been able to locate Kat. Tommy landed and looked around. He heard crying to a room on his left. He ran into the room and saw Katherine tied up. As soon as he got in there Lord Zedd appeared. "Tommy do you honestly think you will be able to save your friends? Without your powers you probably couldn't stop a flea." "Powers or no powers I will get my friends out of here." Tommy said. "Fine then fight me Tommy." Lord Zedd challenged. Tommy tried to fight Lord Zedd as best as he could. But it wasn't easy. He knocked Zedd down and started working on getting Kat loose. He was pulled away by Zedd. He fought Zedd some more, and noticed Kat was able to get the rest of herself free. She was hurrying over to help Jason. Tommy was fighting Lord Zedd as hard as he could. Lord Zedd got a strong kick in and Tommy fell backwards into the machine that had been stealing Jason's powers. Zedd seeing this yelled, "No!!!!!" Angered, he threw a bolt of energy at Tommy. Tommy fell to the ground hard. Katherine got a hold of Tommy and teleported herself, Tommy, and Jason out of there. When they arrived at the Power Chamber, Jason and Tommy fell to the ground nearly taking Kat with them. Alpha quickly scanned Jason. "Zordon they were draining the gold ranger powers, but somehow they were returned back to him." Alpha informed Zordon. "Tommy fell into the machine. He must have broken it." Kat stated. Alpha went over quickly to scan Tommy. "No serious damage. I would say they both need some rest and then they should be fine." Alpha went on to scan Kat. "Zordon I have detected a high dosage of Catophamelia in her blood." "KATHERINE WERE YOU CHANGED INTO A CAT WHILE THERE?" Zordon asked worriedly. "Yes I was Zordon. But I was given the antidote I thought." Kat said. "KAT DON'T WORRY THERE WILL BE A WAY TO FIX IT." Zordon then went and teleported three cots into the Power Chamber for the rangers to lay on. "KATHERINE PLEASE LAY DOWN ON THE COT." Adam and Rocky put Tommy and Jason on the other cots. Alpha went ahead and injected something into Kat. "There that should do it. Katherine you will need to sleep while this takes effect." Zordon turned to the other rangers. "RANGERS DO NOT WORRY THEY WILL ALL BE FINE. THEY JUST NEED SOME REST. THEY WILL BE BACK ON THEIR FEET VERY SOON I PROMISE YOU."

The next day Adam, David, Tanya and Rocky teleported up to the Power Chamber to see how the others were doing. They were happy to see not only were they awake but they were standing. " Don't you guys scare us like that again." David scolded mockingly. "Zordon are we free to go?" Jason asked. "YES JASON YOU THREE MAY LEAVE." Zordon answered. And everyone teleported out. Jason turned to Kat. "Kat can I talk to you?" "Sure Jase." "Kat I want to thank you for saving me. I know Tommy had teleported in but you were the one that got me free." Seeing that Kat was about to protest he went on. "Don't blame yourself. That spell was Rita and Zedd's fault not yours." "All right Jase. So you forgive me for scratching you while I was a cat?" "Yeah I do. Just don't do it again." He laughed. Then they both ran to catch up with the others.

The End. That is the end of the third story of this series. I hope you enjoyed it. Email me back at Willow@grrtech.com. Have a good New Year.