Author's note: I wrote the little thing at the beginning of the fic. It's how I feel about heroes. My hero for quite awhile was Eddy Guerrero. We all have them but they may not always be our heroes.
Suggested Reading: This is part 3 of my Gray Area series. I recommend you be familiar with the Defenders series and Power of Friendship.
Time frame: Right after Defenders 4 Revenge but before Aftermath.
By Dana
A hero can be anyone you want it to be But he/she is special and can do no wrong In your eyes, but when they do You have to realize we are all human -Dana Snyder June 23 2001.
Tommy lay down on his bed at home. He was still exhausted from using lightning on Goldar. But he needed to get off the ship for awhile. He could hear his mother talking to Cory about going over to a friend's house. "Cory it's after midnight. You can go over to Jamie's tomorrow."
"But I don't want to be here with him!" Cory yelled.
Tommy winced. 'If only I hadn't been so weak. I could have saved him instead of Jason.' He almost cried when he remembered how Zordon used to not let him go help his friends because he was too weak. But then there were times Zordon let him go anyway.
It must have been cold there in my
to never have sunlight on your face.
You've always been content to let me shine.
You've always walked one step behind.
When he came home with Cory, his mother hugged them both. But then Cory ran into his room without saying a word. He quickly explained the story to his mother who just nodded and said they'd talk about this in the morning. He just nodded and teleported back to the ship.
The ship just wasn't the place to be. Alexis, Roland, Dallas, and Zhane hadn't known Zordon very well. They only met him that day. Andros and Jason were as distraught as he was but he didn't feel like talking to them about it.
His mother and Cory stopped talking and the house was quiet. He sighed and tried to go to sleep. He was exhausted and yet he couldn't sleep. Today had been a nightmare for everyone. 'I can't believe I killed Goldar like that. Why didn't anyone tell me I could draw on lightning?' He wondered. But that wasn't what was bothering him.
Losing Zordon was. He had felt Zordon being destroyed. The others had thought he was still having problems after killing Goldar. He wasn't able to tell them what he had sensed because Zhane had ordered Jason to send him back up the ship.
He finally gave up on sleeping. He walked out the front door and sat on the porch. Even though it was past midnight it was still nice out. He just sat there staring at the sky. He glared up at the moon. It amazed him how many people feel a sense of calm looking at the moon. Ever since he was the Green Ranger, he had come to hate the inhabitants of the moon.
His thoughts went back to Zordon. He had always been there to offer guidance and to help him when his powers were either leaving him or killing him.
I was the one with all the glory,
while you were the one with all the strength,
only a face without a name,
and I never once heard you complain.
No, Zordon never really complained. Not to any of them anyway. He wasn't happy if one of his Rangers went when they shouldn't. That was usually Tommy. Although he didn't like it when Zordon told him he couldn't fight, he knew his mentor knew best. If he chose a hero, it would have to be Zordon.
Did you ever know that you're my
and everything that I'd like to be.
I can fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the Wind beneath my Wings.
You might have thought it went
but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth
That I would be nothing without you.
He hatred Petra right now more then ever. How could anyone kill Zordon? She was evil but she did it for revenge. She probably never noticed that she could have killed her own son at the same time.
Zordon had called Andros up to the Power Chamber because he was worried about Tommy. That idea made Tommy feel better somehow. Even when he wasn't Tommy's mentor any more, but he was concerned about him. That's what made Zordon so great. He had been a second father to him.
Did you ever know that you're my
and everything that I'd like to be.
I can fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the Wind beneath my Wings.
He heard someone come up behind him and saw his mother, Charlotte, standing there in a robe. "It's late Tommy."
"I know. I just couldn't sleep."
She sat down next to him. "Tommy I hope you didn't think I was mad at you earlier. I was just worried. You've always been a hero to him even though he didn't know you were a Defender. To find out you aren't perfect hurt him I would think."
"I was just thinking about Zordon."
"Your mentor when you were a Power Ranger?"
"Yeah. I was thinking of what he meant to me. Even though I wasn't under his command, he was worried about me according to Andros. You know that song Wind Beneath My Wings?" She nodded. "That's what it's like. That's what I think of when I think of Zordon. He was the wind beneath my wings."
"Tommy I've never met Zordon but from what you told me of him he seems to be very caring. I wish I had met him. I'd like to thank him for all that he did for you."
They sat in silence. "I'm going to go inside. You should come in soon too." Charlotte said.
"I will."
Tommy sat there for an hour more just listening to the silence of the night remembering his days as a Ranger under the command of his hero, Zordon.
The end
Hope you liked this fic. Some people know I lost my inspiration to write Power Ranger fics. But looks like I found it. Email me with comments at