Zordon is still at the command center, he was never replaced by Dimitria. Alpha Five is still there as well. Aisha was the first yellow Turbo Ranger.
Blade was made guardian of the Zeo powers when the Turbo Rangers were formed. The prologue takes place right after Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie.
The Return of Zeo
By Andre Coles
By Andre Coles
Part I
Power Chamber - Daytime
Tommy, Kat, Justin, Aisha, and Adam are with Blade in the Command Center. They, along with Zordon and Alpha, are about to go through with the ceremony. Blade doesn't really know why he's here.
Blade: So why am I here guys? Where's Rocky?
Tommy: Just listen, Blade. You'll find out.
Zordon: Blade, you were and are a great Power Ranger. But, because the Rangers have brand new Turbo Powers, there is no one to guard the Zeo Crystal. There is not enough power to create a sixth Turbo Ranger so...
Blade: Are you firing me or somethin'?
Zordon: On the contrary. Blade, because there are no more Zeo Rangers, I am bestowing permanently the Zeo Powers upon you. This is your Zeonizer.
Blade: Thank you, Zordon. But I've also made a decision. I'm retiring from active duty for a while.
Tommy: What?!
Blade: Listen, bro, you guys don't really need me now. You're more powerful than ever. But, I'll always wear my communicator. If you need me, just give me a beep.
Aisha: Are you sure?
Blade: Yeah, besides I wanna try and lead a normal life for a change. Be a normal guy.
Adam: Can't argue with that. Wish you the best of luck bro.
Blade: Thanks man. (To Kat) Sure you can be with an ordinary guy.
Kat: Trust me, you're no ordinary guy.
Justin: Here we go.
Blade and Kat start kissing. The alarm sounds.
Tommy: What is it Zordon?
Zordon: A monster has invaded Angel Grove.
Blade: Well, that's my cue. Good luck guys.
Blade teleports away.
One year later.
Divatox's Space Base - Daytime
Powerbot's burned, chared body has appeared in one of the scrap rooms and Elgar brought it up to Divatox.
Divatox: Elgar!
Elgar: Yes, Auntie D!
Divatox: What the HELL is this?!
Elgar: I don't know, looked like a monster, so I brought it up to ya.
Divatox reads the symbol on its stomach.
Divatox: Property of the Machine Empire! This belongs to those losers Mondo and Machina.
Porto: My Queen, he can be useful to us. These scematics show that when programmed he can use his enemies powers against them.
Divatox: Excellent. Rebuild him.
Porto puts him in the machine and he comes out as good as new.
Powerbot: I will destroy the rangers for you, my queen.
Divatox: You better, I don't except failure! Now go.
Angel Grove Gym and Juice Bar
The Rangers are drinking some sodas talking.
TJ: Man, that test was killer.
Cassie: I know. Especially number five.
Carlos: God, I hate school.
Ashley: I know. Especially midterms.
Justin: You guys are exaggerating, that test was easy.
TJ : Yeah, maybe for you.
TJ's communicator goes off. They go into a corner to answer it.
TJ: Yeah, Zordon?
Zordon: Come to the Command Center right away.
TJ: Right away.
They teleport away.
Power Chamber - Daytime
They arrive at the Power Chamber.
Carlos: What's wrong, Zordon?
Zordon: A fimiliar, but dangerous enemy has returned.
Ashley: Who is he?
Alpha: He's Powerbot. He's very dangerous.
Justin: We can handle 'em.
They morph into the Turbo Rangers and teleport away.
Angel Grove Square - Daytime
The Rangers are facing off with Powerbot.
TJ: It's time you go back to the scrapheap.
Powerbot: There was only one man who could defeat me, and he isn't here, so I'm going to destroy you.
Carlos: Let's get him.
They charge him and Powerbot cuts them down.
TJ: We can't quit!
They charge him again but Powerbot cuts them down.
Powerbot: Don't you see? You can't beat me.
Justin: Let's fry this creep!
TJ: No, let's get back to the Power Chamber!
Justin: Fine!
They teleport away.
Power Chamber - Nighttime
The Rangers are stressing over this setback.
Carlos: What are we going to do?!
Ashley: We're gettin beat like drums here.
Cassie: This is so frustrating.
Justin: Wait, you guys. Powerbot said something about one man beating him.
TJ: I do remember him saying that. Who was he talking about Zordon?
Zordon: Powerbot was defeated by Blade Oliver, the Zeo Ranger.
Alpha: Yes, Blade should be able to beat him again.
Carlos: But I thought the Turbo Powers were more powerful than the Zeo Crystal?
Zordon: Not more powerful, just different. Zeo is more powerful than all of you combined.
TJ: Is he still around?
Alpha: He should be. Let me try to contact him.
Blade's House - Nighttime
Blade and Kat are making out when his communcator goes off.
Kat: What's wrong?
Blade: It's my communicator.
Kat: What about it?
Blade: It just went off.
Part II
Kat: Are you serious?
Blade: Yeah.
Kat: You can't answer it. It was just about to get good.
Blade: I know, baby. What I want you to do is...
He kisses her.
Blade: ...Hold that thought, and I'll be right back.
Blade teleports away.
Power Chamber - Nighttime
Blade has just arrived at the Power Chamber
Blade: This better be important.
Zordon: It is. Powerbot's back and the Turbo Rangers can't stop him.
TJ: Hi. I'm TJ, the Red Ranger, and this is the team. Cassie the Pink Ranger.
Cassie: Hi.
TJ: Carlos, the Green Ranger.
Carlos: Yo.
TJ: Ashley, the Yellow Ranger.
Ashley: Hello.
TJ: And Justin, the Blue Ranger.
Blade: I know Justin.
Blade goes over and gives Justin a hand shake and a hug.
Blade: So, you've been holdin' down the fort while I've been away?
Justin: You know it, Blade.
TJ: Well, we need to get down to business.
The alarm sounds.
Blade: Well, I guess we don't have a choice.
They morph and teleport away.
Blade: Never thought I'd say this again. IT'S MORPHIN TIME! Zeo Power UP!
He Morphs and is whisked away.
Angel Grove Square - Daytime
Powerbot is scaring the citizens when the Turbo Rangers jump into action.
Powerbot: Back for more, eh?
TJ: Yeah, but we have a guest.
Justin: Introducing our Superhero guest star...
Blade flips in front of the Turbo Rangers.
Justin: ...Zeo.
Blade: We know each other, don't we, Powerbot.
Powerbot: All too well. Piranahtrons, attack!
Blade: You guys handle those thing. I'll get Powerbot.
The Turbo Rangers are handling the Piranahtrons while Blade is running towards Powerbot.
Blade: Time to get spanked.
They fight and Blade is completely obliterating Powerbot.
Blade: Zeo fireballs!
He hits him with the Zeo fire balls.
Blade: Zeo Power Punch!
He Zeo Power Punches him.
Blade: Zeo Power Kick!
He Zeo Power Kicks him.
Blade: Now to finish you! SUPER ZEO SMASHER!
His staff begins to glow. He twirls it around and he zaps Powerbot until he explodes.
Blade: So much for him.
Space Base - Space
Divatox: Fire the Torpedoes.
The Torpedos fire and Powerbot grows.
Downtown Angel Grove - Daytime
Powerbot is grown and tearing up the city.
Powerbot: I'm larger than life!
Turbo Rangers: We need Turbo Megazord Power, now!
The Turbo Megazord links up.
Powerbot: You think your toy is a match for me?
He knocks it on the ground.
Blade is down on the ground. He contacts Zordon.
Blade: Zordon, can you configure the Ultra Zeo Zord?
Zordon: Yes, Pyrimidas, the Super Zeo Megazord, and Windstarr are still online.
Blade: Great, assemble and send.
The Ultra Zeo Zord appears and Blade jumps inside.
Blade: Just like old times. Ultra Zeo Fireball!
It hits Powerbot and he is week.
Blade: Rangers, he's weak, let's fininsh him off.
TJ: Right! Turbo Megazord Spinout!
Blade: Ultra Zeo Zord Cyclone!
They combine them and Powerbot explodes.
Blade: Great job, Rangers!
Space Base - Space
Elgar: I'm sorry.
Divatox: SHUT UP!
Power Chamber - Nighttime
Blade is with the Turbo Rangers.
Zordon: Outstanding job, Blade.
TJ: Yeah, man, you really came thorough for us.
Blade: Thanks.
Justin: You sure you don't want to join up permanently?
Blade: I'm sure. But if something goes wrong, give me a call.
Blade teleports away.
Ashley: That is one great Ranger.