Kat and Blade were together from the Zeo storyline until about four years before Blade Finds His Humanity. Read Zeo if you're lost.
It gets a little steamy.
By Andre Coles
By Andre Coles
Blade's Office - Space Station
Blade is out of uniform packing a suitcase as Karone walks by and in shock, she enters the room.
Blade: Well, if it isn't our resident Green Lantern.
Karone: What are you doing?
Blade: I'm fighting Lord Zedd, what does it look like I'm doing?
Karone: Looks like your packing.
Blade: Exactly. I'm taking a vacation.
Karone: You? Get outta here.
Blade: Yeah.
Karone: Where you goin'? Triforia, Aquitar, Thundera?
Blade: No, Earth.
Karone disappears. Time passes and all of the Thundercats, Lightstar, Omega, Aquitian, and Turbo Rangers are standing outside of the room. Blade is annoyed.
Blade: Dammit! You act like you've never seen me take a vacation.
Colt: You haven't, and especially not to Earth.
Jason: Yeah, bro. You haven't been there in five years.
Billy: You sure you gonna be okay?
Blade: Yes. Computer, civilian clothing.
He is clothed in regular street clothes.
Blade: Look, unless Dark Parallax is getting ready to damn near kill you, don't call me. My communicator will be on, and Colt's in charge while I'm gone.
He teleports away.
Angel Grove Square - Daytime
Blade has just arrived in Angel Grove Square. He's getting his surroundings straight.
Blade: Damn. Things are almost exactly the same as when I lived here, well except for the Videophones.
He continues to walk as he bumps into Kat.
Blade: I'm sorry.
Kat: Watch where you're going.
They realize each other.
Blade: Kat? What are you doin here?
Kat: I'm off duty, wait, what are you doin here?! Am I in trouble?
Blade: No, actually I'm on vacation.
Kat: You?
Blade: Yeah, me. I was just about to go get a shake, you wanna come with?
Kat: I don't know.
Blade: Come on, we used to do that all the time.
Kat: But that's when we were dating.
Blade: Please?
Kat: Well, since you said please.
Blade: Cool. You won't regret this.
Blade's Office - Space Station
Colt is in Blade's Office whirling around in his chair.
Colt: Man, I wish I had chairs like this in my quarters. I feel like Al Gore.
Rick enters.
Colt: Rick?
Rick: Sir, we have a Quadrofighter attack on Edenoi. How do you wish to proceed?
Colt: Send some Mechs.
Rick: Yes, sir.
Mia comes in.
Mia: There's a monster on Phaedos.
Colt: Let's take the Omega Megazord and deal with it.
He leaves.
Blade's Office - Space Station
Colt has just returned from battle. He is tired and he returns to a filled office, who are all trying to get there problems in. Colt is frustrated.
Colt: Enough!
They are all quiet.
Colt: Now, we're gonna get a some order. I'm not Blade, but I'm as close as your gonna get so line up single file and one by one give me your problems.
They get in line. They only do what they've been told for about ten seconds, then it turns into complete chaos.
Angel Grove Gym and Juice Bar - Daytime
Kat and Blade are sitting and laughing.
Blade: I can't believe that. That's so funny, Tommy was such a clutz.
Bulk and Skull approach them.
Bulk: Blade, long time, no see.
Blade: Good. How's it goin?
Bulk: Can't complain.
Skull: I got the sodas.
Skull falls and spills them all over Bulk.
Bulk: Skull!
Bulk drags Skull away.
Blade: It's good to know some things never change.
Kat: It's getting late.
The Zeo Rangers run up on them.
Tommy: We've got a monster situation downtown. Blade, what are you doing here?
Blade: Vacation.
Rocky: You comin?
Kat: Yeah. Blade you can wait here if you want.
Blade: Na. I'll come with.
Adam: Well, this should be easy, then.
They go to a corner to morph.
Tommy: It's Morphin Time!
Kat: Zeo Ranger 1! Pink!
Aisha: Zeo Ranger 2! Yellow!
Rocky: Zeo Ranger 3! Blue!
Adam: Zeo Ranger 4! Green!
Tommy: Zeo Ranger 5! Red!
Blade: Parallax! Power Up!
Downtown Angel Grove - Nighttime
They are fighting the monster the Zeo Rangers aren't having any luck.
Monster: Now, Rangers, I will destroy you.
Blade: Guess again.
With a wave of his hand, the monster is destroyed.
Adam: Amazing! No matter how many time I see it...
Blade: Thanks.
They demorph.
Tommy: So much for that. Kat, we're gonna go home and get some rest.
Kat: Okay. I'l walk home with Blade.
Kat's House - Nighttime
Blade: So you own the house now?
Kat: Yeah, my parents died during the Reckoning.
Blade: I know how that feel. Mine did, too.
Kat: But they're always with us.
Blade: I know. Thanks for a great time Kat.
Kat begins to cry.
Kat: Please don't do this!
She slams the door.
Blade: What the?
Blade goes straight through the closed front door. Kat is on the couch crying really badly. She sees him and quickly tries to wipe her tears.
Kat: How'd you get in here? The door was closed.
Blade: Being damn near all powerful has it's advantages. Don't do what?
Kat: When I broke up with you it hurt, it really hurt.
Blade: It hurt me, too.
Kat: But the thing was, you were so cold, I didn't feel like I was breaking up with Blade Oliver. I broke up with Parallax. Now, Blade is back, and it's making me realize that...that.
Blade: What?
Kat: I love you, Blade.
Blade: I love you, too.
Kat: Really?
Blade: Never stopped. Come here, don't cry.
He hugs her. She looks up at him and they begin kissing. Kat pulls away. Her tears are gone. She purrs and signals Blade to come upstairs. He flies upstairs and kisses her deeply again. They go in the room and the door closes.
Kat's Bedroom - Sunrise
Kat and Blade are laying (cuddling) in bed together with the blankets covering them watching the sunrise.
Kat: Watching the sunrise is so beautiful.
Blade: Even more beautiful when I'm with you.
Kat: Aww!
They kiss.
Kat: I love you so much.
Blade: I love you, too. And this sunrise is the first of many for us, the first of many.
He tickles her. She hits him with a pillow, then she gets on top of him.
[The rest is up to your imagination.]