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<h5><center> Paradise Horizon<BR> By Lamont Christopher Doyle Stewart </center></h5>

<P> Lamont did not find the Dodo bird on the first planet he went to, so he reactivated the vortex, and went in it. He was traveling to the next dimension, when he was stopped in the middle of the wormhole. He said, "What's happening here?" <P>That is when he heard a voice, which said, "You have been chosen for a special assignment." <P>Lamont said, "Huh, what?" <P>The voice said, "We have been monitoring you and some others for quite some time now. We monitor anybody who has access to power. We first noticed you when you activated the Dragonzord Power Coin a while ago." <P>Lamont said, "I'm glad that you think I can help, but I have a mission to complete." <P>The voice said, "You will get back in plenty of time to stop the aliens, and find the Dodo to give them. However, all you have gone through so far, starting with the coin's activation has been a test. Your work with the Lightstar Rangers, and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were preparation. Not to mention your leadership of the L-team now, and branch of the Railroaders." <P>Lamont said, "So everything I have gone through has been training for this thing I'm about to do?" <P>The voice said, "Yes, and in fact, this will be training for some future events in your life. You have been through a great deal. You're not even in your own time period, and you can't return to your time until 1996. Not to mention you're a nineteen year old trapped in your thirteen year old body." <P>Lamont said, "I'm glad you think that I could be helpful, but I'm sure that there are others better for this job then I am." <P>The voice said, "Oh, there are. We have chosen others for this mission too. You were our last choice." <P>Lamont said to himself, "I was picked last. Oh man, not again." <P>The voice said, "Just because you were picked last, doesn't mean that you won't be important to this mission. In fact, you are one of the smartest of the people we picked for the mission. We have picked these people because each of them will provide something to it. No one person is that much powerful then the others. This will test your Courage, Power, and Wisdom. Not to mention test theirs too." <P>Lamont said, "I will get back to my own Earth in time to stop it from destruction right?" <P>The voice said, "Yes, your time, will be going more slowly until this mission is over. However, first you must go through one more test." <P>Lamont suddenly appeared on a planet, and in front of him was the first monster he ever faced. The monster said, "I am Reversaeonator, and revenge will be mine. I will reverse you back into a sperm and an egg." <P>Lamont said, "First you will have to catch me, pal. It's L-team time!" He held his ring in the air and said, "Knight!" <P>He transformed into his L-team Ranger outfit, and started to battle Reversaeonator. After a five-minute battle, he pulled out his sword, and sliced the monster in half. <P>KA-BOOM! <P>Lamont demorphed back to his normal self, when the strange voice returned and said, "Excellent, I knew you were smart. You are now ready for our mission. Step into the vortex." <P>A vortex opened, and Lamont stepped inside, not knowing what was in store for him.<P> <CENTER><I>To be continued in the "Paradise Horizon" saga under <A HREF="allstars.html">The All-Stars</A>.</I></CENTER><P><p>>Next t"º