Adam Pearlman <> Power Rangers and all related characters are the property of Saban Entertainment. S Club 7 and all of their songs are the property of S Club Ltd and 19 Management. I am not a member of S Club 7 although I wish I could have been. (I also wish I were six foot and really good-looking, but ah well). My character is my property and can be used without my permission, but if you could ask I'd be grateful. The Night Rangers characters are the property of John Chubb. Also any criticism good or bad is welcome, you can contact me at Also I've brought in the Time Force Rangers and given Kim and Wes a family connection of cousins.

By: Adam Pearlman

It was night in Angel Grove and while most inhabitants slept, in the nearby mountains however there is a massive building that serves as the command post of the Power Rangers. Inside resides their mentor Zordon and on this night he meditated on recent events.

"It has been a rough and hectic few weeks, with Adam's death a month ago I was certain that this would do more damage to the Rangers than any monster attack could. I am pleased to say I was wrong, after a brief period of two weeks the Rangers soon found their fighting spirit and were ready for battle. It couldn't have come a moment too soon as the Psycho Rangers returned in force and more powerful than before. Previously they were as strong as an individual Ranger, but now it is as if they have tapped directly into the evil that exist in the universe and are using it to cause mayhem and chaos. The Night Rangers who have been assisting us for the past few months have returned home to deal with some problems of their own. I wish them luck and hope they return soon. I thought I was solving problems when my energy tube was shattered, instead I lived and was shown vision of a future that must not come to pass" For a second Zordon felt his resolve weaken and then it strengthened again and he thought. "No, it will not come to pass, I will not allow it".

As Zordon contemplated the past, present and the future another figure watches one of his charges as they sleep. If Zordon were aware of his presence he wasn't concerned, for the figure is only there in spirit unable to touch or do anything else, but watches the girl before him. Tonight as so many nights in the last four weeks the spirit is watching his girlfriend, fiancée and the mother of his unborn child.

As he watches the girl starts to shake and then she cries out in her sleep and with a start Rachel comes awake with one word on her lips. "Adam!". Looking around she shakes her head softly in despair. Even though she is slowly coming to terms with the fact that the love of her life is gone, she still feels his presence and in the last few days more than ever. Laying back down on the pillow Rachel starts to cry softly as she eventually falls back to sleep.

With a twinge of anguish the spirit of Adam Pearlman leaves the room and returns to the spirit realm that he has resided in since his death. As always when he returns there is someone waiting for him. "Welcome home and how is Earth?" The figure asks cheerfully.

"It's fine, thanks for asking" Adam says sadly.

For a second Adam takes a long look at the man before him. Dressed in a plain robe of white, his hair is all over the place but it is the kindness in the eyes of him.

"I merely wanted to know if Rachel was okay" the man asked.

"She's fine, but I think she might be sensing me there" Adam said.

"Perhaps who can know for sure, her telepathy may be picking you up. It is possible she is merely dreaming she senses your presence," the man said.

"Isn't there something I can do" I asked.

"What do you mean?" the man asked.

"I mean like, communicate with her" I asked.

"Absolutley not, that is one of the highest rules up here that no dead person can communicate with another living person again" the man said.

"I was only asking" I said sarcastically.

"See that is all it is" the man said.

"Look I appreciate I'm dead, but I feel like there is unfinished business on Earth for me and I want to finish it" I said.

The man hesitated and then said. "There is a way to go back for an hour to complete any business you haven't finished, but it is risky and it's only done if absolutely necessary. Also there is a way to go back permanently, but the spirits don't do that".

"Why not? What do I have to do?" I asked excitedly.

"It's not what you have to do, it's what someone else has to do. Someone would have to sacrifice his or her life for you to come back" the man said.

"No way, if that's the price then I don't want to go back. These are my friends and while I hope I'd be strong enough to sacrifice myself for them, I can't ask them to do the same for myself" I said quietly.

"You say those words, but it isn't your choice, if one of your friends chose to make the supreme sacrifice then it would be" the man said.

Then the man left Adam to think about the future now lost to him.

Back on Earth the following morning four members of the Turbo Rangers gathered along with the Phantom Ranger, an Astro Ranger and a Morphin Ranger.

"Did anyone else have a bad nights sleep" Jon moaned.

"A little, I had to hide my bruises from Lee last night and I spent most of the night tossing and turning" Jo said.

"Well, I know someone who didn't have to hide their bruises from their other half" Tina said smiling.

The object of her words looks over and offers a smile of her own. "In case you're wondering Ryan was the perfect gentleman and he slept on the couch" Hannah said.

"We never suggested anything" Paul said innocently.

"I know, I was just checking" Hannah said cheekily.

"It's smart not to get to close" Rachel said quietly.

The other S Clubbers turned and looked in her direction slightly surprised, as it wasn't often that Rachel spoke these days. "What do you mean Rachel?" Hannah asked.

"Getting into a relationship will bring nothing but heartbreak in the end and you shouldn't get involved with someone" Rachel stated.

"Isn't that awfully negative Rach?" Bradley asked.

"Yeah, I mean I know you're hurting, but there is no guarantee that the same thing that happened to Adam will happen to Ryan or me" Hannah said.

"You don't know that, you are both Rangers and for all you know tomorrow you could be dead" Rachel said harshly.

Hannah stood up and was about to shout a reply when their communicator's beeped and Tina quickly answered. "This is Tina what's wrong?"

"Ay, Yi. Yi. Yi. Tina the Psycho Rangers are in downtown Angel Grove and they are causing chaos. I've already contacted the other Rangers and you are the last. Zordon wants you to morph and teleport there at once" Alpha Five said.

"Alpha we can't we're in the middle of something and we're due on set in five minutes" Jon said.

"Rangers this is Zordon, I understand but get here as soon as you can" Zordon asked.

"We'll be there as soon as we can" Paul replied.

As the S Clubbers did another performance for the cameras the other Rangers battled the Psycho Rangers.

With a thud the Gold Morphin Ranger landed hard on the floor. Taking a breath for a moment Emily looked up to see the Gold Zeo Ranger battling hard with the Gold Psycho Ranger.

"You know we could go at this all day" Bulk commented.

"Somehow I doubt it, the Triforian should have chosen a more suitable successor. Someone who can actually fight and isn't so fat" the Psycho Gold sneered.

Before the Psycho Gold could say another word she was hurled off her feet and landed in a heap. Bulk turned and gave a thumbs up to the Gold Morphin Ranger who held in her hand her laser pistol. Looking over at the Psycho Ranger Bulk said. "I may be fat and can't fight that well, but at least I'm not stupid".

Then the Psycho Ranger was back on her feet and attacked the two Gold Ranger with more fury.

Across the battlefield Rangers of the same colour battled their Psycho counterparts and while the Psycho's were outnumbered they still found that they were in a superior position.

Tommy fought valiantly with his Psycho counterpart and was able to match the evildoer blow for blow.

"Give it up we're too evenly matched" Tommy yelled.

"Perhaps and I have to say it is a real challenge battling a foe such as yourself. Why not join me?" Psycho White asked.

"Sorry, I'm not evil" Tommy answered quickly.

"From what I heard you're great as an evil being. I hear you were brilliant" Psycho White said.

As he said that Tommy felt a cold rage burn with him and the anger he felt at the actions that he had done as a result of the Emperor's manipulations for the last several months boiled to the surface and with increasing venom he attacked Psycho White.

Across the battlefield the Rangers continued to fight their Psycho counterparts and in some cases while their numbers were more the Rangers still found they were being beaten and then suddenly the Psycho's teleported away leaving some very confused Rangers to wonder what the hell was going on.

"Was it something we said?" Leo asked.

"Probably, from what I could see it wasn't anything we were doing" Skull replied.

"Let's get back to the Power Chamber and see if Zordon knows anything" Tommy commanded.

With that the Rangers teleported back to the Power Chamber. Meanwhile the Psycho's reappeared inside the Emperor's castle. When they had done so Psycho Red punched the wall and snarled. "What the hell are you playing at Devastator?"

"I am merely following orders Psycho Red and you would do well to remember who I am. The Emperor commands that you leave the field of battle and you do it. If he orders you to return soon you do so, you do not question him," Devastator said.

"The Emperor is still recovering from his battle with the White Ranger and he's hardly on the cover of Sanity magazine at the moment" Psycho Red said.

Devastator reached out and before anyone could stop him he grabbed the throat of Psycho Red who struggled in his grip. "You would do well to remember that I am more powerful than you, despite your spirits of evil. The Emperor commands that you wait for an hour and then you attack again". Squeezing a little tighter Devastator finished. "Are we clear?"

Psycho Red nodded and then he fell to the floor gasping for breath as Devastator left the room.

Finding a quiet corner Devastator stopped and in his mind he could hear the voice of Carter Grayson. "'Wow, you're really tough, you can beat up a Psycho but you can't silence my voice anymore.

Devastator replied within his mind. "It doesn't matter whether you speak or not. With you trapped in my mind there is nothing you can do but watch as we destroy another universe. I think I will have a few minutes alone with my guest".

Even as Devastator said that the part of him that was Carter screamed in frustration as he tried to find a way to escape or take control.

Back at the Power Chamber many of the Rangers collapsed from frustration and exhaustion.

"Man talk about early risers, those Psycho's obviously like early mornings" Justin complained.

"Tell me about it, I like workouts to start the day, but this is ridiculous" Chris said in agreement.

"Yeah right, Chris you're one of the most difficult people I know who has trouble in getting out of bed" Tanya said.

At that Chris blushed and several Rangers chuckled.

"While we're on the subject of people getting up, where were the other Turbo's?" Tommy asked.

"They were at a television studio and due to perform and couldn't get away as easily as you" Zordon explained.

"I know they have a career which is in front of the cameras, but we sure could have used them" Alison said.

"I think they're a little reluctant to get into battles at the moment" Ryan said.

"Why?" Chad asked.

"Just impressions I've been getting from spending time with Hannah" Ryan said.

"You've been spending time with Hannah" Dana interrupted and raising an eyebrow in question.

Ryan smiled and then said. "We've been spending a lot of time together in the last month. I get the feeling they all thought of this as some sort of game and then Adam died and suddenly it's hitting home that this a serious business".

"Agreed, I've had the chance to spend time with Brad as he's now the White Astro Ranger and he did seem to not be taking this totally serious" TJ added.

"Rangers, you must remember that they have only been Rangers for a short time while most of you have had several years experience, they will be fine in time. Now I suggest you go home and get some rest," Zordon said.

"And some sleep" Justin added to chuckles from the others.

Teleporting out Zordon was left alone with Zedd and Alpha. Looking at Alpha Zordon said. "Alpha contact Ms. Fairweather I think it is time we returned to work on the Ultimate project".

"Ay, Yi. Yi. Are you sure Zordon?" Alpha asked.

"Yes, I believe that project may be the key in turning the battle with the Psycho's in our favour. I had intended for Adam to be the recipient of these powers, but in the circumstances I must begin a search for a suitable candidate" Zordon said.

Alpha didn't reply and instead set to work as Zordon had requested. Meanwhile Ryan having returned home had sat on his bed and instead of trying to rest his thoughts had to turned to that of Hannah and how she and he had become closer.

He remembered it clearly, it had been less than twenty-four hours since Adam's death and most of the Rangers were still in shock. Dana had told everyone that Rachel was in a fragile state and needed some space. The Rangers had mixed trying to come to terms with this, but it was the Pink Turbo Ranger who had caught his eye. Going over he had hesitated at first before speaking. "How are you doing?"

Ryan clearly remembered the look on her face and the expression and he still grimaced at his opening remark.

"How am I feeling?" She had said. "I feel like someone has just reached over and punched me in the chest".

"I'm sorry it was a stupid question. I didn't really know Adam that well, but you and some of the others have known him for a few years or so" Ryan said.

"No I should apologise, you were only asking the question everyone asks at times like these" Hannah said.

"Look, perhaps we can talk more in private and I won't ask such dumb questions" Ryan asked.

Hannah had nodded and later that day the two of them had met up and talked for a good few hours. After that the two of them met almost every night for a week and then several times more before the two realised that they weren't seeing each other to come to terms with the death of a friend, but because they liked each other.

Ryan's thoughts were returned to the present abruptly by a knocking at his door and he looked up to see his father stood there.

"Ryan the Psycho Rangers have returned and are causing destruction in Mariner Bay you're needed" Captain Mitchell said.

"Typical, so much for getting some rest. Titanium Power" Ryan called out.

With that Ryan teleported out and arrived moments later in Mariner Bay. As he arrived he saw most of the Rangers were already there in pitched battle with the Psycho's including Hannah and his heart skipped a beat. He didn't have chance to do more as the Silver Psycho turned his attention to him and Ryan stepped into a defensive stance.

"Ah Titanium Ranger are you ready to die?" Psycho Silver cackled.

"Pretty confident for someone who is outnumbered by three to one" Zhane muttered.

"And you're too cocky Silver Astro. It's not the numbers but who the person is and what skill they have" Psycho Silver retorted.

Before another word could be said Psycho Silver was hit by a stream of energy from Rachel's bladeblaster and she said. "You know I'm beginning to feel slightly annoyed and if you boys don't stop these acts of testosterone I'm going to really kick some ass".

Zhane started to laugh at that and even under his helmet Ryan smiled. Psycho Silver who was staggering against the barrage of energy suddenly stopped and started to walk towards Rachel as the stream of energy got shorter and so did the distance.

"If you are so insistent on getting involved woman then you will be the first to die" Psycho Silver snarled.

"I don't think so, Zhane ready" Ryan shouted.

Zhane nodded and in his hand appeared his Super Silveriser and he jumped into the air and struck the Psycho with full force. Even as the Psycho staggered Ryan yelled out. "Metallic Armour power up". Ryan felt the pure energy of his morphin gem coarse through him and then he pulled out his Titanium Laser and fired concentrated streams of energy at the Psycho who collapsed back to the floor before the Psycho teleported away.

The three Silver Rangers regrouped and shared a high five. "Good teamwork guys" Rachel said.

"Hey, if you hadn't wound the Psycho up we wouldn't have been able to beat him. Nice distraction" Zhane said.

"Who was distracting him? I was getting bored of all you Ranger guys and your display of testosterone," Rachel said lightly.

Before another word could be said there was a sudden blast of energy and when the dust had cleared Rachel was alone and Ryan and Zhane were nowhere to be seen.

As Rachel hurriedly looked around for the two Silver Rangers similar events occurred all over Mariner Bay. Where Psycho Blue fought Billy, Rocky, Justin, TJ, Kai and Chad only Chad, Rocky and TJ remained. Of the Red Rangers Leo and Tina were the only two remaining. Zack was the only Black Ranger unaccounted for as where Ashley, Jo and Kelsey of the Yellow Rangers. Hannah, Kim and Kendrix were still here but the other Pink Rangers were gone. Joel, Paul and Chris were also missing as where Bulk, Bradley and Karone. The disappearance had left the remaining Rangers very confused.

"Rangers this is Zordon, please return to the Power Chamber at once" Zordon said over the remaining Rangers communicators.

Without hesitation they teleported away back to the Power Chamber. As they did so unobserved by anyone else the spirit of Adam Pearlman watched.

"I hate this, I can see what's happening and I can't do a thing to stop it" I said.

The man said. "Do not worry these events will turn out okay".

"I don't suppose you'd be willing to tell me what's actually going to happen" I asked.

"You know I can't actually do that" the man replied.

"Just checking, look this one hour thing you mentioned is it possible for me to go back" I asked.

"Look I've told you that things turn out okay" the man insisted.

"I know, but I would like to go back I just feel that it's time for me to go back for an hour and help them out" I asked.

"Very well, I will consult with others and decide if you can back at this time" the man said before walking off.

Back inside the Power Chamber Alpha was running scans for the missing Rangers.

"Zordon there has to be something we can do" Tina asked.

"Until we find the other Rangers location we can do nothing Tina. As a leader you must remain patient and be calm" Zordon said.

"I know Zordon, it's just frustrating to know that our friends are out there somewhere" Tina said.

"We'll find them" Skull stated.

"How can you be so calm" Leo asked.

"I'm just trying to be rational, we can't let our emotions run our lives at this moment, we have to be totally logical" Skull said.

Kim looked over at Trini and said. "Who'd have thought we'd be hearing Skull of all people counsel us on patience".

"It is pretty ironic considering what sort of a person we knew him to be" Trini said in agreement.

While the others worked to find their friends Rachel felt a sudden burst of fear which was almost immediately silenced and Rachel looked around for the source. As she looked around the Chamber her eyes came to rest upon the Purple Astro Ranger and Rachel slowly walked over to the girl. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Alison snapped.

"Are you forgetting I'm a telepath, I can tell when you're lying" Rachel said patiently.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have snapped. It's.. well its going to sound strange, but since I discovered the fact that I'm a twin when Ashley has been in a situation and somehow I've sensed her emotions and I just felt something now which wasn't particularly pleasant" Alison answered.

"What did you feel?" Rachel asked.

"Fear, I don't know where they are, but Ashley is scared" Alison said.

"Don't worry we'll find them" Rachel said supportively.

"I guess so, this twin thing can be a blessing and a curse at times. At least I know if she is in danger or something. The curse is the fact that we finish each others sentences sometimes," Alison said.

"Must be annoying for the person you are talking to?" Rachel asked.

Offering an amused grin Alison answered. "You have no idea how much".

Inside an enormous cavern the captured Rangers struggled in their bonds.

"Struggle all you want Rangers you cannot escape" Devastator said.

"That's what you think, but we won't stop trying" Dana snarled at him.

Devastator laughed and stepped towards the Pink Lightspeed Ranger and cupped her head in his hand and said. "Ah my dear sweet Dana, how much fire is there in you. Your counterpart had much the same, but by the time I had finished with her the fire had gone out and well so had most of her brain cells".

Dana didn't speak and instead spat straight into Devastators face. Devastator laughed and then struck the girl across her face. There were two shouts as that happened one was from the also bound Carter and the other was from deep within Devastator and much to his own horror it was getting louder and stronger.

Grimacing as he tried to silence the voice Devastator turned and left the cavern and staggered back into what he used for his quarters and then he heard the voice again. "You thought that I would give up, I'm getting stronger and then I'll take control of your body and take my revenge" the voice of Carter Grayson said.

Devastator screamed in frustration as he felt the links connecting him to the alternate version of the Red Lightspeed Ranger start to break down and control return to the human.

While Devastator struggled to maintain control of his body the captured Rangers assessed their situation.

"Dana are you okay?" Carter asked concerned.

"I'm fine, he didn't really hurt me it was like there was no strength there" Dana replied.

"Good he's hurt you already too much" Carter said.

"Guys, I love romance as much as the next person, but can we please focus on the situation at hand," Carlos said.

Trying hard not to laugh Tommy spoke up. "Can anyone figure a way of out of these chains"?

"I've been examining them and they seem pretty solid. Perhaps if there is a missing link or something we can find a way out. Also getting a key might be handy" Billy answered.

"Anyone see a key?" Kelsey asked.

"Yeah they're going to leave one just lying around like that" Jo answered sarcastically.

"Actually there is a key, it's over there" Karone answered.

Every Ranger looked over to see a key hanging on the opposite wall.

"A fat lot of good it does us over there, when we're over here" Paul said.

"Come on guys, if one of us can find a way to get free then we can get to the key and get us all out of here" Andros said.

As he said that there was a renewed struggle to find a way to escape from the chains.

Inside the nexus a figure cloaked in shadows and surrounded by machinery watched the Rangers struggle as he did Devastator and then he spoke his voice a mere whisper. "Darkonda!"

Darkonda who was stood nearby moved closer and said. "Yes my lord".

"It is as I feared my hold over Devastator is slipping and soon Carter Grayson will take control of his body" the figure said.

"It will not happen, if he shows the slightest sign of betrayal I will kill him for you Emperor" Darkonda suggested.

"Good, send the Psycho's out again, I want them to capture the Silver Morphin Ranger and bring her before me. I want the last thing she sees before she dies is the face of the man who killed her lover," The Emperor said.

"As you command, so shall it be" Darkonda said.

With that Darkonda disappeared leaving the Emperor alone to the ministrations of the machinery around him.

Inside the Power Chamber the remainder of the Rangers attempted to find their missing friends when the alarms went off.

"Guess we can stop looking for the Psycho's now?" Chad asked.

"It seems that way, we should go out there and ask them where our friends are?" Kendrix said.

"You were planning on asking them?" Tanya asked in slight disbelief.

"No, I was planning on beating some answers out of them" Kendrix said.

Leo looked on surprised at the sudden shift in attitude from his normally peaceful girlfriend.

"Whatever, look lets do this" Tina said.

"Tina's right, let's get our friends back" Rachel agreed.

"Back to action" Leo called out.

The Rangers quickly teleported back to the city ready to fight.

"Oh look here comes the Power Rangers, I'm so scared" Psycho Red said.

"You know for someone who is about to get their butt kicked you are awfully confident" Skull announced.

"Take a look around, you're not exactly in much of a position to beat us" Psycho White said.

"There may be less of us, but we can still take you guys" TJ replied.

"That we will see. Get them" Psycho Green shouted.

"Gee are all you villains can't come up with an original line or two can you" Jon said.

Before there was a reply the Psycho Black attacked the Phantom Ranger who dived out of the way of the charge and came back with a spinning heel kick to knock the Psycho away.

All over the area Rangers fought Psycho Rangers and once again the Psycho's had the upper hand. Several of the Rangers regrouped and gathered their breath.

"TJ, we're in trouble," Carlos said.

"You think!" TJ answered with a measure of sarcasm in his voice.

"We have to think of something our friends are depending on us to rescue them" Emily said.

"Well I guess they're in real trouble then" Rocky answered.

"Rocky that's not funny" Kim said.

"I know and I wasn't trying to be. We need to turn this situation around quickly or we're finished" Rocky replied.

"Time to call on our weapons" Leo said.

Everyone nodded and from across the battlefield each Power Ranger produced their weapon and in retaliation the Psycho's did the same matching the Rangers once again moves for move.

After a short while the Rangers regrouped with one exception.

"Hey we're short one Silver Morphin Ranger" Tina cried out.

"Looking for someone Rangers" Psycho Silver sneered.

The Rangers looked up to see Rachel struggling in the hands of the Silver Psycho Ranger.

"Hey let her go?" Jon cried.

"Not a chance, this bitch is coming with us" Psycho Red sneered.

"I don't think so creep" Rachel cried out.

Rachel glanced over at Tina who nodded in understand and then reaching out with her telepathic powers as she had never done before and attempted to take control of the Psycho Rangers minds. As she touched their minds she felt their minds resist and then strike back and the feedback caused her to scream out in pain and slump into unconsciousness.

Before anyone could do another thing the Psycho's teleported away with the unconscious Silver Ranger.

Letting frustration get the better of her Tina slammed her fist into the pavement causing it to crack.

"Yeah, that's the way beat up the helpless pavement" Alison said sarcastically.

"Why don't you shut up?" Hannah snarled.

"Guys, now is not the time to be at each others throats, we need to focus" TJ said trying to maintain some sense of order.

"TJ is right, we need to get back to the Power Chamber and come up with a plan" Trini said.

Reluctantly Tina agreed and they teleported away. Back inside the cavern the Psycho Rangers deposited the unconscious Rachel in chains and left as quickly as they had arrived. All except one that is.

Psycho Silver stood before the Silver Ranger and looked scornfully at her. "You're pathetic, you and the other Silver Rangers where hardly worth my time. If your boyfriend were still around I wouldn't have minded facing him. You see the Emperor programmed me to face him as well, not thinking he would give up the Silver Power coin. Instead he did and I had to face you a pathetic female, the joke of the Astro Rangers and the supposedly mighty Titanium Ranger" Psycho Silver snarled.

"Hey I resent being called a joke" Zhane cried out.

"You want to know what a joke is" a voice said.

Psycho Silver turned his back to the now conscious Rachel who continued. "You and the rest of the Psycho's. You're all one big joke, you think the Emperor won't get rid of you once he conquers everything he wants".

"You lie, the Emperor knows how valuable we are to his cause, he wouldn't risk destroying us" Psycho Silver protested.

"Oh no, together the ten of you are so powerful that you could probably overthrow him and take over his empire" Rachel explained.

"So what, I like my job the way it is," Psycho Silver, said.

"The point she is trying to make is that the Emperor knows how powerful you are and knows that you aren't trustworthy. If I were him I'd get rid of the biggest threat to my power as soon as possible" Jo explained.

"She's right you know. Why don't you make a move against him, think about it you could have all the power and all the glory. You want a worthy opponent, well what about the Emperor who believes he is untouchable" Rachel finished.

"You are trying to trick me" Psycho Silver said before teleporting away.

"Rachel are you just crazy or what?" Jason asked.

"No, I'm just doing what Adam taught me about being a Ranger" Rachel said.

"What was that?" Ashley asked.

"If in this situation always try and pit your enemies against each other. If they're fighting each other then there is less chance of them attacking you" Rachel said.

"Sound strategy, but it still doesn't help us in our current situation" Tommy said.

"Yes, it does, because I've got a plan" Rachel said with a hint of a smirk on her face.

Meanwhile unobserved by everyone the spirit of Adam Pearlman had become totally restless. "Have they decided to allow me to go back for one hour?"

"They are still deliberating whether or not to allow you" the man said.

"Tell them that unless they want a very pissed off spirit to kick their asses, they had better send me back now. I can't watch anymore" Adam insisted.

"That will work, don't antagonise them" the man said.

"Tell them that I have to go back. If there is any hint of compassion in their spirit then they'd understand what it means to be helpless when your friends and loved ones are in danger" Adam pleaded.

At that the man smiled and Adam knew a decision had been made.

Back inside the Power Chamber.

"Well if everything has gone to plan Rachel should have filled them in on our idea" Tina said.

"You hope!" Chad said quietly.

"It will work, Rachel has never let us down before" Jon said.

"That's if her brain wasn't fried from the telepathic attack" Emily said.

"Stop being negative, this idea will work" TJ said.

Meanwhile in a lower level of the Power Chamber is a room that is hardly ever used. Inside there are two occupants, one is Michael Corbett the former Magna Defender who died some months earlier. The other is Adam Pearlman a more recent tenant of this room. Except for Alpha some weeks earlier there has been no movement in this room since then. Until now.

Back in the main Chamber the Rangers are so busy discussing what to do next and greet the Night Rangers that they don't notice a light flashing on the console and then stop.

"Rangers I've done it" An excited Ms. Fairweather cried out.

"Done what" Kincaid demanded.

"Finished the White Ultimate Morpher" Ms. Fairweather said.

Several of the Rangers shared looks and Kim spoke. "Ultimate Morpher what are you talking about?"

"Zordon asked me to assist him on creating a new Ranger that possessed elements of several different powers. The Morpher was intended for Adam, but with his death we stopped the project. Now we've started again and intending to find a suitable candidate" Ms. Fairweather said.

"What sort of person are you looking for?" Rocky asked.

"Someone who can handle the amount of power" Zedd said.

"Then it should be someone who has been a Ranger before" Carlos said.

"What are you suggesting?" TJ asked.

"One of us should give up our powers to someone else and take the Ultimate Morpher" Carlos said.

"It's a good idea, a new person who hasn't ever used the power could be overwhelmed and we could be creating a new enemy rather than ally" Kincaid said.

"Agreed, Kincaid I know you are of another reality and already hold considerable power but.." Zordon started to say.

"You don't need to look for someone suitable, I'm your man" a voice interrupted.

Everyone turned at the sound of the voice and stopped and stared in shock at the figure standing before them. It was a few minutes before Kim said. "Adam!"

"In the flesh!" I said.

"Oh my god" Kim said.

Saying that she raced over to were I was stood and almost hesitantly touched me.

"I'm real if that's what you're thinking" I said sarcastically.

"Adam it is good to see you, I assume the powers that be have allowed you to return" Zordon asked.

As I nodded Alison said. "Powers that be?"

"Yes, in my universe and in this one there are beings who are for a lack of a better term guardians of life and death. They have the power to return someone to life after they have died if one-person sacrifice's their life for the dead one. But I've never heard of someone coming back without the offer of sacrifice" Kincaid explained.

"There is a rule, that someone can go back for one hour and do what is needed. I insisted that I be allowed to do so" I said.

"Does that mean in one hour you'll" Tina left her question unfinished.

"Yes, in one hour my spirit will return to the great beyond and my body will cease to function. So we don't have a lot of time," I said.

"Well, then lets get to work" Jen suggested.

"Indeed, now this plan of Rachel's is good, but lets make a few modifications to it" I said.

"What's your idea?" Rocky said.

Then I began to explain my plan. Meanwhile the other Rangers were just extracting themselves from their prison.

"Okay so we're out of our chains, now what" Jason asked.

"Well, getting out of here before the Psycho's come back might be an idea" Jo said sarcastically.

"So Rachel this is your plan, what do we do next?" Andros asked.

"Obviously these guys don't think or they would have made it so I couldn't use my telepathy, but I've been in constant contact with Tina since the Psycho's 'grabbed' me and they should be on their way here" Rachel answered.

"Someone is coming" Chris said as he slipped into the room.

"Everyone get back to their chains and appear to still be chained up" Rachel said.

As they did Rachel turned to face Dana and spoke to her telepathically. "'Dana I can sense Devastator he's coming here'".

At that pronouncement a wave of fear passed through Dana's body and then Rachel spoke again. "Dana don't let him scare you that's what he wants. You have to fight him'".

Dana's eyes went wide and she spoke in a hushed voice. "I.. I can't he's too powerful".

Rachel didn't even hesitate as she slapped Dana across the face and said harshly and loud enough for everyone to hear. "That's exactly what he wants you to believe. He's not more powerful than you, he believes he is and he used his illusion of power to gain control over you. You have to fight back and make him give in to you or the spectre of your rape and that of Cassie and Ashley's will hang over your heads for the rest of your life. Now do you want that?"

The three girls looked at each other and Rachel then moved back to her position along the wall while the three struggled to deal with her words.

Moments later Devastator entered the room with all ten of the Psycho's in tow.

"So Rangers are you comfortable?" Devastator asked.

"Oh yeah, we're really comfortable chained to a wall" Cassie said.

"Good, I'm glad you like your accommodation, because you're probably going to be here for a while" Devastator laughed.

"What do you want?" Tommy asked.

"Nothing from you, the Silver Morphin Ranger however has an appointment with the Emperor. Psycho's unchain her and bring her" Devastator said.

The Psycho's moved towards Rachel who suddenly brought her hands down to by her side and then looked at Devastator and said. "Well, what do you know I got my hands free"?

"So what, you're one lone female against a roomful of enemies" Devastator said scornfully.

"Actually she isn't alone" Bulk said.

With that all the captured Rangers stopped their pretence and stepped to join Rachel.

"They're free" Psycho Blue said.

"And what was your first clue genius" Justin asked.

"Shut your mouth punk" Psycho Blue shouted.

"Gee did coming up with insult tax your brain" Justin said.

"Enough, you maybe free but you are outmatched even if you outnumber us" Devastator said.

"Oh I wouldn't be too sure of that" a voice said.

Turning Devastator saw the other Rangers fully morphed and ready for battle.

"So you managed to get the other Rangers here, very clever girl, you're boyfriend would be proud" Devastator said.

"Oh I am proud of her, proves I was right to ask her to be a Ranger," A new voice said.

At that everyone in the cavern froze at the sound of the voice and Rachel's heart skipped a few beats as she saw her dead fiancée moving to the front of the group.

"What no-one got anything to say?" I said.

"You're dead" Devastator finally managed to say.

"That I am, but I came back just for an hour to wipe the floor with you and the Psycho's" I said.

"We will wipe the floor with you boy" Psycho White said.

"I don't think so" I said.

Then on my arm appeared a small metallic device and hitting a code on it I called out. "Ultimate power".

Feeling a surge of energy I was suddenly wearing a Power Ranger uniform. Though the uniform was like the others this had slight differences. The helmet was that of my Turbo days, while the torso part of the uniform was reminiscent of Zeo and the boots and gloves were from Astro and Galaxy days.

"Cool uniform" Jon said.

"Man this is incredible I've never felt so powerful before" I said.

"A new costume and powers matters little to me" Psycho White said.

Then the Psycho's charged; the remaining Rangers quickly morphed and each Ranger went after the Psycho of their appropriate colour. While I went after Psycho White I noted Tommy had morphed into the Red Zeo Ranger and Brad had gone to help the Silver Rangers against Psycho Silver. Leaving me with Psycho White.

"So Psycho White, it's been a while," I said.

"You should have stayed dead" Psycho White snarled.

"Sorry, don't do requests" I said.

Then he attacked and I defended myself using new and unfamiliar powers. The fight was long and brutal, but with surprise on their side the Rangers soon found they had the upper hand and the Psycho's were being pushed back.

Even as Rangers fought the Psycho's; Dana fought her own personal demon Devastator. Though the Pink Lightspeed Ranger was defending herself that was all she was doing. It was clear to any observers that she was allowing her fear to override her common sense.

Then she stopped as she felt Rachel's telepathic voice telling her to stop running and starting facing her fear. Dana stopped and with a scream of anguish launched herself at the very surprised Devastator who started to back up.

Meanwhile I fought against the White Psycho and despite weeks of inactivity I was matching the monster move for move.

"Why don't you give up, you can't beat me?" I asked.

"I never quit" Psycho White snarled.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Power up mode" I called out listening to the power.

At that energy surged through my body and my suit transformed once more into the mode I used when the Lights of Orion were activated and I called for their power and lunged for the Psycho. The resulting clash of energy left White Psycho on the floor and me not even breathing hard. Then the White Psycho teleported away. Looking around I saw all the Psycho's teleporting away and then I heard a scream of pain and turned to see Devastator locked in the ankle lock used by Kurt Angle of the WWF by Dana and she was exerting real pressure on it.

"How do you like this? Not so helpless now, scream you bastard" Dana was shouting at him.

Devastator tried to remain calm, but then he cracked and started screaming. "I surrender, I quit".

Dana then let go of the ankle with a hint of satisfaction and stepped back to find Carter stood by her who placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Then in front of our eyes there was a surge of energy and where there had been one, there was now two. Devastator lay there for a moment and then teleported away leaving a battered Carter Grayson lying nearby.

Rangers quickly ran to his side and helped the struggling Carter to his feet. But for Carter he could only see one Ranger and he spoke his voice a bare whisper. "I'm sorry, I tried to stop him, but he was too powerful".

"Don't apologise for him, you had no control. You have your life back and its important that you make it count for something, like justice" Dana said.

Carter looked at her and his expression changed to one of stone and he said emotionless. "I have a better reason, revenge".

Before another word could be spoken there was the familiar sensation of teleportation and the Rangers were back in the Power Chamber.

"Welcome back Rangers and well done on rescuing your friends. Rachel your plan was well thought out and executed" Zordon said.

Rachel didn't reply, she was too busy staring at the White Ultimate Ranger still trying to believe what she was seeing.

Seeing her look I powered down and returned to my normal street clothes. Before I could speak Kim said. "Adam it's been 55 minutes".

At that I felt the pain and then Rachel for the first time since I had reappeared spoke. "What does she mean?"

"I...I could only come back for an hour, it means in under five minutes I will once again be dead" I said in a matter of fact tone of voice.

"That's not fair, why did you come back" Rachel screamed.

"I came back to help you, I couldn't let you get hurt" I tried to explain.

"So you came back and now you're going to die and we're going to have to see it again" Rachel screamed again.

"It does not have to be that way" a voice said.

Everyone looked around and then they realised that they were no longer in the Power Chamber, instead they were in plain surroundings with no real landscape at all along with Zordon and Alpha and the other occupants of the Power Chamber.

"Where are we?" Damon asked.

"In between" Kincaid answered.

"And what does that mean?" Joel asked.

"We're at a point where we're neither on Earth nor away from it, sort of like the psychic plane" Kincaid answered.

"Very good Jeffrey Kincaid, that is exactly where you are. Now as to why you are here. There is a way for Adam Pearlman to come back permanently," the man said.

"How?" Rachel asked her heart racing.

"Don't tell them, I won't allow them to do it," I said angrily.

"It is not your choice. Simply put one of you can sacrifice your life and in return we shall return Adam to the land of the living for good" the man said.

At that there as a sharp intake of breath from the others and each one looked at each other wondering if one of them would make the sacrifice and then all of them looked at Rachel.

Ignoring their stares Rachel fixed her gaze on me and spoke. "I know what they're thinking and I don't need to be a telepath. They think I will give my life for yours, but I can't".

Around the group there was a ripple of surprise and Rachel continued. "Adam I love you and I can't bear to be without you, but I have new responsibilities and new priorities. If I chose to give my life for yours I wouldn't be just giving one for one, I'd be giving... three for one and that wouldn't be fair on them, they don't even get a say in the matter".

Looking at her I reached over and placed a hand on her shoulder and said. "I wouldn't have allowed you to do it anyway. If I'd come back and you were gone I don't think I could have gone on anyway. Just promise me one thing, that when my son or daughters are old enough that you'll tell them about me".

"I promise, that they will know you and I will never forget you" Rachel said.

"Wait, if you want one life, then take mine" Tommy said.

"A good choice, but why?" the man asked.

"Apart from Adam and Billy I'm the longest serving Ranger and for much of it I've caused more pain and misery than any monster has ever done. I wanted my life to count for something and I want to make amends to a friend I wronged. Giving my life so he can come back may not be much, but I hope its enough for him to know how sorry I am" Tommy said.

I looked at Tommy and finally for the first time since our Zeo days I felt no anger towards him, just the beginnings of a new friendship.

"Very well Thomas Oliver, it is accepted your life for Adam's" the man said.

"Wait, Tommy I understand why you're doing this, but if you're going to do it then I can't let you do it alone. I offer my life as well as Tommy's" Katherine said.

And so it went as Rangers all offered their lives to return my own and then a voice spoke. "It's not fair, you're willing to give your life and return Adam's when Mike sacrificed his life and isn't even given the chance to come back".

"Would you sacrifice your life to return your brother Leo Corbett?" the man asked.

"Gladly" Leo answered.

"I would volunteer to replace Leo, so you can bring Mike back" Carter 2 said.

"I cannot accept your sacrifice Carter Grayson" the man said.

"Why not?" Carter 2 demanded.

"You're reasons are selfish. You seek to end your life, believing it will atone for your sins caused by you being part of Devastator. The spirits have a different purpose for you" the man said.

"What do you mean?" Carter 2 demanded.

"They are charging you with the task of freeing your Earth from darkness and only when that task is complete will you be redeemed. Do you accept?" the man said.

"I do, I won't rest until my world is free" Carter 2 said.

"That is all well and good, but what about Mike?" Leo demanded.

"And Adam, are you going to take two people's lives in exchange for them" Kim asked.

"Congratulations Rangers you have passed the test" the man said.

"What test? What are you talking about?" Karone asked.

"The spirits wanted to see if you were willing to give your life for another. You proved willing and your reasons noble" Kincaid answered.

"Indeed, my son was right to pick many of you to be Rangers. Adam Pearlman we will meet again one day, I look forward too not seeing you for a very long time. May the power protect you and your friends always" the man said.

"Good-bye Father" Zordon said.

The man nodded and then the landscape faded to be once more replaced by that of the Power Chamber and along with the Rangers was one more face.

"Mike!!" Leo cried out.

Then the two brothers embraced and Mike was greeted by old and new friends alike.

"Welcome back Mike and of course Adam. Mike now that you are returned to us I grant you this" Zordon said.

On Mike's wrist two morphing devices appeared and Mike instantly recognised them. "The Magna Defender morphers, but how?"

"As I told you the Magna Defender's greatest mission lies ahead" a ghostly voice said and Mike smiled.

"Now Adam, the Ultimate powers now belong to you. Not only can you call upon the combined power of all of your morphing powers, but you still can individually as well" Zordon said.

"Carter Grayson of the Emperor's universe you were willing to give your life for one of my friends and I can't thank you enough. Your reasons may have been a bit selfish, but still. You've been charged with a mission, but you won't have to do it alone, I don't speak for the others but I will travel with you to your universe and help you free it anyway I can" I said.

"Thank you, I think I will need the help" Carter 2 said.

"You can count on my help as well. Adam I'm not letting you out of my sight again" Rachel said.

"Count me in as well" Carter said.

"Ditto for me as well" Dana added.

Soon all the Rangers had issued an agreement and then Zordon said. "Rangers you have made me very proud. While some of you will travel to the Emperor's world some of you must remain here and protect our universe and Adam's as well. However that is a matter for tomorrow. Now I suggest you all get some rest".

With that proclamation from Zordon the Rangers realised it was time to go home. With a slight hesitation I too teleported home along with Rachel. We had barely reappeared when she was in my arms and she pulled me into a powerful kiss. Rather than let it continue I pulled away much to her dismay.

"I'm sorry Rachel, but I don't feel... I can't even verbalise or think my feelings at the moment. I love you, but I need some space to readjust to my life" I said.

"I understand, I shouldn't have thought you'd be all smiles and like nothing had happened" Rachel said.

"Believe me I wish I could be, but too much has happened since my death. Now I come back and everything is changed, you're pregnant with my children. When did that happen by the way, you told me you were pregnant with my child, not children" I said.

Rachel allowed a small smile to pass her lips and she said. "Only a couple of days ago, I couldn't believe it when they told me that there were two heartbeats, meaning it was twins. I still can't believe it now".

"Neither can I, it's a lot to take in. Look since people will wonder what is going on when we're in public can we?" I asked.

"Still pretend to be together" Rachel finished. "I think so, I mean this is only temporary right, we're not finished for good" Rachel asked.

"No, I hope not, I just need to get my head together" I answered quickly.

Then quickly packing some stuff and without looking at Rachel I left the flat and wandered into the night. Back at the flat Rachel finally allowed the tears to start flowing, not know whether they were tears of joy or sadness. 

THE END (For now)