Adam Pearlman <> Power Rangers and all related characters are the property of Saban Entertainment. S Club 7 and all of their songs are the property of S Club Ltd and 19 Management. I am not a member of S Club 7 although I wish I could have been. (I also wish I were six foot and really good-looking, but ah well). My character is my property and can be used without my permission, but if you could ask I'd be grateful. The Night Rangers characters are the property of John Chubb. Also any criticism good or bad is welcome, you can contact me at Also I've brought in the Time Force Rangers and given Kim and Wes a family connection of cousins. The songs used are Reach and Never Had A Dream Come True by S Club 7. The quotes in the battle between the Emperor and Adam are from Transformers The Movie.

By: Adam Pearlman


The four Rangers having returned safely to the present found that their return was less than peaceful as the Emperor started to launch a full-scale assault on the Rangers and Earth. Not a day has gone by when a monster has attacked and the Rangers have responded and defeated the monster. The victories have not come without the Rangers suffering though. Zack, Leo, Kelsey and Ashley have all suffered serious injuries in the past few weeks. The fight is getting worse and it's only a matter of time before the final assault begins. Now the story continues

She shivers as she recollects what awoke her once more. For the past week she has been haunted by dreams so horrible that each night she has awoken screaming and each night her lover has reassured her that it was just a dream. However, as she tries to return to sleeps embrace, she can't shake the feeling of unease, the feeling of cold dread that something terrible is going to happen. This time her lover had not awoken or if he had, he had just decided to go back to sleep. Making a decision she carefully extracts herself from his arms and grabbing a T-shirt and a pair of jeans she teleports out of the room leaving her lover to sleep.

She appears inside the Power Chamber and is surprised to find that two people occupy it. "Jason, Emily what are you doing here?" She asks.

"Jason is just familiarising me with the Power Chamber systems. I felt I should know how things work if it becomes necessary" Emily explained.

The girl remembered that Emily had joined the team in the last few days when the Emperor's attacks had increased in ferocity. Zordon and Zedd had pooled their resources and created a new power coin for Emily the gold power coin and she was now the Gold Morphin Ranger. Although having literally been thrown in at the deep end she was already proving to be a capable Ranger.

"The question is what are you doing here? I mean it's just after ten here, but back in England it's almost four in the morning," Jason inquired.

"I couldn't sleep and thought I'd come and use the gym for a workout" She replies knowing her explanation is pretty lame.

The look on Jason face is one of concern and his tone he uses in his next sentence is the one she has heard people refer to as his leader voice. "I can expect that from your other half, but not you. What's the matter?" he asks.

The girl is about to reply when there is a sound and Zordon appears in his tube and alongside the tube is the holographic image of Dimitria who is in the other universe. Striding into the main chamber is a man who looks unhappy at being disturbed, but takes up a position by Zordon's tube.

Zordon looks down at three of his students and speaks. "Rangers what are you doing here, it is late and you should be resting, we do not know when the Emperor will attack again".

"I was just giving Emily a crash course in the Power Chamber systems. With everything that's been going on we really haven't had chance to show her how things work. We were actually just about to head home when she showed up," Jason explained.

"Turning his attention to the other girl Zordon said. "Rachel the hour is even later for you and you should be asleep".

"I wish I was, but every time I close my eyes and try to sleep I dream of death" Rachel said.

Her statement seemed to hang in the air for a long time and there was only silence except for Alpha. "Ay, Yi. Yi. Rachel what do you mean?"

"The last week and ever since we came back from the past, also since the attacks increased I've been going to bed and drifting off to sleep and at first its all peaceful and then it just turns into a nightmare. We're fighting a battle and someone dies and all we can do is watch it happen," Rachel says quietly.

"Alpha please scan Rachel for anything odd" Zordon asked.

Alpha quickly proceeded as Zordon had asked and he quickly finished his scan and said. "The scans are negative, except for a bit of stress and lack of sleep Rachel is fine".

"Well I don't feel fine" Rachel snapped.

"Perhaps your telepathic abilities are sensing something and are relaying it to you through your dreams" Zedd said.

"Zedd may be correct, these dreams maybe premonitions. With your permission I would like to temporarily meld minds with you and see what you are dreaming" Zordon asked.

Rachel nodded somewhat reluctantly. For a second there was silence as the two entered into a telepathic link and then Zordon's face relaxed and his eye's opened.

"Alpha contact the Rangers at once, tell them to drop whatever they are doing at come here on the double" Zordon ordered.

"Zordon what is it? What did you see?" Jason asked.

Zordon's reply was one word. "Death".

Both Emily and Jason looked thunderstruck by what Zordon said and Rachel just looked miserable. Then in teleportation beams of red, blue, black, pink, yellow, green, purple, gold, silver and white the Rangers arrived in various states. While the other Rangers were still dressed the Rangers of the other universe where dressed in basically what they had been wearing when they had been awoken from sleep.

"This had better be important I was asleep" Jo moaned as she pulled her dressing gown tighter around herself.

"It is Joanne" Zordon said.

"What's going on?" Kendrix asked.

"I believe Rachel can offer an explanation and then I will speak" Zordon answered.

"Rachel what's going on?" I asked concerned as I saw her expression.

I reached over to her and she pulled away and then turned away from the assembled Rangers before she turned and explained. "Since I came back from the past I've been having nightmares and each night they've seemed real and then each night I've had the same nightmare again".

"You woke us up, because you're having a nightmare" Jon muttered.

"It is not a nightmare I believe, but a premonition of what is to come" Zordon said.

"A premonition" Kim asked.

"Yes at some point all humans have them. Except they interpret them as dreams and don't really recall when the actual event happens to them" Zedd explained.

"In the case of Rachel being a telepath, she is actually experiencing the coming event and remembering. From what I saw, something is going to happen and I fear for your very safety Rangers" Zordon said.

"Zordon we've been in danger before and we've dealt with it, we can handle this" Tommy said confidently.

Around him there were a few nods from other Rangers. However while Zordon looked relieved, Rachel still looked concerned.

"There is also another matter which I intended to discuss with you in the morning, but since you are here now I will explain" Zordon said.

"What's up Zordon?" TJ asked.

"I have detected monster activity in the nearby city of Silver Hills" Zordon said.

"Why weren't we alerted" Carter said.

"The danger was dealt with" Dimitria answered.

"By who, I can't imagine that the police could handle it" I said.

"No, but a team of Rangers could" Zedd said.

"A new team of Rangers" Paul asked.

"I believe so and from what we have been able to determine, they are not from this time period" Zordon said.

"What do you mean?" Skull asked.

"They appear to be time travellers. The reason I bring them up, is I want to initiate contact with them," Zordon said.

"You mean get another team of Rangers to help us with our problems and we'll help them with there's" I asked.

"Exactly, five or six more Rangers may tip the balance in our favour and with four of our number hurt, we need all the help we can get. I would suggest that only two of you should go while the rest remain on alert here and in the other universe," Zordon said.

"I'll go, Kim don't you have relatives in the Silver Hills area" I asked.

"Yeah my cousin Wes and my Uncle live there" Kim said.

"Good, it might be nice to have somewhere to base our search from" I replied.

"Adam you can't go" Rachel suddenly blurted out.

Pulling her to one side I said. "Rach. I'm the best person to go, as the leader it's my responsibility" Then I paused and looked at her again and I suddenly knew. "This is about your premonition isn't it?"

"Yes, I'd just feel better if you weren't off where I can't find you" Rachel explained.

"I can take care of myself, nothing will happen" I said.

"Okay that's settled, me and Kim will go to Silver Hills in the morning. Now, I suggest we all get some rest as tomorrow is going to be a busy day" I said.

"Agreed, meet here about 9 in the morning" Kim said.

I nodded and then we all teleported out to get some sleep. Returning to our flat Rachel and I quickly returned to bed and even as I tried to sleep I could see that Rachel was still wide-awake. Reaching out I pulled her close to me and at first she seemed reluctant to take comfort in me and then she gave in and wrapped her arms around me and buried her head in my chest and fell into a troubled sleep.

In the nexus where time has no meaning the Emperor plotted. "So two of the Rangers are going to contact another team of Rangers in Silver Hills, this is perfect" The Emperor said.

"How my lord?" Devastator asked.

"Hold on where's the fire? That's what I like about you my friend, you're always rushing into things. It's like when I captured you and made you more than you were. Remember how you were rushing into that building, even though it was burning down" The Emperor said.

Devastator remained silent, memories of his past life were difficult and few and those he did remember made no sense at all.

"Still having seen your counterpart it's not difficult to see that rashness. Anyway tomorrow when those Rangers go to Silver Hills, you and the Wizard will launch a full-scale assault on the Power Chamber" The Emperor said.

"But what about the defences" Devastator protested.

"No problem, after all I designed those defences in our own reality, breaking them down should be no problem for me" Wizard said.

"My counterpart and the Pink Ranger will return from a successful mission to find total destruction and defeat upon them" The Emperor said.

The Emperor began to laugh and the two monsters did also, but deep inside both of them the people they had once been screamed in horror.

The morning soon came and I met up with Kim at the Power Chamber to get hold of some gear to track down these new Rangers. As I arrived Kim was trying some sunglasses on.

"Nice shades Kim, I mean it is awfully bright in here" I said.

"Ha, Ha. Alpha designed them take a look," Kim said as she passed a pair to me.

"Don't tell me they are really X-ray specs" I said.

"Ay, Yi. Yi. No they are not," Alpha cried.

"I was joking Alpha, now let see what they do" I said.

Placing them over my eyes I immediately was rewarded with a computer screen and some kind of scanner. Looking around I looked at Kim and it produced a pink hue around her body, while round Alpha was no hue.

"Cool, useful and fashionable, definitely the way to go. Nice one Alpha" I said.

"Glad you like them" Alpha said.

"Rangers these scanners will allow you to locate the Rangers. They have been specifically tuned to allow you to locate any temporal anomalies. Since we believe the Rangers are from another time, they should be easy to locate," Zordon said.

"Easy to locate, how many people are there in Silver Hills" I said.

"Too many" Kim said.

"Well, then you should get started" Zordon said.

"Right we're out here. We'll contact you when we've found them" I said.

Then the two of us teleported out. Suddenly an alarm started to beep.

"Alpha?" Zedd asked.

"Oh no, we've got Torachian Warriors, Putties, Tengas, Cogs, Piranhatrons and Quantrons in Angel Grove and lots of them" Alpha said.

"Alpha contact all of the Rangers and inform them to morph and meet this threat at once" Zordon ordered.

Alpha didn't reply and instead got to work and over two universe's 40 communicators beeped and 40 people ducked into a private spot and morphed into battle.

The group all arrived simultaneously and each one echoed more or less the same thought and it was Rocky who voiced. "Oh shit".

"Guys we're outnumbered, like by several hundred" Joel said.

"Whether there is 100 hundred or a hundred thousand we have to stop them" Tommy said.

"But Tommy, we're really outnumbered," Chris said.

"Anyone who wants to leave can, but I'm staying if we don't stop them now, there's no telling what might happen" Tommy said.

To their credit not a single Ranger left, each one said a little prayer and then dropped into a fighting stance.

"There are a couple of words that are just appropriate right about now" Jon said.

"And what are they?" Trini asked.

Jon just looked out at the army of foot soldiers and raised his hand and in an imitation of the Rock used his gesture and said. "Just bring it".

And they did the assembled lackey's charged at that gathered Rangers and the battle was joined. There was no time for strategy or preparation; it was simple, brutal hit out and hope for the best. Experienced Rangers fought alongside the not so experienced, giving them the benefit of their knowledge and the battle continued.

If you had been an observer from a great height, all you would have seen is specks of colour lost in a mass of grey and brown. From his position in the nexus the Emperor watched in delight. "Predictable as always Rangers".

"Master?" Wizard said.

"Simple I knew that the Rangers would rush into battle with my forces, not even taking time to think if there is a strategy behind it all. Now, you and Devastator will take more of our forces and attack the Power Chamber" The Emperor commanded.

"May I point out that even though I understand and can disarm the defences, some of them I may not be able to" Wizard explained.

"That's what the Cogs are for, if you need some one to destroy a weapon that you can't disable, use them as cannon fodder" Emperor replied simply.

"As you command Emperor, so it shall be done" Wizard said simply.

Then he and Devastator along with dozen more Cogs and Piranhatrons teleported away.

Meanwhile in Silver Hills blissfully unaware of the carnage going on back in Angel Grove, Kim and I began our search.

"You seem to be taking it quite well" Kim suddenly said.

"Huh, what!" I replied not sure what she meant.

"I mean, the fact that Rachel had a premonition that you're going to die" Kim explained.

"She didn't have that premonition and she didn't say who was going to die" I replied.

"Come on Adam are you seriously telling me that Rachel wouldn't have been that worked up if it wasn't you" Kim said.

At that I stopped and Kim also came to a halt. "You're right of course, I know that it has to be me. The way she's been acting around me the last week since the dreams started. It's like she can't bear to be more than a few metres from me or something was going to happen," I said.

"She's just worried and trying to protect you" Kim answered.

"I don't need protecting, I'm capable of taking care of myself" I snapped.

"Really, come on don't tell me that you don't enjoy it, the feeling of someone fussing over you and looking after you" Kim asked.

"Okay I admit, Rachel looking after me does have its perks, but I don't want to be wrapped in cotton wool. Besides these premonitions may not come true or if they do, not for years anyway" I said.

"I hope you're right, none of us want to lose you" Kim said.

"Come on if I died, you could easily find a new White Ranger to take my place" I said.

Kim's reply was quiet, but I heard it. "No one can take your place Adam".

"Thanks that means a lot Kim" I said.

"I'm serious, your like part of the furniture, you've been a Ranger for so long, its hard to imagine the Rangers without you" Kim said.

"Thanks again, but enough getting nostalgic and we have work to do" I said.

Kim nodded and placed the shades that Alpha had given her over her eyes and began scanning people for temporal signatures.

Meanwhile at the Power Chamber Zordon monitored the battle. "Alpha the situation is collapsing and I don't think the Rangers can handle this amount of enemies".

"We're going to help, its time for us to make a difference and make up for what we've done" Goldar said.

"Yeah I just love teleporting into the middle of battle where we're outnumbered by hundreds, a lot of fun" Rito said sarcastically.

A look from Goldar silenced him and then the two turned and where about to teleport away when the alarms went off again.

Now what, if that keeps going off I'm going to have a headache" Rita muttered.

"Devastator and another monster along with more Cogs, Piranhatrons and Warriors and heading this way" Alpha said.

"Alpha activate the outer defences" Zordon commanded.

Alpha nodded and out in the desert near the Power Chamber from hidden positions dozens of laser cannons appeared and started to fire at the approaching enemy.

The first shots took out a row of the enemy, but still they came. Inside the Power Chamber Zedd said. "Good shooting, but we need to hit them again before they can have chance to recover".

"Right, preparing to fire again" Alpha said.

Even as he hit the sequence on the console, the lights in the Power Chamber and indeed all sounds went out. There was as flicker and then Zordon's tube lit up once more.

"Er what's happened to the lights" Rito asked.

"We've lost all power" Alpha cried.

"What's the source Alpha?" Zordon asked.

"Without the computers I couldn't tell you Zordon, but it appears that everything has been shutdown" Alpha said.

"There are only two people who have the knowledge to shut down the Power Chamber and both of them are fighting at the moment" Zordon said.

"You don't mean its one of the Rangers" Goldar said.

"Indeed, Billy once under the influence of one of Zedd's spells shut down the Command Centre. He is extremely familiar with the Power Chamber system as is Justin. However it was not either of them," Zordon said.

"Then who did it" Rita demanded.

"Devastator's companion is called the Wizard, like Devastator and his master he is from the other universe and he also has intimate knowledge of the Power Chamber systems" Zordon said.

"Ay, Yi. Yi. That would only be possible if he had been in the Power Chamber before, but he could have only done that if he was a Ranger" Alpha said.

"Are you saying that the Wizard is one of the Rangers from the other universe, but mutated into that form" Zedd angrily demanded.

Zordon seemed reluctant but then he said. "Yes, both he and Devastator and possibly others are in fact former Rangers mutated in some way. Devastator is or was Carter Grayson and Wizard is either Billy or Justin".

"Why didn't you tell us, tell the Rangers" Zedd asked.

"I wanted to spare them pain, it was better that they believed their other selves dead, rather than in a fate worse than dead" Zordon said.

"I really hate to point this out, but we still have two monsters and the goon squad heading this way" Rita said.

"Rito and I will go out and face them" Goldar suggested.

"The two of you against an army, you'll be slaughtered" Alpha said.

"They will be not alone. Blue Centurion reporting for duty" the robot said.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Zedd asked.

"Zordon contacted me yesterday and arrived early this morning. I was recharging when my cycle was interrupted and I knew something was wrong," Blue Centurion said.

"We're glad for your help" Rito said.

"It's still three against a hundred or so" Alpha protested.

"It doesn't matter, if this place falls then this entire universe may fall as well and we have to prevent that from happening. Hopefully we can delay them until the Rangers can assist us. Now we must go," Goldar said.

Then they three teleported out and Rita said. "Well, there goes three really brave people or are just they stupid.

Zedd chuckled and said. "Alpha help me work on restoring the power".

"Please work on the communication systems, that is the most important priority. The sooner it is operation we can contact the Rangers, while you work on it I will telepathically contact Ninjor and Auric the Conqueror and ask them to assist Goldar and the others" Zordon said.

Alpha didn't bother reply and instead set to work on the systems. Meanwhile back in Silver Hills still unaware of what was transpiring Kim and I had tracked a temporal signature to the park. The signature was coming from a young girl who was possibly our age or within our age range. She seemed to notice we were following her as several times when we followed she stopped and looked around and then continued.

"Either this girl knows we're following or she just thinks we're going the same way" Kim said.

"I don't think so, I think she might know that we're follow her, there is something about her manner, it's almost as if she's leading us somewhere" I said.

I didn't finish my sentence as she turned around and placed her hands on her hips and looked at us. We both came to halt as we realised that there were four other people also around us. The girl walked up to us and said. "Okay, now that we have the advantage, why are you following me?"

Looking at Kim who shrugged helpless I was about to reply when one of the others spoke. "Kim!"

The speaker was a young man wearing blue jeans, a red T-shirt and a black jacket and I saw from Kim's face that she recognised the speaker and she said. "Hi Wes".

"Kim what are you doing here and why are you following Jen?" Wes asked.

"It's a bit complicated Wes, Adam and I are here looking for" Kim started to explain.

She was cut off by the youngster with the green hair who pointed at Adam and then at her and said. "Don't you recognise them?" He said excitedly.

"Should I Trip?" the yellow clad female.

"Of course Katie, the girl is Kimberly Hart, Olympic Gymnast from the year 2000 and the original Pink Ranger. And the guy is Adam Pearlman the first Silver Ranger and the White Ranger who was there at the day they call the Countdown at the end of the twentieth century" Trip explained.

"Of course I knew you looked familiar, what are you doing here?" Jen asked.

"We're looking for the Time Force Rangers" I explained.

"Guys we can trust them, we're the Time Force Rangers" the guy in blue said.

"Lucas!" Jen cried.

"She's right you know, just because we look like them doesn't me we are, but we are who we appear to be. Sorry that gets confusing, look we've come from Angel Grove because we need your help" I said.

"Why, what's happened?" Wes asked.

"If we could talk somewhere less public" Kim said.

"Sure, we can talk at the Clock Tower" Jen suggested.

The girl started to walk off and I started to follow with Kim walking next to Wes and the others bring up the rear. As I walked I noticed from the way Jen carried herself that she was the leader of this team.

Meanwhile back in Angel Grove the Rangers were continuing their fight with the forces of evil. Whilst some still fought hand to hand, others had resorted to pulling out there weapons and striking anything that moved towards them and wasn't a Ranger. Kendrix had found herself the ideal position and beside her stood Cassie and Hannah and the three fired their different weapons into the mass of enemies before them.

"This is like too easy" Kendrix said.

"I wish it were that easy, but we're still outnumbered and they're not all going to stand around and let us pick them off like this" Cassie remarked.

"Yeah and here come some of those grey goons" Hannah yelled

Turning the three saw a group of Putties had broken from the mass and headed for the three who quickly disappeared their weapons and defended themselves. All over the battlefield Rangers adopted a similar strategy until the area became too crowded for the usage of long-range weapons and many resorted using their bladeblaster or Zeo swords.

Several of the less experienced Rangers had found themselves backed into a corner. "Guys we have nowhere to go" Emily said as a hint of panic creeped into her voice. The reason for the panic was she; Alison and Trianna were backed up against a wall and had nowhere to go.

"Patience, we have them right were we want them" Trianna said.

"Err, from my point of view they have us right where they want us, I mean we have nowhere to go" Alison yelled.

Trianna didn't reply and instead extended her hand and in it appeared her Silver Power Staff.

"Hey that's a good idea, give them your weapon and maybe they won't kill us" Alison said.

"I have a plan, don't worry" Trianna said calmly.

"Well, can you hurry up and reveal it or we're going to be dead" Emily shouted.

Then the three heard a voice, which shouted. "It's time for a Gold Rush". Extending the staff in his hand the Gold Ranger Farcus Bulkmeier otherwise known as Bulk flew into the midst of the Cogs and in seconds there was only Rangers standing.

"Looks like you ladies needed a little help" he commented.

"Was this your plan?" Alison asked.

Yes, the powers of the Silver and Gold Zeo Rangers are linked and allow for telepathic communication between each other. These powers are only available when the crystal is in use, but it still comes in handy. I was able to communicate to Bulk our need for assistance," Trianna explained.

"And I was only too happy to assist you" Bulk said.

"When we've finished patting each other on the back, shouldn't we get back to the fight" Emily asked.

The three nodded and they dived back into the fight. Meanwhile outside the Power Chamber three warriors fought valiantly against the hordes of enemy intent on gaining entry into the Chamber.

"Isn't this fun, boy I'm sure glad we became good" Rito mumbled sarcastically.

"Less talk, more fighting" Goldar remarked as he decapitated several Cogs with a swing of his sword.

The three continued to fight, but even with their skills they were soon beginning to fight a losing battle. Goldar left arm hung limply at his side while he held his sword in his right and continued to swing it around him. Rito was bleeding from several cuts on his face and arms, while the Blue Centurion was looking rather dented. Just as it looked like the three were done for.

"Never fear Auric the Conqueror is here" a voice said.

Half turning Goldar was relieved to see Auric stood there and alongside him was Ninjor.

"Zordon managed to contact us and we are here to help" Ninjor explained.

"Now sit back and rest for a moment while Ninjor and I deal with these ruffians" Auric said.

Then the two new arrivals dived into the fight while the others took a moment to regain their composure and their breath before diving into the fighting again as well.

Meanwhile in Silver Hills we had arrived at the Clock Tower and I was beginning to explain the reason for our arrival. "So you see we're in a lot of trouble and we need your help".

"Our mission is to capture Ransik and nothing else" Jen stated.

"Jen! These are fellow Rangers and they came to us for help" Katie said.

"Exactly, we're not asking you to abandon your own mission, just to assist us with our battle and in return we'll help you complete your own" Kim mentioned.

"Sounds like a good deal, I mean with backup from other Rangers we can take down Ransik in no time" Lucas commented.

"But why do you need our help, surely the Rangers who defeated Dark Spectre can stop this threat" Wes asked.

"The Emperor possess the combined powers of Dark Spectre, Zordon and a whole host of Ranger powers. He also has the resources of an entire universe at his fingertips" Kim explained.

"I remember reading about him in the history books, if I remember right he was a former Ranger in fact he was you" Jen said.

"I do so hate it when people remember that fact" I said sarcastically.

"Don't mention that his counterpart is the Emperor it's kind of a sore point" Kim said.

"Thanks for that Kim, so do you know our futures?" I asked.

"Yeah, according to our history there was a big battle that involved Rangers from the future and the White Ranger died" Trip said.

"Trip!" Jen shouted.

Kim looked over at me and I looked back at her. "Well I guess that lends credence to theory that I'm going to die today," I said.

"Just because it's a White Ranger doesn't mean it's you, it could be Tommy he is still the White Power Ranger" Kim said.

"Yes, but you're ignoring the premonitions that Rachel had, well we all got to go sometime and I thought it might be in my sixties surrounded by children and grandchildren but when you got to go you got to go" I said.

"I'm really sorry, Trip never meant to reveal that" Jen said.

"It's okay, look we need your help, will you give it to us?" I asked.

"On the condition that you agree to help us capture Ransik" Jen asked.

"Done" I said.

To seal the deal Jen and I shook hands. Kim smiled and reached for her communicator. "Zordon this is Kim we've found the Rangers and they've agreed to help us".

The reply was very distorted and scrambled. "Excellent.... Return to the Power.... At once" Zordon said.

"That was odd," I said.

"Something must be wrong" Kim suggested.

Guys, grab on to us, we're teleporting back home now," I ordered.

Each of the Time Rangers grabbed onto either Kim or me while the little robotic owl landed on Trip's shoulder. Without hesitation we activated teleportation and teleported back to the Power Chamber and straight into hell.

"Oh my god what happened?" Kim said shocked.

Her shock was understandable, one wall of the Power Chamber was now a smoking ruin and several of the consoles were now in pieces. Both Rito and Goldar were unconscious and looked in a bad way while Blue Centurion, Ninjor and Auric didn't look that good either.

"Zordon what the hell happened?" I demanded.

"While the other Rangers dealt with an army of the Emperor's foot soldiers we were attacked by Devastator, Wizard and more foot-soldiers. Although we were able to slow them down we were not able to stop them and this is the result" Zordon explained.

"Are you and Alpha okay?" Kim asked.

"We're fine Kimberly and so are all the others, just a little battered. The Rangers are teleporting in" Alpha said.

As he said that the other Rangers teleported in and removed their helmets and looked equally shocked at the devastation. Looking around I found Rachel and ran to her side even as Kim found Rocky.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine Adam. 'Are you okay, you seem a little on edge'" Rachel asked.

"'I'm fine, just a little distressed over the destruction that's all'" I answered.

"'You are an awful liar'" Rachel replied.

"Rangers as you can see while you have been fighting and Adam and Kimberly where finding the other Rangers we have been attacked. The damage is not serious and I suspect it was meant to rattle us," Zordon said.

"It's certainly done that, I mean if they can attack here then nowhere is safe" Bradley said.

"I agree, I mean the Power Chamber has always been our one safe haven and twice now its been destroyed and now this" Tommy said.

"Rangers, this is just a thing and can be rebuilt, the main thing is no one was killed" Rita said.

Agreed and now I welcome our new friends, I am Zordon of Eltare and this is the Power Rangers base of operations the Power Chamber and I assure you that it has seen better days" Zordon said.

"I can't tell you what an honour this is. To meet Zordon of Eltare and his Rangers, in our time you are all legends" Lucas said.

"Good to know that we won't be forgot" Rocky remarked.

"You could never be forgotten, your accomplishments as Rangers and ordinary people are well-known" Katie said.

"Rangers the time has come for me to tell you some truths about the monsters you have faced" Zordon said.

"What do you mean Zordon?" Carter asked.

"Devastator and the Wizard who attacked here earlier are not what they seem" Zordon replied.

"What do you mean?" Jason said.

"They are from the Emperor's home universe and they were transformed into their current state by him" Zordon answered.

"They're human" Dana asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid so" Zordon answered.

"Look do you know who they are?" Andros demanded.

"I do, the Wizard is or was Billy and Devastator is or again was Carter Grayson" Zordon said.

I was stunned and so where the others, but it was Dana whom I looked at first and I saw that she had turned white as a sheet and was moving away from our Carter who was already taking steps towards her.

Stepping towards them I stepped between Carter and Dana and turning to Carter whispered. "Leave it, she needs some time I'll talk to her".

Carter nodded and despite his obvious reluctance he backed off and I walked over to Dana who had stopped her backward motion as she had finally hit a wall and then she collapsed to the floor in heap.

"Dana are you okay?" I asked quietly.

Looking up at me with eyes that were already welling up with tears she said. "Does it look like I'm okay?" She said angrily.

"Sorry dumb question, look this is what the Emperor wants. He knew you would react like this when you found out. I don't know Carter very well, but I do think that if he were in any sort of control of himself now he would not have done that to you. Don't think it was Carter that raped you, because it wasn't it was Devastator. Now there is a Carter over there who I believe would rather die than hurt you like that and he needs you, now more than ever" I said.

"I guess so, it was just a shock that's all" Dana said.

"I know, look I know this hurts and the Emperor keeps finding ways for you to not forget it, but I do promise you this, he won't get away with this and I will make him pay for everything he has done to you" I said.

"Is that the White Ranger or Big brother talking" Dana asked.

"Both, now wipe those tears and show them what we Pearlman's are made of" I said lightly.

Dana laughed and I extended my hand helped her up and we walked back to the others. I smiled and watched as Dana went over and drew Carter into a hug.

Meanwhile as the others recovered from the battle and we prepared for the next battle Devastator made his way through the Emperor's castle. He stopped at a room and at first he hesitated and then he entered the room. There is not much furniture in the room and on the walls are photos and pictures of Dana Mitchell. Some are ordinary pictures and others are of her but not her dressed as the Glitz girl whom the Dana of the universe they are attacking was. And there in the centre of a room sat bound to a chair is the Dana Mitchell of the Emperor's universe dressed as her counterpart had been in photo's of taken of her as the Glitz girl. But unlike the other Dana she is catatonic and not aware of someone else being in the room.

Back at the Power Chamber, Zordon had decided that there would be no more attacks today and suggested that the Rangers retire to their homes and rest. I was about to teleport out with the other S Clubbers when I saw Kat motioning to Rachel and me. Walking over to her I said. "What's up?"

"I've been meaning to ask you this for the last couple of days. I was wondering if you and Rachel would come to dinner tonight with me and Tommy and my parents" Kat asked.

"Really, or is this your Mother prodding you into asking" I said sarcastically.

"Okay my Mom suggested it, I told her that I had told you about Alex and she said it was time that you met your daughter and we finally cleared the air" Kat said.

"Does she know that you're a Ranger" Rachel asked.

"She doesn't, all she knows is that Adam is a Ranger. I can't tell you the reaction when she found out that the father of her Grandchild was the White Astro Ranger" Kat said.

"Wait until she finds out that her daughter and future son-in-law are also Rangers" I said lightly.

"She'll probably hit the roof, look are you going to come, I really think you should meet Alex" Kat asked.

"I don't know, I mean she's four years old. I've missed all of her life so far, its not like I know her," I said.

"We'll be there, what time do you want us there?" Rachel butted in.

Kat smiled and gave us a time before she joined Tommy and teleported out leaving me and Rachel behind.

"What did you do that for?" I demanded.

"I think you should meet Alex, she's your daughter and she deserves to know her Father and you deserve to know her as well" Rachel explained.

"You're a very smart woman" I said.

Rachel smiled and giving me a quick peck on the cheek she said. "Well, that's why you're marrying me".

"Actually I'm marrying you for your looks" I said cheekily.

Rachel swatted at my head and I attempted to duck but not too much and then the two of us teleported out.

Several hours passed and the time had come to go to dinner and after knocking on the door Kat showed us into the sitting room. Her parents where there and I nodded in greeting to them, but it was the little girl stood next to them that caught my attention and I leaned down towards and started to say. "Hi Alex I'm."

Interrupting me in only the way a small child can she said. "Are you my Daddy?"

At that I hesitated and I saw Alex turn to Kat who gently leaned down and said. "Yes he is".

At that very instant I saw a hint of the passion and fire that I had seen in Kat pass through Alex's eyes and then she ran out of the room and up the stairs and slammed the door behind her.

"I knew I shouldn't have come, I knew this was only going to upset her" I said.

"Adam why don't you go and talk to her" Rachel suggested.

"Yeah, I mean it could help and if it fails it can only make things worse" Tommy said.

I glared at Tommy who merely looked innocent and I turned and slowly walked up the stairs to Alex's room. I hesitated at the door and wondered what could I say to make it better and then banishing the hesitation I knocked and entered.

"Go away" Alex screamed.

"No, I'm not going away" I insisted.

"Why you did already before," the little girl screamed again tears streaming down her cheeks.

I started to speak, but the words caught in my throat. What could I say I hadn't been here for any of her life so far and then I spoke? "Look I know, I haven't been here for you before now, but I'm here now. Your Mom decided that she didn't want to be with me anymore and that I had my own life and she didn't want to make me give up my life. If I had known about you, if she'd told me she was pregnant I would have stayed I would have been involved in your life".

At first the tears continued and I wasn't even sure if she had been listening and then slowly she looked at me and asked. "Do you want to be my Daddy?"

Kneeling down to her level I reached out and brushed away the tears that still remained on her cheeks and said. "Yes, I want to be there for you, I want to look after you and I want you to be able to come to me for advice and I don't know what I'm talking about, but I want to be there when you need me".

For the first time the little girl smiled and she reached out and hugged me and I enfolded her with my own arms and we stood like that for a long while. Then picking her up I said. "Come on we'd better go down or else dinner will be ruined".

Alex laughed and I turned to leave the room when I heard something like the sound of crashing and then my head exploded in pain as I felt Rachel scream my name. "'ADAM!".

I moved towards the stairs almost without touching the floor when I smelt it. "Ah hell, gas". I didn't even have time to react as I flung Alex and myself back up the landing the kitchen erupted in flames and I fell to the floor with Alex clutching onto me even more tightly.

Standing up I started for the stairs only to see Tommy and Kat stood there and I started to call out to them when I stopped in horror. Tommy was holding a can of something in his hand and he was pouring it on the bottom of the stairs and floor and in Kat's hand was a lit match. Looking up at me Tommy spoke and as he did I felt a chill as I recognised the tone of voice. "We'll see you soon Ranger". Then he and Kat teleported away and as Kat did the match in her hand dropped to the floor and the stairs erupted in flames and I backed away again.

In panic I looked around and then I remembered that Kat's bedroom was at the front of the house. Gripping Alex closer to me I ran for the bedroom. Gently putting Alex down I grabbed the nearest object and smashed the window. Grabbing Alex I climbed out of the window and jumped down into the garden below where I was relieved to see both of Kat's parents and Rachel stood there coughing and covered in soot and dirt and with a small bruise already starting form on her face, but otherwise okay.

"Rachel are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine, are you and Alex okay" Rachel asked.

"What the hell is going on?" Mr. Hillard demanded.

"I wish I knew, Tommy and Kat set the entrance hall and stairs on fire. If I hadn't remembered Kat had a front facing room, we might have been toast" I said.

"Kat hit me and put out the pilot light on the stove and lit a match" Mrs. Hillard screamed hysterically.

"We heard a crash and when I turned to investigate Tommy called out my name and I turned and he punched me. Mr. Hillard intervened but Tommy was faster, if I hadn't used my telepathic abilities to make him think I was unconscious it could have been a lot worse" Rachel said.

"Did you sense anything when you used your telepathy?" I asked.

"Darkness from both of them and great evil" Rachel said.

"Evil, but why and how?" Mr. Hillard asked.

"I guess since this has happened I should tell you the truth. How much did Kat tell you about me?" I asked.

By now Mrs. Hillard had calmed a great deal and said. "Just that you were a student on an exchange program at the High School".

"The truth of the matter is I come from another dimension and as you know I'm a Ranger and so are Kat and Tommy" I said.

Both parents looked thunderstruck and Rachel said. "Perhaps we should continue this at the Power Chamber, before a crowd turns up".

Nodding I motioned to Rachel who took hold of Mrs. Hillard while I grabbed onto Mr. Hillard and we teleported to the Power Chamber. Arriving I was relieved to see that much of the damage had been repaired and then I saw others were already there.

"Kincaid what are you doing here?" I asked startled.

"We heard that you were having a little trouble and Zordon asked us to come and help" Kincaid replied.

"Couldn't have come at a better time" Rachel replied.

"Ay, Yi. Yi. Rachel what happened to your face" Alpha asked.

"I had a run in with Tommy's fist" Rachel answered.

"Sit down on the diagnostic bed and let me examine the blow" Alpha said.

As she did I turned to Zordon and said. "I brought the Hillards here to explain what's going on, but I think you should call in the others. Tommy and Kat have turned to the dark side".

"Then that is what I felt earlier" Zedd replied and I looked at him questioningly. "I felt a darkness about twenty minutes ago, but couldn't tell where it was coming from".

"Will someone please tell me what is going on?" Mr. Hillard demanded.

"Mr and Mrs Hillard, I am Zordon the mentor of the Power Rangers. Your daughter Katherine and future son in law Tommy are both Rangers. The Pink Zeo and the Red Zeo Rangers to be precise. If Zedd is correct then they have been made to serve evil. I will return you to your street where you can speak to the fire department, I would ask that you do not tell anyone what you have just found out as it may jeopardise your daughter".

The two nodded and I started to hand Alex over to them intending to let her go with them when she refused to let go of me. "Alex you have to go with them, it will be safer".

"Don't wanna, I wanna stay with you Daddy" Alex said stubbornly.

"I know honey, but it's not safe here and I need you to look after your Grandparents while I'm gone" I said gently.

"Okay" Alex said reluctantly.

"Good girl, now I'll be back shortly with your Mom" I said.

"Promise" Alex asked.

"I promise" I said as I handed Alex to her Grandmother and Alpha teleported them out.

As they teleported out the others teleported in and saw the Night Rangers had returned. Hesitating I turned and quickly with input from Rachel explained what had transpired.

"What is it with Tommy? Does he have a sign on his back that only evil people can see saying make me evil?" Jason shouted.

"I don't know, but he does seem to have a bit of bullseye on his back for this one, but we'll get him back like always" I said.

"Lucieferian" a quiet voice said.

Everyone turned and looked at Veronica and she started explain. "For the Time Force Rangers who probably wonder why there are three of the same people. I am from another universe as well, I was Astronema until a couple of weeks ago until I was able to escape and I've settled in this universe because I'm unable to go back to my universe. But what I meant is that Luciferian technology has been used on Tommy".

"I knew it, that's one of the reasons we came back" Kincaid said.

"What do you mean?" Rocky asked.

"Back in our universe we started to hear things that remnants of the Luciferian Empire had set up shop in another universe and that they had a Ranger under their control" Sarah said.

"Doesn't take a genius to work out that they meant Tommy" TJ said.

"The question is, how long has he been under their control and how did they manage to get to Kat" Andros asked.

"They captured remember, just before we found out about the Emperor's true identity" Zack said.

"Of course, when they captured him, they must have placed a spell or used some technology on him and made him work for them, but still appear to be the normal Tommy" Billy suggested.

"I wish it were then, but he was captured before the end of last year. The Emperor brought him to the nexus and had the device implanted inside of his brain. The Emperor was about to make his move and he wanted to know exactly what was going on. That's how he was able to concoct his plans; he had inside information and knew just where to strike. The implant made him act normally, but for short periods he would be under the Emperor's control" Veronica explained.

"So that's how the Emperor knew about Rachel?" I said.

"Yes, from Tommy he learnt all about your current status and life and he decided that he would seek to cause you misery and pain by taking something that was important from you like Rachel" Veronica said.

"Fortunatley for me, I had friends who were willing to help me go to another universe to find her. Now that we know what's happened to Tommy, the question remains what about Kat" I said.

"I don't know, over the last few months the Emperor began to trust me less, I think he suspected that his control over me was failing and he began to trust Darkonda more and confide in him" Veronica said miserably.

Jon placed a comforting hand on the girls shoulder and said gently. "Don't blame yourself, you've been able to help us find out what happened to one of them and all we have to do is find a way to reverse it".

I looked over at Veronica and then at the way she was looking at Jon and gave a small smile.

"I think it's easy to guess what happened to Kat. Probably the Emperor decided that two Rangers under his control was better than one and got Tommy to implant her with a similar device" Kincaid suggested.

"It does sound a reasonable hypothesis, Alpha begin scanning for Tommy and Katherine" Zordon said.

Alpha nodded and set to work at one of the consoles and as the other Rangers broke into groups to discuss this situation Rachel leaned over to me and whispered. "What you said to Alex that was very Father like".

"You think so, I mean tonight is the first night I've been a Father and I'm just trying to do the best" I said.

"You did great, I think when we have kids you're going to be a great Father" Rachel said as she kissed me on the cheek.

Meanwhile as we talked a pensive Kincaid watched the others talk and joke and try to maintain a positive outlook and as he did he spoke softly to himself. "The evil has been revealed. Darkness from my own reality has shown its face again. Only this time it's spread it's touch into another reality. Rangers had been corrupted and violated in the worst ways, and a dark force looks to spread its hand and drown out the lights of goodness forever. I must prepare the Rangers here…for the Second Coming."

"I thought we'd cured you of that antisocial behaviour" Sorrero said.

Kincaid wrapped up in his thoughts hadn't heard the approach of the other Night Ranger and turned at his arrival. "Sorry, just thinking about some things, like how an evil from our universe we thought was almost gone is back and raising more trouble for others".

"We'll beat them and don't worry so turn that frown upside down" Sorrero said jokingly.

Kincaid didn't smile but started to move towards the group with Sorrero at his side and then Kincaid reached up and swatted Sorrero around the head who stopped and said. "What was that for?"

"No reason, just for you being you" Kincaid said and as he walked away Sorrero swore he could see a small smile on his lips.

Inside the Emperor's castle Tommy and Kat knelt before their lord. "We are here to serve you Emperor" Kat said her voice as expressionless as her face.

"Of course you are, I mean you are my loyal servants not like that bitch Astronema" the Emperor snarled.

"If you want master I will kill her slowly for you" Tommy suggested.

"As nice as that sounds, I have more interesting plans for Astronema and by the time I'm finished with her she will either be back by my side or dead. Either way no great loss if she is dead then I don't have to worry about sharing my power with anyone" The Emperor said.

"Well, if not dead at least let me hurt her for you" Tommy suggested.

"No, I think I want Kat to do it for me. It's been a while since I've seen a good catfight and I can't think of anyone better than Kat to teach Astronema a lesson or two" The Emperor said.

Kat moved towards the Emperor and purring seductively she said. "My lord is wise and by the time I'm finished Astronema will be my bitch".

The Emperor looked suitably impressed and said. "Tommy return to your chambers and prepare for combat tomorrow, Katherine I would like to discuss your plans for Astronema in private".

Tommy nodded and started to leave as Kat said. "Whatever my Lord desires".

"What I desire now is you" the Emperor said as he pulled the enspelled Pink Ranger into a rough embrace.

While the Emperor had his way with Kat, the rest of us unaware, of all of this were trying to find a way to rescue them.

"No, No, No that won't work again. The only reason it worked last time was because we had help on the inside, this time we don't have that and I don't want to go in blind. For all we know there could be a hundred monsters waiting for us" I snapped.

"Whatever happened to Mr. Let's jump straight in without looking" Jason remarked to Kim.

Hearing that I relaxed a little and said quietly. "He grew up and started to think before doing".

"Adam is right on this one, we can't risk going in blind, we have to either find out clearly where they are and go and get them or wait for them to come looking for us" Kincaid said.

"So you suggest we do nothing" Jen snapped.

"Exactly, it's late and we're all tired I suggest we get some sleep. This problem isn't going to be solved tonight and I don't think the Emperor will harm two of his assets" Kincaid said.

"Indeed the Emperor has in his possession the Pink Zeo Ranger and the White Morphin and Red Zeo Ranger, that gives him more power and I don't think he will want to lose that" Zordon said.

"Agreed, look lets get some sleep and deal with this in the morning" I said.

Though they were reluctant everyone teleported to their homes with the exception of the leaders of the teams and Rachel. "Guys I suggest we meet up here tomorrow morning as soon as possible and decide what we're going to do".

Then they nodded and teleported away and I turned to tell Rachel I was ready to go and I stopped. She was talking quietly to Alpha and she had an expression on her face that I couldn't read and I wondered what was going on. Seeing me look over at her she moved away from Alpha and we teleported home. I was so exhausted from the night events that I was asleep before my head hit the pillow and I forgot all about Rachel and her conversation with Alpha.

Despite the troublesome situation I slept well and woke feeling refreshed and ready for action. Along with the S Clubbers we began our normal routine of late preparing for the tour, which would begin in just under a months time. This normal routine kept me from dwelling on the current situation regarding Tommy and Kat. It was only near lunchtime when I left to meet up with some of the Rangers did I realise that Rachel was acting very oddly.

Teleporting into the Power Chamber I found that Jason and the others were already there. Jason was stood with an impatient look in his eyes and his face and I knew why, of all of the Rangers is was Tommy who he was probably closest to.

"Sorry I'm late, we didn't finish rehearsals until later than we anticipated" I said apologetically.

"It's okay, we've only been here a few minutes ourselves" Andros answered.

"So anyone come up with anything" Leo asked.

"Not really, I mean we can't just go charging into the Emperor's castle and attempt to rescue them, I mean we know how many foot-soldiers and monsters should be there thanks to Veronica, but that could have changed since her defection to our side" Carter replied.

"I say we do it anyway" Jason stated.

"A little gung-ho aren't we?" I asked raising an eyebrow at the same time.

"No more than usual" Jason replied.

"Just straightforward attacking is not the answer, what we need is guile and general down right sneakiness" Kincaid suggested.

"What do you have in mind" I asked.

"Like any good castle there is always the front door and the back door. Create a distraction at one entrance and when the guards go to investigate the rest of us can enter through the back gate," Kincaid explained.

"Wasn't that from a film or something" I asked.

"More than likely" Kincaid replied.

"It's crazy and following a plan from a film is absolutely stupid, but what the hell" I said.

We began to discuss ideas for how we were going to proceed and had settled on the Night Rangers going in the front door while the Turbo Rangers went in the back way.

"I think that Kim should come with the Turbo Team, the more of us there are, the better I'll feel" I said.

"Agreed. So when do we do the plan?" Jason asked.

"Later, I know I don't feel any better about leaving them in his clutches any longer than we have to, but I've got my life to lead" I said.

Before anyone could reply I felt a tingle at the back of my head and then I heard Rachel speak. "'Adam we need you back here, we're going to start rehearsing again'".

"'On my way'. I'll be back later, be seeing you soon guys".

Returning to my home dimension we began to rehearse 'Reach'

When the world leaves you feeling blue

You can count on me

I will be there for you

When it seems all your hopes and dreams

Are a million miles away

I will reassure you

We got to all stick together

Good friends there for each other

Never ever forget that I got you

And you got me



Reach for the stars

Climb every mountain higher

Reach for the stars

Follow your hearts desire

Reach for the stars

And when that rainbow's shining over you

That's when your dreams will all come true

There's a place waiting just for you

It's a special place

Where your dreams all come true

Fly away

Swim the ocean blue

Drive that open road

Leave the past behind you

Don't stop

Gotta keep movin'

Your hopes gotta keep buildin'

Never ever forget that I got you and you got me



Reach for the stars

Climb every mountain higher

Reach for the stars

Follow your hearts desire

Reach for the stars

And when that rainbow's shining over you

That's when your dreams will all come true

Don't believe in all that you've been told

The sky's the limit

You can reach your goal

No-one knows just what the future holds

There ain't nothin' you can't beat

There's the whole world at your feet

I said reach

Climb every mountain


Reach for the moon


Follow that rainbow

And your dreams will all come true

Chorus x 4

The track ended and after that we continued to rehearse and practise and then taking aside the four Turbo Rangers I alerted them to the plan we had made up.

Time passed and we teleported to the Power Chamber where the Night Rangers were already waiting along with Kim.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked.

Not really, this plan sounds a bit like walking into the lions den with no protection" Kim moaned.

"It does, but you're ready" I said laughing.

"I am, I'd walk into the lions den for my friends, so lets do this" Kim said.

"We'll give you five minutes and then we'll come in weapons blazing" Kincaid said.

"Just don't forget" I said.

"We won't, good luck" Kincaid said.

"Let's do it. Shift into Turbo" I yelled.

The seven of us morphed and reappearing outside the castle we made our way to the entrance. Taking up a position just outside and under cover from several Quantrons we made ready to attack.

"Okay on my signal" I said. "Go" I shouted.

Then without hesitation the Turbo Team launched itself into battle against the Quantrons.

Inside the castle Darkonda entered the throne room and spoke to his master. "Emperor the Turbo Rangers are attacking the back of the castle".

"Excellent, alert me when someone attacks the front" The Emperor said.

"Master what do you mean?" Darkonda asked.

"This attack is a diversion, another team will te