Transdimensional Archives


Okay people this time around it starts to get a little hard I finnaly finished with the lead in story to my series. Near the end of this part it'll get a little mean the B word is used. and yes I could've used the W word but that just didn't seem to convey the emotion I was trying to get across.

Any Complaints, Don't blame the web master it's my fault email and tell me the webmaster has provided a link for just that ocassion.

But incase you don't want to leave this screen here's my email addy.


Loss, Life and a Rescue for Good Measure
By Shaun M

"What do you mean "When we get there." Aren't we just going to teleport her here? And what about Darius? " Peter asked as he arose from the Bio-enhancment bed.

"Peter. there is far to much energy in her area to telport her directley here. We must teleport a safe distance from the base and work our way in. And as for darius he absorbed an immense amout of energy from the attack. he will recover in time" Zord-one told the confused Ranger.

Billy broke in on the conversation. "We can't send the entire team in, I suggest a three prong maneauver. Team A consiting of Mike and Peter, will find the main energy room and set off some small charges to divert their resources and possibly give us a window to escape. Team B consiting of Robert and myself will find K'ellai and get her out.

Team C will be a total decoy Sammantha, Richard and, Brittany you three will need to get out in the open, Most likley Jarak is watching us at all times so trash talk him work his ego a little and he should send down some of his forces to attack you."

The other seven Rangers were staring at Billy with their eyes wide and mouths agap.

"What?"Billy asked quickly.

"So, umm is Robert still the leader?" Everyone focused their collective gaze on peter's smiling face.

"Heh heh. Okay let's go." Peter said as he scurried into the main equipment room.


Dark Kingdom

K'ellai sat in the energy absorption chair as her powers were slowly drained from her. Before the last of her powers were taken her eyes flashed a beautiful purple as she breathed "Ceaser…No.", she was pulled into the blackness of slumber.

Jarak sat on his throne resting his head on his fist. At first glance, a casual observer would think he'd been having second thoughts about draining his daughters powers. Slowly a dark smile crossed his features and his eyes took on an unholy glow. "More Power."

Velescia sat in her quarters weeping when a frigid chill ran up her spine. "What is that fowl beast Jarak thinking?"

Mechron oversaw the charging of the Moluculer dispersor. Quietly he watched as the Omechs kept the coolant systems in the green levels. A sad frown crossed the old Kitarians features as he thought back to the being this device was to be used on. He'd been more of a father to that wonderful child than Jarak had ever even hoped, or for that matter had tried to be.

K'ellai slowly awoke in her dank cell, this had been her home for nearly a day. Funny she thought to herself it seemed like a lot longer than that. She heard footsteps approaching her cell. It was time.


Angel Grove Park

"Zord-One this is Richard we're in possition." Richard, Sammantha And Brittany were all waiting beside Angels Lake. It had begun.

Sewage reclamation plant: southern zone sector seven.

Four orbs of energy coalessed into the attack force. "AWW man what's that smell?" Billy quickly covered his mouth and nose.

"The real question is what are we standing in?" Peter asked as they all looked down.

"EWWW!" All four rangers said in unison with disgusted looks on their faces.

"Let's get out of here. Look, over there a console. Maybe we can call up a map to figure out where we have to go." Robert said as he headed towards the platform the console was on, cursing his descision to wear his favorite pants.

"Okay guys this looks like a map of the entire complex…" Billy Began. "…See we're here, So Peter Mike you'll go six levels down and twelve doors to the right that's the power relay control room. set the charges and get out."

Mike and Peter quickly took off towards the utility lift and began there mission.

"Robert you and I are going here, Level one section four. That's where K'ellai will be brought." Billy quickly looked at Robert to see if he had any questions.

Robert was fast to take up the silence. "Shouldn't we get her before they bring her to the dispersor?"

"No, The actual dispersor will be very lightly guarded and therefore easier to get her out of." Billy's reply was quick and concise.

"Billy, why won't there be any guards in the disperesor room?" Robert asked in a hushed tone as he and Billy made there way towards the personnel lift.

"You don't want to know, Let's just say anything with it's own energy source can be, umm… let's just say it would be bad." Robert didn't question Billy any further after that, though he did wonder how bad it could be.


Four Levels below.

"Peter would you quit humming the Titanic theme? It's driving me nuts." Mike was starting to regret buying Peters mom that cd for her birthday, She played it all the time and Peter was living proof.

"Sorry it's kinda engrained in my mind, Mom plays that stupid cd all of the time. You really should have just gotten her the movie. I doubt she'd play it all the time."

The lift finnaly stopped at the floor they were supposed to get off at.

"Man this place is quiet." Peter and Mike said in unison.

As they rounded a corner they saw why.


Throne room.

Jarak's head slowly turned up as a familiar scent in the air cought his attention. "The Wolf, Here?"


Level one section two

K'ellai slowly made her way to the dispersor room guarded only by Jaraks new Goon The Evil Green Ranger, Apparently this would also be a celebration of sorts for the Dark Rangers. Jarak was going to initiate a plan to give them the Zords Of the Current team, Hopefuly her saviors.

"I should do your father a favor and destroy you right now." K'ellai almost laughed when this "Ranger" said that, he knew as well as anyone the instant he made a move against Jarak he'd be vaporized and his coin handed to another.

"Turn here traitor." Green Ranger snarled "We've picked out a nice seat for you, wouldn't want you to miss the show now would we?"

"She is the show." Pink Ranger swayed up to her team mate seductivley and placed her gloved hand on his bronze colored "Dragon Mantle"

"And when this is done the celebration starts." K'ellai almost threw up as the Pink Ranger powered down her helemet and kissed the Green Rangers mouthpiece. "Later sweety, oh I guess not ha." Pink Ranger made her way out of the dispersor room as her helmet rematerialised.


In the air ducts Billy's eyes teared up. "Kimberley" Robert barley heard him he was busy checking the timer readout. If everything was going to plan the charges will go off in three minutes. 

Main Reactor: forty-five seconds from detonation.

Lasers lashed out and sparked against a far wall. "You're never getting out of here Rangers."

Mike found it a little ironic that they were being kept here by their evil twins. Then everything stopped all of the noise, the threats. Everything.

"If you don't want to be caught in the blast you'd better get out now." Peter and Mike looked up to see a distortion standing in front of them.

Mike and Peter exchanged confused glances.

"GO NOW!" Phantom Ranger commanded. Mike and Peter took off running straight back to the cargo lift and back to the sewage reclamation plant. Not noticing a distrtion break off and head for the upper levels of the fortress.

As the doors to the sewage plant opened everthing went black.


Moleculor dispersor room

"What the hell?!" Tommy took up a deffensive pose as the lights shut down and red emergency lighting flared up. Robert and Billy made their move. with a hard kick Billy sent the ventilation grate flying, coincidentely it hit one of the guards in the head knocking him out cold.

A sheepish smile snaked across Billy's face as Robert congratulated him on his aim.

"Yeah well ummm…" Billy stammered as he ducked a punch from one of the two remaining guards.

"Billy, It was an accident wasn't it?" Robert smirked as he saw Billy make his way towards the the dispersor, "Umm, well…"

Robert smiled as he headed towards the doors to lock them down. "SIET EYAGH!"

Robert heard the familiar battle cry and dodged to the ground rolling to his feet, looking up he saw The Evil Green Rangers Dragon Dagger slice an impressively deep gash into the door.


Angels Lake.

Richard, Brittany and Sammantha had been doing their level best to get Jarak to send down some of his troops but to no avail. "This is getting really boring." Brittany was leaning against a tree watching the sun on the water.

Richard was watching her, {Man} he thought to himself, {She is really pretty I wonder if…} two flashes of light derailed Richards train of thought.

"Guys get over here now!" Sammantha sounded upset, Richard and Brittany almost flew to her position near a stand of trees. The sight they beheld was incredible, two people an Asian woman and an African-American man both encased in light of Yellow and Black an obsidian coin rested on each of there stomachs. Sammantha saw a blur of red coming in from behind Richard, It was the young man from the battle earlier, What was his name? Jack, John… Jason yes that was it.

"Trini! Zack! Oh man!" He looked very upset.

"You know them?" Richard questioned.


Dispersor Room

"Robert we've got to call on our powers!" Billy said as he barely dodged a blast from an Omech.

"Right! NINJETTI, THE DRAGON! " An etheral Dragon emerged from the floor tightly coiling around Robert whiping it's head back and biting down on Robers head the dragon vanished leaving Robert in his Ninjetti uniform holding the Dragon Murasame.

"That's a new one. My turn, NINJETTI, THE WOLF!" A blue Wolf lept out of the shadows of the room and into Billy's chest in a flash of blue light Billy stood in a full ranger uniform with a wolf coin on his chest.

"Impressive but unfortunatley you aren't going to be able to use those shiny uniforms in the after life." Tommy spat, as he began advancing he heard a voice calling to him his body froze and he was pulled into himself.

Billy and Robert couldn't believe what they had just seen the evil green ranger was advancing on them with intent to decimate and he shuddered and stopped.

"I can't let you do this again." he said to the image before him.

"You don't have a chance child, The dark side is far to strong to resist. You body will be mine and I will enslave the cosmos.

"What about your Master Jarak?" He said with contempt

"Ha, That fool he realy thinks he can control me? ME! I'm the Green Ranger. Ranked as one of the most powerful Rangers in the universe, And with my Magic I'll be unstopable." The dark visage of the green Ranger lept for the image of Tommy Oliver but slammed painfully into a glowing green force sheid.

"You meen MY Magic." Tommy said as he began chanting a spell Zordon had taught him while he was training.

[Flash Back]

Location: Training facilities. Level eight section four Power Chamber.

" Tommy. Your training is nearly complete. But there is one spell you must learn in the unlikley eveny your dark side should ever manifest itself. Read from the scroll before you, once you have finished it will become part of you forever."

As Zordon finished a small door in the wall opened to reveal a parchment which looked too old to discribe in words.

As Tommy read from the parchment he felt a new power flow through him as though it were an enhancing effect on his own powers.


Tommy Began to speak the words, Softly at first because he did not know what exactly the spell would do. But then with more strength.

"Arutos Celtis Nubus, D'arstis Comptris demonis…" Tommys' voice took on an impressivley deep tone. And the Green Ranger was frozen in fear.

As Tommy continued, "Klatuu Orsis Verata Neekro Seran Necto!"

Billy and Robert stood in shock as the Green Ranger took on an emerald light and vanished.

"Hello, Humans I could use some help here!" K'ellai all but screamed.

Billy and Robert made their way to her but before they could reach her Jarak and Mechron burst in.

Billy looked at Jarak and Robert could've sworn the Triceretops helmets Eyes were glowing.

"You! You're the one who kidnapped Zordon and gave him to Dark Spector." Billy Snarled

"Gave him." Jarak put on a false mask of insult. "My dear boy Dark Spector paid an enormous price for him. Now Mechron Destroy them before they get away with the traitor."

Mechron lept towards Billy and Robert, Armor growing sharp blades as he fell.

"Umm… Robert You may want to Morph."



Roberts Ninjetti Uniform molded and hardened into the Green Rangers Power Armor.

Mechron Hit Billy and rolled with him to the ground.

Billy's helmet receiver activated and he heard Mechrons voice.

"Blue Wolf I love the girl as a daughter I will help you get her out of here but you must be outfitted with the devices near the disspersor to do so. I will give you and your freind a moment to hit me as hard as you can. Jarak will know if you fake a punch."

Billy's Internal system shut down and he kicked Mechron across the room.

"Robert full power blast then we Get her out."

"Right Billy. Wrist blaster up."

"Blade Blaster Up."

In Perfect unison "FIRE!"

Mechron took the blast as he was running toward them the old man was launched backwards. As he hit the wall he fell into unconciousness.

Robert reacted to the scream an instant before Billy K'ellai was sobbing uncontrolably.

Robert began unstrapping her as Billy Grabbed the devices Mechron had told him about, But always the scientist Billy Pulled the dimensional phase ocillator out of the device.

"Robert Here. Signal enhancers." Robert caught them and strapped one on K'ellai then Himself.

"Uhnn." Robert Dropped to his knees as his Morph began to flicker. Jarak took this moment to fire an energy bolt at him hitting Robert Squarley in the back Good Lord how it hurt. If it weren't for Robert K'ellai would be dead right now.

"Zord-One this is Billy We have Her and are activating a set of signal enhancers." Roberts morph failed and he fell unconscious. K'ellai reached down and activeted his unit Knowing Billy wouldn't leave him, then her own and looked at Billy as he activated his.

"Billy, You must get out of the dispersor Room. Even with the enhanced signal there is still to great a chance at signal degredation."

"Will do. Blue Ranger Out." Billy ran towards Roberts Prone form and put him into a firemens carry at the same time he noticed Jarak had taken off. Probably after he took the pot shot at Robert.

"I assume you can walk." He said looking K'ellai squarley in the face.

"Why did you bring the lame Ranger?" Billy disregarded her remark.

On the way out of the room Billy removed a pulse grenade and threw it toward the main dispersor assembly. It would be a while before Jarak used that nasty little thing again.

As they ran down the Hall a very satisfying boom was heard. Billy tried to cantact Mike "Billy to Mike."

"Mike here." came the reply.

"Mike you and Peter Get out we'll meet you at the Power Dome. Billy out."



Richard was lying on the ground about four feet from the newly formed scorch mark in the otherwise well maintined grass. Apparently touching the force feilds was a very bad idea.

"That really hurt." Was about all Richard could manage.

The four teens had tried everything short of weapons to get the now Four People out of these feilds of energy. The only thing they'd managed to do was cause minor property damage, and a broken nail on Brittanys' part.


DARK FORTRESS Level three section one ALPHA

"Zord-one are we clear yet?" Billy spoke into his communicator.

"Yes Billy teleporting now. Scans indicate Robert is injured he will be teleported to the Med Bay." came the reply.

The three Teleported in three balss of light, one Blue-ish Black, one Emerald Green, and Another a Rich Beautiful Purple.



The Rangers communicators went off including Jason's. Richard, Brittany And Sammantha looked at him in shock.

"So you're the new Rangers. Cool. Maybe you should know I was a Ranger once too, so were they." Jason Said pointing to the now seven humans floating in force bubbles above the ground.

"Well then I guess you're coming with us." Sammantha said as she answered her communicator.

"Go ahead Zord-One."

"Sammantha I have good news The attack force has returned succesfully." Zord-One almost sounded happy

"We'll be right there Zord-One But we've got some trouble It looks like the Dark Rangers are former rangers under a spell. The look like they're out of commission but We can't touch them with out getting hurt. We should Probably bring them with us." Sammantha finshed

"Right Sammantha, We will teleport them directly to holding cells."

As the coomunications line closed all eleven forms were enveloped in their respective teleportation colors.


POWER DOME two hours later

Sammantha checked on the Guests as she had the hour before.

"Zord-One who are they?" She asked looking from one screen to another as the other rangers Eye'd K'ellai suspiciously.

"In Red you see Rocky Desantos, In Blue You See Justin Stewart, In pink Kimberly Hart, In yellow Trini Kwan, In Black Zachory Taylor, In White Katherine Hillard, And in Green Thomas Oliver. All of the had previously channeled the Morphin' Grid in defense of the Earth and Universe." Zord-One finished

Then added. "The Spell they are under is crumbeling as are their coins. Soon they will be released from the fields and will remember nothing of what has happened."

Darius turned away from K'ellai and hobbled towards Zord-Ones Moniter on his leg rested a muscular regenerator healing the torn muscles in his upper leg. "What about her?" He said motioning his head towards the young woman on the bio table in the force feild.

"I'm in the room you know." K'ellai said sharpley then added " And would it be to much trouble to get some food clothing and Wine?"

Robert walked out of the back section of the Power Dome rubbing his eyes. "Would it be to much trouble to send her back?" Everyone laughed Includung K'ellai, even though hers was a false laugh.

"She can stay here until we find out if her intentions are genuine and until We find a home for her." Zord-One Replied

Then Robert piped up as he stood so close to the force feild it was sparking. "Is She power less?"

Darius checked over the computer and answerwed "Yes she is the only difference between her and a normal human is her enhanced reflexes and a slightly augmented strength."

"Can she over power an unmorphed Ranger? Robert asked staring at her unmoving.

"No she can't. It would be a near draw. with experience finalizing the battle." Darius replied

"She can stay at my house. I've got enough room and she is my sister after all." Robert said

The other Rangers Looked at Robert Mouths agap.

Robert Leveled his gaze at the group, standing there with a stern glint in his eyes and said. "I'll Explain when I'm ready."

"Robert if she is to live with you then we will fit her with a restraint collar. It will keep her from leaving without your consent." Zord-One said.

"Won't people notice it?" Brittany asked.

"No Brittany It will be holographically cloaked as a necklace with a purple gem on it. When it is activated it will stop all but the involentary muscles from functioning below the shoulder. In escence she will be paralyzed." Came Zord-Ones reply

"Gee that just sounds peachy! That would be the icing on the cake of FREEDOM." K'ellai said sarcastically.

What came next was totally out of character and unexpected. "Listen you Bitch! You've nearly killed Sammantha and gave over a dozen four and five year olds nightmares for life this is at least a way out of the Power Dome. If you want we could lock you into one of the cells in the sub basement and try our Damndest to remember you're down there. Or you could go live with your brother wearing this collar until we Trust you, Ha as if that would ever happen the way your acting." Peter stood shaking for a moment his face red with anger the normally soft kind eyes burning with a fuel that had nothing to do with the current situation.

Mike saw his friend s reaction. He had in fact expected something like this but not to this extreme.

Mike and Peter grew up together Mike saw what Peter went through in school being the smallest was never easy but it got even worse when Peters father vanished on a mission for the military.

Mike knew Peter had been pushing the anger from that event deep down into himself for years aparently K'ellais' attitude just cinched it and he snapped.

Peter brought up his Communicator and teleported out.

"I'll go talk to him." Mike said. as he teleported out knowing exactly where his friend went.


Angels Bluff 1/4 mile from the Marcus Estate.

Mike saw his best friend of twelve years sitting near the edge of one of the many cliffs watching fittingly enough a storm rolling in.

"Hey man what's up?" Mike asked

"I lost it again, I should be able to control this by now." Peter sounded nothing like normal.

"Hey man Nobody can keep that bottled up for long. You have to start taking care of this man. No one can hold that much anger in themselves for ever. You know the saying." Mike said.

"Yeah No mans an Island But I really wish Ginger had crashed on me." Peter said, The familiar light returning to his eyes. And that goofy grin.

Thing were going to be alright. 

The End?

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