Transdimensional Archives


Disclaimer: this is a silly idea just thought off and it won't leave me alone. You kow the drill.

So you wanna be a hero?
By Mouse

"So young one, you wanna be a hero? Well, to be a hero takes a lot of things. Mostly the stupidity of being in the right place at the most definate WRONG time."

"How so Grand Master?" He chuckled at the innocent question.

"Well, take the case of the first Blue Ranger. No one would have picked him now would they?"

"Well, no Grand Master. I mean, look at the historical records. He was hopeless as a fighter." The young one sounded so sure of his words that the Grand Master just smiled.

"At first young one, at first. But he had great teachers and he learned and flourished. And became the most dangerous of all Rangers."

"How so grand master?"

"He used his brains over his phyiscal strength and therefore became more dangerous because of this."

"But Grand Master, you teach us an equal amount of both. Which is better?"

"Neither and both my son. You see, the Blue Ranger taught us all that self-scarifice and nobility are not learned, they are inside. He drew on his inner strength of will and courage to become the greatest Ranger ever known."

"I know that Grand Master. We studied his adventures in history class."

"Yes, but did you learn my son?" His voice was strangely intent.

"Grand master?" The boy was confused.

"What did you learn?" The boy thought for a moment.

"Not to give up master."

"Exactly my son. Now, tell me. How did you know this?"

"Well, it was his adventures during the quest for the Zeo crystal."

"Tell me more my son."

* * *

Billy loaded the power coins into the rengenerator. He was concerned that it wouldn't work but had faith in his abilities. And his friends had faith in him, he hoped. He looked up and saw Goldar and Rito heading their way. Taking a deep breath he knew they were out of time, he activated it.

Moments later he watched indispair as Rita and Zedd destroyed the power coins. He felt an unbelievable sense of loss, not unlike when his mother died. He watched Rita and Zedd leave them alone and he sat down against the wall with the rest of his friends. He tried to be strong; he had to be an adult for his friends, because now he was. Moments later he was facing the monster Rita and Zedd created out of his regenerator but they were saved at the last moment.

* * *

Billy stood back in silence as Zordon told the younger Rangers that they would have to go on the Zeo quest without him. He was too old to go. It was killing him with worry on the inside but he didn't let it show. He was there for his friend that was the main thing. So sighing, he watched as each of them went through the wormhole to each of their destinations. Wishing them luck he furfently hoped they would be okay.

* * *

Billy had finished assemblng the Zeo crystal and activated it. After much rumbling and shaking, where everyone ended up on the floor, his friends were back. He felt relieved that they were all back to normal and okay. Tanya stuck him as a strong person. It took a lot of courage to do what she did. But he would miss Aisha; she was something special to him. He was then sad that he had to say goodbye to his friends, the Aquitian Rangers. They did so but as they got back they discovered that Goldar and Rito had broken in and stolen the crystlal. And then the command centre exploded. He immediately knew what the danger was, the morphing and teleportation console. It would give out harmful radiation, but his friends didn't know that. So he did the only thing he could. He leapt on top of the console and absorbed the radiation himself. The effects, thankfully only temporairly, knocked out moments later they were teleported out and he. When he awoke tofind the others standing over him, he saw the command centre explodes and once again, his world caved in around him. And once again, he had to be strong.

* * *

He stood there and watched as each of his friends were given new powers, and he wasn't it. It was the right thing to do at the time. But sometimes he wondered. After a few months of helping them behind the scences had began to wear on him. So when the chance to came to leave for a while, he took it. He enjoyed the couple of weeks he was away. He got a chance that no one else had. When it came time for him to return, he was in two minds but he returned. And was glad he did. Mondo's attempt to destroy him and the efforts his friends to save him showed him how important he was to them. Something he needed to know.

* * *

Months later he was back on Aquitar, this time permantly. Or so he thought. After almost a year he went to Eltar to help them prepare for the coming of the Darkness. Unfortunatly he arrived too late to help them and spent all of his time was helping the survivors. When Zordon died he, along with others, felt it. It saddened him immesely but he got on with his life. He then went off to study with everyone he could, trying to find someway to make the universe safe. And that was how he founded the Academy of Rangers. Preparing young people from everywhere to take up the mantle to fight for goodness. Some made it, some didn't. The ones that didn't became Guardians or Helpers, the backbone of the army of Good and Light.

* * *

"So, young one, you learnt that he never wilted under pressure, he always did what was required of him."

"But Grand Master, some of his later adventures, he lost. How can he be a hero if he lost?"

"A hero dosen't have to win all the time young one. A hero can loose and still be a hero. It's the willingness to take the risk of loosing, to take that chance. It's the strength to follow your dreams and stick to your ideals, that's what makes's you a hero. Not how many battles you win, or how many victories you have. It's what's inside that counts young one. Now, I believe you have practice?"

"Yes Grand Master." The small boy got up and left the master's scanturary. The Grand Master smiled, his bright blue eyes crinkling with suppresed mirth. He spoke without looking over his shoulder.

"I swear Jason, your grandson is more like you than you know."

"I know Bill. Hey, your boys aren't doing to shabby either." Laughing the former Red and Gold Ranger walked over and helped the former Blue Ranger stand. Both of them were elderly but still walked with strength and purpose. The Grand Masters of the Acadmey of Rangers left the temple room and headed out to oversee the new generation of Power Rangers.
