Transdimensional Archives

Disclaimer: You defiantly know the drill by now if you've followed the entire series. I don't own any of it blah blah blah. This is the last chapter or is it? Of my Destiny series. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Once again my boundless thanks to Cinders for beta reading, couldn't have done it without you mate! Thanks a million. Major thanks go to my friend Ronin who is responsible for the fight scene near the end of the story. Thanks mate. Also thanks to Jose and Eurydice who answered quickly some urgent questions I had. Thanks guys. The quote below is from my favourite song of all time – it was the song played at my wedding. It's by Byran Adams and if you don't know this song – where have you been living for the last ten years?

Destiny Chronicles Ten: Consequences of the Soul.
By Mouse.

"I would fight for you – I'd lie for you. Walk the wire for you – Ya I'd die for you. Ya know it's true. Everything I do – I do it for you."

Phaedos, October 2000.

Since Bill's return the Rangers had settled into a sort of routine. There were no more attacks by Dathan or his Rocknies, so they were able to rest and heal. Dulcea and Dimitria knew that this stalemate was just temporary, that the big battle was looming on the horizon, but it wasn't spoken about.

Bill had been slowing rebuilding the friendship with the other Rangers and was slowly working himself out of his grief. He had been teaching Justin and Carlos all about the two remaining Zords and their maintenance. He had also been meditating daily and soon all the Rangers had gotten into the habit of doing it. Jason noticed that Bill was slowly trying to build them up so he started a routine of exercise, kata's and sparring, to make sure everyone stayed sharp. They soon slipped into a routine. Meditation and kata's in the morning. A light lunch and then sparring and more kata's in the afternoon. After a few weeks everyone was back in excellent shape and feeling a lot more centred than they had been after the trials of the year.

* * *

The Revenge

Dathan just lounged in his overstuffed chair, watching. Waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

* * *

Phaedos. October, 2000.

The Rangers had taken a day off to relax and enjoy themselves. All the guys except Bill and Jason had gone fishing by the river. Trini was watching over Kimberley, who she thought might wake soon. The girls had decided that some pampering for themselves was in order and Dulcea had told them about a hot mineral springs within in the jungle that would suit their purpose. They had all agreed most enthusiastically that it was what they needed. Kat and Aisha came over to where Bill and Jason were watching the ladies preparation. They both had serious expression on their faces and Jason leant his head closer to Bill's.

"Brace yourself. We're about to be hit by hurricane Kat and Aisha." Bill had to turn his head away, covering his mouth with his hand so they didn't notice him laughing at Jason's words. Jason cleared his throat and addressed the two ladies.

"Can we help you ladies?"

"Yes. We want your word that neither of you will interfere in what we are about to do?"

"And that would be?" Jason's tone was one of suppressed mirth and curiosity. Kat spoke, her accent standing out more than usual. Ever since the last supply run to Earth, a week before, she had been almost impossible. The Olympic Games had ended and Australia had won a record amount of gold medals. It was enough to make the very proud Australian over the moon and she had been in a good mood ever since then, and it had reflected on everyone else. Although she did do some good-natured teasing of all the others, considering everyone else on the team was mostly American. She said it was her patriotic duty to rub their faces in the fact that Australia had wiped the floor with them at the Games. They didn't mind, in fact it was fun. This was a side they hadn't really noticed about her before.

"We're going to drag your wife to the mineral springs Dulcea found for us. We don't want you couple of blokes interfering." The two friends held up their hands and backed up a step. Jason spoke, this time not hiding his laughter.

"Wouldn't dare interfere with you to. Please, go ahead!" They both stood there laughing as the entire female ranger contingent headed into the medical cave. Jason had never seen such a stampede of determined woman before. He glanced at Bill and saw he was just as fascinated as he was.

"This'll be interesting." Jason just laughed harder and they watched and waited. After a few moments a sound of a protesting voice could be heard, demanding to be taken back inside. But she was being ignored. The mass of woman exited the cave and the two men burst into helpless laughter. Trini was being carried by all the woman and couldn't get away. She was held up by all the woman for all the world to see and it was priceless, the look on her face. At a barked command from Aisha, Maya darted out from the pack and grabbed up everyone's bag and the woman headed off down the trail, Trini protesting all the way. Bill clapped Jason on the shoulder and laughed.

"You know, that has to be the funniest thing I have ever seen." Jason tried to look serious but then burst into laughing. The two of them moved down into the main camp and looked around. The place was deserted and the two men realised that this was the chance both of them had been waiting for. The chance to talk and get to know what was going on. Smiling Bill nodded at Jason.

"You get us something to drink, I'll check on Kim."

"Right." They both moved off in different directions.

Ten minutes later they were both seated at the workbench. They had decided that they might as well make themselves useful by chopping vegetables for that evening's stew, and they could talk as they worked.

"So, Bill. We haven't had much of a chance since you've been back to talk. How are you holding up?" Jason concentrated on peeling the potatoes while he spoke. Bill doing the same with the carrots.

"Okay I guess. It's going to take a long to get used to being with out her I suppose. I guess, I guess I now know how my dad's felt most of my life since my mother died. It's not easy and it's not going to get a lot easier for a long time is it Jason?"

"I wish it would for you Bill." They sat in silence for a moment, peeling vegetables. Sighing Bill started chopping the carrots he had peeled. "So, tell me about her Bill. Tell me everything." He looked at his friend and could see the concern for him in Jason's eyes. And what the hell, it might even help.

"Well, we meet when I was helping them rebuild Eltar after Zordon's death. She was their working as a Healer and I loved her from the very first moment my eyes meet hers."

Elsewhere overlooking the temple, the two Guardians watched the two young men talking. Dulcea nodded to herself and turned and walked away, towards her private meditation spot. Dimitria following after a moment. Dulcea leaned her staff against the rock and picked a couple of fruits off a nearby tree and handed one to her friend.

"Those two are close." Dulcea grinned a very rare grin at her companion.

"Yes. Bill will tell Jason things that he won't tell the others. Something happened to him while he was trying to fight Dathan and I think he will have to get it sorted out before he can face him again." Dimitria just shrugged and sat down on a rock, opposite her friend. Curling her legs beneath her Dimitria reached up and removed her veil, revealing her lovely face and long dark hair.

"Why do you still keep your face covered Dimitria? Everyone here knows who you are."

"Habit I suppose." She reached up and removed her veil entirely, shaking her head so that her hair fell about her face in waves. Dulcea smiled, it wasn't often that Dimitria relaxed like this.

"In over the four thousand years I've known you Dimitria, that's only the second time you've let your hair down, literally." She smiled and took a bite of her fruit. Sighing she looked out over the jungle. Dulcea leaned forward slightly; Dimitria seemed pensive somehow.

"What's wrong my friend?"

"I have to go home. My sister has been calling me for almost two months solid. I can't ignore her any more. Even though she's good now, and has been cured of the evil that was controlling her, she still can be, well, rather insistent."

"And her voice, well, the less said about that the better." They both laughed, enjoying a rare moment of tranquillity. Sighing about the necessity of going home, Dimitria turned to her friend.

"I have enjoyed being here with you for the last ten months Dulcea. It was good to get back into the fight, albeit on the sidelines. But I have missed Inquiris. More than I thought I would I suppose."

"Your always welcome here, when ever you want to visit, I'm always here." Dimitria looked at her friend, concern colouring her tone.

"Do you ever regret accepting this responsibility? Of never being able to leave here, of never being able to go down into the jungle itself?" Dulcea looked down at her beloved jungle.

"Occasionally I do. And there are those rare occasions when I can go into the jungle. I have the rest of the planet to roam in so I keep myself amused. But sometimes, sometimes I feel like Maya. Not knowing where my home is any more or what has become of it. I feel like I'm the last member of my people, the last of the true Ninjetti."

"Except for young William down there, you are my friend."

"I know. And that's what makes it so hard sometimes Dimitria. Knowing that maybe he wont survive the upcoming trials facing him and that I will truly, be the last Ninjetti." Dimitria began putting her veil back on, speaking slowly as if the words themselves weren't important but the intent was.

"It is the burden we accepted knowingly Dulcea. I accept the fact that I am to be a Guardian to the Rangers. You accepted the responsibility of the Guardianship of this planet and all that went with it. Including the loneliness. I do not envy either of us our tasks."

"At least once this is all over, you can go back to being just plain Dimitria, teacher of knowledge at the Academy. Me, I'll remain here for the remainder of time." Dulcea shook herself and stood up, automatically grasping her staff. "Maybe I'm just feeling a little sorry for myself, or just that the deaths of so many young people have upset us both more than we realised." Dimitria stood and finished fastening her veil.

"Yes. Maybe it has." She held out her hand and Dulcea came over and grasped it in hers. "Good bye my friend, may the power protect you."

"Safe journey my friend. May the power protect you, always." Smiling at her friend Dulcea released her hands and stepped back. Concentrating Dimitria disappeared in a streak of white light. "Good bye my friend." Sighing Dulcea went back over to her meditation rock and sat down. Crossing her legs under her she closed her eyes and tried to seek answers for the questions troubling her soul.

". So there I was, on bended knee asking her to marry me, when in bursts her brothers whose main aim is to take me out the back and ask me my intentions for their sister." Jason laughed so hard he almost fell off his chair. Bill grinned and kept talking as he was chopping various roots for the stew. "So anyway, here I was on bended knee asking her, in front of her father. Anyway she just grinned at me, reached down and got me to my feet. Which was pretty hard as I was really, really nervous about it. Anyway so she says to me I'll think about it and you could of heard a pin drop. Then she decided that I'd suffered enough and threw her arms around me, saying yes. Tell you what, never been happier. And didn't look back." He sighed, his mood changing to one of melancholy reflection. "I just wish you could have known her better Jason. You would have loved her as much as I do." Jason laughed slightly and clapped his friend on the back.

"Somehow I think Trini might have objected." Laughing the put all the chopped vegetables in the large stew pot. "Now, if the guys have caught a good catch, fish stew sounds nice for a change doesn't it?"

"Yep. Defiantly a nice change." They stood and stretched a little. They had been sitting and talking about things for what felt like forever but was probably only a couple of hours. "Come on. Let's go check on Kim." The two friends walked over to the medical cave, enjoying the company of one another and the deep friendship between the two.

"She's looking a little better don't you think?"

"Yes. Trini said she was hoping that Kim would come out of it soon." Jason sighed, that was one task he wasn't looking forward to. Tom had been killed in the attack that had injured Kim and put her in a coma. She didn't know that he was gone, and it was Jason's job as leader to tell her. It wasn't something that he was good at, having to tell seven families that their son's or daughters wouldn't ever be coming home again. Unbeknownst to all bar Trini, the anguish he felt at having to do this duty had driven him a couple of times to despair, and almost quitting outright. But he didn't give up. That's what made him a good leader. That's what made him a leader everyone was willing to follow. Sighing he looked down at his friend and was startled to see two brown eyes staring up at him.

"Kim. You're awake. How do you feel?"

"Like I've been run over by a steamroller. How do you think? Where's Tom?" Jason bowed his head for a moment, dreading the task he had to perform. Bill saw the anguish and had heard the reluctance in his voice earlier. So he decided to spare his friend this task.

"In the explosion which injured you, Cassie and Tom were killed instantly. Carlos had concussion and you've been unconscious since then. We're sorry Kim. More than you can know." Tears streamed down her face and she closed her eyes in pain for a moment. Jason reached down and grasped her hand in his and Bill did the same. Just then they felt a presence behind them and saw Dulcea standing there.

"Go now. I'll watch her and ease her pain." Without a word they both let go of her hands and left the cave. Sighing they both went over to their favourite spot and watched the jungle for signs of the others returning.

* * *

The Revenge.

Dathan watched as the pink ranger came to and heard the news about her husband. He saw Dulcea comfort her and try to help with the pain. He moved uncomfortably in his seat. This scene was unsettling him more than he thought possible. Frowning he concentrated a moment and disappeared from his ship. He re-appeared on the asteroid near the Great Barrier. He stood there staring at it, trying to divine the purpose of his existence he supposed. He wasn't surprised to feel a presence behind him. He turned to find T'Risa's spirit standing there.

"Welcome fair lady." He bowed his head in respect. She did the same.

"You are troubled." He quirked a grin.

"You noticed."

"Yes. You are unsure of your role in the upcoming events." It was a statement, not a question.

"Yes. I have talked with your husband, and some of the Rangers. It has made me doubt my motives and my purpose."

"It can be disconcerting, can't it Dathan. To discover that you like your enemy."

"Yes, that's it exactly. I don't want to hurt any more people." He sounded angry and upset and confused all at once. T'Risa looked at him and smiled gently.

"Dathan, destiny choose you to walk this path. The universe needs balance more than anything else. The balance of good versus evil is the most fundamental of those balances. Zordon's influence wiped out most of the evil in the Universe, and for awhile the balance has been on the side of good. But the universe is coming up to something spectacular. The birth of new millennia is also the rebirth of the universe itself. And if that balance isn't exactly right at the time of rebirth, then chaos incarnate will reign and nothing anyone can do will stop it." He stared at her in shock. To him it sounded like she wanted him to commit unspeakable acts of evil.

"Are you telling me that I have to be evil? Go out and destroy peoples and planets like I enjoy it? Even though I've already cost you your life?" She sighed and looked at him. He could see the sadness and loneliness in her eyes. It was like he was looking into the Blue Mage's eyes again. He could see how these two made such a good couple together.

"No Dathan. I'm telling you that you can't fight destiny. Destiny has decreed that you are to fight Will on the eve of the new millennia. It has decreed that the fight will decide the fate of the universe. Are you going to fight destiny Dathan?" She faded away and he was left alone. He stared at the spot where she had stood for a few moments and then sighed.

"No my lady. I will not fight destiny. But it doesn't mean I have to like it."

* * *

Phaedos. Early December.

The Rangers had enjoyed the quiet time that they had been sharing. The woman had helped Kim cope with Tom's death and the team had become closer than they ever had before. They all missed Dimitria, Justin especially, but understood that she had to return home to her people. In fact they all had returned to Earth at one point or another, to see their families and reassure them that they were still okay. Trini and Jason had even managed to get a couple of days away to celebrate their recent wedding anniversary, all the Rangers had chipped in for that one.

Bill wandered around the camp, watching his friends going about there daily routine. He had slowly come to terms with all his friend's death's and found that the sadness he felt was replaced by a strong determination to win. But there was still an emptiness in him, where the loss of his wife still hurt, he supposed it would do for sometime. He looked up as he saw Dulcea approach him.

"William. There is a problem. Dathan has sent his forces to attack Inquiris itself. They have overwhelmed its defences and Dimitria has called for help."

"What's the problem then? We take the two Zords and go help them." Dulcea gazed at him and sighed. Looking away from him she spoke again, her tone reluctant.

"The Prophecy is the problem. It stated how many Rangers were to die. There is a chance that a yellow and a blue ranger will fall in this attack. Do you want to take that chance?"

"What do you mean, lose a blue ranger. We've already lost T'Risa, isn't that enough?"

"William. Think about it, T'Risa only joined with the Great Power to give her extra power as a Mage. She didn't need to be a Ranger, so she isn't' counted as one. And if you remember, the prophecy mentions her separately." Bill shook his head and moved away, stopping to look at his friends. "You must leave all the yellow and blue Rangers here." He shook his head emphatically.

"I can't make that decision Dulcea. I tried to do that a couple of months ago and look how close we came to losing everything we have been working for. No, it's Jason's decision." He moved away from her and jogged down the path to where Jason was practising with Rocky and Adam.

"Jason, something's come up. Dathan's attacking Inquiris, Dimitria's called for help." Jason stared at his friend and then nodded.

"What are we standing around here for then?" He made to move away to get the others but Bill grabbed his arm. Nodding to Rocky and Adam the two friends moved off to gather everyone together.

"What is it Bill?"

"Dulcea thinks we should make the yellow and blue Rangers stay behind." Jason looked shocked and glanced over at the Master Warrior. She was standing proud and defiant, on the steps of the temple.


"Because we can still loose one or both of them, she doesn't think we should take that chance this close to the end." He stared at his friend.

"And what did you say to that?"

"I said it was your choice. I tried to choose a couple of months ago remember that was a disaster. You're the leader Jason, I hate to put it on your shoulders, but that's why you're our leader. You can handle the responsibility of it." Jason just stared and then smiled thinly at his friend.

"Thanks. But considering what Dathan is capable of, I think we're going to need everyone. Let's go."

* * *

In orbit above Inquiris.

"What do you think Jason?" The red ranger looked over the results on Justin's sensors.

"It's not looking good, that's for sure Justin." He glanced over to Aisha. "Any luck getting through to Dimitria Aisha?"

"No. Too much interference. Sorry."

"Okay, so we do it the hard way. Kim, you stay here as back up okay?"

"Okay Jason." He looked around at the assembled Rangers.

"Okay. Let's do it. It's Morphin Time!"

"The Lion!"

"The Ape!"

"The Hawk!"

"The Fox!"

"The Dolphin!"

"The Swan!"

"The Butterfly!"

"The Chameleon!"

"The Tiger!"

"The Panther!"

"The Frog!"

"The Bear!"

"The Cheetah!"

"The Gazelle!"

"The Eagle!"

"The Deer!"

"The Bull!"

"The Squirrel!"

"The Wolf!"

* * *


The Rangers arrived morphed and ready to fight in the Centre Square of the capital of Inquiris. Jason took the situation in with a glance and started issuing orders.

"Aisha, take Justin, Zhane and Kat with you. Find Dimitria and find out what the situation is. The rest of us, let's get 'em!" The four Rangers departed and headed off towards the main building while the rest of them attacked the Rocknies.

Aisha held in the mini-scanner in front of her as they raced towards what looked like the main building. It was calibrated towards Dimitria's life signs and they raced towards her location. They reached the building to find a couple of Rocknie's in their way.

"Aisha, take Kat, find Dimitria. Justin and I will handle this."

"Right Zhane." The two female Rangers leapt over the Rocknies and left them to be dealt with by the two guys. "This way Kat." They raced along a corridor, ignoring the stares of the Inquitian people inside. "I think she's in here." They had reached a huge double door that a couple of guards were standing outside of. They skidded to a halt and Kat stepped forward.

"We are here to see Dimitria. Take us to her, now!" The guards hesitated a moment and then nodded. These were Rangers, the most trusted people in the universe. One guard opened the door and motioned them to go inside. They walked through the door and saw Dimitria standing in the middle of the room with four others, around a large table that was glowing white for some reason. She looked up as the two Rangers came into the room. She smiled and then the two woman noticed that her veil was gone, in fact, instead of her normal flowing headdress her hair was free and she had a smudge of dirt on her first and looked extremely tired.

"Rangers. Thank the power that you're here in time. Come over here." The two Rangers moved to stand next to her. Kat looked at her, concern in her voice.

"Are you alright?"

"Tired is all Pink Ranger." She motioned towards the table. "This is what we have been working on. It is a Knowledge Crystal. All the combined knowledge of all our people, our heritage, culture, art, music, knowledge, everything. Is in the crystal. You must take it to Dulcea. She will know what to do with it."

"Hang on a second Dimitria, you're coming with us aren't you?"

"No Yellow Ranger. I mustn't leave now. Take this crystal please, it is our hope." She reached out and reverently grabbed the crystal. She turned and placed it in a small bag made of what looked like white velvet. She handed it to Kat.

"Now Rangers, please hurry and take this to Dulcea. It is very important, it will aid you in the final battle. Go."

"But Dimitria.."

"Go. Now! Please Rangers." Taking the bag Kat nodded and backed away. As she and Aisha reached the door they turned and both bowed to the Inquitian lady and then left. "Good luck Rangers."

Outside the building Zhane and Justin had quickly dealt with the two Rocknies trying to get into the building and were about to run into it when the two woman came running out.

"What's going on? Where's Dimitria?"

"She's not coming Justin. Come on, we have to join the others." Kat raised her communicator. "Kat calling Anzac,"

"Go ahead Kat."

"Kim, in front of me about half a meter away is a small bag, teleport that up and don't let it out of your sight for a moment okay, I'll explain later."

"Okay. Teleporting now." The bag vanished. "Got it Kat."

"Thanks Kim, Kat out." She lowered her wrist and nodded to the guys. "Let's go."

The rest of the Rangers had been fighting a holding action against the Rocknies at the spaceport, allowing people to evacuate. So far they had been successful but were getting pretty tired. Jason looked up in relief as he saw the other Rangers arrive.

"Did you get her to safety?"

"She refused to come. Told us to leave. Sorry Jason but she won't come." Kat spoke distractedly as she ducked under a clumsy swing made by a Rocknie.

"Oh well, we'll just have to keep fighting and get rid of these guys altogether." They jumped into the fray with renewed vigour and calling on their power weapons they were able to reduce the number of Rocknie's dramatically. They were winning when all of a sudden there was a large flash and Dathan appeared in front of them.

* * *


"Rangers." Bill and Jason stepped forward as one to face him. The rest of the Rangers spread out behind them both in a semi circle of colour.

"Dathan. Is there something we can do for?" The most evil person in the universe walked slowly towards them. Reacting instinctively they all assumed combat stances. Dathan just smiled slightly and stopped just in front of Jason and Bill.

"Red Ranger. Blue Mage. I have come here to offer a deal."

"We don't do deals." Bill held his hand out to stop his friend.

"I think we should hear him out Jason." It said a lot for the regard Jason had for Bill that he didn't retort, just nodded his assent.

"Thank you Blue Mage. As you know, the prophecy says that the Blue Mage and I will are supposed to fight on the eve of the millennium."

"We know that. What's the deal?" Dathan sighed and looked Bill square in the eyes when he spoke.

"We stop this useless fighting now. And then it's just you and I on what you human's call New Years Eve. No more me sending Rocknie's to attack insignificant targets and try to kill you. Just you and me on New Years Eve."

"That's it? What about the Rocknie's that are left here?" Dathan looked around and saw about twenty Rocknies left, he just shrugged.

"You can finish them off Red Ranger, they don't matter. Consider them a farewell gift from myself. Well Blue Ranger? What is your response?" Bill went to speak but Jason stopped him with a glance. Even though they had their helmets on, Bill could read his friend like no one else could. He knew that Jason wanted him to wait. Jason stepped forward.

"He'll think about it. In the meantime we'll finish off these Rocknies and you don't bring anymore in and he'll consider it. That's our deal!"

"Fine by me Red Ranger. Go for it. I'll be over here watching." He gestured towards a nearby pile of rubble and walked over to it. They watched as he made himself comfortable on the rubble. Jason turned to Bill.

"I don't know what to make of him. Kat, come here a minute will you." The Pink Ranger walked over and Jason quickly filled her in.

"So, what do you think?" Kat crossed her arms and glanced over at Dathan and then sighed.

"He means it. He wants this to come to an end Jason. I know I'm in a minority of one here, but I feel sorry for him." She sounded defiant and Jason just nodded and clapped her on the shoulder.

"It's okay Kat, we all have our feelings. Let's take care of these Rocknies and then see what happens."

The remaining Rangers battled the left over Rocknies eagerly. Knowing that this was the last time they would be facing them had let themselves get over confident and they stopped taking notice of the environment around them. Each of the Rangers were taking on the Rocknies with sometimes an almost blatant disregard for their own safety. Jason had called Kim down from the Zords, as he knew that she would want to be in on the last fight. They were fighting well and had gotten it down to the last five Rocknies. One saw the overwhelming odds and took off running. Without thinking Justin took off after him. Jason seeing this ordered Trini and Adam to go after him, while the others took care of the rest.

"Justin, will you wait. He's not going anywhere." The young blue ranger slowed down a fraction and waited for the two other Rangers to join him. They stopped and saw where the Rocknie was. He had tried to take shelter in a heavily damaged building but couldn't get in through the rubble. So it saw the three Rangers standing there and took off running again.

"Let's go!" Justin took off running again. Adam looked at Trini.

"Were we ever that young?"

"No one's that young!" She laughed and they took off after Justin. The Rocknie had run back towards the battle and then pulled up when he saw he was the last Rocknie left. He saw 18 Rangers standing there, waiting for him. He turned and saw three Rangers standing behind him. Growling with rage he took the path of least resistance. He turned and charged at the three Rangers, taking them by surprise. Striking out with it's powerful arms it sent Adam flying through the air. The other Rangers came running and Dathan stood up, concern on his face. Something wasn't right with this particular Rocknie. The Rocknie then turned it attention to Trini and Justin. With a roar it struck Justin with a lightening blow that sent him to the ground like a felled tree, unconscious. Trini leapt at it, trying to distract it, to gain time for the others to arrive to help them. The Rocknie had other ideas though. Utilizing a little known attack he increased his energy and grabbing Trini, he didn't let go. The other Rangers had reached Adam and watched with growing horror. Jason, Bill, Rocky, Andros, Zhane, Leo and Mike all took off at a run, to try and reach Trini and Justin in time. Behind the Rangers Dathan yelled at the Rocknie.

"NO! I won't let you do that!" He held out his hand to try and stop the Rocknie but it was too late. Eons too late.

The Rocknie exploded.

The Rangers were flung about like ragdolls. Most of them were lucky and only got cuts and bruises. Trini and Justin weren't. They were obliterated, totally. Jason got to his feet unsteadily and just stared at the huge hole on the ground were moments before his wife had been.

"No. Not her. Please God. Not her."

Dathan picked himself up and looked at the devastation that his creature had caused. Without realizing it he found himself standing next to Kat.

"I didn't want this to happen. No one was supposed to get hurt." Once more, Kat's infamous temper got the better of her. This time, however, Dathan wasn't amused.

"Wasn't supposed to happen? How could it not happen! These things were your creations Dathan! That's what they do. It's what you do. Kill and maim and destroy! That's the only thing you know how to do! I felt sorry for you Dathan, but no longer. I despise you more than anything! You've killed so many good people in this stupid fight of yours and now you've gone and crossed the line. Do you realize what you've done? You've killed a Healer Dathan! A Healer! The one person you told me that you would never harm!" He stared at her in shock. The Rangers were looking at him and he could tell that through their helmets that they were way past angry. And so was he. Angry with himself and what his creation had done. How dare they judge him for being what he was, evil?

"Don't you think I know that! But it's what I am. Evil! Evil people do evil things! You think that I don't regret killing a Healer. It will go to my grave with me!" He looked up as Bill approached.

"New Years Eve. The asteroid. You and me." Dathan nodded. "Now get out of here before we forget about the universe and destroy you here and now."

"Agreed Blue Mage. But remember this Ranger. I am evil. Nothing can change that." He pointed at the ground and it began shaking. He disappeared and Kendrix spoke.

"Let's get out of here, now!" Bill went over to Jason and held onto him as they all teleported to the Zords.

From the Zords the watched as the Planet Inquiris slowly broke into pieces. In the space of ten minutes, the planet was no more. All the Rangers stood around silently. No one moved or spoke. After a few moments Andros stirred and headed the Zords back to Phaedos.

* * *


The Rangers teleported to the surface, unmorphed, and still silent. Kat approached Dulcea, the white velvet bag and handed it to Dulcea. When she spoke, her soft accented voice was full of pain.

"Dimitria said we had to give this to you. You would know what to do with it. Inquiris, it's.."

"I know Kathryn. I know." She accepted the bag and walked away from the Rangers. Most of the Rangers moved away from Jason and Bill, except Kim, Adam, Rocky, Kat and Tanya. Jason had just collapsed to the ground when they got back and was just sitting they're, staring at his hands, not moving. The others formed a loose semi circle around them and Bill approached his friend. Placing his hand on Jason's shoulder he spoke softly.

"Jason. I'm so sorry. You don't know how sorry I am." With a suddenness that startled everyone Jason reached up and pushed Bill's hand away. He looked up and Bill winced at the pain and sadness in his friend's eyes.

"Sorry are you? You could have saved them Bill! You have the power! You could have saved them! You did it before with Justin, why didn't you do it this time? Is it because you've lost your own wife that you thought no one else should have one? Is that it? You're all alone now and so you thought everyone else should be Bill. Is that it? Is that why you didn't save them. WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE THEM BILL? WHY?" Bill recoiled at the anger and hurt in his friend's voice. The words sliced through him like a knife. His friend was in pain and lashing out at the one person who knew how he felt. He tried to not take the words to heart, but it still hurt. Knowing that whatever he said wouldn't be good enough he spoke softly.

"There was nothing I could do Jason. It all happened to fast. There was nothing any of us could do." Jason lashed out at Bill and Bill ducked under the wild swing. He tried to attack him again but Rocky and Adam leapt forward and held Jason's arms. They wrestled him to the ground and Jason started crying.

"Why her? She never hurt anyone. Why her." He looked up into Bill's eyes and once again Bill's heart shattered with the pain he saw in his friend's eyes. "Why didn't you save her Bill. Why?" Jason broke down into incoherent sobs and Kim approached them. She nodded to Rocky and Adam and the three of them lead Jason away to the nearby cave. Bill looked down at his hands, his mind a whirl of conflicting emotions and thoughts. He felt Tanya approach him.

"He didn't mean it Bill. He's just upset."

"But there is truth in what he said Tanya. I could have saved them if I acted quick enough."

"No one's that fast Bill. No one." He just shrugged and sensing that he didn't want to talk anymore she moved away.

* * *


It was the dawn of New Years Eve. All the Rangers had gathered around the fire. All except Jason. Jason's continuing silence and refusal to have anything to do with the Rangers had them all worried. He especially refused to have anything to do with Bill. Christmas had passed quietly, none of the Rangers felt like celebrating it. Dulcea approached all the Rangers.

"Today will be the hardest day any of you have ever faced. Bill because he will be fighting Dathan tonight. And yours because you must all stay here." Murmurs of surprise echoed around the fire. Dulcea waited for them to die down. "The Prophecy is adamant that the fight is between the Blue Mage and Dathan, no one else. So, before he leaves for the Asteroid, you will all gift him with your powers and love. Without this love and power, he has no chance of winning." They sat there silent, not knowing what to say. Zhane then broke the silence.

"None of us can go with him?"

"No. This is the one battle he must face alone." Bill stood, deciding that he wanted to get this over and done with quickly.

"I know that this is going to be hard on all of you. But knowing that you're all here, safe, is worth more than having you there with me." Zhane quirked a grin.

"Yeah, but it don't make it any easier Bill."

"Trust me, nothing is going to be easy about this whole situation." Dulcea stepped forward to get their attention again.

"We must do the ceremony in an hour's time. Bill will have to leave not long after that. It is a long journey to the Great Barrier." She moved away and the Rangers spilt up. Kim walked over to Bill, who was looking over at Jason's forlorn figure sitting on the rocks overlooking the forest.

"You're going to have to speak to him sooner or later Bill. Better do it now."

"I know that Kim. Doesn't make it any easier though, does it."

"Nothing about his whole thing is easy Bill. But this is what we've been preparing for all year, and now it's all up to you."

"Gee thanks Kim. Make me feel better why don't you." She gave a small laugh and hugged him. Releasing him she pushed him over to Jason.

Bill sat down next to his oldest friend, and could immediately sense the emotional pain he was in. They sat that way for a while and then Jason finally broke the silence.

"I'm sorry about those things I said Bill. It wasn't right of me to say them."

"It's okay Jason. You were upset, we all say things we don't mean when we're upset."

"Your going to make him pay aren't you Bill, for everyone of us?"

"Oh yes. I'm going to make him pay."

* * *

They gathered together, all of them, for one last time. Dulcea approached the group and motioned for Bill to stand beside her.

"Rangers. This will be the most difficult battle anyone has ever had to undertake. Bill will need all your help, love and power. So I want you all to get in touch with your animal spirit, and concentrate on all your love and faith on Bill. Then give all your love and power to him." She opened the small bag that Dimitria had given to Kat. "Bill, in this crystal is all the power of Inquiris. Hold out your hand." He did so and she placed the crystal in it and her hand over the top. Their hands glowed for a moment and then she removed her hand and the crystal. "Use that power wisely Bill. It is their legacy to us all." She stepped back and Bill faced all his friends. Each of the Rangers closed their eyes and got in touch with their animal spirit. As one, each color stepped forward. Jason, leading all the red Rangers spoke first.

"Power of the Lion."

"Power of the Ape."

"Power of the Hawk."

"Power of the Fox." Bill was encompassed in a glow of red and he felt the respect and love of his friends will him. Kim led the pink Rangers out next.

"Power of the Crane."

"Power of the Swan."

"Power of the Dolphin."

"Power of the Butterfly." A flow of pink energy surrounded him and he felt content as he accepted the gift of love from his friends. Zhane led the Black Rangers out next.

"Power of the Panther."

"Power of the Chameleon."

"Power of the Tiger."

"Power of the Frog." Black surrounds him for a moment and then he freely accepted the gift his friends were giving him. Aisha and the rest of the yellow Rangers stepped forward.

"Power of the Bear."

"Power of the Cheetah."

"Power of the Deer."

"Power of the Gazelle." Yellow energy flowed into him, making him look green for the barest of moments. Kai then stepped forward. As the last of the blue Rangers he was now by himself.

"Power of the Bull." Blue energy joined the others in entering Bill. Dulcea stepped forward and blowing her special sand into the flames she spoke.

"Let us not forget the power of the fallen. Power of the Monkey. Power of the Condor. Power of the Cougar. Power of the Falcon. Power of the Nightingale. Power of the Squirrel and Power of the Eagle." The fallen Rangers animal spirits rose up out of the fire and swirling around, they to, gave their energy to Bill. As each one entered him he remember his friends. Zack, the playful monkey that was in them all. Damon, the quiet mechanical genius who he so wished he had more time to know. T.J. who's openness and strength he admired. Tommy, his friend through so much. Cassie, whose sweetness and courage would be missed. Justin, the young genius to rival his own intellect. And Trini. The one person he could always count on with her quiet courage and resolve. Silently he mourned each and every one of them, vowing to their spirits that their sacrifices wouldn't be in vain. He looked into the faces of all his friends and smiled.

"I'll see you all later. Thank you." With that, he teleported to the waiting Zord. He had chosen to take Anzac, knowing what the name meant and the spirit it embodied, he thought it appropriate. Kat had been pleased when he asked her about where she came up with the name for it and had explained it's special meaning to her. He felt it was a good omen. Sighing he sat down in the pilots chair and set his course, wondering as he did so if he would see any of his friends again. Briefly his thoughts centered on his children, but he had already gotten things in place in case something happened to him. He had T'Risa's fathers solemn promise that if Bill didn't return but was successful, that the children would be sent to earth for Jason to take care of. He just hoped that it never happened.

* * *

Asteriod near the Great Barrier.

Bill stood on the asteroid looking for Dathan, but he was no where to be seen. Bill was getting impatient. This fight was going to be the fight to end all fights, the fight that would decide the fate of the Universe. Suddenly the ground started shaking, and out of nowhere Dathan appeared before him.

"Let this be a battle of skills ranger, not a test of magic. Let us fight for this world as the ancients fought for theirs, in open handed battle." As Dathan spoke the words, Bill could feel all but his strength draining from him. He knew that he had to rely on his fighting skills and not be able to use his powers to end this fight. In a way he was glad. He was a great Mage and was confident he could defeat Dathan in a fight of magic, but there was something good to be said about hand to hand combat.

Bills thoughts lingered to all of his friends. The fights over this year gone that had cost them their lives could be traced back to one man, and this man was now standing before him. Feeling the rage and frustration building up inside of him Bill rushed at Dathan in a fit of blind rage, throwing a façade of punches at him as fast as he could, but Dathan was ready, and blocked all of them. And as he did, he watched for the opening that he was waiting for. As Bill threw a right hook, Dathan ducked it instead of blocking it, which caught Bill off guard. Dathan moved to Bill's side and unleashed a powerful round kick into Bill's ribs. Bill felt his rib cage give way, and was knocked to the ground, the breath rushing from his lungs. As he tried to get to his feet Dathan drove another kick into his ribs that sent him flying across the asteroids surface, scratching him, bringing him back to reality. Bill quickly stood up and stared at Dathan. "I must control and vent my anger!" Bill thought to himself, he could not lose this fight, everything depended on it. Dathan approached and they circled each other, staring into each other eyes trying to find an appropriate time of weakness in the stare to attack. Bill moved first, he drove forward with his left foot then retreated. Dathan fell for it and attacked at his forwarding foot, but as it wasn't there, his attack went passed Bill, leaving him with an opening to attack, and Bill didn't waste any time. He moved to Dathan and landed a right underhand punch into Dathans left side, and he felt Dathans body give way. Bill followed through with a right overhand, punching Dathan in the jaw, and with an almighty crack, felt that too give way. Dathan stumbled back, and fell down into a sitting position. Bill moved at the injured adversary in front of him and sent a round kick at his open and stunned head. Dathan saw it coming and moved under Bill's leg, and as it passed over his head, he swept Bill's other leg out. Bill hovered in the air for a millisecond, giving him just enough time to realize what happened before he felt the hard ground beneath him. And with a puff of dust and a mighty thump, Bill landed on his back, and in the nick of time saw Dathans leg approach his head. Winded Bill moved to the left, and Dathans leg hit the ground next to him. Both of them rolled backwards and stood up, but Dathan came up a second before Bill and before he knew it, Dathan had already punched Bill in the head and put him to the ground again. His head ringing Bill tried to focus but Dathan landed several kicks to Bill's head and body, breaking his nose, and several ribs before Bill could grab Dathans leg and roll towards him and up his leg, throwing Dathan off balance and to the ground. Bill continued to roll up Dathan, and unleashed an elbow into Dathans head, shattering his cheekbone and drawing a scream from Dathan that would wake the dead. Bill stood over Dathan breathing heavily. Spitting blood from his mouth he stared at the person lying on the ground in front of him. The person that had ended so many of his friend's lives now lay squirming in front of him. Bill let him get to his feet. Dathan threw one more punch at Bill's head, but Bill easily ducked under it and moved behind Dathan, he placed a tight choker hold on Dathans neck, and moved in close. Bill looked at where they were facing, and there in front of them was the Great Barrier. The thing that his wife had given her life to ensure that it stayed intact. Images of his friends flashed through Bill's mind, he knew that Dathan could no longer fight, but he knew also that if he got away, he might recover enough to return stronger than ever. The images of his dead friends and his wife became too much for Bill to handle, so he tightened his grip around Dathans neck and with one swift movement, he turned his upper body 90 degrees and rolled his shoulders. A loud "crack" filled the air as Bill broke Dathan's neck, ending his life forever. That sound would remain in Bill's mind for as long as he lived.

Breathing heavily he looked at Dathan's body on the ground. Slowly he felt all his powers returning to him. He looked up as he felt a presence and saw his wife standing before him. The shades of all the dead Rangers behind her.

"Well done my husband. The Universe can now right herself." With the striking of the midnight hour the Universe seemed to shudder and wink out for a moment. But then it returned and he felt a sense of well being infuse his soul. With a thought he healed his injuries and looked at his wife. She smiled as she started to fade away.

"One day my love, we will be re-united." She faded away and Bill sighed. He looked down at Dathan's body one more time and began wondering. He wasn't that great a fighter; Dathan had years of experience on him. Yet this fight had been fairly easy. Maybe Dathan had just decided that this existence had gotten too much for him, and he wanted to join his wife. Bill didn't know, and somehow he knew, he would never know. Bowing his head a moment he then held out his hand over the body and it glowed for a moment and then turned into dust. A wind came up out of no where and blew the dust away. Bill sighed and took what he knew would be his last look at the Great Barrier. Wiping a tear from his eye he smiled slightly and then teleported himself away.

* * *


It was the early hours of dawn when he finally arrived back on Phaedos. He found all his friends waiting for him. He teleported down by the fire and was immediately engulfed in hugs, kisses and general merriment that he had returned to them unharmed. He quickly explained that he had healed himself, he did get injured fairly well. As one they all hugged him, just glad that this long ordeal was finally over. Dulcea approached him and smiled.

"You have done well Young Wolf. You are the last of the True Ninjetti. You must honor this in all respects and be true to yourself at all times. In time, you will send your children here and they will train to be Ninjetti like yourself. The Ninjetti will not die out, thanks to you." They all stared at Bill and Jason broke the silence.

"You've got kids?"

* * *