Disclaimer: Rangers Zeo are Saban's creations, so they are his, not mine!

Author Note: Thanks everyone for the votes, not much else to say this time except for keep reading and keep voting. This story may be nearing an end, but a new Reader's Choice Adventure is on it's way shortly, so stay tuned! And once again, thanx!

Cube 9
By Matt

The Zeo Rangers spoke via their helmet communicators, trying desperately to think of some solution to this problem. They had two choices really. Trinta Blue had the Atom Blaster pointed right at them, apparently one shot would rip them apart at the molecular level. The only choice he had given was to surrender, and none of them particularly liked that option, they needed some alternatives.

"Someone please tell me you have an idea." Rocky pleaded.

"What can we do!" Tanya snapped. "We so much as move and he'll blast us."

"Yeah, but he can't blast us all at once!" Jason added.

"You don't know that, it could have a wide range shot." Adam replied.

"And besides, I'm not gonna risk any of you getting killed here. If we surrender, the chances are he'll take our zeonizers, get out of here and leave us in here to find our own way out! At least we'd be alive!" Tommy insisted.

"For how long though? Without our powers we wouldn't last an hour in this place." Jason replied.

"Come on Rangers, are you going to surrender, or am I going to have to blast you into oblivion." Trinta Blue called out.

"NEVER!" Jason shouted out, standing up and running at the Trintan Ranger. He fiddled with the weapon and then fired. A tiny beam of energy shot from it and struck the Gold Ranger. He screamed out in agony and stopped dead in his tracks, as if the weapon had frozen him in place. Then, in a massive explosion of energy, he was thrown backwards against the wall. He hit it hard and fell to the ground, limp.

"Jason!" the other Zeo's all screamed out. They all looked at his body laying there, praying that he was simply unconscious.

"That wasn't even set at a tenth of full power, now, are you going to surrender?" Blue Trintan asked.

Tanya and Adam looked round at each other. They could both tell what the other was thinking without a word, and without even seeing their face. the two of them powered down and took off their zeonizers. they flung them across the floor where they slid to a halt at the Blue Ranger's feet. Tommy was shocked by it, but he understood. Neither of them could bare the thought of seeing the other get hurt, just for the sake of keeping their powers. That didn't mean they could manage seeing their friends get hurt, but when you're in love, your priorities seem to change slightly.

"Very good, now you two?" he asked the two remaining Rangers.

"Whadda you say buddy, surrender or not?" Tommy asked Zeo Blue.

"No way!" Rocky replied, then looked down at his Zeo pistol. In unison, they both drew their weapons and fired. The blast knocked the Atom Blaster out of the Trintan's hand, giving the others the opportunity they required. Zeo Red and Blue got up and ran at the Trintan, knocking him down before he could pick up the weapon again.

The rest of them saw the opportunity too. Despite being powered down, Adam, Tanya and the White, Silver, Yellow and Black Trintans all joined in the fight. Trinta Blue was probably more powerful than the two Zeo Rangers, but with the other six joining in, even unpowered, he was outmatched by sheer numbers. Everyone took the chance to relieve their anger at him. It may have been slightly dishonorable, but almost all of them took a kick at him when he was down. The two powered Rangers held him down while the others stood away. Adam and Tanya walked away and went to check on Jason. They removed his helmet and did a few basic checks. He was quite badly hurt, but at least he was alive!

"Kill him!" White snapped.

"NO!" Tommy replied. "I want to see this creep dead more than any of you, but I won't let that happen."

"Why not?" Trinta Yellow demanded.

"Because we are still Rangers, and if we forget that, we'll be just as bad as he is!" Tommy commented.

"You pathetic excuse for a Ranger, you're not gonna live to regret that decision! I'll see you all dead!" Trinta Blue growled.

"And how exactly do you think that's going to happen?" Rocky asked.

"In case you hadn't noticed, you are now our prisoner!" Tommy added.

"Well it's not going to be me that's gonna kill you!" Trinta Blue said. they could tell he was grinning inside his helmet, he was up to something.

"So who is then?" Tommy asked, just thinking they were more meaningless maniacal threats.

Suddenly, a blast of energy hit Tommy, then less than a second apart, each of the Trintans and Rocky. "That would be me!" a familiar voice called out. Looking down at the others, Adam and Tanya immediately looked up to see Zeo Ranger One standing over the trap door in the ceiling. She had stood up there and blasted them all. Satisfied she had taken out all the major threats, she jumped down and helped Trinta Blue back to his feet.

"Kat, what are you doing?" Tanya asked, shocked to see their friend. Not only shocked by the fact that he was helping their enemy, but they had thought she was dead!

"Why am I doing it? Hmm, let's see, maybe because I want to get out of here, and now his is the only way!" Kat called out.

"No!" Tommy mumbled as he managed to look up from where he had fallen. "Kat, please!"

"No need to beg, Tommy boy!" she said malisciously.

"Don't do this!" he pleaded.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to stop this! It's a simple deal really!" Kat suggested.

"What are you doing?" Trinta Blue asked as she started to remove her helmet. She went over to the fallen Red Ranger and helped him up, putting a Zeo Pistol into his hand. Next, she raised his hand so that the weapon was pointed right at her unprotected head, and set to full power.

"If you kill me, the Blue Ranger will surrender and you are all free to leave this place, but if you can't, we will kill you all. Of course, try and do anything silly and we'll make sure you don't even have teh chance to regret it." she said, her voice cold and emotionless. "So what you gonna do Tommy? Kill me to save the rest of the team, or spare me and get the team killed? Decide NOW!"

Okay, now THIS is a tough decision. I look forward to writing the next part, that is, as soon as you tell me what's going to happen. Pay attention, here come the choices:

a. Tommy should kill Kat.

b. Tommy should spare Kat.

c. Tommy should use the weapon to fire at Trinta Blue.

The choice…. is yours!