Transdimensional Archives


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In this episode there will be time and dimension traveling.

On the Way Home
By Lamont Christopher Doyle Stewart

The L-team was celebrating their victory over Steel Hawk, and their recovery of Andy White.

Andy said, "Thanks for rescuing me. I was dying out there."

"Ha, Ha very funny," Jenny said.

They started to kiss and make out.

Lamont said, "Pipe down, you two, and please do that off the bridge. I've got to contact the Railroaders back at the base."

He started the communication thing to contact the base.


Meanwhile, the alien device that they had detected before had reached Earth. It activated some kind of device, and started to scan the planet for what it was looking for.

On Earth, Joseph detected the alien device in orbit above the planet. He said, "Roger, Danny, activate full scanners, and contact the L-team."

Danny said, "Right." Then activated the scanners.

Roger said, "Communications open, L-team come in, repeat L-team come in."

"This is Frosting One, Lamont reporting."

Joseph said, "Frosting One? What kind of name is that?"

Lamont said, "I just liked that name, and besides, you may be the leader of the Railroaders, but I'm the leader of the L-team."

Joseph said, "Yeah, but the L-team is part of the Railroaders."

Lamont said, "Well, okay boss, but the name Frosting One stays."

Joseph said, "Very well, but anyway, there is an alien device orbiting the Earth. We need you to check it out."

"Will do," Lamont said. "Lamont out." He turned around and said, "The alien device orbiting the planet is something we have to investigate; let's go."

Frosting One headed for the alien ship.


Meanwhile, on the alien ship, they had finished scanning the Earth, and the aliens started to talk.

The computer said, "The two life forms are not present on the planet."

Alien one said, "What do you think happened to the animals?"

Alien two said, "They must be extinct."

Alien one said, "For that, the human species must die."

Alien two said, "What about the project?"

Alien one said, "The project can be relocated to another planet. There is a huge human population on KO-35. We'll just go there after we terminate this planet."

The computer said, "I have finished scanning; the rings are not on Earth."

Alien one said, "Where are they?"

The computer said, "They are about five kilometers away."

Alien two said, "What?! Activate tractor beam to bring them in."

The computer said, "Activating tractor beam."

Meanwhile, Frosting One was getting closer to the ship, when a tractor beam captured it.

Aren said, "The alien device is dragging us in."

Then the aliens started to fire its weapons at Frosting One.

"The ship is firing on us," said Brad.

"Activate shields to full power," Lamont said. "Well, we were just investigating, but if it is a fight these aliens want it is a fight they are going to get."

Andy said, "Here. I made a ring for Jenny. Presenting the Spy Ring. This ring transforms the wearer into a professional double agent."

Jenny said, "Wow, thanks." She took the ring.

Lamont said, "Now let's kick this party into action."

Lamont Stewart: It's L-team time!

They held their rings in the air.

Brad Bergman: White Wizard!

Brad transformed into wizard of white magic.

Jacob McLaughlin: Trapper!

Jacob transformed into a trapper of the mountains.

Chris Leis: Tracker!

Chris Leis transformed into a master tracker of stuff.

Jennifer Blessing: Spy!

Jenny was transformed into a professional double agent.

Jamie Moore: Telepathy!

Jamie got the ability to read minds.

Eric Griffith: Promoter!

Eric got the ability to give people more powers.

Andy White: Master Black Belt!

Andy transformed into a martial arts expert.

Jamie Pounds: Medical Doctor!

Jamie transformed into a doctor.

Zach Atkinson: Black Wizard!

Zach transformed into a wizard of black magic.

Mandy Darnell: Red Wizard!

Mandy transformed into a wizard of red magic.

Aren Dyer: Ninja!

Aren transformed into a ninja.

Lamont Stewart: Knight!

Lamont transformed into a knight.


Meanwhile, on the alien ship, the computer said, "The rings have been activated."

Alien two said; "Pull them in now."

Frosting One was placed in the cargo hold, and the L-team was transported to the bridge.

Lamont said, "Alright, release us now."

The aliens activated a scanning device, which scanned the L-team.

Aren said, "What was that for?"

Alien one said, "You'll see."

Just then, all of the L-team just demorphed for no reason at all.

Mandy said, "What happened?"

Alien one said, "Those are our rings. We created them, and control them."

Jacob said, "You only created the six rings. We made the rest."

Alien two said, "Yes, but you made them from our ring."

Jacob said, "But we...."

Lamont said, "Don't argue with them."

Alien one said, "We are looking for two animals but they are extinct, so we will destroy your planet."

Lamont said, "Wait, what if we go back in time to find them?"

Alien two said, "Forbidden. We can't allow time traveling. However, we can send two of you to different dimensions to find the animals."

Jamie Pounds said, "What are the animals?"

Alien two said, "A Dodo bird, and a Passenger Pigeon."

Lamont and Aren said, "We'll look for them."

Alien one activated the beam, which started to vaporize the planet. He said, "You have thirteen hours to retrieve the birds. If you bring them back before the deadline, we can reverse the damage. If you fail, well, we're not cruel, we'll just relocated you all to a planet called KO-35. A couple of centuries ago we placed some humans on that planet."

They activated the porthole, and Lamont went through, then Aren.

Back on the ship Jenny said, "Good luck guys."

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