Transdimensional Archives


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Takes place after the Paradise Horizon Miniseries.

Note from Author: This is the long awaited conclusion for this miniseries.

On the Way Home III: Explosive Results
By Lamont Christoper Doyle Stewart

Aren waited for his trial to begin. He said to himself, "Guilty of capturing a bird. What kind of Earth is this?"

The guard said, "Where we obey rules." He grabbed Aren from his cell, and dragged him to his trial.


Lamont landed back on the ship, with the Dodo bird. He said, "Whoa, that was one of the strangest adventures I ever had." He looked around at the aliens and his friends, and noticed that they were not moving. He said, "Oh great, the fun never stops." He looked around for some clues.

He laid low, and saw the person holding them captive. It was Khan. Lamont quickly got out of sight, while he thought of a plan.

Meanwhile, the L-team started to turn back into humans. Mandy said, "What happened?"

Chris said, "I'm not sure."

Eric said, "I still can't move."

Chris said, "Try to move, it will quicken the effects."

The L-team all started to move and the statue effect quickly wore off.

Andy said, "What are we going to do about the aliens?"

Just then the aliens started to come back alive too. One of them said, "We have to get our ship back."

Just then a voice said, "I couldn't agree more." Out of the shadows stepped Lamont carrying the Dodo.

Chris said, "You're back."

Alien two said, "And you got the Dodo."

Lamont said, "Yes I did, now what?"

"After we stop this Khan character, we wait for Aren to get back with the Passenger Pigeon," said Alien one.


Back on the crazy world, Aren was just about to get to the courtroom, when he broke free of the guard. He dashed over to the other guard, and grabbed the bird. The police chased him for a while, but he got out the device, activated the porthole, and jumped in.


Back at the alien ship, Khan was trying to re-aim the lasers just at Vandalia, Ohio. Chris was watching him, and said, "Why is destroying Vandalia important?"

Lamont said, "I don't know, but we have to stop him." They jumped out in front of Khan and said, "You're not doing anything pal."

Khan just laughed and pulled out the statue ray again. He said, "This time when you're statues, I'll crush you into dust!"

Just then, a vortex appeared over him, and Aren fell through, right on top of Khan. The aliens said, "Now that we have both birds back, your powers have been reactivated."

Chris said, "Oh, you're going down now."

Lamont Stewart: It's L-team time!

They held their rings in the air.

Brad Bergman: White Wizard!

Brad transformed into wizard of white magic.

Jacob McLaughlin: Trapper!

Jacob transformed into a trapper of the mountains.

Chris Leis: Tracker!

Chris Leis transformed into a master tracker of stuff.

Jennifer Blessing: Spy!

Jenny was transformed into a professional double agent.

Jamie Moore: Telepathy!

Jamie got the ability to read minds.

Eric Griffith: Promoter!

Eric got the ability to give people more powers.

Andy White: Master Black Belt!

Andy transformed into a martial arts expert.

Jamie Pounds: Medical Doctor!

Jamie transformed into a doctor.

Zach Atkinson: Black Wizard!

Zach transformed into a wizard of black magic.

Mandy Darnell: Red Wizard!

Mandy transformed into a wizard of red magic.

Aren Dyer: Ninja!

Aren transformed into a ninja.

Lamont Stewart: Knight!

Lamont transformed into a knight.

The L-team started the battle with Khan, but Lamont was preoccupied. He said, to himself, "I wonder what they meant by that?"

Aren fired his ring at Khan, who dodges out of the way.

Next, Chris somersaulted over Khan, and kicked him in the head.

After that, Jamie Pounds made her thermometer appear, and smacked Khan with it.

Khan was starting to get mad now. He said, "Enough is enough." He pushed a button and said, "This whole ship will be blown to dust." He laughed, and escaped on his ship.

The aliens got on their life raft ship with the birds, and got of there at light speed.

Meanwhile, the L-team powered down, and raced to their ship Frosting One.

Aren said, "Do you think we'll make it?"

Lamont said, "I don't want to know what will happen if we don't."




They got on the ship and started the engines, and headed back to Earth.











They started to get in the atmosphere, and were almost home free.









The ship exploded, and the wave headed for the L-team's ship.

The End?

ungry, 'Ü