Disclaimer: The Power Rangers, MOST of the villains, and MOST of the mentors belong to Saban. Catalina, Jenga, all of the Triforian Rangers except Trey, and my modification of DECA belongs to me. The concept of Power Rangers with bad vision is courtesy of Ellen Brand, as are a few extra family members. Author's Note : Ioaeu Sjknth is pronounced (I-O-Way So-Kanth). I tell you so no one will be injured trying to pronounce Sjknth. This fic ended up much shorter than I had anticipated. Frankly, that blasted muse left me halfway through writing. So, this fic doesn't… solve all of my subplots. But don't worry. I'm not ignoring them, I'm just holding off on them for a while. Also, I know on the credits of PRiS it is spelled Dark Specter, but I have chosen to spell it as Spectre. I find it much more aesthetically pleasing. Willow, enclosed is your promised cameo. 8^) Also, I would like to stress that I mean absolutely no disrespect to the First Family or any of their Secret Service. In fact, I am quite fond of our President, but I won't get into that here. Also, just for your info, my characterization of the Chan family, and their high-reaching connections, is almost entirely my own creation. One last thing. I cannot thank my big sis Julia enough for her invaluable help in writing this fic. Julia, you and Betsy seriously helped me out. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart, not just for the fic but for everything. And to everyone, have a Romy and Michele Day.

Leaving the Shadows
By Jeremy Ray Logsdon

"Lord, don't move that mountain, just give me the strength to climb." – Traditional Gospel Hymn

"You aren't doing it right!" Mama Di cried.

"Mother," General Havok growled. "I designed this Space Base! I know how it works!"

"Oh, let me see that," she snarled, taking the controls for the Sonic Blast from him. She looked over the beautiful planet of Triforia below them. "Now just where is that white-clad witch?"

"Please be careful!" General Havok cried as she shoved him aside. "That is one of the universe's most precise assault weapons! You haven't been trained to use it!"

"Pshyah," she said, dismissing him with a wave of her hand. "Oh, for crying out loud. You've got this set on it's lowest setting! Really!" Her hair writhed frantically, some of the snakes bending around to hiss at her eldest and only son. She promptly took the control lever and moved it from its lowest setting to the highest. "Now, we can do some damage," she said. Aiming it at the bronze and green colored planet below, she fired. Clear bursts of pure sonic energy burst forth. The ceaseless stream struck the ocean, normal water colored bronze due to countless microscopic organisms living throughout it at every depth.

"Aim for that purple moon, Mother! It's Tri-Moon Two" General Havok suggested. "That's where the Center of Power is!"

"Yawn," Mama Di said. "You're boring me, kid."

"That's where Dimitria is!" he shouted.

"Purple one, eh?" she asked, yanking the path of the sonic laser to Tri-Moon Two.

"Yo, yo, yo!" Alpha Six cried as the entire natural satellite began to shake. "Dimitria! We're gonna be annihilated!"

"I'm firing back!" Blue Ranger Myer announced, hurrying over the Weapons Console.

"Alpha, is Ioaeu Sjknth secure?" Dimitria asked.

"Ioaeu Sjknth?" Yellow Ranger Eledow asked. "You have it here?"

"I'm teleporting you and the Hilt out of here," Alpha said.

"What about you, Alpha?!" Green Ranger Slass asked. "We can't leave you here."

"I'm bound to stay with Dimitria," Alpha said. "Take care, kids." The six Rangers all disappeared in their customary teleportation beams.

"What about Ioaeu Sjknth?" Dimitria asked. She looked up as the lights in the Center of Power began to flicker.

"Where should I send it, Dimitria?" Alpha asked.

"Where does Zordon of Eltare reside?" Dimitria asked.

"Earth," Alpha said. "I'm on it, Big D."

However, before he could teleport the powerful Ioaeu Sjknth to Earth, the Center of Power exploded.

"I can't believe that idiot is firing at us!" General Havok bellowed. Red lasers were firing from Tri-Moon One, the brown moon of Triforia that was currently home to Triforia's bane of evil, Darkonda.

"Go check the com console," Mama Di said. "Maybe he's trying to contact us. If he isn't, he's got really bad aim. He hasn't hit us once." However, they suddenly were hit. The attack did not come from Tri-Moon One, though. The hit came from the Center of Power. "Blast those Rangers!" she yelled. "Ecliptor! Get in here!" She attempted to fire the Sonic Laser, only to learn that the final shot from the Center of Power had destroyed it. "Oh, bloody hell!" she cried, hitting the laser with her hand. "Ecliptor!"

"How may I serve thee?" the black and green henchman asked.

"We just blew up the Center of Power," Mama Di answered. "I'm going to explore the rubble. I want to make sure I got Dimitria. I want you to watch my back."

"Certainly, your matronship," Ecliptor said, bowing. Mama Di was overcome with a purple glow, while Ecliptor disappeared in a faint green flicker.

"Space Base to Tri-Moon One," General Havok said calmly into the microphone before him. "Space Base to Tri-Moon One." Breaking standard, he finally asked, "Darkonda? Are you there?"

"Darkonda just went to Tri-Moon Two," an old voice answered.

"Wait a minute," General Havok interrupted. "I know this voice. Are you-?"

"It doesn't matter who I am," the voice said.

"You are him," General Havok continued. "You're supposed to be dead."

"Is your sister a member of the Dynasty of the Apocalypse?"

"Yes," General Havok said. "She works for Jenga. Mother and I are hoping to take Dimitria to Jenga as a sacrifice. We are hoping to join as well."

"Jenga doesn't do sacrifices anymore. But, I do know something she would accept. Darkonda is going to get it now. It will be used to restore me to my full vitality, and afterwards, I will convince him to challenge Jenga."

"Oh, you fool!" General Havok bellowed. "No one is stupid enough to challenge Jenga!"

"They might if they think they stood a chance of winning."

"No one can beat Jenga," Havok continued. "It's totally preposterous! Even Darkonda isn't that foolish!"

"He is an excellent fighter," the voice said. "One of the best I've seen. And if he can retrieve from the rubble what he is looking for, then he can be deluded into believing he stands a chance."

"She has a sword made of Triforian Silver!" Havok cried, disbelieving that anyone would actually assume to challenge Jenga Xett. "And, even if she wasn't going to fight back, she would still win! She's Jenga Xett!"

"Darkonda isn't the brightest creature there is!" the voice suddenly rasped out. "And besides, what he hopes to bring back is much, much more powerful than Triforian Silver."

Havok snorted in disbelief at that. Triforian Silver had a molecular weight of 143 a.m.u. There were elements that weighed more, but there none stronger. As far as he knew, there had been only one person who could create artificial weapons stronger than Triforian Silver. "In case you didn't know," Havok said, "Helena of Eltare is dead. There is only Crystal Scepter left, and it is somewhere in the deceased Mistress Revolta's belongings."

"True, true," the voice agreed. "But you've forgotten the most powerful weapon of all."


"Ioaeu Sjknth."

"You mean it's real?" Havok asked. "Ioaeu Sjknth is real?! Forged from molten lava from the nucleus of one thousand super novas!?! That Ioaeu Sjknth!? And Dimitria had it!?"

"I tire of serving Darkonda," the voice said. "I have sent him to get Ioaeu Sjknth, and I will convince him to challenge Jenga. After she has defeated him and claims it for her own, we will receive the credit for bringing her the Hilt as well as Dimitria. She will give us all entrance into the Dynasty."

"I look forward," General Havok began, "to serving on the same team as you… Dark Spectre."

Darkonda lifted aside the large section of golden metal. "Oh yes," he purred. Two scaly hands stretched down and grasped the glass box. Within rested the most powerful weapon in the known universe, Ioaeu Sjknth.

It was created long before Jenga Xett came to power. It passed from owner to owner, and it could only be taken by a new owner when the old had been defeated. When the Center of Power was blown up, Dimitria was defeated. Now, Darkonda could claim it for his own.

Ioaeu Sjknth was just the hilt of a Sword. It was made from metal that was harder even than Triforian Silver. Earthlings said that there was nothing sharper than a diamond. However, a blade forged from Triforian Silver could filet a diamond. Triforian Silver is remarkably rare; Jenga Xett owns the only known weapon made from it. But any blade placed in Ioaeu Sjknth could easily destroy any weapon, even Jenga's.

No one person could have created Ioaeu Sjknth. It was said to be millions of years old. Virtually every single star in the universe that had ever exploded in a super nova had a piece of itself in Ioaeu Sjknth. Only the most powerful mages could capture the white-hot molten liquid from the epicenter of supernova. Eventually, enough was gathered to forge the hilt. It was seemingly just a piece of black steel. It wasn't particularly fancy. Appearance wise, it was just the hilt of a sword. But it carried the ability to transform any blade set in it into a powerful weapon. It increased every aspect of the blade one thousand fold. It became stronger, harder, and sharper.

The hilt was black when at rest, but when it was owned by someone, its color changed, depending on mood. Darkonda opened the box and removed Ioaeu Sjknth. The black hilt immediately turned white, indicative of his extreme pleasure. He removed the thin blade Dimitria had set in it, and from his dimensional pocket, he removed a black and red scepter. He placed it in Ioaeu Sjknth, and it immediately accepted the blade.

"Oh, happy dagger," Darkonda purred. He disappeared in a flicker of red fire.

"We've found her," Ecliptor announced.

"Oh, look at it," Mama Di sighed as she crawled over the debris. "Is her plasma tube intact?"

"She's out cold," Ecliptor said as he pulled the tube upright. The tube no-longer glowed a pleasing blue-green. It was dark, and the unconscious form of Dimitria could barely be seen within it. "She will be a pleasing sacrifice for Jenga."

"I hear Jenga isn't in to sacrifices anymore," Mama Di said. "But… I imagine Zordon of Eltare would be quite interested to learn that the side of evil has just captured one of his own."

"Chromites," Ecliptor grunted. Multiple colored forms shimmered into being all around them. Their bodies were perfectly smooth and completely androgynous, not unlike that of a Puttie. A dome-shaped helmet on their heads gave them the look of a diver. "Pick up the plasma tube. We're taking her back to the Space Base."

Lord Trey of Triforia looked over the six Rangers that were now under his command. Other than color, all six had armor identical to his. Triforians do not possess good visual acuity, and as such, their armor was differentiated only by color. Each had the same visor and chest shield. "What happened here?!" he shouted. "Silo, Eledow, and Myer, come with me. Rosenthal, Slass, and Joon, please contact Wessen at once."

The Black Ranger, known as Gold Ranger when traveling the universe, disappeared in a streak of a teleport stream along with Red, Yellow, and Blue Rangers. The other three Rangers, Orange, Purple, and Green, watched as the quartet teleported to the purple moon of Triforia.

"All right, guys," Orange Ranger Rosenthal said. He summoned his Orange Power Staff and said, "Let's go access Pyramidas' computer systems and contact White Ranger."

"We should also send a message to Zordon and Catalina," Purple Ranger Joon commented.

"He's right," Slass agreed. "Zordon and Catalina of Eltare must know of our plight."

Darkonda held Ioaeu Sjknth carefully. The hilt was green, indicative of Darkonda's pride. "Darkonda," Dark Spectre announced. He was no longer a being of pure energy. Before, he had spent all of his time as an amorphous cloud of light. Now, however, he only had the energy to make himself look like the form of someone who had already died. He was currently residing in the form of Maligore.

"Yes, Dark Spectre?" Darkonda asked. His voice was already thick with arrogance, which was reflected in the sudden yellow color of Ioaeu Sjknth.

"Didn't we have an arrangement?" Dark Spectre asked.

"Oh yes," Darkonda said. "Here." He thrust the point of Ioaeu Sjknth into his chest.

Dark Spectre grunted, but immediately, energy flowed into him. He was magically restored to his previous way of existence. He shed his organic body and reformed into a shimmering, humanoid figure of light. "Thank you," Dark Spectre rumbled. "And now, I have good news for you."


"You now own the most powerful weapon in the universe," Dark Spectre said. "Ioaeu Sjknth can kill anything."

"Yes," Darkonda agreed, smiling proudly as Ioaeu Sjknth turned green again.

"Even Jenga Xett…"

"No," Darkonda said, shaking his head. "I couldn't defeat Jenga."

"Of course, YOU couldn't," Dark Spectre said, "but Ioaeu Sjknth could… Why, you're the best warrior I've ever lain eyes on. If you had Ioaeu Sjknth, you could easily kill her. Just one clean swipe of the blade, and you could behead her."

"You think?"

"I know," Dark Spectre continued, stroking Darkonda's ego. "Just imagine… You could be the most powerful being in the universe. If you kill her body, you'll get her power…"

"Then let us set a course for Earth," Darkonda said, smiling. Ioaeu Sjknth turned a dark, blood red as it reflected the murderous visions in Darkonda's mind.

"Actually, General Havok has invited us aboard their Space Base. They are going to Earth, and proposed that we should merge Dynasties. After all, even with Jenga out of the way, it is going to take some serious muscle work to defeat the rest of the Dynasty of the Apocalypse."

"Yes," Darkonda agreed. "Contact General Havok and tell him we will accept his offer."

"I can't believe my Sonic Laser has been destroyed," General Havok whined.

"It's better that this is just a Space Base than a ship with arsenal," Ecliptor told him calmly. "If the Space Base attacks, the Rangers would feel justified in destroying it."

"I hadn't thought about that," General Havok mused.

"Besides, Jenga would have stripped this thing," Mama Di said. "I don't even know if she will use it. It isn't exactly the most attractive of things."

"What do you mean by that?" General Havok asked quickly. "It's beautiful. It's in a roughly spherical shape with-"

"Tubes sticking in and out of it," Mama Di said. "Stupid!"

"They aren't just tubes, Mother!" General Havok shouted. "They're proton accelerators which provide our energy!"

"Whatever," she said with a wave of her hand, dismissing the subject.

"It is the half the size of Earth's moon," Dark Spectre announced. "A bit large, don't you think?"

"In order for our proton accelerators to provide perpetual fuel, this was the smallest we could make it. Plus, its smaller size will give it a faster orbit around the Earth."

"How much longer to Earth?" Darkonda asked, stepping into the Main Room. Ioaeu Sjknth was still at his side, now a deep, deep, irritated yellow.

"A few hours, still," Ecliptor answered. "We are almost there."

"Good," Darkonda said flatly. "I look forward to having you all serve me."

"Just as we look forward to serving you, dear," Mama Di purred. She curtsied as Darkonda left the room. As soon as his back was turned, she rolled her eyes and stood back up. "Not real bright, is he?"

"Dimitria!" Trey called. "DIMITRIA!!!"

"Trey!" Eledow cried. "Did you know that Dimitria owned Ioaeu Sjknth?!"

"Did she teleport it to Zordon in time?!"

"We don't know," Silo said.

Trey hurried over a mound of rubble, heading for Ioaeu Sjknth's last location. "Here's the box!" he shouted, picking it up. However, he quickly realized it was empty. "No!" he screamed, falling to his knees. "By the love of Sophia, NOOOO!!!!!"

Isolated Section of the Nevada Desert
Emily looked up in terror. The sound of a motorcycle engine filled the air. Glancing into the distance, she saw a small, black motorcycle with a female rider getting closer very quickly. "No," she mumbled, searching for her helmet.

By the time she found it, the motorcycle had already stopped beside her. "No," Emily said forcefully. Her voice was tainted with tears, and she turned away, trying to keep her identity secret.

"Emily, I know it's you," Dulcea said.


"I know that you are Phantom Ranger," Dulcea told her.

"I can't get the armor off," Emily mumbled blankly. "I don't know how to do it without the fire…"

"The ruby," Dulcea said. She stretched a hand to Emily's chest and tapped it with her index finger. "Pull it out."

"The fire will still be there," Emily said. She wrapped her hands around her knees and started to rock again. "The fire will still be there, just like it was when Jenga killed Schwartz."

"Michael Schwartz?" Dulcea asked.

"Jenga killed him, but I cut him up," Emily muttered. "And I killed the tigers, and I've tortured my friends all summer. I scared my best friend away, and I've wanted to kill people every time the fire came back…"

Midnight Racer, the motorcycle Dulcea rode in on, slowly wheeled toward Emily. His headlight flashed on, and he looked at Emily sympathetically.

"Come with me," Dulcea said, wrapping her arms around Emily and pulling her to her feet.

"Noooo," Emily whined, not resisting but not making any actually movements either.

Dulcea, however, was not to be deterred. She pulled Emily into a standing position and raised her communicator to her mouth. "Zordon, please teleport us to Phaedos. Contact Ninjor and have him meet us there."

"Certainly, Dulcea," Zordon said. "May the Power protect you both."

"Midnight Racer, you go back to the Command Center." The motorcycle honked his horn in reply, and then, Dulcea and Emily disappeared in streams of black and silver sparks of light.

"They've gone to Phaedos?" Tommy asked. "How long will they be gone?"

"Several days at least," Catalina said. "Maybe a week or more."

"How will we explain Emily's absence to her parents?" Adam asked.

"Here is your milk, Tanya," Alpha said, handing her a freshly synthesized bottle. The stand-by mode Yellow Ranger smiled her thanks and pressed the bottle against the tiger cub's mouth. She promptly accepted the nipple and began to suck furiously.

"You could always tell the truth," Crystal suggested, stretching a hand out to pet the eating tiger cub on the side. "That's what we do. The people who could be effected by our Ranger lives know the truth."

"My parents don't know," Adam said. "My dad would not be happy if he knew I was a Power Ranger."

"My parents are pretty much… oblivious to anything I do," Cassie said. "Why don't we tell the St. Johns that Emily is staying with me for a few days?"

"That could work," Tommy mused.

"What about Cadbury?" Carlos asked.

"Oh… Well, it's a big house. I'll just tell him that Emily is there. He might not know," Cassie tried. "Maybe? No, Cadbury'd find out. I'll just have to beat him to the phone. Yeah, like that's possible. Hey! I know. Zordon, could you intercept any phone call between their house and my number and then forward it to my communicator."

"I can even make a filter that will make you sound like Emily!" Alpha cried. Before he could make the call, however, an alarm went off.

"Man, that's irritating," Crystal complained, clamping her hands over her ears. The blue tiger cub was engrossed in eating, but she still took the time to voice a complaint.

"What is it, Alpha?" Carlos asked.

"It's-, hmmm… There is a satellite approaching Earth. It's quite large. In fact, it's the same size as the moon."

"Is it going to hit us?" Zack asked.

"No, it's slowing down," Alpha announced. "It's… Oh no."


"Zordon, that object hails from M-51."

"M-51?" Adam asked. "Isn't that MasterVile's galaxy?"

"It was," Zordon said. "When he married Jenga, he gave control of his galaxy to Divatox's mother, Mama Di."

"Mama Di?" Bulk asked. Smiling a lop-sided grin, he asked, "Are we supposed to take her seriously?"

"She isn't much of a fighter," Catalina said as she shimmered into being, "but she is very adept at manipulating people. But that's not the bad part.

"She is coming to Earth with a mobile command outpost, termed Space Base, that is the size of our moon. Worse yet, she has with her son, General Havok, a henchman named Ecliptor, and, of all people, Dark Spectre."

"Dark Spectre is dead," Zordon told her.

"I thought so, too," Catalina said, "but he's there. Some fool named Darkonda, too… He's the one to watch out for."

"Darkonda?" Aisha asked.

"He's useless, but he has with him a very, very powerful weapon," Catalina said. "It had been on the side of good, but…"

"What weapon is that?" Zordon asked, his voice booming.

"Ioaeu Sjknth," Catalina said. "Dimitria has been kidnapped, Zordon. She's being held by the forces of evil."

"Jenga, we just received a message from a General Havok," Ivan Ooze said.

"General Havok?" Divatox asked, looking up from her newspaper. "My brother?"

"He finally finished his Space Base," Ivan Ooze said. "It is large enough to act as an extra satellite for the Earth, and he's bringing it as a gift to you."

"Oh, how nice," Jenga said noncommittally. She returned her attention to the computer monitor before her, although Ivan Ooze continued talking.

"That's not all," Ooze said. "We got a second, secretive message from the Space Base. Uhm, Jenga… have you ever heard of Ioaeu Sjknth?"

"Of course."

"A powerful warrior who currently owns Ioaeu Sjknth is here to challenge your position as Supreme Evil," Ivan Ooze said cautiously.

"Hmm," Jenga said casually. "Who is this powerful warrior?"

"Darkonda," Ivan Ooze answered. "He has been attacking Triforia."

"Oh yes, Darkonda," Jenga murmured. "I know of him. Ranking?"


"Impressive," Jenga agreed. "Hell, he might even stand a chance at defeating me."

"What?" Divatox asked, slamming her newspaper down on the table. "Defeating you? That's preposterous. You're Jenga Xett!"

"Well, when I defeated Zilactin for number one on the list about seven hundred and ninety-three thousand years ago, I was twenty-first," she said. "It can be done."


"I know, you haven't served under anyone but me," Jenga told Divatox. "Every so often, the Supreme Evil changes. Granted, I've kept it far longer than anyone else, but… Supreme Evil does change."

"You aren't… worried, are you?" Divatox asked, fear evident in her voice.

"Of course not," Jenga said. "I've got a better reputation than most of the past Supreme Evil's. I have this… air of being that frightens most people and beings. Darkonda must be simple. Although he does have Ioaeu Sjknth. That is very nice. I look forward to owning it myself."


"Relax, Divatox," Jenga assured her. "Darkonda is no match for me."

"Jenga Xett is no match for me," Darkonda said proudly. Ioaeu Sjknth was such a bright white it was almost glowing. He was currently standing in the Fighting Simulator of the Space Base.

"Of course she isn't," Dark Spectre told him, continually stoking the fires of his ego.

Darkonda began to fight a simulated opponent. Even without Ioaeu Sjknth, Darkonda was still an extremely skilled fighter. "How long until we arrive?" he asked, not out of breath.

"Fifteen minutes," Dark Spectre answered. "I shall leave you to your practice." Glowing a subdued red, Dark Spectre walked away, looking forward to seeing Jenga brutally and cruelly defeating him.

An attractive woman with golden hair extending down her back sat at a newsdesk. She look extremely rushed, giving viewers the impression she was put there as a desperate last resort. She placed her earpiece on and glanced up. "Are we on?" she asked. There was an off-camera acknowledgment, and she looked straight up.

"Good evening. This is Heather St. John, reporting for ABC News.

"A very short time ago, the United States learned of something that will inevitably affect us all. A satellite, seemingly man-made, has just placed itself in orbit around the Earth." She paused and glanced at the screen set in the desk before her as a still, fuzzy image of the satellite appeared over her right shoulder. "The satellite is currently over the coast of western Canada. From their vantage point, it appears as nothing more than a glowing orb in the sky, not entirely unlike that of our moon. It is, according to our latest estimates, approximately half the size of our natural moon. As could be expected, pandemonium has resulted."

Someone said something to her, and her hand raised to her earpiece. "At this point, the easiest person to blame is Jenga Xett of the Dynasty of the Apocalypse. However, we have not yet received word from the Power Rangers.

"President Clinton will be addressing the nation in the next few moments." Just then, the screen blacked out to be replaced with the graphic and the music for a Presidential Message.

"Oh my God," Heather groaned, slumping face forward onto the desk.

"You did great, Heather!" Willow Blessing cried as she hurried up to her. She set the clipboard down on the anchor desk. "I am so sorry I had to put you through that, though."

"Hell, I'll have a story to tell my grandkids," Heather said. "I'd say I just made a world's record. How many others get to be on a news special that reaches several million people their first day on the job?"

"Speaking of which, what the hell were you doing?" a harsh male voice asked. Willow and Heather turned to see KBKO's prime anchor, Arnold Kreft, standing behind them angrily.

"I didn't-," Heather started.

"We needed to go on the air, asap," Willow snapped, not allowing him to bully her or Heather around. "You weren't there, and I had exactly thirty seconds to find somebody to put on the air."

"So you selected, no offense, ma'am, a field reporter who hasn't even done a single story on the air?!" Arnold yelled.

"No, I selected the first available person. Sorry you were two minutes late, bub," Willow told him. "That'll teach you to be on time." She glared at Arnold until he bowed under her stance and voice and turned to leave, stomping away angrily.

"I am so sorry," Heather apologized, standing up. "I didn't mean-"

"I put you on because I've seen your stuff on AGU's network," Willow told her. "And, I was only given about four minutes to get somebody in here. You were the closest, you got it."

"I can't believe I was just seen by all of Angel Grove and Stone Canyon," Heather complained. "Ugh. I'm not even wearing my contacts!" Heather St. John was a stunning beauty, but she also had an abnormality. While it wasn't hideous, it was different and had a tendency to draw attention. Her right eye was a shade of olive and her left eye was bright blue. For the most part, she wore a pair of contact lenses that made both eyes a steely gray.

"If I was you, I would wear green contacts," Willow said.

"It's olive drab," Heather complained. "It's ugly. Now if I had emerald green eyes…"

"It's green, and it's beautiful. Besides, no one is born with emerald green eyes. All contacts. That shade of green is real, and people know it's real."

"Willow, we're gonna be back on the air in three minutes," someone announced from the control booth.

"Make up!" Willow called. "She's a little bit shiny. Cut down on it."

"I need my contacts!" Heather cried.

"Astronema, I need you to do me a favor," Jenga said. "The President is about to address the nation. I want you to go to that Press Conference. As soon as he assures the nation everything is okay, I want you to launch a full-scale assault on Washington, D.C. I need the Rangers to be tied up during this fight."

"Certainly," Astronema promised. She disappeared in a purple glimmer of light.

"Why?" Divatox asked. "Do you think they'll attack us?"

"They could interfere," Jenga commented. "Zordon has bent the rules before; he might do it again. I imagine they'll want Ioaeu Sjknth on their side. If we can keep them and their Command Center busy enough, they won't know about the fight until it's over."

Suddenly, a red spiral of light appeared before them. It quickly spun out, producing Darkonda and his "so-called" crew. Dark Spectre, Mama Di, Ecliptor, and General Havok stood silently behind Darkonda. He held Ioaeu Sjknth proudly. "Jenga."

"Darkonda," she said, smiling slightly.

"We both know the rules," he told her.

"Yes, we do," she said. "I have chosen the lunar surface for our battle field. I call Divatox and Ivan Ooze to be my support."

"I call Dark Spectre and Mother Divatox to be my support," Darkonda said.

"It is officially Mama Di now, dear," Mama Di said.

"I call Dark Spectre and Mama Di to be my support."

"Agreed." Jenga, Ivan Ooze, and Divatox all disappeared in blue pillars of fire, while Darkonda, Dark Spectre, and Mama Di vanished in his customary spirals of red light.

"I cannot stress this enough," President Clinton said. "Until we know the goal of whoever placed this satellite in orbit around our planet, we cannot waste our time, energy, and resources."

Suddenly, red light flared up to his right. He turned and saw the Red Turbo Ranger materialized into existence. Two armed bodyguards moved toward the Power Ranger, while President Clinton continued to address the nation. Red Ranger and the Secret Service talked for a few moments, before one of them escorted the Red Ranger to the President's side.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. President," Red Ranger said as he extended his hand.

"The honor's mine, sir," President Clinton returned.

Turning to the President, Red Ranger said, "The satellite has been confirmed as belonging to the side of evil. It is not yet in alliance with the Dynasty of the Apocalypse, but we suspect that it soon will be. However, we have established that this is not an ship of destruction. It is nothing more than a floating base. There are no weapons on it, and it is no more dangerous than our moon.

"However, the fact that it is half the size of our moon did concern us. We were afraid that it's gravitational pull would have drastic effects on our planet. There is a magical shield of some sort around it that makes its gravity nonexistent. There should be no effects on our tides or anything else. We have the situation under control, and there is no need for alarm."

As the President and Red Ranger left the podium, everyone present stood up and applauded. No one saw Astronema, wearing a black business suit, shimmer into being in the shadows.

A few minutes later found the Red Turbo Ranger and President Clinton, along with the First Lady, in the Oval Office. The Secret Service Agents were waiting just outside. "I assume I can trust you both with my identity," Red Ranger said. "You won't know me, I assure you, but I can't have any part of my civilian existence leaked to the public."

"Your secret is safe with us," Clinton assured him.

Zack reached up to his helmet and removed it, placing it in the crook of his arm. "You can call me Red," Zack told them. "That'd be best."

"Certainly, Red," Pres. Clinton acknowledged. "How I can help you?"

"Actually, it's how we can help each other," Zack said. "This new satellite is not going to be good for our public relations. We would very much appreciate it if we could count on the government to help us out a bi-" He was interrupted when the lights shut off, plunging the room into near-darkness.

"Why didn't the generator kick on?" Hillary asked.

"I'd almost guarantee it's Jenga's doing," Zack commented. He hit his belt buckle, making his helmet reappear on his head. "Turbo headlights!" The headlights on his helmet flickered on, providing the only illumination in the room. He raised his wrist to his mouth and said, "Red Turbo Ranger to Command Center, Red Turbo Ranger to Command Center."

"Acknowledged," Alpha Five's tinny voice said.

"I'm currently in the Oval Office. Would you scan for… anything?"

"Certainly. One moment."

"Do you think something is wrong?" Hillary Clinton asked, looking around her cautiously.

"Aye-yi-yi!" Alpha cried. "Red Ranger, the White House is being overrun with Quantrons, Pirahnatrons, Tengas, and Putties! I'm sending Pink Ranger to take care of Chelsea. Get Mr. and Mrs. Clinton out of there now!"

"But, the Secret Service," Pres. Clinton started.

"They've been sedated," Alpha said. "They're okay, just out cold."

Suddenly, the door splintered as several Quantrons slammed into it. "Alpha, teleport them out of here!" Zack shouted.

"We've already tried, Red Ranger! Teleportation out of Washington is being blocked!"

"Is there a back way out of here? Some kind of emergency exit or something?" Zack asked.

"Yes," Clinton said. "It's over here." Just as the trio was about to head down a passageway that Zack would have sworn had not been there a moment before, a Group of Z-Putties shot out of it, burbling incoherently. The President and Mrs. Clinton both cried out in alarm, scrambling away backwards from the creatures.

"Oh man!" Zack shouted, throwing his arms up before him to protect two thirds of the First Family.

"The window," Clinton suggested.

"Chelsea," Hillary realized.

"Pink Ranger is helping your daughter," Zack said as he pulled out his Auto Blaster. He set the gun on the lowest setting and fired it at the closest window, completely shattering it. "Come on. Mr. President, you go out first. Then, I'll help Mrs. Clinton out."

"Yes sir," Pres. Clinton said. Zack didn't even notice that the President of the United States, quite conceivably the most powerful mortal in the world, calling him 'sir.' He moved to help the older man out of the window, but much to his surprise, he made it out on his own. "All right, come on out, Hillary," he said to his wife.

As Zack helped the First Lady out of the window, he realized he was going to have an incredible story to tell the other Rangers. As soon as Hillary was out of the window, Zack leapt out himself. "Alpha-?"

"I've already contacted the FBI," Alpha said. "Escort the President and First Lady to Pennsylvania Avenue. There should be a car waiting for them. And hurry! We're showing activity all over the place."

"I'm not leaving without Chelsea," Hillary said firmly.

"Alpha, what about the First Daughter?" Zack asked, trying his best to usher the unmoving President and Hillary Rodham Clinton across the Front Lawn.

"Pink and Blue Turbo Rangers are helping her. She is fine."

"Did you hear that?" Zack asked, placing a hand on both of their backs. "Now let's go before-" Astronema suddenly appeared directly in front of them, along with many Quantrons. "-that happens."

"Going somewhere?" Astronema asked, pointing her scepter out before her.

"Actually, we are," Zack answered. "So if you don't mind-"

Suddenly, two streams of white and red light darted across the sky. The two teleport streams landed between Zack and Astronema, forming the morphed Aisha and Crystal. "Run Zack!" Aisha cried.

"No names!" he shouted as he forcefully escorted his companions out of harm's way.

"Why don't you pick on somebody who can fight back?" Crystal asked.

"Certainly," Astronema said, smiling strangely. In a perfectly calm voice, she continued, "Quantrons… Attack."

Chelsea barely looked up from her magazine as she heard the door open. Her Secret Service agents had a bad habit of not knocking before they entered rooms. Just as she was about to politely tell them to get out, she caught a glimpse of shiny pink. Looking up, she saw the Pink Turbo Ranger standing at the foot of the dead. She reached over to the intercom unit beside her bed and cried, "Daddy! I've got a Power Ranger in my room!"

"Chelsea, we have to get out of here," Cassie said. "The White House is being overrun with all kinds of creatures!"

"My parents-?"

"Your parents are safe," Bulk said as he darted into the room, morphed into the Blue Turbo Ranger armor, "but we won't be if we stay here much longer. There are Quantrons and Tengas everywhere."

"What?" Chelsea asked, standing up.

"Hurry and get your shoes on," Cassie ordered. "We're gonna have to make a run for it."

Several minutes and close calls later, Chelsea Clinton, Blue Turbo Ranger, and Pink Turbo Ranger emerged on the Front Lawn of the White House. "There are your parents," Bulk said, pointing out onto Pennsylvania Avenue. "Come on!"

"Not so fast, Rangers!" Lord Zedd shouted as he materialized in a red flicker of light.

"Oh my God," Chelsea groaned suddenly.

"Back off, Zedd!" Cassie shouted, protectively placing herself in front of Chelsea.

"Gladly!" he yelled, bowing as he back away.

"He's up to something," Bulk realized. "Stay alert."

"I'll leave," Zedd said, "but my traveling mines are another story." He thrust his Z staff into the sky. Red light crackled around the silver Z and then shot down at the ground, producing dozens of round, silver spheres. Mechanical arms unfolded from their sides.

"Traveling mines?" Chelsea asked.

"I've never heard of them," Bulk commented.

Suddenly, they all dug into the ground neatly, leaving only a few flickers of light remaining. For a moment, the ground was perfectly flat and still. But then, a bulbous shape rose up under the grass. It darted for the three teens, moving swiftly toward them. "Traveling mines!" Cassie realized. Placing her hands on Chelsea's hands, she leapt into the air. The mine slammed into Bulk's feet, exploding. The Blue Ranger was thrown high in the air along with dirt and grass.

Chelsea cried out in alarm. "How many were there?" she asked, turning to face the Pink Ranger.

"Too many," Cassie said. Suddenly, dozens of the mines rose up underneath the grass, all along the Front Lawn. "Bulk!" she cried.

"Bulk?" Chelsea asked.

"Blue Ranger," Bulk muttered as he joined them.

"What do we do?" Cassie asked. She had a hand on each of Chelsea's shoulders, trying to protect the young woman who was actually older than her.

"They're not moving," Chelsea said.

Just at that moment, the mines started to circle about wildly. The grass rose as they passed beneath and fell neatly back in place behind them. "They're obviously magic oriented," Bulk said.

"We can't stay here!" Cassie cried. She pulled Chelsea aside just as a mine moved toward them. Upon missing its target, it came to a halt and darted for them again.

"Just run!" Bulk shouted. "I'll try to keep them off of you."

"Come on!" Cassie shouted. Taking Chelsea's hand in her's, the two darted across the Lawn. Immediately, all of the mines darted for them. The two girls began to swerve, trying to keep from traveling on a straight path. The mines, however, were too smart for them. Screaming, Chelsea and Cassie scrambled backwards as an impenetrable line of four mines rolled toward them. "We're gonna jump!" Cassie told her. Wrapping her arms around the First Daughter, she leapt into the air, sailing effortlessly over the mines. However, two of them collided and exploded, sending dirt up over the two girls. They landed on their sides on the ground. A mine darted at them from every direction, closing in on them. "BLUE RANGER!" Cassie screamed.

Blue light streaked past them. Bulk fired a blast from his Auto Blaster at one of the mines. It exploded, sending debris high into the air. "Cover her!" Bulk ordered. Cassie folded her arms around Chelsea to form a shield around her as Bulk fired a shot at each of the mines around them. Dirt and rocks rained down on Cassie's armored back. "Go!" Bulk shouted.

"We gotta run," Cassie told Chelsea. They ran past the craters created by the first four mines. However, they weren't clear. Even with Bulk firing at them, there were still too many. Cassie pulled out her own Auto Blaster and began firing at the ones in front of them. Chelsea partially shielded her face with their forearms as dirt billowed up before them.

"I'm gonna jump!" Cassie warned as they neared the security fence. Placing her hands on Chelsea's waist, she leapt into the air. Even with the added weight of another person, the jump was almost effortless on Cassie's part, and she landed nimbly on Pennsylvania Avenue.

"The gardeners are gonna be ticked," Chelsea commented as she looked at the numerous craters in the Front Lawn.

"Cassie!" Crystal shouted as she ran onto Pennsylvania Avenue. Tanya as the Yellow Turbo Ranger was close behind, as was an army of Cogs.

"You guys really aren't very good at keep your identities secret," Chelsea commented.

"A lot of us are new at this," Cassie told her, "and she's not even from this dimension."

"The mines are under the street!" Crystal shouted. "They'll still be triggered if you step on them!"

"What?!" Chelsea and Cassie cried in unison.

"We can't see them under the street!" Cassie groaned.

Bulk leapt over the fence, but as soon as his feet touched the pavement, an explosion threw him up into the air. Yelling, the broad-shouldered Ranger was air-borne.

"Tyrannosaurus Power Scan!" Crystal shouted. The black visor of her helmet was promptly replaced with a silver scanner. She glanced up the street. All of the Rangers were glowing bright red, as were the traveling mines beneath the street. "Cassie, there's one coming straight for you!" Crystal yelled. "Get off the sidewalk!"

"Somebody get here and take Chelsea to safety!" Cassie yelled into her helmet com. Suddenly, gray light circled the two girls and formed numerous Z Putties. Before Cassie was even aware of what was happening, she was forcibly removed from Chelsea's side.

The President's daughter quickly found herself surrounded by six of the burbling beasts. "Uhm, you guys," Chelsea said warily.

"The mines are avoiding her at least!" Crystal shouted.

"Chelsea!" Tanya yelled. "Hit the Z!"

Chelsea looked at the Puttie closest to her. "Hit the Z," she muttered to herself. Might as well put what I know to use. She didn't move for a moment. Then, in a lightning quick move, she lashed out, slamming her palm into the closest Puttie's Z. It burbled out angrily just before it exploded. Its clay-like flesh was slept backwards and away from her, disappearing in black light.

She stepped back, deftly avoiding a Puttie's punch. She thrust her elbow back, hitting another Puttie in the chest and disintegrating it. Then, she felt two powerful arms encircle her shoulders. She threw her weight backwards onto her Puttie assailant and lashed out with her feet, striking the Puttie in front of her in the chest with her sneakers. Then, she hurled herself forward, landing on her feet. She flipped the Puttie attached to her over her back. It landed on its back on the street, but before she went after it, she punched another Puttie on the Z. Yet another Puttie lurched for her, but she grabbed it by the arm and slammed it into the only other Puttie standing up. Their Z's collided and they both exploded. Then, Chelsea darted over to the Puttie lying on its back and stomped on the Z, destroying it.

Red light flashed at the end of Pennsylvania Avenue. The Red Zeo Jet Cycle appeared in mid-air and landed on the street, leaving a strip of black rubber. "Hold on, Chelsea!" Tommy shouted.

"Hurry, Tommy!" Crystal cried.

He was almost to Chelsea, when an explosion lifted his back tire off of the ground. "Mines!" Chelsea yelled. She watched as the Red Zeo Ranger flew off of his bike, only to land painfully on the other side of the street.

"Chelsea, watch out!" Tommy cried, scrambling to his feet. She turned her gaze up the street and saw his red motorcycle sliding toward her. Sparks showered down on the pavement as the metal bike scraped against the pavement. Chelsea ran at it and jumped, sailing over it. She landed painfully on the pavement, painfully scraping her hands and knees.

"Need a ride?" Adam asked as he came to a halt by her side. He slid back on his seat, making room for her on the shining green Zeo Jet Cycle IV. Crystal stood on the back of the seat, looking for mines beneath the street.

"Gladly," she said.

"I've got Chelsea, Red Ranger," Adam said into his wrist. She sat on the bike in front of him, and he reached his arms around her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she told him as they roared off down Pennsylvania Avenue.

"There's one directly in front of you," Crystal said. The bike jerked to the right, missing a mine. When they reached the end of Pennsylvania Avenue, Crystal hopped off the back of the bike. "You know where to go?"

"Yeah, there's a chopper waiting to take the First Family to NORAD," he told her. He and Chelsea then roared off, leaving Crystal alone. She glanced back down the long street and saw the other Rangers fighting a variety of creatures. "Things are so much simpler back home," Crystal sighed before she ran off to help them.

Jenga and Darkonda walked out into the center of a fair sized crater. A bubble of air and warmth surrounded it, although Jenga didn't need either for survival. In a faint glimmer of blue light, her sword appeared in her grip. She ran her fingers along the thin blade and gave a silent, magical command. The thin sword quickly transformed, returning to its true appearance of a double-edge broad sword.

"Death match," Jenga said, testing the heft of her sword, even though she had owned it for countless millennia. She extended her hand and said, "May the best man win."

"Don't worry," Darkonda commented, shaking her hand. "I will."

"Oh, you had better hope you kill me now," Jenga told him. Her eyes flashed angrily and she said, "There's nothing I hate worse than arrogance."

Divatox and Mama Di walked between the two warriors. The two women locked hands and formed a barrier between them. "Ready Darkonda?" Divatox asked.


"Jenga?" Mama Di asked.


"Are you both satisfied with your body wear?" Ivan Ooze asked.

"Fine," Darkonda answered abruptly.

"Lovely," Jenga said, rolling up her sleeves. She was wearing her usual attire of green denim blouse and blue jeans. She held her sword up. The lights of the billions of stars above her reflected beautiful on it's surface.

"On three," Mama Di said.

"One," Divatox counted. "Two…"

"Chelsea!" Hillary cried, running from her husband's side. She helped her daughter off of the Zeo Jet Cycle and pulled her into a hug. "You're a mess," she said, brushing dirt out of her hair.

"Front Lawn is trashed," Chelsea said. "So is Penn Ave."

"Red Ranger, where's the helicopter?" Adam asked.

"I don't know," Zack answered. "If it doesn't get here, soon…"

Zack's communicator beeped, and he promptly raised it to his mouth and said, "Red Turbo Ranger, here."

"Red Ranger, there are Quadrafighters in the air above Washington, D.C.! I've canceled the request for the helicopter. I've finally managed to punch through the shield around D.C., so I'll teleport the First Family directly to NORAD."

"Teleporting?" Clinton asked.

"You should go with them," Alpha said.

"Agreed," Zack said. "Go ahead and teleport us, Alpha."

"I need some help at the Washington Monument!" Carlos cried through the com system. "There are several hundred Quantrons here!"

"I'll get back to the fight," Adam volunteered. He and his Zeo Jet Cycle disappeared in a brilliant stream of emerald green. Then, in three streaks of white and one ruby red, they teleported away from the tarmac.

"If you have family members in Washington, D.C., please do not attempt to call them or make other contact," Heather said as calmly as she could manage into the television screen. "KBKO has been contacted by the Power Rangers, and we have been assured that the situation is under control. Local law enforcement agencies have also added their strength to the fight."

She paused and said, "This just in. We have been informed that the First Family was escorted by the Red Turbo Ranger to NORAD. Chelsea Clinton is reported as having very mild injuries, but otherwise, the President and his family are fine.

"We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. This is Heather St. John, reporting for KBKO and ABC News."

"And we're off!"

"Heather!" Willow called as she ran up to her. "First off, you did great. Just between the two of us, anything I can do to piss off the almighty Kreft is a good thing."

"Thanks," Heather said, smiling. "I think."

"It's a good thing," Willow assured her. "And your mom wants to talk to you." She handed her an open flip-phone.

"Hi, Mom," Heather said excitedly. "Did you see me on t.v.?!… No! I didn't know I was going to be on the air this soon, either!"

"Three!" Divatox shouted, jumping back as she did so. As she and her mother scrambled to the outer ring of the crater, a blazing circle of fire surrounded Jenga and Darkonda, forming their massive fighting area.

Jenga held her sword ready, circling with Darkonda. Ioaeu Sjknth was colored fire red. Suddenly, Darkonda stepped toward Jenga and raised his sword for a downward slice. She put her sword up to block him, but much to her surprise, the sword attached to Ioaeu Sjknth went as neatly through her sword of Triforian Silver as though it were made of butter. She saw the sharp edge still traveling toward her, and she flipped to the side. Had she been hit, the blade would have nearly bisected her. Kneeling on the lunar surface, she saw that her sword had been cleaved from the hilt. It had been made as one piece, and it had withstood seven hundred, ninety eight thousand years of fighting at Jenga's side. "I can't believe you just destroyed my sword!" she cried, throwing the silver hilt at the ground angrily. "I had that thing before you were a glimmer in your mother's eyes."

"Then I shall be sure you are buried with it," Darkonda growled. He slashed down at Jenga, although she somersaulted away. Upon reaching her feet, she scrambled away backwards, standing to her full height as she did so. Currently weaponless, she held her hands out before her in a defensive stance.

"Summon another weapon!" Divatox cried.

"It's against the rules!" Jenga shouted back.

"No it's not!" Ivan Ooze yelled. "You can use any weapon in your arsenal!"

"It's against MY rules!" Jenga spat. Darkonda then jabbed forward, catching her in the shoulder with the tip of Ioaeu Sjknth. Grunting, she jump-kicked Darkonda in the chest, sending him flying backwards. "Ungh," she grunted to herself. Ioaeu Sjknth was so powerful it had actually inflicted pain on her. She looked at her shoulder and saw that her denim shirt was cut through and a black stain was spreading through the material.

"Jenga, be careful!" Mama Di encouraged. "That sword is very powerful."

"Whose side are you on, traitor?!" Darkonda bellowed, pointing his sword at her. "You will die, next."

"Stop the trash talking, Darkonda," Jenga snarled. "Threats are idle. Threats and promises are what cowards hide behind."

"Did you just call me a coward?" he asked. The two were slowly circling, each looking for an opening.

"I stated nothing but a fact," Jenga returned. "How it applies to you is no judgment of mine."

"Enough!" Darkonda snapped. He launched into a tornado kick, which Jenga ducked. However, as soon as his foot touched the ground, he launched himself into another. Jenga darted backwards with Darkonda after him. They suddenly reached the edge of their fighting circle. He raised Ioaeu Sjknth above his head and brought it down, putting all of his weight behind it. Jenga dove to the side, and his sword hit the ground, sending up a fair amount of lunar dust.

Jenga stumbled backwards on her hands and knees. Darkonda lurched toward her, driving Ioaeu Sjknth at her chest. Faced with the penalizing barrier on one side and Darkonda on the other, she did the only thing she could think to do.

Bending her fingers back to keep them from getting cleaved off by the blade, she slammed her open palms on each side of the sword. Using nothing but her brute strength, she pressed forward, holding the blade still. "What-?!" Darkonda grunted, surprised that the blade didn't go smoothly through her chest.

She felt a warm, wet sensation hit both her palms. Black blood began to trickle down her forearms. She refused to allow a single grunt or groan to escape her, but the fact remained, Darkonda was strong. He continued to press down with surprising strength. Jenga felt the muscles all along her arms, chest, and back strain.

"Give up, woman," Darkonda spat. He, too, was struggling. Her grip on his blade was powerful. "It is time," he grunted, "that you learn a lesson long overdue. In a fair fight, a man will always defeat a woman."

"In a fair fight," Jenga said, fighting to keep her voice steady, "the one who loses is the one who underestimates his opponent." So saying, she lashed out with one leg, sweeping it beneath his legs. Darkonda flew up in the air, and Jenga took her opportunity to roll away.

She leapt to her feet just as Darkonda slammed into the lunar surface. Glancing at her palms, she saw numerous black marks where the blade had dug into her flesh. Black droplets of blood covered her shirt and face; black streaks tainted her hair.

Don't lose it, Xett, she ordered herself. She clenched her fists tightly, ignoring the pain that shot up her forearms as she did so. She took a wide stance, and she set herself heavily, waiting for Darkonda to return.

"The fight is not between you and me," Darkonda told her. "The fight is between you and Ioaeu Sjknth. I ask… who has underestimated who?"

"Powerful it may be," Jenga said calmly, "it is just a sword."

Darkonda tilted his head back and laughed thunderously. "If you believe that," he bellowed, "then the fight is almost over!"

"Yes," she agreed. "You're right."

Suddenly, he sliced his sword in a swipe that took them both by surprise. As he jumped backwards, startled, Jenga looked down at her injury. He had just split her chest open. Shock registered in her eyes, but then, Darkonda hit her face with the broad side of the blade, shattering her neck. She slumped to her knees and then fell to the side, completely still. Her blood, first black, turned an ordinary red as it pooled up around her body.

"JENGA!" Divatox screamed.

"Oh Satan," Dark Spectre groaned. "What have I done?!"

Chuckling low in his throat, Darkonda walked over to Jenga's body. He kicked her in the ribs with his foot. Her body moved, but nothing else. Then, he stepped on her leg, shattering her left femur. "It would appear that I am the victor," Darkonda said calmly. "Mother Divatox, please come before me calmly. I would like your execution to be quick and painless. I shall destroy your body with Jenga's."

"Mom!" Divatox cried, panicked. "There has to be something we can do!"

Darkonda stepped over Jenga's body. As he did so, one eye suddenly sparked to life. The dull green iris was suddenly an orb of green fire. A strange grin spread across her face, and she slowly climbed to her feet. Dark Spectre was the first to notice her. If he had possessed the ability to smile, he would have given her secret away.

Jenga's head didn't rest perfectly level on her shoulders. Darkonda had broken her neck, and as such, she was tilted backwards and to the side. Darkonda didn't know it, but Jenga had lived long enough to learn more than a few tricks. She stepped heavily on her right leg, her left leg dragging uselessly behind her.

Darkonda took Mama Di by her shoulders and forced her to her knees before him. "Nothing is sweeter than a beheading in August," he commented, smiling wickedly.

"Hey Darkonda," Jenga groaned from directly behind him. "Remember me?"

He turned around in a panic, pushing Mama Di aside in the process. "You're dead!" he yelled. "I killed you myself!"

"If you truly believe I can be killed, then you are a bigger fool than I previously thought," Jenga commented, her head still in its unnatural position.

Darkonda, had his physiology allowed it, would have turned pale white. His heart was hammering painfully in his chest. He had never been so frightened in his life. "When you get to hell," Jenga said, "say hi to Satan for me." She darted her hand at his chest, but before she could ram her hand through his armored plating, he dropped to his knees, dead of a heart attack.

Blue light flashed around her, and she was immediately returned to her normal state. "You were a decent challenge, Darkonda," she said. She held her hand over his body for a moment. Red light shined from within her clenched fist. When she opened it, a flaming ball dropped from it. When it struck Darkonda's body, he was consumed with flames. A few seconds later, he was nothing but ash.

Then, she walked over to Ioaeu Sjknth and picked it up. She pulled Darkonda's blade from it and tossed it aside. She quickly retrieved the silver blade of her destroyed sword and plunged it into the hilt. Then, she retrieved the silver handle of her original sword, and in a blue flicker of light, summoned her Sapphire Scepter. Ioaeu Sjknth flashed a shade of white, indicative of Jenga's pleasure. "Let's liven you up a bit," Jenga commented. Holding Ioaeu Sjknth out before her, she pressed the hilt of her previous sword and her