[See The Life of Blade Oliver for disclaimer]

This takes place where Reckoning left off. Blade has just arrived at KO-35 and to Andros' living quarters.

Andros knows that Astronema is Karone, his long lost sister. Censures were put on all current and former Rangers. They were to be caught and killed.

The Battle Back
By Andre Coles

Inside Andross' Room – Daytime

Blade has just arrived in Andros' room. Andros is cleaning.

Blade: I need your help.

Andros: We've been through this already.

Blade: I don't have time for this, if you don't help us Earth is doomed.

Andros: What happened?

Blade: The Evil Council combined forces and ran us over.

Andros: Who are they?

Blade: Divatox, Zedd and Rita, King Mondo, Grimlord, Count Dregon, MumRah, and Astronema.

Andros: Astronema. Karone.

Blade: Your sister Karone. The only way you can save her is if you help us.

Andros: Fine, what do we do?

Blade: Grab your Megaships and let's go.

Andros: Only under one condition.

Blade: What?

Andros: If I can bring Zhane along. He's a great warrior.

Blade: Fine. In this situation, we need all the warriors we can get.


Angel Grove – Daytime

Tengas are chasing Jason, Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy.

Jason: Man, these guys are tough.

Zack: I know. This is not cool at all.

Trini: We've gotta keep running.

Kimberly: This is what I get for coming to visit.

Billy: Times like this I wish we still had our powers.


Astro Megaship – Space

The Astro Megaship is flying with the Delta Megaship right behind it.

Blade: You still have the Lightstar Morphers?

Andros: Yes.

Blade: How many were there?

Andros: Six.

Blade: Which one do you have?

Andros: I command the power of the Silver Ranger. There are five left.

Blade: What does Zhane have?

Andros: Nothing.

Blade: Zhane?

Zhane: Yeah.

Blade: I would like you to become the new Phantom Ranger.

Zhane: It would be an honor.

Blade gives Zhane the Morpher.

Blade: Speaking of Rangers, I have the perfect candidates for the Lightstar Powers.

Andros: We are approachong Earth.

Blade: Good. We can get them up here now. D.E.C.A. teleport these five here now.

D.E.C.A.: Yes, sir.

Jason, Zack, Trini, Kimberly, and Billy are teleported to the Megaship.

Jason: What's going on here?

Blade: Jason, why are y'all so flushed?

Zack: Cause the damn T.E.C. put censures on all current and former Power Rangers.

Trini: We are to be captured and excecuted on live television.

Blade: Well, how would you guys like to be bumped back up to current Ranger status?

Billy: What do you mean?

Blade: By way of my good friend Andros, I have these.

He shows them the morphers.

Blade: They're the Lightstar morphers. You would all be taking back your original colors.

All: We're in, let's do it, etc.

He throws them the morphers.

Andros: When the time is right, say 'let's rocket' and you'll be Rangers again.

Zack: Let's do it!

Blade: Not yet. I'm still waiting for a few friends.

The Thundercats appear.

Lion -O: Did someone say friends?

Blade: Hello, Thundercats. Long time no see.

Panthro: Let's go teach MumRah a lesson.

Blade: Not yet, I'm awaiting one more group.

The Zeo Rangers appear.

Kat: Blade, what's wrong, baby?

Blade: Listen, I need your help.

Tommy: Anything, little bro. You know that.

Blade: I know, but you'll need these.

He throws them the five Zeonizers.

Rocky: Our Zeonizers!

Aisha: They're all powered up and ready to go.

Adam: But how?

Blade: I powered them up.

Tommy: But I thought you couldn't be Zeo and us be the the Zeo Rangers?

Blade: It's weird, because when I powered them all up, my powers compensated for the loss. I guess I've been Zeo for so long I can stay this way forever. Enough talk. Andros, contact U.E.D.F., we need there help.

Andros: This is Silver Ranger contacting STF 1 Captain Global. Do you copy?

Global: Loud and clear Silver Ranger. What do you need?

Andros: We need you to send all available troops to take out all air space and ground activity so we can take care of the citadel.

Global: You sure this is gonna work?

Andros: Sure.

Global: Okay, then wait for our signal.

Ryan Steele appears. He's in the half-red, half-blue VR Trooper costume.

Blade: Who are you?

Ryan: My name is Ryan Steele. I'm a VR Trooper. I'm here to help.

Blade: What do you do exactly?

Ryan: I defend Virtual Reality and Reality from Grimlord. He and the T.E.C. killed my friends JB and Katlyn. Please, I want in.

Blade: Fine!

The Robotech force begins its attack.

Blade: That's our signal. Let's go.

Jason: Let's Rocket!

The Lightstar Rangers morph.

Tommy: It's Morphin Time.

The Zeo Rangers morph.

Zhane: Phantom Ranger Power.

Zhane morphs into the Phantom Ranger.


The Thundercats are ready for action.

Zeo: Let's do this.


The T.E.C. Citadel – Daytime

Zedd: It's great to finally rule Earth!

Rita: Yes.

Astronema: First Earth, then the universe!

Zeo: Guess again!

Divatox: No! Get them!

They are attacked by the various basic soilders, putties, tengas, etc., but they are wasted by the warriors of good.

Zeo: Let's bring it home!

They all combine powers and they being to bring the citadel down.

Mondo: Let's get out of here.

They all disappear.



Underground Bunker – Daytime

The other Ranger teams are helping the Turbo Rangers out of the bunker. TJ is leaning on Blade.

Blade: See, TJ? I told you I'd get help.

TJ: You were right, man, but what do we do now?

Blade: We rebuild, and we make sure crap like this never happens again.



1 year later

Galaxy League Space Station – Space

All of the Ranger teams are sitting at the ceremony as Blade is making a speech.

Blade: It seems like one year ago was like a century ago. Last year, we emerged victorious over the Evil Council. But we had to rebuild. I'm happy to say that civilization is where it was 20 years before the Reckoning.

They all clap.

Blade: But the universe still has problems. That's why the Turbo Rangers, the Zeo Rangers, and Lightstar Rangers, along with the Rangers of Aquitar and the Omega Rangers of Pheados, and even non Ranger entites such as the Thundercats from Thundera and the U.E.D.F., have joined forces to become the Galaxy Leauge of Power. A great force for good now and for generations to come. We will not let the Reckoning happen again.

They all clap. Andros is sitting next to a reformed Karone.

Andros: It's funny what can happen in a year, isn't it?

Karone: Yeah.

They continue to clap.