[See The Life of Blade Oliver for Disclaimer]

Authors Note: Stop immediately and read Sinestro first. If you read it
already, enjoy!

Stone Cold Crazy
By Andre Coles

Space Station Juice Bar – Space

The Lighstar Rangers with the exception of Andros are sitting at the juice bar hanging out.

Kimberly: Where's Andros?

Jason: 'Said he was going down to Earth with Karone.

Trini: Karone has time for a vacation?

Zack: I know. She's leading the Green Lantern Corps now.

Billy: They've been doin' a good job lately, too.

Jason: We really needed the extra hands.

Zack: Anybody know where I can buy one of those things?

Trini: Those rings are telepathically controlled.

Jason: And you've gotta have a brain to use it.

They all laugh.

Zack: Ha ha. Very funny.

Suddenly, a rumble is felt and an explosin is heard.

Jason: What the hell is that?!

Sinestro and the Psycho Rangers enter the juice bar.

Sinestro: I can't believe how easy this was. You haven't even changed the codes. Prepare for destruction.

Jason: I don't think so! Let's go guys.

Lightstar Rangers: Let's Rocket!

They morph and flip into action.

Sinestro: Psycho Rangers, attack!

Psycho Red: With pleasure!

Jason: I don't know who you think you are, but you're goin down.

Psycho Red: Well, allow me to introduce ourselves. We're the Psycho Rangers!

They attack and overpower the Lightstar Rangers.

Psycho Black: No Rangers are a match for us!

A green fist hits the Psycho Rangers.

Karone: Alright, Corps. Let's take these guys out.

GL Corps: Right!

They pursue the Psycho Rangers and they run into a yellow brick wall. As they get up, Sinestro lands in front of them.

Ramses: Well, if it isn't the traitor.

Sinestro: Ah, Ramses. My only regret is that I didn't put you on the shelf.

Ramses: That wouldn't have happened any way.

Sinestro: I beg to differ.

Ramses: You know that ring's the perfect color for you. YELLOW!

Sinestro: Then face me — if you've got the balls!

Ramses: Let's take this joker out!

They attack Sinestro, but their shapes aren't working against Sinestro's yellow shield. Sinestro then blasts them with a power beam.

Sinestro: You see, yellow is better than you think. Yellow is the only color your rings can't defend against.

Sinestro relentlessly beats on the GL Corps.

Sinestro: I tire of this amusement.

He uses his rings to make cuffs to cuff them to a nearby wall. Then he is blasted by the Silverizer.

Sinestro: You!

Andros: Yeah, and you're gonna pay for what you did to my sister!

Sinestro uses his ring to make a 2 ton weight that he drops on Andros.

Sinestro: Wuss!

Sinestro flies away.


Space Station Corridor – Space

The Psycho Rangers are fighting. The Turbo, Omega, and Zeo Rangers are on the offensive.

Psycho Blue: Not even three teams of Rangers can defeat us.

The Thundercats, and Dex (Masked Rider) appear.

Lion-o: But we might have better luck.

A yellow blast takes the Thundercats out.

Dex: You can't beat Masked Rider!

Dex jumps into action. Knocking most of the Psychos to the ground. Then Psycho Red takes out his sword and slices Dex's leg.

Psycho Yellow: There's no one left! We've won!

Colt: No! I won't let you!

The Psychos jump him punching and kicking at him. They clear a path an Sinestro creates a yellow fist to beat and beat Colt relentlessly. They let up and Colt stands up, battered and beaten.

Colt: No! You won't win.

Sinestro zaps him again.

Colt: No.

Colt tries to get up and Blade touches his shoulder.

Blade: Stand down, bro. I'll take it from here.

Colt (Weakened): Get a piece for me!

Blade: Will do!

Blade rises to his feet.

Blade: How dare you come in here and do this! How dare you attack my people like this.

Sinestro: What are you gonna do about it?

Blade: Take a piece of your ass!

Sinestro: Psychos, attack!

The Psycho Rangers attack and Blade effortlessly disposes of them.

Blade: Your turn.

Sinestro: I'm afraid I won't be so easy to defeat!

Blade: Enough talk, then.

Sinestro surrounds himself with yellow fire and blasts Blade with it. Blade whirls his staff around an expels the fire into the air. Blade blasts Sinestro, but he dodges it.

Blade: Is that the best you can do?

Sinestro: Just gettin' warmed up!

They both grow to giant size. Blade tries to punch Sinestro but he dodges it. Sinestro creates glue with his ring to glue Blade to the ground. Sinestro beats on him. Blade shrinks to normal size and runs away from the glue.

Sinestro: You can't hide from me!

Blade: Don't intend to.

Sinestro forms a yellow fist and punches Blade, knocking him over. He gets up and Sinestro punches him again. He zaps him with a yellow power beam. Sinestro then uses his ring to create a clamp around Blade's neck.

Sinestro: Now I will do what no one could. Kill you. Then evil will rule the universe forever.

Blade rips the clamp from his neck.

Blade: That's not gonna be possible, I'm afraid.

Sinestro: Why's that?

Blade: I'm immortal!

Blade speeds towards Sinestro and hits him repeaditly with his staff. Then he blasts him again. Blade walks towards Sinestro's beaten body. Sinestro is helpless on the ground as Blade approaches him.

Sinestro: Do it!

Blade: Don't tempt me.

Sinestro: Come on! Show some guts!
Blade: Death's too good for you! You're gonna rot away in a holding cell for the rest of your life.

Sinestro: I don't think so.

A yellow flash is seen and Sinestro and the Psychos disappear.



Parallax's Office – Space Station

Blade is sitting at his desk as Colt comes in.

Blade: Colt. Glad to see you on your feet, man! What's up?

Colt: What's down is truly the question. Because of the attack Sinestro and the Psycho Rangers launched, we have lost a significant amount of our forces to injury.

Blade: Who's down?

Colt: It would be easier to tell you who's up.

Blade: Well, who can go?

Colt: Fortunately, the Lightstar Team is still intact. Tommy's all healed up, too. I'm ready if you need me.

Blade: Well, I don't like the circumstances, but it looks like the Awesome Eight are back together again.