Disclaimer: The Power Rangers are the property of Saban Entertainment and I lay no claim to them. The character of Mackenzie Dekalb is property of Karilee who can be contacted at kajwr@twcny.rr.com. The character of Cassandra Jensen(the Emerald Ranger) belongs to Helen who can be contacted at helen0724@yahoo.com. Jeffrey Kincaid, Lord Stygian, and all other characters relating to them are mine. Should anyone wish to use my characters contact me at foi72@yahoo.com.

Extended Families
by John Chubb

The figure walked down the boat dock where the boat moored at the slot reserved for Jeffrey Kincaid sat. The harbormaster said that Mr. Kincaid hadn't been there for days and that his clients were waiting for their next run. "By the way. What do you want with him?"

The man looked at the harbor master all relaxed and calm. "I have some business with him. Family business."

"Well you might want to try the shootfighting rink a few blocks down. I'm told he runs the joint, and if he ain't there then someone there should know where he is at least."

"Thank you sir I'll do that.", the gentleman said as he walked away.

"It's called Leroy's shootfighting rink.", the harbormaster called out. The figure waived thanks and continued to walk on.

"Okay then, class dismissed.", the teacher said on Cassandra Jensen's laptop. "Don't forget exam on wednesday." Cassandra nodded and logged out of the internet classroom. "Is it me or are the legal classes just getting more and more boring?"

Adam was looking through the files of the rink along with Mackenzie as they were trying to figure out the profits for the month. Receipts were strewn all over the place as the two Nightfighters were trying to determine profits for the year using receipts that were not filed in numerical order.

"I swear Boiling Hot is sooo fired.", Mackenzie said as she was losing patience with the paperwork. "How he kept things orderly with this filing system is beyond me."

"Yeah I know.", Adam commented. "I am soooo glad I didn't get into business school like my family wanted me to. I wouldn't be able to stand the paperwork."

Cassandra sat down and helped sort through the files. "So Mickey, how was your latest visit with the doctor?"

"Doctor says the pregnancy is going fine.", Mackenzie said. "No complications so far."

"Great.", Adam said. "Looking into lamasse classes?"

"Yeah, never hurts to be prepared.", Mackenzie said then Cassandra's laptop beeped on and she opened it up to see Justin was calling them.

"Hey guys.", Justin said behind the wheel of Storm Blaster while a new Pink Ranger was behind the wheel of another vehicle. "Who's your friend?", Cassandra asked.

"My name is Princess Ivana of Serenity 12.", the new Pink Turbo said. "Justin helped stop my wicked uncle from stealing the throne of my home planet."

"It wasn't too bad.", Justin said over the com line. "We're going to look for the Yellow Turbo vehicle now. Word has it that it may be on Mirinoi."

"Well take care of yourself buddy.", Adam said. We'll be waiting when you get back." After thanking his teamates Cassandra turned off the laptop just as Boiling Hot Brian Austin showed up. "Uhhh Mickey?"

Mackenzie slammed the files on the desk and stood up looking into Boiling Hot's eyes. "You know what?", she said with bite in her voice. "I, and my friends here have had to clean up a major mess here. Namely your filing system. Now can you give me one good reason why I shouldn't fire you on the spot?"

"Well…uhhh", Boiling Hot was getting tongue tied. "No, but you do have a visitor."

The man stepped into the office. He was heavyset and dressed in a t-shirt which went over a frame that was a lot like Bulk's. "I'm looking for Jeff Kincaid?"

Cassandra stood up. "He's…..out of town. And we don't know when he'll be back. Why do you want to know?"

The man stood upright his face becoming visible. "I'm his brother Steven. Perhaps you remember me Miss Jensen?"

Mackenzie looked on at the face of Kincaid's brother and recognition crossed her face as well. Mackenzie herself sighed and thought, Boiling Hot, You are sooooo fired!

Justin and Ivana travelled through space in their vehicles Turbo Striker and Storm Blaster. Lightning Cruiser brought up the rear. "Justin, I wish to ask you something.", Ivana asked.

Justin turned to Ivana and remembered how beautiful she looked under the helmet, but now was not the time for such thoughts. "What's up?", he asked.

Ivana was also taken in with how Justin looked but then she snapped back into her 'royal warrior' persona. "It is apparent that we shall find the vehicle on Mirinoi, but will we find the ranger as well?"

Justin thought about that for a minute and realized Ivana had a good point. "I'm not sure Ivana. We may not."

"Then who would be the yellow ranger?", Ivana asked.

Justin paused for a moment deep in thought. "You know, that's a good question."

Sylvie Larson lay on the hood of her 4×4 looking up at the night sky watching all the stars staring before her. Stars that held so much wonder and promise as worlds circled them that held different civilizations, cultures and ideas. Worlds Sylvie wanted to visit so much with all her heart, but couldn't yet.

The main reason was because Sylvie didn't have enough money. Even though the alliance with Aquitar, KO-35, and Triforia opened up Earth to the intergalactic community, people of Earth still couldn't just pack up and go to the next available planet. Tickets cost an arm and a leg for just a trip to the moon where the Lunar Palace Museum stood as well as the developing Lunar Colony.

Has it been so long that I had been hanging with Carlos and the Space Rangers?, Sylvie thought remembering the time she had stumbled on Carlos's identity as Black Astro Ranger and had him running errands until she asked him to get a moonrock for her brother who had died before. I should have asked for the rock before but I was a kid then.. she thought happily about the old memories. Both Sylvie and her brother dreamed of being astronauts and Sylvie promised that she would fulfil that dream.

Sadly, due to the competitive nature of astronaut training, the closest Sylvie could come to the stars was an internship at the SETI labs outside of Angel Grove where she could look but not touch. While she was happy to be working with elite researchers, she was sad as well for not being able to go to the stars themselves.

Sometimes she would go out of the lab and take a drive whenever things got too boring taking radar equipment with her trying to track any disturbances in the area. Hands-on research she called it, while in reality it provided her to get out of the computer lab for a while. Most times the radar equipment never picked up a signal, and taking it along was little more than a formality.

Sylvie couldn't contain her surprise when a beep came from the equipment, disturbing her from her stargazing and right to tracking where the power emmissions had come from. When she got appropriate lattitude and longitude she jumped right into the driver's seat and drove her jeep to where the signals were located.

"Wow. I wonder what it is.", Sylvie exclaimed with joy hoping for the best and not have it be another weather balloon like the last five times.

When she reached the area where the signals originated she got out of her 4×4 and made her way over a plateau. Looking down Sylvie looked with disbelief at what she saw.

"What the?", she said as she looked down at a structure that looked half completed but had shown movement as she saw what looked like robots working on building the rest of it.

Sylvie's curiosity got the better of her as she moveded closer. The drones ignored her the as she walked. They must not consider me a threat., she thought. Kind of like the Borg from Star Trek. I just hope these guys don't try to assimilate me or something.

Coming to what looked like the main doorway Sylvie went through and walked down several corridors finding her way into a room which was also half completed but starting to come together under the direction of an android that looked like Alpha 6.

"Alpha is that you?", Sylvie asked. Alpha turned around and was completely surprised.

"Ai, yi, yi. Who are you?", Alpha asked as he saw Sylvie standing behind him. Then a voice then echoed behind her.

"Relax Alpha. She is Sylvie Larson." The young teen turned to face the computer screen behind her. She heard so many stories her friend Carlos that she'd know the image of a giant floating head anywhere, and what name it would be called.

"You…You're Zordon aren't you?.", Sylvie said.

"Yes and no.", the morphin master said. "I am an artificial intelligence based on Zordon's personality."

"Huh?", Sylvie asked confused. Zordon then proceded to tel the tale of how he became an AI.

"While on Eltar my progenitor,the original had begun experimenting with Artificial Intelligence and the use of telepathy in creating an AI program to carry on for him as mentor should something happen to him and another great evil arose. He was sucessful, then Dark Specter attacked and sealed him back into the time warp. But while Zordon was having his powers drained Zordon still had his telepathic link to the computer his AI was linked to, and it continued to record Zordon's memories and experiencees. Zordon wanted nothing left to chance. The AI was going to be as perfect as he could make it.

"Then the Countdown battle began and Andros was faced with the sad task of shattering the original Zordon's tube releasing the good energy that was his essence throughout the cosmos annihilating most of the evil in the cosmos. And upon Zordon's death, the transmissions to the program ceased and I was activated.

But since there was no monumental menaces left, just minor ones looking to fill the vaccum of power I was left deactivated until needed. Besides the original Zordon still had his book out there. So I took my creator's identity and make it my own. I ordered Alpha 5 to wait until a resurgence of evil came forth, then he would reactivate me in case other help was needed that the book could not provide. The possibility was unlikely but one never knew for sure."

When the story of the Night Rangers in another dimension having the book with them hit the waves Alpha activated the Zordon AI and Zordon then decided to download himself into a construction ship and head on over to Earth in hopes of building a new base. It was at the old sight of the Command Center and Power Chamber.

Sylvie listened to the story with amazement. "Wow that's amazing. But how did you know who I am?"

Zordon looked on at the young teen before him. "For two reasons. One because of your relationship with Carlos Vallerte. Sylvie nodded to that. Carlos had been helping her with astronaut and karate training. "And number two?"

"Because, Sylvie Larson, you have a grand destiny before you."

"Yes, Steven Kincaid. I remember you.", Cassandra said being formal and offering her hand to Steven which he shook. "So what brings you here?"

"Well, I heard my brother lived here and I wanted to see if I could mend fences with him.", Steven said. "But I see he's not."

"No.", Mackenzie said. "He was…called away on business."

"Did he say when he would be back?", Steven asked.

"No, and I don't think even he knows.", Adam said. "But I will say that he hopes to be back soon."

Steven bowed his head then asked, "Define 'soon'."

"Ummm, a couple of months.", Mackenzie said. "Just in time for him and I to get married and have our first child."

The look on Steven's face was priceless as his eyes went wide with surprise and his mouth hung down. "You mean….you're pregnant?" Mackenzie nodded.

"Why didn't he stay and take care of you?", he asked. "His place should be the side of his family."

"He was in a commitment he couldn't get out of.", Cassandra explained. "He didn't even know until the minute he left."

"Well that's not good enough.", Steven said. "Give me a number where I can reach him. Tell him to come back home."

"There is no number where he can be reached.", Adam said. "He's….out of touch."

"Out of touch?!", Steven couldn't believe his ears. "Where is he that he's so far out of reach?"

Cassandra, Adam and Mackenzie were hardpressed to find an answer for Steven and none of them could find one. Steven shook his head in disbelief.

"Unbelievable.", Steven said. "I try to come back to mend fences with my brother and he just up and leaves. Then I find he has left someone carrying his child. I guess when things get too tough he always runs away."

"That's not fair!", Cassandra shouted. "You have no right to judge!"

"Not fair? My brother has done what my father had done to us years ago. He up and leaves his family and makes no attempt to contact them. He's just as much a no good S.O.B. like dad was."

Mackenzie had heard enough. She sat up out of her chair and went up to Steven. She then delivered a right cross to his face sending him down to the ground.

Mackenzie then proceeded to lay down the law. "Don't you ever talk about Jeff like that again. There are things about his life you don't need to know, but are important anyway. So don't you EVER compare him to your father again!" She paused for a second before she said. "Now get out of here!"

Steven then got up and cradled his jaw. "I'll be at the Day's Inn if you want to contact me. Just ring the front desk." Cassandra nodded but Adam said "Just go."

Steven left and Mackenzie sat down as tears started to form in her eyes. "Oh Cassandra, Adam, what if he doesn't come back?"

Cassandra held her friend close. "He'll come back Mickey. He has to."

Steven walked out of the shootfighting rink towards his rental car and drove away unaware of the figure watching from behind the bushes.

So I see one of my sons is here. I wonder where the other one is., Vincent Kincaid thought as he continued his stalking.

On Mirinoi Maya and Kendrix were on a nature hike to the mountains hoping to see the view Maya had told them about. She had once said that if one could stand on the mountain of sky then one could see the entire planet.

Leo had been busy helping the Mirinoians with a construction project ever since he had returned with the other Galaxy Rangers from Mariner Bay trying to stop Trakeena and Olympius from destroying the city, so Maya and Kendrix decided to do some exploring together. Maya had been so glad that Kendrix returned after being killed by Psycho Pink, she missed Kendrix so much.

"I'm glad you decided to come along Kendrix.", Maya said.

"No problem. I needed to get out of the lab.", Kendrix replied. "And to be with a friend." Maya smiled as they both went up high along the mountain path nature provided hoping to get the view of Venture City the mountain had provided. As they made their way up the mountain Kendrix looked down a path that led to a cave and it peaked her curiosity. "Maya what's this?"

Maya was speechless. "This is the cave of the lost. It is said that vagabonds and rogues went down here looking for a great power. None ever returned."

"Rogues and vagabonds huh? Sounds spooky.", Kendrix then playfully ran into the cave with Maya following close behind. "Kendrix wait!"

Both girls ran into the cave, unaware that there was someone following them close behind.

Mackenzie closed up shop that night after Cassandra and Adam went back to their temporary house in the downtown area of Port Clinton. Heading up to the upstairs bed she looked at the photo of her fiancee Jeffrey Kincaid. "Hey Jeff how's it going?", she asked talking to the photo wishing it could talk back.

"Your brother paid me a visit. Wondered where you were. Too bad I couldn't say that you were in another dimension troubleshooting the bad guys of other realities. At least that's what I think you're doing."

Tears started to form in Mackenzie's eyes and she let them fall down her face. "I just miss you so much! Your brother asked why you weren't here taking care of me and the baby. I couldn't tell him you were doing your duty as a Power Ranger trying to save the universe."

Mackenzie then held the photo long in a hug as if the photo was Kincaid himself. "Please come back to me. I miss you."

Mackenzie cried herself to sleep still clutching the photo unaware that there was someone else in the room with her. She had snapped awake only to find a cloth soaked with chloroform pressed against her face and mouth. Her body was held down with tremendous pressure so she couldn't fight back or get a look at her attacker due to the darkness of the room.

She was out in seconds and the mystery assailant carried her out of the room to who knew where.

Kendrix led Maya into the cave system which surprisingly seemed to light up as they went further down. "I don't see any demons yet.", Kendrix said teasing.

"Just because you don't see any doesn't mean there aren't any here.", Maya felt chills in the air and it wasn't because of the draftiness of the cave.

Kendrix and Maya followed the light until they came across a yellow vehicle sitting in a crevace. "What is that?", Maya asked.

"It's a vehicle of some sort.", kendrix went over looking at the yellow 4×4 with the symbol of the Turbo Rangers on it. "It's a Turbo Vehicle."

"Turbo Vehicle?", Maya asked.

Kendrix nodded. "The Turbo Rangers had two of them. They were called Storm Blaster and Lightning Cruiser, they were paired with the red and blue Turbo Rangers respectively. Blue Turbo still uses his vehicle, but Red Turbo's hasn't been seen since.

"Thank you ladies for leading me here.", a voice said from behind. "Now step away from Off Roader there." A weapon was drawn towards Kendrix and Maya as they did what they were told.

"Off Roader?", Kendrix asked. "Is that what this vehicle is called?"

"No questions. Stand over there.", Kendrix and Maya did so. They may have had good fighting skills but there was no way they were going to argue with a man with a gun. The person then turned to the vehicle named Off Roader and spoke to it.

"Now look car. I know you can hear me, You're coming with me or these pretties get it. Comprende'?"

The car honked once understanding and moved to follow the gunman. He then waved Maya and Kendrix forward to keep them where he could see them. "The car is obeying you what do you want us for now?", Maya asked.

"I need your help in securing my prize.", the gunman said. "And seeing as how you two are here you both have become volunteers."

The next morning Adam and Cassandra had returned back to the rink. "I hope Mickey's all right.", Cassandra said. "She seemed pretty upset last night."

"I guess Kincaid's brother showing up and all that crap he spewed really got to her.", agreed Adam. "I wish I knew what Kincaid was doing right now."

Cassandra tried the door and found it was locked. "That's odd. Usually Mickey's the first to unlock the door to open the place up." Cassandra then took out her spare key that Mackenzie gave her for emergencies and unlocked the door. When they entered the two Nightfighters looked around the rink wondering if there was anything unusual. "Mickey?", she called out. No answer came back.

Adam went upstairs where the bedroom was and found the covers ruffled back. There was also a cloth full of chloroform that still had a faint oder and a note. Adam brought the note downstairs where Cassandra read it aloud.

"To whom it may concern. I want Jeff Kincaid to meet me at pier on the GSA base along with his brother Steven. I know Jeff has a 'special' job so I'm giving you twenty-four hours to find him. If he doesn't show his girlfriend will be the one to pay for his absence. Signed: Vincent."

"Damn. Now Vincent wants Kincaid. He's off hoping dimensions and there's no way to get in contact with him."

"Hoping what?", a voice said in the doorway. Adam and Cassandra turned and saw Steven standing in the doorway. "What are you talking about?"

Cassandra turned to face Steven and showed him the note. "Your father paid Mickey a visit. He's got her until you and Kincaid show up."

Steven's face contorted into a look of confusion. "Dad took my brother's girlfriend? Why?"

Cassandra and Adam shared a look and both nodded. "It's time we let you know what Kincaid has been doing the past couple of years.", Cassandra said.

"Better grab a seat. It'll be a long story." Steven took Adam's advice and sat in the next available seat and told Steven what his brother had been doing ever since he left home.

Mackenzie looked around the quarters she sat in. Her morpher had been removed but she knew it was close by. "I'm sorry it's come to this.", the voice over the loudspeaker said.

"I'll bet you are…VINCENT!", Mackenzie said making reference to Vincent Kincaid.

"You remember.", Vincent said looking down at the girl in white with reddish blonde hair. Mackenzie just gave a grunt before speaking again.

"It's not everyday a father sells out his son then the son promises to wreck his world. I know Jeff hasn't been able to keep up on that lately, but didn't Andros and Ashley get in their two cents?" Mackenzie could hear the heavy breathing from the other end of the speaker and knew he was getting under Vincent's skin when he mentioned Andros and Ashley on the Dionysus Space Platform.

"That's not important now.", Vincent said. "I'm looking for my son. Do you know where he is?"

"Boy you must be the second person to ask me that. Wasn't it just yesterday Jeff's older brother asked that same question?"

"Yes I realize that. I also know that Jeff and Steven have not been close for years. Why would my son tell him anything? Family history perhaps?"

"You would know you made part of it.", Mackenzie asked back sharply. "Now let's cut to the chase. Why did you just kidnap me?"

"Because I want to see my son. WHERE IS HE?", Vincent asked rather forcefully.

Mackenzie just gave a "Ha!", as her answer then added, "You should know he's a Power Ranger. Sometimes rangers are called off planet for emergencies. I don't know where he's at though. He never told me."

Vincent was silent for a minute then spoke again. "I guess I'll just have to keep you here then until he gets back." He then shut off the speaker leaving Mackenzie alone with her thoughts. Some of them ranging from Where did Vince go over the deep end?, and Where are you Jeff?"

On Mirinoi Kendrix and Maya were pushing Off Roader onto some sort of loading platform with the gunman having his weapon trained on them the whole time. "Come on, put a little muscle into it. Women have said they wanted to be treated like men all there lives. Here's your chance now!"

The gunman then raised his weapon and fired a shot past Maya and Kendrix's heads. "Next time I won't miss, and I'd hate to break up a cute couple." The two girls exchanged a look then went back to pushing the yellow Turbo Vehicle onto the platform with one final push then they collapsed on the ground. The gunman then pulled down a lever and a power grid appeared holding the car in place.

"I'd like to thank you ladies for all you've done.", the gunman sneered. "And now for your reward!" He brought his gun to bear on both Kendrix and Maya as the girls lay slumped over in exaustion. The gunman had his finger ready to pull the trigger until a laser blast shot the gun out of his hand.

The gunman, Kendrix and Maya turned up and saw Three cars coming from the sky and a pink and blue ranger driving two of them.

Ivana had gotten out of Turbo Strike and fired her blaster at the gunman's feet causing him to stagger back. When he was close enough to the hill Ivana then gave a spinning back kick sending the gunman rolling downhill. "Well, that was quick.", Ivana said.

Justin then went over to where Off Roader sat and deactivated the security field holding it down. No sooner than that did the vehicle pull out of the platform and turn to face Justin and Ivana. Off Roader then honked at the two Turbo Rangers.

"I think it wants us to follow.", Ivana stated.

"Well let's see where it wants to go.", Justin said as he headed back to Storm Blaster and Ivana to Turbo Striker. Lightning Cruiser followed close behind.

Kendrix and Maya watched the departing rangers until they were a speck in the sky then they turned to the gunman with his weapon trained on him. "All right let's go.", Kendrix ordered as she and Maya took him to the authorities in Venture City.

"Now let me get this straight.", Steven said trying to soak everything in. "My brother is a Power Ranger, and he's of fighting evil in other dimensions while dad kidnapped his fiancee'?"

"That about sums it up.", Cassandra said. Adam stood nodding in agreement. Steven just looked at the two for the next ten minutes before speaking again. "That is the biggest cock and bull story I've ever heard."

"What's so unbelievable about it?", Adam asked. "That your brother is a Power Ranger?"

"Well there's that along with dad turning into an intergalactic con man looking for money. Con man I can believe but INTERGALACTIC? PLEASE!!!"

"And what about your brother being a Power Ranger. What's so unbelievable about that?", Cassandra asked.

"Because we're nothing special.", Steven said. "The Kincaid family is not meant to rise above anything higher than middle class. No Kincaid made a difference in the world, and no Kincaid ever will."

"That's where you're wrong.", Adam said. "Jeff made a lot of difference. He made all the difference when he died taking on Lord Crucible…"

"Wait a minute? Jeff died?", Steven was very confused hearing that.

"Don't worry he came back.", Adam said. "But if it wasn't for him and all the other rangers, the universe would still be under the control of Crucible right now or destroyed altogether. Jeff Kincaid did a lot!"

Steven still couldn't believe what Cassandra and Adam were saying, but then the phone rang. Cassandra answered "Leroy's Shootfighting rink."

"Put me through to one of my sons.", Vincent said over the phone. Cassandra handed Steven the phone and said "It's for you." Steven grabbed it and said "Hello?"

"Hello Steven.", Vincent said. Steven kept his emotions neutral not feeling anything for the man on the other end of the line. It reminded Cassandra and Adam about Kincaid and the stoic facades he always kept. "Hello dad. What do you want?", Steven asked.

"Not much, just my youngest son.", Vincent said. "I've got some issues with him."

"Issues?", Steven asked. "I thought Jeff was your favorite. He always listened to you. He looked up to you. Why I don't know though."

"What can I say, some sons love their fathers.", Vincent said. "Despite….misunderstandings."

"And what misunderstandings would those be huh? Like selling him out to bounty hunters on a slum planet?", Steven said despite not believing the story, but when Vincent said, "I did what I had to do to survive.", Steven's opinion changed and he wondered if Cassandra and Adam's story was true.

"You sold out your own son?", Steven asked as a wave of disgust ran through him at the thought of Vincent selling out his brother. Vincent didn't speak about that but went on to business.

"Now listen Steven, I didn't come to argue with you. I'm here because I want to see my son Jeff. Tell me where he is." Steven just smiled like a smart alec and said, "Gee I don't know. Maybe another dimension so far away that he can't be reached?"

"That's not good enough Steven.", Vincent said calmly but clearly agitated by Steven. "Now listen to me. You have three hours to find my son and get him to the marina or he'll never see his girlfriend or child again."

The phone clicked off indicating that Vincent had hung up leaving Steven stunned that his father would harm his own grandchild I guess he hasn't run out of new lows to stoop to huh?, he thought. Turning to Adam and Cassandra Steven said, "I'm going to kill that bastard."

"So Alpha? How long have you and 'Zordon' been here?", Sylvie asked as she and Alpha were putting the finishing touches on a diagnostic control pad.

"We've only been here a few days.", Alpha said. "Construction of the new command center is still proceeding well. Zordon thought it would have been a good idea to construct it where the old one was due to that the site was already used before, and because the original Zordon was 'attatched' to it."

Sylvie chuckled at Alpha's little remark. "You better hope the original Zordon hadn't heard that."

"Do not be afraid Sylvie.", Zordon said. "I got the joke. And so would the original one have as well."

Sylvie smiled as she continued to work with Alpha on calibrating equipment when a siren came from the interplanetary system net terminal which monitored the traffic that came within Earth's space.

"Ai, yi, yi, y, yi! Zordon, Sylvie! There is something coming into Earth's atmosphere! I can't make it out!"

"Alpha, track the signal and trace where it will land.", Zordon ordered. Alpha did so and found the object would set down about fifty miles from the Power Chamber.

"I'll go check it out.", Sylvie volunteered, but Zordon had reservations.

"Sylvie, you are not a ranger. If you go on alone you will have no power to protect you."

"I know the risks Zordon. I've seen Carlos and the others take those same risks day in day out. I know what I'm getting into." Sylvie's tone reflected that she wasn't backing off from anything.

"Very well. Alpha teleport Sylvie to the co-ordinates for the landing site.", Alpha did so and Sylvie was gone in a streak of white light. Not long after that were two other signals entering Earth's atmosphere.

"Ai, yi, yi, yi, yi, yi!! Two more objects are coming into Earth's atmosphere and…." Alpha broke off when he saw the data. Zordon was curious about why Alpha broke off and asked what was wrong.

"Zordon, the other two objects have Turbo Power signitures."

A streak of white touched down on the desert floor where Alpha said the signal was heading. When it solidified a blonde teenaged girl landed hard on the ground. When she got back up she found the right half of her body had gone numb. She moved her sholder and spun her leg around a few times hoping to get feeling back into her numb limbs.

"Okay there's another thing that needs fixing.", Sylvie said making reference to the teleporter. When enough feeling was back she walked towards a yellow glow that seemed to come from, in Sylvie's mind, from a yellow 4 wheel drive vehicle. The glow seemed to die down as Sylvie approached it.

Then suddenly the headlights blinked and Sylvie stepped back startled as the vehicle lurched forward. After a few seconds the vehicle lurched forward again, and Sylvie took another step back. Is this the source of the signal Alpha detected?, she thought.

"What are you?", Sylvie asked.

"It's name is Off Roader!", said a voice behind Sylvie. "And I think it's saying that he's yours." Sylvie turned around to see a young boy of about seventeen or eighteen standing behind her. Next to her was a girl about the same age with brown hair dressed in pink.

"My name is Justin and this is Ivana.", the boy said introducing himself and his companion.

"Sylvie. Sylvie Larson.", Sylvie said introducing herself. "Now what do you mean that this vehicle is mine?"

"I'm not sure but I'd say that it's chosen you to be it's driver, and the new Yellow Turbo Ranger." , Ivana said proudly.

Sylvie looked confused. She knew of the Power Rangers, especially the Astro Rangers of which her friend Carlos was a member, but her actually being a ranger seemed like something out of a dream for her, much like her dream of being an astronaut-so close yet so far away. "Why me?", she asked.

"Why not?", Justin said. "You've proven that you can keep a secret when you have to. Also you've spent some time training with Carlos and the other Astros in the past on Martial Arts."

Justin then smiled as he gave the final reason. "And besides, Off Roader likes you."

Sylvie looked down at the Turbo vehicle and smiled. The car honked at her appreciatively as if trying to warm up to her. And it was working. "Okay what do I need to do?"

"Check out the glove compartment. The morpher should be there.", Justin said.

Sure enough a yellow morpher fell out of the glove compartment and into Sylvie's hand. As the metal of the morpher touched her skin she had a feeling of power she couldn't explain. She felt so much energy and knowledge within her it was if what she was about to do next was second nature to her.

"SHIFT INTO TURBO!!!", Sylvie called out. "OFF ROADER TURBO POWER!!!"

Sylvie stood wearing the yellow Turbo Ranger uniform amazed. "Wow I'm the yellow Turbo Ranger. Carlos isn't going to believe this!"

"Don't tell him.", Justin said "One of the rules to the power is not to reveal your identities to anyone." Sylvie nodded remembering the lessons Carlos told her about rangering. He put real emphasis on the one about not using the power for personal gain. She saw the look in Justin's eyes and he too wished that he could tell Carlos that Sylvie was the new Yellow Turbo, but he'd have to find that out on his own.

"Well in the meantime I've got something to show you.", Sylvie got into Off Roader and drove off motioning Justin and Ivana to follow. After getting into Turbo Striker and Storm Blaster they, along with Lightning Cruiser followed the new Yellow Turbo towards the direction of the new Power Chamber.

"Wow, I don't believe it!", Justin exclaimed. "Zordon you too?"

"Yes Justin.", Zordon said in the viewscreen before him. "Soon the new chamber will be finished, and the new Turbo Rangers will be more than welcome to stay here if they so desire."

"Thank you Zordon. We do appreciate it.", Ivana answered when Justin's communicator beeped on. "Someone have your number?", Sylvie asked.

Justin just shrugged his shoulders as he brought his communicator to his lips. "Justin here I read you."

Cassandra's voice came through on the other side. "Justin can you get up to Port Clinton as soon as possible?" Justin answered yes but also wondered why.

"Vincent showed up and he grabbed Mackenzie. We could use you help in getting her back.", Justin nodded and said he was on his way. Ivana and Sylvie then stepped forward to ask what the problem was.

"I've got to be somewhere. You guys wouldn't mind staying here until I get back would you?", Ivana and Sylvie nodded and Justin teleported out to where Storm Blaster was waiting for him.

Justin drove off in Storm Blaster leaving Ivana and Sylvie behind. "So what do you want to do?", Sylvie asked Ivana. Just then a signal came on the communications panel which had Alpha and the Turbo girls running over.

"Ai, yi, yi! I can't believe it. The computer has locked on to a new Turbo signal."

"Well it looks like opportunity has presented itself.", Ivana said as both Ivana and Sylvie suddenly had a good idea about how to spend the day.