
Disclaimer: The Power Rangers are the property of Disney, and I lay no claim to them. The song "'Coward of the County' is a song done by Kenny Rogers. Jeffrey Kincaid, Lord Stygian and all related characters are mine. If anyone has any questions contact me at foi72@yahoo.com

After the Siege Part 20 Coward of the County
by John Chubb

The city of Silver Hills seemed peaceful to the average observer. A glistening symbol of man's progress and destiny as it moves forward through the hours, minutes and seconds of the day.

Inside the city, the ideal of peace reflected in its outward appearance is met thanks to the help of the Silver Guardians. A non-profit organization sponsored by the CEO and owner of Biolab Alan Collins. The organization was run by its commander Wesley Collins and his second in command Eric Meyers.

But Silver Hills was not always protected by the Silver Guardians. In fact the city had protectors before the Silver Guardians ever appeared. And when the Silver Guardians did appear they only offered their protection to those who could pay for it, unlike the previous protectors for whom Wes was one, and Eric was another...of sorts.

Both were Time Force Power Rangers. A group of Rangers that had come back to the future to the year 2001 to stop a mutant lord named Ransik from destroying the city. The four Rangers that had come from the year 3000 had found Wes, who looked like a young man named Alex whom Ransik severely injured and was a friend to three of the officers who would be the Time Force Rangers and a fiancee to another. Wes was given the Red Chrono morpher to activate the other Ranger powers due to Wes having Alex's DNA, yet was taken away after the first battle after the Pink Ranger thought Wes didn't take the job seriously enough.

Wes was given another chance, and made good with it. Eric came later when the Quantum control box was unearthed and he claimed the power for himself. Like Wes Eric made good, even though his attitude rubbed many the wrong way.

As the Rangers fought off Ransik's advances Wes got closer to the Pink Time Ranger, a girl named Jen, almost to the point where they were falling in love. But due to them being from different times their love was never meant to be. And when Ransik was defeated and captured Jen had to go back to her time and Wes had to remain behind in his.

And now, two years later, Wes still pined for Jen. Still remembering her, never letting go. Even though he never shirked his duties as the commander of the Silver Guardians. Eric looked at his friend and knew exactly what Wes was thinking.

"You're never going to get over her are you?" Eric said with a smirk.

Wes turned to look Eric in the eye. "If you met the love of your life would you?"

Eric wasn't sure he could answer that as he was thinking about his relationship with Taylor Earhardt, the Yellow Wild Force Ranger. He met her while he and Wes were doing work in the Turtle Cove area, and they even teamed up to take on some Mutant Orgs from the future. Since then he and Taylor were getting very close with each other. "Ok, you got me." he said in mock surrender. Wes could only smirk at his friend's discomfort as they came up to the door to the Silver Hills convention center, where a karate tournament was taking place. The reason for their arrival was to find worthy contenders to join the Silver Guardians.

"Ready?" Eric asked getting back to his all buisness attitude.

"Let's go." Wes said and the two went on inside.

On the other side of the building however five Turbo vehicles set down in the parking lot outside. A red sports car, a pink racer, a blue jeep, a yellow 4 x 4, and a green pickup truck all found their parking spots and their drivers all got out. Except for the red sports car which had no driver yet.

But by the time they were finished in Silver Hills they hoped they would soon.

The drivers of the vehicles were four teenagers of around ages seventeen or eighteen. All wore clothes of a dominant color. One in pink, one in yellow, one in green and one in blue. The brown haired girl in pink was Princess Ivana of Serenity 12. The blonde girl in yellow was Sylvie Larson. The hispanic boy in green was Marco Ramonos, and the boy with thick dark brown hair was the leader of the group Justin Stewart.

"You sure this is the right place Justin?" Marco asked.

"Well that's what Lightning Cruiser says." Justin answered. "He's sure the new Red Turbo Ranger is around here."

"Well at least this place beats that smelly old barn." Ivana answered taking in the sights of the Convention Center. "And it looks better too. Doesn't it Sylvie?" Ivana called Sylvie's name again and got no response again. The reason why was because she had her thoughts on something else, or rather someone else. "Do you think Kincaid will be all right?" she asked.

Justin smiled at Sylvie's concern. He had fought alongside Kincaid in the past, and knew what he was capable of. And the woman he travelled with, Sharon Lanrydan, was no slouch either. He had the feeling that Kincaid and the New Night Rangers were going to be just fine.

"Kincaid is going to make it back." Justin answered. "Now we all have a job to do right now. We need to find out who the Red Ranger is going to be."

"Agreed." Ivana said. "The sooner we know who that ranger is the sooner we'll have our team together." This got nods from all the Turbos present, and the four Turbo Rangers walked on in to the Silver Hills Convention Center hoping to find their Red Ranger.

Also pulling into the parking lot was a yellow hummer with the name Lightspeed on the side. It's driver stepped out with a red shirt and red uniform jacket that said "'Lightspeed Rescue' on the back. This was Carter Grayson, Red Lightspeed Ranger and currently the only member of Lightspeed still on active duty.

Like Eric and Wes he was here looking for recruits for the new Lightspeed program Captain William Mitchell was putting together. The destruction of the Aquabase as well as the two new members who were on judicial stay, Kyle Hannorhan and Michael Sorrero, were gone on a special mission and it was not clear on when they were coming back.

Captain Mitchell decided that it would be a good time to swell up Lightspeed's ranks, especially since the other members had gone of into a form of semi-retirement. Angela Fairweather had paired up with Joel Rawlings finally. Dana Mitchell had achieved an internship at Mariner Bay college, Chad was working at the Ocean Park again, and Kelsey had trained for an extreme sports competition. They all could be called back at the right time, but Mitchell also wanted all the Rangers to have the lives they wanted as well.

Mitchell's son Ryan helped out with Lightspeed's administrative duties, while Carter saw to day to day operations involving personnel and recruitment. Here he was looking for new recruits.

And he hoped to find some good ones.

In the training space of the tournament Wes and Eric had met with the gym trainer who was overseeing the competitors in the upcoming tournament. When he saw Wes and Eric enter immediately he went to shake their hands.

"Ah, Mr. Collins, Mr. Meyers. It is such an honor to have the leaders of the Silver Guardians present." The trainer stated sucking up to the two as best he could.

"It's our pleasure." Wes said. "We're not only here on business, but we're also hoping to enjoy a lot of spirited Martial Arts competition."

"Ah yes. One must maintain top ability in combat." The trainer said continuing to suck up. Eric however could smell what the trainer was cooking however, and it made him nauseous. He wanted the sucking up over and done, and he wanted it over and done quick.

"Do you mind perhaps showing the students you have? We're short on time." Eric said.

"No problem." The trainer said as he introduced many of his pupils. "All exceptional martial artists." The trainer said. "But if you want the best, the Gatlin boys are the best my students have to offer."

"What about him?" Eric asked pointing to an oriental boy doing a kata off to the side. The trainer immediately brushed him off like he was nothing.

"That's Tommy Li. Trust me you don't want him." Wes however asked "Why not?"

"Because he's a coward. He never stands up to fight for himself. He always turns and walks away." Eric and Wes looked at each other as if the trainer's words didn't make sense to them.

"And that makes him a coward how?" Eric asked.

"Because what good is teaching Karate if you aren't going to use it to fight?" was the trainer's answer. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bring Jerry Gatlin over. You guys are going to love him." The trainer left Eric and Wes behind to look for Jerry Gatlin, but Eric and Wes didn't seem bothered by the trainer's absence.

They were too focused on Tommy Li.

And they weren't the only ones.

Not far away four others were taking in the fighters in the gym. Each one wondering who had the ability to be Red Turbo Ranger. There were so many people in the training area Justin wondered how his friends were going to find the one they were looking for. Then suddenly Justin's eyes locked on to Tommy Li as he practiced the kata he had done many times before.

"Who's that?" Justin asked a patron who was nearby. Sadly the tone the patron had taken indicated that Tommy was not held in the highest regard..

"Tommy Li. The Coward of the County" was his gruff answer as he walked away from the four Turbo Rangers. Marco, Sylvie, Ivana and Justin looked at each other wondering what the patron meant.

Once Carter entered the arena he noticed Wes and Eric sitting in the stands and immediately went to sit with them. Carter went over and greeted the two Rangers whome he fought alongside in a mission with other Red Rangers to stop the remains of the Machine Empire from resurrecting Serpenterra. "So you here for the same reason we are?" Eric asked.

"Yeah." Carter answered. "Lightspeed is in need of recruits and Captain Mitchell sent me out to scout possible contenders."

"Here's hoping we don't have to fight for the same people." Wes said as he noticed an elder gentleman cheering Tommy on as Tommy continued to do his kata. "You seem to be a big fan of his out there." Wes said making small talk.

"He's my nephew." The elder gentleman said. "By the way name's James Li."

"Wesley Collins. This is my partner Eric Meyers and Carter Grayson of Lightspeed Rescue." Eric walked up to Wes as he was being introduced to Mr. Li. "Wes, I've just talked to the manager of the tournament. We may want to look at another candidate."

Wes looked confused and wondered why Eric would make such a recommendation. Mr. Li however answered the question. "He's heard what my nephew is called I'll bet. "'The Coward of the County'."

"Coward of the County? Like in that old Kenny Rogers song?" Carter asked.

"The very same. And it's so weird to because Tommy is so like the one in Mr. Rogers's song that it's scary."

Not far away Justin and his friends were walking by and said "Sorry, we couldn't help but overhear. Were you talking about Tommy Li?" Justin asked.

Mr. Li seemed to smile. "Well my nephew sure has got quite the fan following doesn't he?" Wes however thought there was more to Tommy than just that label placed on him, and couldn't help but ask "There's more to Tommy than meets the eye isn't there?" Eric asked. Mr. Li nodded confirming Eric's guess.

"Tommy's father was always a bit of a hot head." Mr. Li explained. "He was always getting into trouble, and into fights. One day he got into too much trouble, and in a barfight wound up killing a man. He went to prison for manslaughter. He died there."

"How old was he when he died?" Ivana asked.

"Tommy was only ten." Mr. Li said. "I've brought him up since then."

Everyone was stunned to hear that but Mr. Li was not yet done. "As my brother laid dying in the prison hospital, he called Tommy over and told him "'Son, my life is over, but yours has just begun.'" Mr. Li told the story of what Tommy's father made Tommy promise.

"He made his son promise not to fight? Ever?" Carter asked surprised by what he had heard.

Mr. Li sighed and nodded. "Yeah. Basically he's worried that if he throws a punch or fights in anyway, that he might be repeating his father's mistakes."

Marco looked over at Justin and asked "What do we do?"

Justin wasn't sure he had an answer. At least none that was good enough. It was true Tommy Li had the potential to be a great Red Ranger, but if he was unwilling to fight they couldn't convince him. He then looked at Mr. Li and asked "Do you mind if we stay a few days?"

"No problem." Mr. Li said. "May I ask why?"

"We don't want to force a choice out of your nephew." Justin said. "But we do want to make sure he has an option if he suddenly decides he wants to join my friends, or Lightspeed or the Silver Guardians."

"I think Eric and I would like to stay too." Wes added. "Maybe we can help." Eric nodded in agreement.

"Me too." Carter added. Mr. Li nodded and they had all followed Mr. Li to his house.

Once they arrived everyone was impressed at the size of the place. "I usually run a bed and breakfast for anyone who's passing through and needs a place to crash." Mr. Li explained as he then had shown all the Rangers to their rooms. Wes and Eric were assigned one, as were Ivana and Sylvie, Justin and Marco shared one and Carter took one room solo. After everyone was unpacked they all headed downstairs just as the person they wished to talk to walked into the room. That person was none other than Tommy Li.

"Tommy? My name is Carter Grayson. Lightspeed Rescue..." Tommy didn't even give Carter a chance to finish his introduction as he charged out of the room and into the night sky.

"Nice job Carter. Very subtle." Justin said patting Carter on the shoulder sarcastically.

Outside the house Lightning Cruiser had kept vigil watching for the one who would drive him to come out. He didn't have to wait too long as the door opened and he saw his driver run out.

However Lightning Cruiser hesitated. He sensed distress coming from the young boy indicating that he may not have been ready to take the power yet. Waiting seemed to be the prudent move.

Lightning Cruiser hoped he wouldn't have to wait too long.

Tommy had charged outside the house and Mr. Li followed him. "Tommy? What's wrong?"

"It's those guys dad." Tommy said. "They want me to fight."

"Well...not fight. They do want you to join their organizations. But that doesn't mean that you have to fight."

"Uncle." Tommy said in a tone that said "'be realistic'. "You know I'm one of the best karate masters around. If they don't want me to fight for them, what do they want me for?"

"Well maybe to train." Mr. Li had said. "Those boys at Lightspeed and the Silver Guardians are always looking for someone to train them."

"And what about him?" Tommy asked pointing to Justin. "What organization does he represent?" Mr. Li turned to Justin and gave a look that said "'That's a good question.'

Justin however didn't have an answer, at least not one Tommy might want to hear. How could he tell someone that a Turbo vehicle had chosen him to be the next Turbo Ranger? And if he had told him that then the next question would be "'Would I have to fight?', and the answer to that would most definitely be "'yes, if he had to.'

"I'm here for my own reasons. Reasons I won't force on you." Justin said. "Mr. Li, I think my friends and I made a mistake. We'll pack up and leave tomorrow."

"Well if that's your decision." Mr. Li said. "In the meantime why don't you enjoy the night." Justin said thanks and then adjourned to his room. Mr. Li followed as a knock came at the door. Mr. Li opened it and saw a pretty brunette that reminded Justin of Kristen Kreuk walk in.

"Hi Mr. Li. Is Tommy around?" she asked. Mr. Li said he was in the back just as the other Turbos walked down the stairs, and stared over the bannister.

"Who's that?" Marco asked as the brunette girl came up to Tommy.

"Becky Morrison." Mr. Li explained. "She's kind of Tommy's girlfriend."

"Kind of?" Sylvie asked.

"Well Jerry Gatlin would say that she was HIS girlfriend. Even if she said different."

"She kind of looks like that girl who plays Lana Lang in "'Smallville'. Carter said coming in from the kitchen.

"They're close." Mr. Li said. "But I think you guys need to get some sleep. You have busy days tomorrow."

"Yeah Tommy's competing in forms again." Ivana had said. Soon everyone turned in for the long day tomorrow. Justin and his friends would try one last time to talk to Tommy before they left.

Second day of the tournament was forms and freestyling. Everyone was watching karate students exercise their specialties, but since sparring was first Carter, Wes, Eric, and Justin decided that to watch sparring would just be an entertaining pastime.

One fighter was very impressive to the audience. He was built like a house and took on three oponents at once. He reminded Wes of a Cobra Kai from the Karate Kid movies with his mix of speed and deadly accuracy. "Scary guy." Wes said.

"According to the program his name is Jerry Gatlin." Eric said. Mr. Li had a few things to say about Jerry Gatlin, and they weren't nice things either.

"Gatlin's a bully. He and his two brothers like to shake down the younger kids, or those that can't or don't fight back." Justin listened to Mr. Li's comments and muttered under his breath "Well he's definitely not Ranger material." Mr. Li picked up on what was said and asked "What?" Justin replied with "Nothing."

"Shhh. Kata competition is about to start." Carter said as he saw Tommy take the ring to begin his kata form. They all paid attention as Tommy started to do his kata. Unfortunately Jerry Gatlin was causing trouble again.

Officials tried to push him back but Gatlin didn't care. He pushed the officials out of the way and got into Tommy's face. "Hey Yellow. I'm wanting to fight. And the opponent I choose is you."

Tommy looked at Jerry and shook his head "'no'. "No I won't fight."

"Oh you'll fight. I'll make you fight." Gatlin then threw a punch which hit Tommy in the face, knocking him down. When Tommy got up he saw that his lip was bleeding. Jerry Gatlin however was smiling at what he did.

"Well come on Yellow. Don't you want to fight back? Come on! I know. I'll make it easy for you." Gatlin followed up with a kick to the stomach, knocking Tommy down again. Tommy clutched his stomach as if in pain.

"Come on Yellow! Be a man! Fight me!" Jerry shouted. He was about to attack again when he felt a hand on his shoulder turn him around. The hand belonged to Wes.

"He doesn't want to fight you. Leave him alone."

Jerry however wasn't listening. "No, Yellow's going to fight. If he doesn't he's a coward."

Carter then stepped up and said "I think I know who the real coward is. Attacking a person who doesn't wish to fight, yet wanting a fight anyway. I think it's best if you leave."

Jerry just smiled. "I can't leave. I've got a fight to participate in."

"Not anymore." Justin then said coming up. "You've been disqualified. Unnecessary roughness, attacking officials, and attacking a participant outside of your own tournament bracket. Security is coming to show you out." Just then guards had shown up, led by Eric, ready to escort Jerry out of the building.

"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way." Eric looked at Jerry hoping that Jerry Gatlin would want to do things "'the hard way.' Jerry however would not fall into that trap as he turned to leave with security. He however looked at Tommy and said his final peace. "This ain't over Yellow. I'll be back!" Jerry Gatlin then walked out of the auditorium escorted by security.

Eric, Wes, Carter and Justin then turned to see how Tommy was doing. Tommy however didn't want any sympathy, and he just walked out of the tournament not even accepting medical help. He would be disqualified after that.

When everyone went back to the bed and breakfast Justin however saw Tommy sitting on the porch. His uncle had fixed his lip, but the mental scars were what Justin thought was a different story.

Tommy looked at Justin with a glare of anger. "Why don't you and your friends all leave? What makes you think I want anything to do with any of you?" Justin didn't say much back as he let Tommy vent. He then said "I just came out to make sure you were okay. If that's out of bounds..."

"Why should you care?" Tommy asked. "What the hell do you want with me? I don't even know who you are, or what you want."

Justin decided that it was time to let Tommy in on the truth. He called forth his Turbo Morpher and shouted "SHIFT INTO TURBO!!!" "STORM BLASTER TURBO POWER!!!"

Soon the Blue Turbo Ranger stood before Tommy Li. Needless to say Tommy was stunned. You...you...you're a Power Ranger?"

"Blue Turbo. Operator of the Storm Blaster Turbo Vehicle. I'm charged with helping to rebuild the Turbo Ranger team. Each member has a vehicle under his or her command." Tommy nodded at Blue Turbo's explanation. "So your friends with you..."

"...are Turbo Rangers too." Blue Turbo explained. "Sylvie commands the Yellow Off Roader. Ivana commands the Pink Turbo Striker. Marco commands the Green Pay Loader. I command the Blue Storm Blaster."

"You mean someone already is yellow?" Tommy asked. "With the way everyone calls me that I would have thought that would be my color."

"No Tommy." Blue Turbo then took off his helmet allowing Tommy to see Justin's face. "The vehicle we're hoping you will accept is the Red Lightning Cruiser, belonging to the Red Turbo Ranger." Tommy went wide eyed hearing this. "You want me to be the Red Ranger? Why?"

"Your strength of character." Justin answered. "Part of that is shown in your honoring your father's promise. You don't like to fight, but you will if the need arises."

"No." Tommy said shaking his head. "I won't fight period. I promised my father."

Justin then sighed as he spoke again. "I know how you feel Tommy, but sometimes you may have to fight. Only it will not be just to fight, but it may be for something you'll have to do."

"No. I won't fight. I mean that." Tommy said adamant about his choice. Justin decided he would let sleeping dogs lie.

"All right. I won't push the issue." Justin then demorphed back into his regular clothes. "But just think about what was said. And consider all the roads before you." Tommy heard Justin's words and said that he would consider them.

"You can stay another day." Tommy said as he went back into the house. Justin was left outside.

After several hours Justin went back into the house. But Tommy lay awake thinking about all that was said. _I don't believe it. Me a Power Ranger? What's up with that?_ Tommy continued to think when he saw some headlights glare out at him. Tommy wearily picked himself up and looked out the window to see what the commotion was about.

Tommy looked at Lightning Cruiser open its door beckoning him to come inside. Tommy was amazed by the interior and style Lightning Cruiser possessed. "What do you want from me?"

Just then a video monitor appeared in front of him, and on the screen was a bald headed, dark-skinned young man. Tommy had to believe that this was his predecessor. The one who had the Turbo Powers before.

"Hi. My name is Theodore Jarvis Johnson, but my friends call me T.J. I was the Red Turbo Ranger before I stepped down and retired. What you are watching right now is an interactive security tape designed to protect Lightning Cruiser from unwanted intrusion, or to familiarize my potential replacement with the new Turbo Powers.

"You're probably also wondering why you were chosen for the powers?" T.J. then asked. Tommy had to nod "'yes.' "Well the power always seeks out those who are worthy. Red Rangers are leaders due to strong spirit, and sharp minds. If you were chosen for these powers then Lightning Cruiser must sense these aspects in you, and figure that you would make a great Red Turbo Ranger."

A glove compartment then opened on the side and inside was a morpher with Turbo Key. "This is your Turbo Ranger Morpher. Should you choose to accept the power just shout "'Shift into Turbo! Lightning Cruiser Turbo Power!' This will trigger your morph should you choose to accept the powers." Tommy batted an eye as he heard T.J.'s words. "Should I accept?"

"You don't have to decide right now." T.J. had said. "Just think about it. But if you ever have need of Lightning Cruiser, he'll be there for you." T.J.'s image then faded out as the driver's door opened. Tommy took the notion as for him to leave. "Thank you, you've given me a lot to think about." Tommy said as he got out of

Lightning Cruiser flashed his lights as if saying "You're welcome" and drove off. Tommy watched Lightning Cruiser drive away leaving Tommy with a lot to think about.

Tommy saw Justin, Ivana, Sylvie and Marco load up their things in their respective vehicles when he approached. "Uhhh Justin can I talk to you for a minute?" Tommy asked. Justin nodded and said "Sure what do you want to talk about?"

"I had a strange visit last night, from a red car, calling itself "'Lightning Cruiser', or at least that's what the guy on the tape said it was called." Justin realized what Tommy was talking about "You mean T.J.?"

"Yeah. That was his name. How did you know?" Justin directed Tommy to the steps of the barn and asked him to take a seat. That was when Justin told Tommy the story of the Turbo Rangers.

"I fought alongside both teams of Turbo Rangers." Justin explained. "The first team used to be the previous Power Rangers Zeo, and the second one moved on to become the Space Rangers. I stayed as Blue Turbo, and I have been the constant on the Turbo team. Eric, Wes and Carter know him too as they recently took part in a great Red Ranger battle a few weeks ago."

"And now you're looking to rebuild it? The Turbo team?" Justin nodded as he added "And we hope that you'll be part of it."

Tommy continued to walk thinking about what Justin said when he came across Wes bringing in a load of firewood for the fireplace inside. Wes saw Tommy's expression and asked "Is something up?"

"No. I just found out that I've been approached by the Turbo Rangers to join up with them." Tommy made reference to Justin and his friends, and Wes knew the Silver Guardians and Lightspeed had serious competition for Tommy Li. But all three still had one last obstacle to cover. Tommy's promise to his father.

It was then that Wes decided to let his own feelings about his father be known after he set the logs down on the ground. "I know what it's like to feel like you have to honor your father, but you don't have to honor him at the cost of your own future." Tommy sat back and listened to Wes speak.

"I love my father." Wes said. "But there was a point in my life where I couldn't let him make my choices for me. Someone convinced me that I had to stand on my own and make my own destiny, and I wound up doing that."

"So are you happy with your life?" Tommy asked. Wes paused for a minute.

"No, there's one thing I don't have. Her name was Jen."

Tommy listened as Wes explained. "She was someone I...worked with, and we started to get closer. But then when the job was over we had to go our separate ways. We couldn't be together."

"I'm sorry." Tommy said.

"Don't be." Wes answered. "I'll always be grateful for what we had, and for her helping me make my own destiny. My life is pretty good, and so can yours be too."

"If I join the Silver Guardians?" Tommy then asked.

"For whatever you choose." Wes answered. "Just remember it's one thing to fight to defend your planet, and it's another to get into a bar fight."

Tommy thought about what Wes said and answered "Thanks Wes."

"No problem. Now let's get this lumber into the house." Soon Wes and Tommy were carrying their fireplace logs into the house ready to start a fire.

After a hard day's work Tommy met up with Becky and explained as much as he could of the day he had. "Wow. You really are a hot property aren't you?"

"Yeah." Tommy said. "I still don't want to break my promise to my father but..."

"Somehow I think your father might understand." Tommy smiled as he was reassured by Becky's words. However they soon came to the dark street Becky had to walk in order to get back to her house. "You sure you don't want me to escort you home?" Tommy asked.

"No I'll be fine, I've walked this way lots of times." Becky said reassuringly. Tommy kissed Becky goodbye as she made her way home. She had finally made it and she placed her key in the lock of her house. When she went to turn on the light she was surprised by the person she saw in her doorway.

"Hello Becky." Jerry Gatlin said standing in the doorway. Two silouettes flanked his side. They were Jerry's brothers James and David.

"What...what do you want?" Becky asked feeling more than a little scared.

Jerry just walked closer to Becky, savoring every moment of what was to happen next. "What do you see in that coward? You need a real man to show you a good time."

"Tommy is a real man." Becky said trying to get away from Jerry. But James and David held her in place. Jerry held Becky's chin in his hand and drilled his gaze deep into her eyes.

"Cowards are no real men. I however will show you what a "'real man' is." He reached to unbutton her blouse, but Becky gave a crescent kick to Jerry's jaw. Jerry was knocked back, but James and David got their two cents in with fists to her face and back. Jerry then got back up and smiled evilly.

"Now we'll really have some fun." Jerry said as he forced himself onto Becky.

By the time all three Gatlin Boys were finished, Becky was left a sobbing wreck of the young woman she once was. It was all she could do to call Tommy and tell him what happened.

Everyone else was out, as Tommy arrived at Becky's house as fast as Lightning Cruiser could take him. Even though Tommy hadn't made his decision Lightning Cruiser still wanted to help Tommy out any way he could. For that Tommy was grateful, and when he arrived at Becky's house he ran in quickly to see how bad she was hurt.

Tommy saw Becky and was shocked. Her torn dress, her tears, the bruises. It became so overwhelming. In his mind he saw the Gatlin boys proving how big and bad they were by having their way with her, and Jerry walking around directing traffic. Laughing as Becky screamed "'No! No!' and her calls went unheeded.

Then Tommy saw Jerry coming towards Becky, begging him to stop, and Jerry smiling as she begged. "Do you want me to stop? Do you want me to stop?" Tommy could see Jerry smiling as he asked those questions, and Becky nodding as if saying "'Please stop.' But those pleas went unheeded.

"Oh no. You need to know what a real man is. And I aim to teach you." Then Jerry came in, the last one to have his way with her, and when they were through Becky was left a sobbing wreck, angry, violated and feeling filthy.

When he asked Becky all but confirmed what Tommy imagined, and his fists balled up in anger. He had to do something. Something.

Then his eyes fell upon the picture of his father, and he remembered his promise.

He looked at the picture of his father, and he looked at the sobbing form of Becky. The choice had come, it couldn't be avoided any longer. And then finally Tommy Li made his decision.

He went to find the Gatlin boys.

At the local bar called 'Corey's tavern' the Rangers all sat and had a night out to unwind. However when the Gatlin boys walked in things got tense pretty quickly.

Carter stood looking over the Gatlin boys as Wes and Eric sat off to the side. Justin, Marco, Ivana and Sylvie also looked on as Carter said his peace. "Those guys make me sick!"

"I know what you mean." Eric said. "I may have been a jerk at times, but nowhere near the jerk those three are."

Everyone agreed with Eric's assessment but Ivana and Sylvie overheard part of the Gatlin boys' conversation. Parts that involved what happened to Becky. James and David were saying how "'good she was' and how she had been taken to the "'promised land'. "Nothing's too good for my brothers." Jerry Gatlin said in laughter. "She might have said no, but we know she was saying yes."

The laughter caused Ivana and Sylvie to turn in disgust. The Gatlin boys were subhuman. Everyone at the Rangers' table had fought monsters that had more ethics than the Gatlin boys. However the Gatlins took notice of Sylvie and Ivana's brief look and decided to go over to their table. Jerry, David and James hovered over the two girls as angry glares shot out from Carter, Eric, Wes, Justin and Marco. Sylvie however waved her hand as if saying that things would be okay.

"So, what are you two cuties looking at?" Jerry said. "You looking at our hotness and want it to set you on fire?"

Sylvie sat up and looked Jerry Gatlin in the eye. "No actually I think you three need to cool off." She then splashed her Club Soda in Jerry's face which angered him, but Justin and Marco quickly got out of their chairs as if warning the Gatlins that if they tried something then they would have ALL the Rangers to deal with, morphed or not. Just then the door opened and David told Jerry just who it was.

It was Tommy Li.

But of course to the Gatlins he was just "'yellow'. Even though he wore a red t-shirt under his red flannel shirt. All the same Jerry saw the one he wanted and went over with his brothers hanging back. A look at Sylvie from James said that she was getting off with a warning. But the Gatlins would have no warning for what was to come.

"What's up yellow?" Jerry asked Tommy. "How's your girlfriend?"

Tommy didn't say anything. Jerry just smiled.

"She needed a real man you know. Not some yellow bellied coward!" Jerry smiled as if proud of what he did. The Rangers at the table shook their heads in disgust. Carter remembered Dana having to get over a rape once. It wasn't easy for her, and here was this bully bragging about it.

But still Tommy didn't say anything. He just looked at Jerry Gatlin with hate.

Jerry was looking to goad Tommy. He wanted Tommy to hurt. "What are you gonna do coward? Comfort her? What good will that do? Talk me to death? Fat chance of that. You'll do nothing! Like you've always done." All three Gatlins laughed at that. But Tommy clearly wasn't laughing.

Tommy stood and looked at Jerry Gatlin. Never once taking his eyes off him. His glare had showed that he did not like what Jerry did to Becky then he turned and walked away.

"Hey look ol' yellah's leaving!" Jerry said laughing as Tommy walked away from him. Most of the bar also laughed as well, except for the Rangers who looked on in sorrow.

The laughing stopped when the sound of the deadbolt click was heard, and everyone knew that Tommy locked the door.

Everyone was quiet as Tommy walked back to Jerry Gatlin. His cold hard stare was still in place until they were eye to eye. Nose to nose. Then Tommy drew back his right hand and hit Jerry across the face with a right cross.

The other Gatlin boys were shocked that their brother was sent so far back, and by the "'Coward of the County' no less that they couldn't believe what they saw. But they then went to their brother's aid trying to stop Tommy from hitting them again.

Both got punches for their trouble, and were sent into Carter and Wes respectively who gave the Gatlin boys punches for their trouble. Soon everyone else got involved and an all out barfight erupted.

Carter had some drunks thrown at him. They tried to take a shot at him, and he delivered a side kick and right cross for their trouble. Wes delivered a series of kicks before going to his fists. Eric however seemed to be enjoying the pandemonium that erupted, as he got to cut loose as well. "This is fun!" he said as he delivered a punch to one drunk's gut.

"Glad you're having fun!" Justin said as he found himself getting in some shots. Marco also fought as some bodies piled towards him, and he fought them off.

"So what do we do here?" Ivana asked Sylvie as bodies were being flown all over the place.

"Well in some areas, the girls find someplace safe and enjoy the drinks and show of testosterone. If they do get involved, it usually is no more than shattering a glass over someone's head." Sylvie answered.

"What do you prefer?" Ivana asked as a body was flung towards them. It was a drunken man looking for a good time, and between the drinks and the punches he thought he could have one with Ivana and Sylvie, until Sylvie decked him with a right cross and sent him out cold.

"I don't like being a helpless waif" Sylvie answered. Ivana smiled and turned around giving another drunk a punch to the face.

"Neither do I." Ivana answered as the two Ranger girls jumped into battle.

But the main focus was Tommy and the Gatlin boys who were getting their clocks cleaned by Tommy.

David and James Gatlin's arrogance quickly faded along with their consciousness. Tommy let loose a series of blows that knocked them all silly as the two crashed hard onto some bar tables. All that remained was Jerry Gatlin.

"Come on, you wanted to fight! So fight!"

Gatlin was so surprised that Tommy was fighting him that none of the attacks Jerry had planned for Tommy came to his mind. All the ideas Jerry Gatlin had for beating Tommy, and he was drawing a blank. So what would Jerry do?

Wing it.

He launched a series of punches and kicks that Tommy dodged with record speed. Jerry couldn't understand why his blows weren't connecting while Tommy landed one shot to Jerry's stomach knocking the wind out from under him. Then an elbow to the back of the neck sending Jerry down to the ground.

He picked up Jerry Gatlin who was almost unconscious and said "This one's for Becky!" as he delivered his last punch which sent him out cold. Then he went to the door, unlocked it, and walked out of the barroom.

As Tommy stood over Jerry's unconscious form he surveyed his surroundings. The bar was all but destroyed. Several drunk people were sprawled out due to the fighting ability of the Rangers. Those patrons that were up however were praising Tommy for cutting loose like he did. But Tommy wasn't up for any praise right then.

"I just broke a promise today." Tommy said. "I'm not too happy right now."

Everyone watched as Tommy walked away from the barroom into the night as the police came forward ready to ask questions. Everyone told the truth, no one covered up anything.

"Police have decided to file no charges." Eric said. "They couldn't even believe it was you that started the fight."

Tommy scoffed as if amused. "Of course, the Coward of the County can't fight."

"When they heard the testimonies their minds quickly changed." Wes added. "Even then, they still wouldn't press charges."

"We told them about Becky." Sylvie said. "And they seemed to understand."

Tommy looked up at the Rangers and said "Thank You."

When all was said and done with the Police, the Gatlins were arrested. And Tommy, the Turbo Rangers, Carter, Wes and Eric all headed home so they could be with Becky.

The next morning everyone was packed up and ready to go their separate ways. Tommy walked out with Becky in his arms and she seemed to be smiling again. The scars of her rape were not completely healed, but she was well on her way to recovery.

"I'm sorry you had to break your promise." Becky said. Tommy took Becky's hand into his and said "I just did what I had to do. That's all any of us can do." He then turned to face Wes, Eric, Carter, Justin, Marco, Ivana and Sylvie who were all packed up to leave. Tommy said that he was ready to make his decision.

"I've decided...I want to join the Turbo Rangers." Justin, Ivana, Sylvie, and Marco were all happy, and while Carter, Wes and Eric were disappointed that Tommy wouldn't join their group, they were glad that Tommy would be happy.

"Good luck." Wes said to Tommy. "The offer for the Silver Guardians will remain open indefinitely."

"We're always on the lookout for Rangers to join us." Eric said as if jokingly, but there was SOME seriousness in his voice.

"Same goes for Lightspeed." Carter said. Then Tommy turned to look at Becky. "I'll be back. I just have to help get the team together." Becky nodded in understanding as Justin handed him his Red Turbo Morpher and key.

"Take care." Becky said to Tommy.

"I will." Tommy answered as he brought up his morpher and Turbo key. "SHIFT INTO TURBO! LIGHTNING CRUISER TURBO POWER!!!" he shouted and the Red Turbo Ranger stood once again.

Mr. Li couldn't have been more proud of his nephew. All the same he hugged his nephew goodbye as Red Turbo got into Lightning Cruiser and took the front spot as he led his fellow Turbo Rangers into the daylight sky. Four vehicles following the Red Lightning Cruiser with it's new Red Ranger at the wheel.

They all watched the Turbo vehicles take to the sky, with Lightning Cruiser and the new Red Turbo Ranger leading the way, a song playing on the radio.

Ev'ryone considered him the Coward of the County.
He'd never stood one single time to prove the county wrong.
His mama named him Tommy, the folks just called him yellow,
But something always told me they were reading Tommy wrong.
He was only ten years old when his daddy died in prison.
I looked after Tommy 'cause he was my brother's son.
I still recall the final words my brother said to Tommy:
"Son, my life is over, but yours is just begun.
Promise me, son, not to do the things I've done.
Walk away from trouble if you can.
It won't mean you're weak if you turn the other cheek.
I hope you're old enough to understand:
Son, you don't have to fight to be a man."
There's someone for ev'ryone and Tommy's love was Becky.
In her arms he didn't have to prove he was a man.
One day while he was workin' the Gatlin boys came callin'.
They took turns at Becky…. There was three of them!
Tommy opened up the door and saw his Becky cryin'.
The torn dress, the shattered look was more than he could stand.
He reached above the fireplace and took down his daddy's picture.
As his tears fell on his daddy's face, he heard these words again:
"Promise me, son, not to do the things I've done.
Walk away from trouble if you can.
It won't mean you're weak if you turn the other cheek.
I hope you're old enough to understand:
Son, you don't have to fight to be a man."
The Gatlin boys just laughed at him when he walked into the barroom.
One of them got up and met him halfway 'cross the floor.
When Tommy turned around they said, "Hey look! ol' yellow's leavin'."
But you could have heard a pin drop when Tommy stopped and locked the door.
Twenty years of crawlin' was bottled up inside him.
He wasn't holdin' nothin' back; he let 'em have it all.
When Tommy left the barroom not a Gatlin boy was standin'.
He said, "This one's for Becky," as he watched the last one fall.
And I heard him say,
"I promised you, Dad, not to do the things you done.
I walk away from trouble when I can.
Now please don't think I'm weak, I didn't turn the other cheek,
and Papa, I sure hope you understand:
Sometimes you gotta fight when you're a man."
Ev'ryone considered him the Coward of the County.