[See The Purple Ranger: Part I for disclaimer]

This is the fourth in the series of Purple Ranger adventures.

SCIENCE FACT: The surfactant idea actually came from a discussion in my Anatomy class a few years ago. Some infants are indeed born immaturely and lack surfactant that will keep their lungs from collapsing. Infants suffering from Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) are given a synthetic surfactant which tides them over until their bodies mature enough to do so on their own.

Thanks Jeremy Ray for doublechecking my medical facts for accuracy!

Unda Da Sea
By Akiko

Part I

It's a lazy summer afternoon at the Beach Club, and the Rangers are enjoying a much needed break. Rocky sits perched in his lifeguard's chair overlooking the lake. He waves at Tommy passing by on a jet ski.

"Looks like the 'Battle of the Yellow Rangers,'" Rocky says to himself, while glancing further down the beach. Tanya and Trini are enjoying an intense game of volleyball. He hears an "oomph" as Trini dives into the sand to save the ball. Rocky lets his gaze return to the lake. His eyebrow raises as he spots a pink bikini-clad Kat floating lazily on a raft. Rocky looks at his watch.

"Alex and the guys better be coming in soon. They are almost out of air."

Alex glances around the clear blue lake. A curtain of bubbles rise to the surface around her. A small school of fish swims by.

"It's so peaceful, so quiet here," she thinks. "I think I'd like to be a fish."

Her breathing is the only sound. She jumps a little when something brushes her shoulder. She looks back to see Adam and Billy. Billy taps his watch and points to the surface. Adam and Alex nod, understanding his sign language. In a trail of bubbles, the trio swim for the surface.

They surface about 100 feet away from Kat's raft. Alex is the last to break the surface. She notices that the guys are oggling Kat too, though Adam is pretending not to. Alex sinks back underwater and with a sharp yank to their oxygen tanks, pulls Billy and Adam back under. A wicked look shows on Alex's face. She makes a shark fin above her head. Adam looks confused and then catches on. He points towards Kat's direction. Then the plan dawns on Billy. He shakes his head. Alex and Adam nod and gesture Billy to follow them.

A small snore escapes from Kat as she lies face down on the raft. Her dainty pink-painted toes trail off the end of the raft. A blood curdling screetch breaks the silence as Kat's raft suddenly flips over. Kat awakens to see herself surrounded by facemasks. Alex is finding it very difficult to laugh with a regulator in.

"That wasn't funny, guys!" Kat yells. "You scared me to death!"

"We're sorry, Kat," Billy says, after taking out his regulator.

"Sorry, Kat," Adam does the same. "It was Alex's idea."

Alex removes her regulator and laughs harder. Kat leans over and dunks Alex.

"Hey, what'd you do that for?" Alex sputters.

Kat enjoys the free ride back to the beach. Alex grumbles as the three pull Kat's raft/chariot back to the shore. The trio waddle out of the water just as Tommy comes into the shore.

"Hey, guys!" Tommy says. "Hey, Kat."

Alex slugs Kat with her towel. "Here, I'm sure you must be cold."

"No, I'm fine," Kat answers.

"Maybe the guys would stop bumbling and stumbling over themselves if you covered yourself a little more," Alex insists, wringing the water out of her ponytail.

The guys look sheepish. Alex is a little more conservatively attired in a short, black wetsuit with purple stripes running up the side.

"So what do you think, Adam?" Billy changes the subject.

"I think that the two of you are ready for the test. If you dive like you did today, you should easily pass the open-water dive portion of the test," Adam says, removing his oxygen tank and unzipping the top of his wet suit.

"Then we'll be certified!" Billy says and gives Alex a high five.

"Cool!" Alex says, gathering all her equipment. "Let's take this stuff back to Chuck and sign up for the test."

Alex digs through her bag and pulls out her communicator. Before she even has it on, it goes off. Everyone groans in unison.

"Don't these machines ever quit?" Alex says.

"Hey, did you guys hear the signal?" Tanya says, as she and Trini arrive on the scene.

"Tell Zordon, we'll be there in a minute," Adam says, quickly grabbing his scuba gear.

"Leave it," Trini says. "You guys better go. I'll take the equipment back for you."

"Thanks, Trini."

The Rangers and Billy, quickly but nonchalantly walk to the back of the Beach House. Rocky is making excuses to another lifeguard as they pass by.

"Rangers…Rangers?!?!" Zordon says as the columns of light enter the Power Chamber.

"What interesting attire, Rangers," Alpha comments.

"You didn't exactly give us time to change," Tommy says.

Alex shifts around uncomfortably as her wetsuit becomes increasingly clammy.

"Rangers, we have received a distress signal from Aquitar," Zordon continues.

The Rangers head towards the Viewing Globe, dripping water the entire way. An image of Cestro lights up the screen.

"Greetings, Rangers of Earth," the message begins. "We are in need of your assistance. Curious events have occurred on Aquitar recently. Seven Earth days ago, Aquitar was pummeled with a meteor shower. Many of the meteors were destroyed in our atmosphere; however, some were able to pass through. We had limited structural damage to our pods, as most of the meteors fell outside our city. The heated rocks have greatly altered the water temperature in our seas. Many Aquitians were becoming ill from living in the heated water. The Aquitian Rangers volunteered to remove the destructive meteors from our oceans and return them to space. The plan was mostly successful. Two Earth days ago Tideus, Corcus, and Aurico were dispatched to the Iona Quadrant in the Tappia Sea. They have been missing ever since. Rangers of Earth, we need your assistance to search for our teammates and to remove the final meteors. The water temperature has risen to 27 degrees Celsius in the Iona Quadrant. Please hurry, Tideus, Corcus, and Aurico are in grave danger."

"Man, Cestro sounds like they are in deep trouble," Tommy says.

"You're right, Aurico, Tideus, and Corcus won't make it very long in 27 degree water," Billy says with concern.

"Aquitian popsicles, huh?" Rocky comments.

"Not popsicles, Rock. Twenty-seven degrees Celsius is about a balmy 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Aquitians are cold-blooded like amphibians. They can't cool themselves down by sweating like we do. That water must be boiling them alive," Billy explains.

"We gotta go help them. We owe them," Tommy says.

"Rangers, do not be hasty. Aquitar is greatly different from Earth," Zordon booms.

"That's right," Billy continues his lecture on Aquitar. "We will need a craft capable of both space and underwater travel."

"My Super Zeo Zord was designed for underwater use and is space hardy," Adam volunteers.

"Great," Tommy says. "Adam and I will make the trip."

"What if Mondo attacks us while you both are gone?" Alex inquires.

Tommy looks stumped.

"Alexandra is right, Tommy," Zordon says. "We need you here on Earth in case King Mondo attacks."

"I think Billy should go," Trini says. "He's the expert on Aquitar."

"I agree," Zordon answers.

"Guess I'll be getting to put my new scuba skills to work," Billy says.

"Then it is settled. Adam will pilot Super Zeo Zord IV, and Billy will perform the dive on Aquitar."

"Wait! Rule #1–You should always have a dive buddy. I wanna go," Alex volunteers.

"What do you think I am?" Adam asks.

"You can't pilot and dive at the same time. Besides, Billy might need me to flex some brain, since Billy is powerless now…," Alex regrets the last part before it is even out of her mouth. She sees Billy and Trini wince.

"I didn't mean that the way it sounded," Alex stammers, mortified at her blunder.

"Then it is agreed," Zordon begins again to break the awkward moment. "Adam, Billy, and Alexandra will go on the mission to Aquitar. If necessary, Trini will be able to pilot Taurus by remote from the Power Chamber."

"YES!" Alex says, hopping up and down. "My first galactic mission!"

"Adam, come help me refill Super Zeo Zord IV's oxygen tanks," Billy say, still smarting from Alex's slip.

"I'll help," Alex volunteers.

"That's okay. We'll get it."

After the pair leave, Alex walks meekly over to Trini who is fiddling around on a computer.

"Dr. Kwan," Alex says softly. "Could you please surgically remove my foot from my mouth now?"

Trini gives Alex a forgiving smile. She knows that Alex's comment wasn't meant to be malicious. But she also knows that the misspoken comment probably cut Billy to the bone.

"I'll go smooth things over with Billy for you," Trini offers.



Part II

"0300 hours?!?!" Alex says.

"Yes, Alexandra. It will take Alpha several hours to reconfigure Adam's zord. Several small modifications will have to be made for it to operate at its optimum capacity on Aquitar," Zordon explains.

"Go home and pack," Billy says cooly as he and Adam return from their task of filling the oxygen tanks. "We'll meet back here at 2:30 a.m. for any last minute preparations."

"Home?!? Man, what am I going to tell my Dad? 'Off to another galaxy for the weekend. See you on Monday.'"

"Didn't you know that creative story telling was a prerequisite for being a Power Ranger?" Adam jokes, swinging an arm around a still perplexed Alex.

"My parents are going to a medical conference this weekend," Trini offers.

"You could tell your dad that you are house sitting with me."

"Good one!" Alex replies. "What about you, Adam?"

"Hmmm…," Adam scratches his head. "Think I'll tell my parents that Billy and I are going up to Stone Canyon Lake for the weekend. We will be camping and I will be helping you prepare for your open-water diving test, Billy." Adam wants to make sure that they get their story straight.

"What about you, Billy?"

"I'm just telling my dad the truth," Billy answers matter of factly.


"Alex, remember after I graduated early? Where exactly do you think I went?"

"The rumors said Europe."

"I went to Aquitar."


"Needless to say, I couldn't come up with any good excuses to explain my disappearance to my dad. So, I told him the truth."

"Wow. My dad would wig if I told him I was a Power Ranger," Alex can see her father's expression clearly. "Hey, he might cut me some slack though, if I did. 'Sorry I didn't get my room cleaned up, Dad. I was too busy saving the universe.'"

Adam suddenly bolts to attention. "Shoot! Speaking of dads. I promised mine that I would mow the lawn. He's not going to let me go to Aquitar…ahem…I mean Stone Canyon Lake, if it isn't done. See you guys later."

"Alex, the bus is leaving at 0300 hours whether you are on it or not," Billy reminds the tardiest member of the team.

"Alright," Alex winces. "I'll be there. See ya!"

At exactly 0230 hours, Billy and Adam teleport into the Power Chamber. They are surprised to see that Alex is already there, sitting on a very large duffle bag.

Billy eyes the enormous bag as he slips a large backpack off his shoulder.

"Good god, Alex. What are you bringing with you?" Billy asks.

"Just a few necessities," she answers.

"You didn't forget the kitchen sink, did you?" Adam teases.

Alex makes a face at him.

"So what is considered a 'necessity?'" Billy wonders.

Billy and Adam look exasperated as Alex begins to unpack her duffle bag some.

"Well, seems we are going to a water planet, I thought I might need a swimsuit, a flashlight, a swimsuit, some extra batteries, my Walkman, a swimsuit, a compass, a bag of Doritos, a magnet, a mirror, chapstick, a can of Cherry Pepsi…."

"That's got to go," Adam says, taking the can.


"I don't want it exploding all over my Zord," Adam insists. "I think that some of that junk can stay behind."

"What if I need it?"

"Well, I'm not going to lug that bag all over Aquitar for you."

"No need," Alex replies smuggly. Alex 'lifts' her bag to make her point.

"Are you two ready to go?" Billy asks.

"I think I'm ready for just about anything," Alex answers.

"I's so excited!" Alex proceeds to chatter non-stop all the way to the docking bay.

"How do you feel, Adam?" Billy inquires. "You want me to take the first shift?" Billy secretly hopes that Adam is tired.

"No, I'm fine. Maybe you could take over in an hour or two. I didn't get much sleep," Adam answers.

"Sleep?!? Who can sleep at a time like this?" Alex is bouncing off the walls. "I'll pilot!" she overenthusiatically volunteers.

"How many Cherry Pepsis exactly have you had tonight?" Adam puts a hand on Alex's shoulder to calm her down.

"I think that's about it, Billy," Adam says, flicking a couple of switches. "Go buckle in and we'll be ready for takeoff."

"Right," Billy says. He walks out of the cockpit area and climbs a ladder down into the 'chest' of the zord. Alpha had converted the cargo area into a passenger area. Billy looks around. "It's pretty Spartan, but I guess it will do."

Alpha had installed a bench-type seat on the front side and the back side of the chest cavity. Straps descended out of the walls above the seats. Alex's monstrous duffle bag and the guys' backpacks were tied down in the corner. Billy sits down on the bench seat coming out from the back.

"Are you settled in Billy?" Adam's voice echoes in the hollow cavity.



"She's asleep," Billy informs him.

"Miss I'm-wired-for-sound is asleep?" Adam laughs.


"Well, she won't be for long. Engaging engines!"

Adam was wrong. Alex had fallen into a dead sleep. She slept through the takeoff. She slept through the five hour flight. She slept through Billy and Adam changing shifts.

"Boy, she's going to be mad when she wakes up," Adam can hear it now.B

The Zord rattles as it begins to enter the Aquitian atmosphere. This awakens Alex from her blissful sleep.

"Heeyyy!" Alex's voice warbles as the Zord shakes violently again.

"Adam, rotate your Zord to an upright position, instead of head first. That should help a little," Billy says, stuffing his astrophysics book under his bench.

"Right," Adam flicks a couple of switches to make a feet-first landing on Aquitar.

As they rotate, Alex becomes smashed backwards into the bench. Meanwhile, Billy is hanging horizontally by his safety straps.

"Our coordinates have us set approximately three miles outside Tranquility Pod," Adam's voice reverberates in the hollow chest cavity of his zord.

"Good. Don't want to cause any strong currents to hit the pod," Billy says.

"Prepare for impact in 3…2…1!"

Alex constructs a shield around herself to cushion the blow. A "oomph" escapes from Billy as the straps cut into his shoulders.

Super Zeo Zord IV sinks heavily through the Sea of Tranquility. Sweat pours off Adam's forehead as he struggles to keep the zord upright. The zord begins to make a creaking noise.

"Adam, you need to adjust the internal pressure," Billy diagnoses.

"I don't have enough hands!" Adam snaps, uncharacteristically. "You come up here and take care of it."

Billy unhooks himself and cautiously climbs the ladder to the cockpit. Not to be left behind, Alex unhooks herself and follows Billy. Billy begins flicking switches and turning nobs. Alex's ears suddenly pop and she knows that equilibrium has been reached.

"Hang on, Adam. Only a little farther," Billy encourages. "Lucky for us, the Tranquility Pod is on 'high ground.'"

"The sensors read that we are almost one mile beneath the surface," Alex says in disbelief. Then she begins to panic. "Won't the pressure kill us?"BR>

Billy chuckles. "The Aquitians are an advanced race. Their pod cities are enclosed, so that they can control their environment. You will find the pod surprisingly dry and pressurized."

Alex sighs in relief.

"There," Billy says, surveying the monitor. "Stop descent and proceed horizontally one league."

"You two better go strap back in. We're going horizontal," Adam warns.

Alex and Billy return to their seats and prepare for the rotating of the zord. With increasing pressure, Alex finds that she is once again squished to the zord and Billy is hanging.

"Forget this!" Alex says. She unhooks her safety harness and constructs a force field around herself. With a mental push, Alex rights herself until she and Billy are perpendicular to each other. Alex proceeds to "push" herself up the ladder and into the cockpit. She "floats" up next to Adam.

Adam has rotated his pilot's chair to put him in an upright position. The glass visor/windshield is now at his feet.

"Cool!" Alex says, gazing between her feet at the Tranquility Pod now almost below them.

"I can't see squat!" Adam complains, looking over the sides of his chair, trying to get a visual.

"I'll put that on my 'To Do' List when we get back," Billy yells from below. "Use your scanners and sonar instead."

Adam pushes a couple of buttons. A small, flat computer screen rises from the side of his chair and settles in before him like a tray table.

"That's a little better." Adam replies. He sees Alex suspended in mid air. The tips of her boots barely brush the visor/windshield. Sometimes he wishes that he had her powers. It would be wild to defy gravity like she does. He pushes the envious thought out of his mind. "Why don't you try hailing Cestro."


Part III

The trio of Earthlings dock on the outskirts of the pod. A clear tube attaches to Super Zeo Zord IV, that allows the Rangers to enter an antechamber of the pod.

Alex is still gawking in disbelief as they pass through the decompression chamber. Billy knows the drill, and Alex and Adam dutifully follow him. Two odd beings greet them on the other side of the decompression chamber.

"Cestro, Delphine," Billy says with a warm smile. "It's so good to see you both again."

"Welcome back, Billy," Cestro and Delphine says in unison, with their customary circular arm gesture.

"You remember Adam–Zeo Ranger IV," Billy says.

"Welcome, Adam," They repeat the gesture.

"And this is Alexandra–the Purple Ranger."

Alex tries to repeat the greeting gesture. Blushing, Billy quickly grabs Alex's hands and pulls her palms apart. Alex repeats the gesture correctly.

"Welcome, Alexandra," Cestro says after clearing his throat.

"Earth Rangers, please follow us," Delphine instructs. "Callipso is expecting our immediate arrival."

"So what exactly did I do wrong back there?" Alex asks Billy softly as they travel down the enormous panoramic corridor.

"You basically gave them the Aquitian equivalent of the One Finger Salute," Billy says meekly.

Adam stifles a snort and Alex looks horrified at her faux pas.

"Don't feel bad, Alex," Billy consoles. "I learned that one and a couple of others the hard way."

Alex mentally kicks herself the rest of the long journey.

The group walks for almost fifteen minutes down corridor after corridor of clear tubing. Adam gasps as a school of brightly colored fish swim by. He abruptly stops as a school of Aquitian youth swim up to the tube and peer at the strange humans. Alex jumps and grabs Adam's arm when she suddenly spots an Aquitian youth with his face pressed against the glass-like tube. Delphine spots the youth also. She makes a series of gestures. The youth reddens, bows and quickly spurts away.

"Ooh, that was a major dressing down," Billy says to his Earth friends.

"I don't understand," Alex says.

"Like humans, Aquitians need oxygen, or at least another gaseous compound, to make their vocal cords vibrate. Water is too heavy and it makes them gurgle underwater. Instead they have come up with a complex sort of sign language to use when they are underwater and unable to verbally communicate," Billy instructs.

"This is a pretty cool place," Alex says nodding her head and looking around.

The tunnel finally leads them to the center of the pod city. They walk over top of what appears to be the town square.

"I feel like Mergatroid," Adam comments.

"Who?" Alex asks.

"Mergatroid–the hamster I had when I was eight. I built him this elaborate cage of tunnels and large spheres. All that's missing here is a wheel for us to run in circles on."

The pod city does resemble Mergatroid's abode. The tunnel they have been following opens up into a large dome sitting on the bottom of the sea floor. A series of tunnels branch off the dome and lead to other domes around the pod.

"Oh, look," Alex says, peering down at the mass of people assembled in the dome. "Looks like they sent a welcoming committee."

Alex waves to the crowd of bystanders.

"I don't know," Adam says. "They don't exactly look pleased at our arrival."

"What do their posters say? Is that mylar?"

"Obviously, there are no trees on Aquitar to make posterboard," Professor Billy begins again. "Therefore, the Aquitians harvest a sea plant similar to seaweed, and chemically treat it to make a paper-like product. You're right though, it does kind of resemble mylar."

Cestro and Delphine look at one another uncomfortably and mutter something inaudible under their breaths.

"Please ignore them," Cestro says.

"Some Aquitians believe that the recent events signal the end of our world. A kind of 'Doomsday,'" Delphine expands.

"I'm afraid that not everyone appreciates your help," Cestro adds with chagrin.

"Who's the guy on the poster?" Adam asks.

Cestro clears his throat. "Troas."

"Please, Callipso is waiting for us," Delphine urges.

Adam opens his mouth to inquire more about the mysterious Aquitian, but a look from Alex makes him decide to drop the subject. She nods over at Billy, who is intensely studying the posters as they continue on their journey.

A nondescript door wooshes open to reveal an immense laboratory. Alex and Adam allow a "wow" to escape their lips.

"This is my favorite room in the whole pod," Billy says.

"I bet he's like a kid in a candy store in here," Alex says softly to Adam.

Several Aquitians mill around the lab working on different projects. Adam tries to pick out the most likely candidate for this Callipso person.

"Ah, here they are now," a deep voice says from behind.

The group turns around to see an older Aquitian dressed in gray robes. His face is slightly wrinkled and metallic silver scales are beginning to show on his head. Something about him reminds Alex of her grandfather, and she likes him immediately.

"Callipso, it is good to see you again," Billy begins the introductions again. Billy holds his breath as Alex attempts the greeting once again.

"We welcome you all to Aquitar," Callipso says with a grand sweeping gesture of his arms. "I know of someone else who is excited about your return. She will be here momentarily."

"She?!?" Alex and Adam say to each other as Billy flushes.

"This way please," Callipso leads the group over to a group of computers. The elderly Aquitian proceeds into an indepth account of the recent happenings. He includes volumes of scientific data that only Billy can interpret. Alex and Adam begin gazing around the laboratory. Even Delphine becomes distracted and lets out an uncontrollable yawn.

"I'm sorry," Callipso stops his lengthy discussion on the Aquitian ecosystem of microscopic organisms. "I apologize for keeping everyone up so late. Our guests must be tired from their long voyage. There is nothing more that we can do tonight. Let us all have some refreshment and take a rest. We will meet here at 2600 hours. Tomorrow the adventure will begin."

"Earth Rangers, please follow me," Delphine says. "I will show you to your quarters."

"2600 hours?" Adam asks Billy softly as they depart. "So what time is it now? I'm really confused."

"One Aquitian day is broken up into 26 hours," Professor Billy begins yet another lecture. "This was the hardest thing for me to adapt to. Without sun light to adjust my Circadian rhythms, my body wasn't sure when it was supposed to sleep. Cestria installed a special lighting system in my quarters to act as a rising sun. The light slowly became brighter and brighter, signalling my body to wake up."

"Who's Cestria?" Alex asks.

"I do not know what has happened to her," Cestro says. "She was supposed to meet us earlier."

"Here we are," Delphine says, waving a hand over a sensor. The door opens to reveal a small, Spartan room done totally in shades of green.

"My kinda room," Adam says, gently nudging Alex in the ribs.

"I apologize for our poor hospitality. With the recent meteor damage done to the pod, we have a shortage of housing," Delphine says.

"This will be fine," Billy answers.

"Am I staying in here too?" Alex says under her breath to Billy while nodding to the triple bunk bed.

"Is this a problem?" Cestro asks innocently.

"No, no it will be fine," Alex answers then adds softly to Adam, "If my dad asks, you slept down the hall. WAY down the hall."

"You think I would tell him?" Adam jokes. "Do I look like I have a death wish or something?"

"Please, order anything that you would like from our automatic canteen," Cestro offers, gesturing to the computer with a large slot underneath.

"Tranquility Pod boasts a wide variety of native and alien dishes," Delphine announces proudly.

"Pleasant rest, Earth Rangers," Cestro says as he leaves.

"We will collect you tomorrow morning," Delphine says.

Adam politely waits until the Alien Rangers leave and then walks quickly over to the computer.

"Man, I am starving," he says pushing a variety of buttons, trying to find something palatable.

"I can't tell what any of this stuff is," Alex complains.

"Wait," Billy pushes a couple of buttons on the terminal. Magically, the Aquitian symbols turn into English characters.

"All right!"

A crystal-like chime announces a visitor. Billy jogs over to the door. He takes a sharp breath as Cestria enters.

"Uh, I'm not sure if I want to eat any of this stuff," Alex says. "See if you can find a PB & J sandwich on there."

"Yes, we have such a dish," the visitor says. "Try under Alien dishes, Earthian delicacies."

"Alien?" Alex says, turning around.

She notices an attractive, at least by Aquitian standards, young female dressed in a short, pleated, metallic skirt.

"I am Cestria," she says.

Billy makes another round of introductions. Several minutes later, the four sit down at a nearby table and enjoy their cuisine. The Earthlings enjoy a round of PB & J sandwiches, while Cestria enjoys a native soup.

"That looks incredibly similar to pond scum," Alex thinks to herself.

"Billy, I have several projects to show you when you have some free time," Cestria says.

"I would like to see them. Did you get the dermal replacement tissue to grow on the bacteria medium?" Billy asks and the two begin an indepth scientific conversation.

Adam yawns despite himself. Alex is beginning to feel a little hazy herself.

"I bet you guys are exhausted," Billy comments to his friends. "Why don't you guys turn it. I'm going to go to Cestria's lab for a little while and then I'll be back."

"Thanks," Adam says grateful for the reprieve.

As soon as Billy and Cestria leave, Alex goes to the computer and begins exploring.

"Adam, why do Aquitians have such strange water drop-like voices?" Alex asks.

Adam shrugs, his mouth filled with toothpaste.

"Why do they have such weird things on their heads?"

Adam gives her another shrug. Frankly he could care less presently. All he wants to do is sleep.


Part IV

"It's so wild here. Don't you think?" Alex asks, snuggling into the indentation between Adam's chest and shoulder. "Adam? Adam?"

A slight snore escapes from Adam. Alex realizes that he hasn't said a word in the last fifteen minutes.

Alex sighs and closes her eyes. The soft cotton of Adam's green t-shirt brushes her cheek. Sleep is long to come. Though exhausted, Alex's mind refuses to shut down. Just as she finally pushes the thoughts out of her mind, one last one appears. Her father–wearing a very disapproving look. Alex's eyes fly back open. As much as she would enjoy staying right where she is, her conscious won't allow it.

Reluctantly, she removes Adam's arm from around her waist and gently gets off the bottom bunk. She kisses him lightly and whispers "Good night." Adam mumbles something inaudible in reply.

With a quick mental calculation, Alex jumps off the ground. A mental push brings her effortlessly up to the top bunk. Settling down in her own cold, lonely bunk, Alex begins thinking again.

Soon she hears voices outside of their door and laughing. After a brief silence, the door slides open and Billy tiptoes in. He turns on a low light off to the side of the room and sits down at the table. Billy rests his head in his hands and stares off into space for several minutes.

"Hot date tonight?" Alex voice teases through the darkness.

"Huh? Did I wake you?" Billy asks apologetically.

"Nope. Can't sleep." Alex 'throws' herself off the top bunk and gently lands on her feet. She looks slightly dwarfed in Adam's long, flannel shirt. The shirt tails brush her knees and the sleeves are rolled up several times. She pads barefooted over to Billy.

"I've definitely never seen you this way before," Billy comments.

"Don't even go there," Alex warns. "And no snide remarks about me bringing everything except my pjs. It was either Adam's flannel shirt or the Purple Ranger get-up. And that white collar is just too damn itchy."

Alex brushes her long wavy black hair over one shoulder.

"You look just like Trini when you do that," Billy says, slightly lost. "How come you never wear your hair down? It looks nice that way."

"Because I never know when the Purple Ranger is going to be called into action. I can't get my helmet on with my hair down. Guess I have a hair hazard! Get it?" Alex jokes, punching Billy lightly in the arm.

"You sure are punchy tonight."

"'Cause I'm sleep deprived. Whatcha expect?"

"Go back to bed. I think I'm going to stay up a while."

"Something on your mind?"

"No," Billy answers, though not very convincingly.

"Okay, but if you want to talk…" Alex slowly turns around and heads back towards the bunks.

Billy interrupts her leap back into bed. "Alex, what would you say if I decided to stay on Aquitar for a while longer?"


"Cestria asked me to stay. She has this large project she's been working on. She could really use my help."

"Your help or your company?" Alex asks bluntly.

Billy is silent for a few moments. "Both."

"What about Trini?" Alex says in defense of her best friend. "Trini needs you too and so do the rest of us."

"Trini doesn't need me in the Power Chamber. She can do pretty much anything I can."

"I think she appreciates more than just your intellect."

Stumped, Billy is silent.

"While you were with HER tonight," Alex continues. "Adam and I did some exploring on the computer. We read up on Aquitian culture and customs. Ever notice that these aren't exactly touchy-feely people? They don't hug or kiss or even shake hands. 'Tactile stimulation is limited to the most…ahem…intimate situations,'" Alex quotes the text.

"I know," Billy answers quietly. "And humans are tactile creatures."

"So ask yourself, Billy," Alex gently places her palm on Billy's cheek. "Can you live without touch?"

Slowly, Alex removes her hand and silently slips back into the darkness.

"Think about it, Billy," is her last comment for the night.

The words stab right through Billy's heart–the emotional struggle compounded. The Trini-Cestria triangle had been tugging at him all evening. Now he has to clamp down on other feelings. Feelings that he had repressed out of his deep friendship with Adam.

An hour later, Billy still hasn't come up with a solution. Exhausted, he heads for the middle bunk. He tries to press all the conflicting emotions out of his brain. Soon, he falls into a restless sleep. Snippets of his life ebb and flow and blend into each other.

"Billy, I've missed you. Please stay," Cestria says.

"I love you too, Billy," Trini answers that fateful day in the docking bay.

"Ask yourself, Billy. Can you live without touch?" Alex's hand brushes his cheek.

"Billy! Billy! Wake up, man!" Adam says, shaking his friend. "Cestro said he'd be here in ten minutes."

Alex returns from the bathroom-type area, zipping up her wet suit and handing Adam back his shirt.

Billy hits the floor with a thud and slowly heads for the bathroom. Splashing cool water on his face revives him but also causes the unsolved problem to resurface. He peers out the door to see Alex standing on tip toe, fixing the back of Adam's collar on his shirt. Finished, the two share a private joke. Alex wraps her arms around Adam's waist and hugs him.

Sickened with envy, Billy pounds the button to close the door. "Everything is so perfect for them. Adam's life is just so perfect," Billy mumbles under his breath, between clenched teeth.

Exactly ten minutes later, the door chime sounds. Alex bounds to the door to let Cestro in and finds Cestria instead. Alex's smile disappears.

"Good morning, Purple Ranger," Cestria says warmly.

"'Morning," Alex says icily.

"I offered to fetch you. Cestro and Delphine are waiting for us."

"Billy, Cestria is here. Hurry up!"

"Oh God," Billy says to himself, wishing to avoid the whole situation.

As they head back to Callipso's lab, Alex is first to interrupt the awkward silence.

"So Cestria, Billy tells us that you are working on dermal replacement tissue. Did he tell you about his and Trini's experiments on Earth with the same stuff?" Alex asks pointedly.

"No, he did not expand on the subject."

"Yes, Trini and Billy make a great team. Trini is brilliant, great at science. And she's gorgeous too, right Billy?"

"Uh, yeah," Billy answers timidly.

Alex proceeds to inform Cestria of all of Trini's accomplishments and accolades until they reach the lab.

"What has gotten into you?" Adam says softly, pulling Alex back a couple of paces. "Why are you Trini's cheerleader all of the sudden?"

"'Cause I'm not about to stand around and let my best friend's heart get broken. Especially when she isn't here to defend herself," Alex answers, inflamed.

"You mean…?" Adam nods at Cestria and Billy.



Part V

"Welcome, friends. I believe we are almost ready for our mission," Callipso double checks some data points with a lab assistant.

"Cestria has volunteered to accompany us on our mission," Cestro announces. "Our teammates may require urgent medical attention."

Billy cringes. He had hoped that the mission would require all of his mental abilities. He needed time away from Cestria and even Alex to make his final decision.

"I'm going to go do a spot check on the Zord," Adam says. "I want to make sure the creaking we heard yesterday didn't leave us structurally impaired."

"That would be imperative. I sent our technicians down there before you arrived," Callipso says. "I will inform Billy and Alexandra on their part of our mission. Prepare to disembark at 0100 hours."

"I will accompany, Adam," Cestro says, picking up some scanning equipment and following Adam out of the door.

"Friends, we will set a course to the Atlantian Mountains," Callipso begins.

"Mountains? I thought this planet was totally submerged," Alex asks.

"It is," Billy answers. "The Atlantian Mountains are the highest 'ground' on Aquitar. Its tip is only a few hundred feet underwater. This allows for growth of a variety of species of vegetation, because they are able to receive sunlight."

"Billy is correct," Callipso says. "Navigating to the Mountains will be easy. Once you are at the mountains, our problems begin."

"Problems?" Alex asks.

Before Callipso can answer, Adam and Cestro return followed by two Aquitian Zord technicians.

"Billy, we have a problem," Adam says gravely, carrying two tanks of oxygen with him. "It seems that not everyone is happy about our mission."

Adam places the canisters on the table and everyone crowds in for further inspection. The guages register almost empty on both cannisters.

"How can this be?" Billy says. "We specifically filled these before we left Earth."

"My friends," Callipso says. "I believe that your supplies have been sabotaged," He points a digit at one of the damaged guages.

"But why…?" Alex says in disbelief.

"These were the problems I was speaking of," Callipso answers.

"Sir, we found this when we discovered the tanks," a young technician says, handing a letter to Callipso.

Callipso nods and carefully unfolds the mylar-like paper.

"Then it is as we suspected?" Cestro asks.

"Yes," Callipso answers slowly. "Word of our mission to the Atlantian Mountains has been leaked to the opposition."

"So? We're doing search and rescue, what's the big deal?" Adam asks.

"The Atlantian Mountains are considered sacred ground," Cestria informs him. "Our religion says that this is where life on Aquitar began. That our ancestors landed there over 3,000 Earth years ago, and that we evolved from them."

"No one is permitted by religious law to enter the mountains," Cestro adds.

"Is that what the posters were saying?" Billy finally understands. "That the recent meteor shower was the beginning of some sort of Armageddon. That the Aquitian Rangers' mission to the mountains to remove the 'punishment' was considered profane and sacrilegious?"

Callipso nods.

"But who is Troas?" Adam asks.

"Troas is insane," Cestro says bluntly.

Delphine gives Cestro a chastizing look.

"Troas was once my star pupil. I had hoped that he would someday take my position," Callipso says remorsefully. "Several months ago, I began noticing a change in him. He became more interested in religion than science. He began preaching about how our world would soon end because our science had deeply offended our elders. He soon had a large following and gave up all of his scientific duties. When the meteors came, he said that this was proof that the end was coming. He left that day to go to the Atlantian Mountains. He believed that he was the only Aquitian sacrosanct enough to face our elders and beg their forgiveness."

"Your elders are still alive?" Alex asks.

"Religiously…yes. Scientifically…no," Callipso answers. "But, I digress. We need to concentrate on saving our Rangers."

"Let's go back to Super Zeo Zord IV and see if we can siphon off some oxygen," Adam says.

Alex picks up a tank and Adam the other.

"I want to check our total oxygen supply to make sure we have enough to make the trip home," Billy says with concern.

"Can't we borrow some oxygen tanks from the Aquitians?" Alex asks.

"We have no equipment to fill tanks. We have no use for them," Delphine explains.

"We filter oxygen out of our surroundings through large membranes and circulate it through the pod where necessary," Cestro adds.

"Oh, boy. We may have a problem," Billy answers honestly.

The Earth Rangers return thirty minutes later with the bad news. Adam carries one half-filled tank–the only portable, contained supply of oxygen they could come up with. They walk into the middle of an argument.

"No, it is out of the question," Cestro says strongly. "You will not sacrifice the Earth Rangers in the name of science!"

"Cestro, be reasonable. How else are we going to solve our problems?" Callipso says, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"There has to be another way," Cestro continues.

"Another way for what?" Billy asks.

Callipso looks pleadingly at Cestro. Cestro shakes his head.

"C'mon, try me," Billy probes.

Cestro sighes and nods to Callipso. Callipso appears to grin.

"Rangers, we may have found a way for you to breathe under our water," Callipso says excitedly.

"It's never been tested," Cestro adds as the voice of reason.

"When Billy was last on Aquitar," Callipso begins. "He allowed us to perform many tests on him. We were interested in the anatomical, genetic, and chemical makeup of humans."

"Plus, we didn't know how my body would react to the conditions on Aquitar," Billy remembers the poking and proding without a lot of fondness.

"We learned that though humans are a dry loving people, you are actually very dependent on water," Callipso continues.

"Yes, our bodies are about 60% water," Alex adds, remembering Mrs. Crumb's anatomy lesson.

"We also found that our respiratory systems are structurally similar. Aquitians, however, have trilobed lungs; because we need the extra lobe for underwater respiration. We also discovered that both races produce a surfactant in our lungs that reduces the surface tension of the respiratory fluids. This keeps our lungs from collapsing when we are in the water and on land."

Billy notices that his friends have blank expressions on their faces. He interrupts Callipso to translate.

"Okay, guys," Billy says. "Think of your lungs like a plastic ziplock baggie. What happens when you fill it with water and then dump it out?"

"The remaining water causes the plastic to stick to itself," Adam answers, though not sure of its relevency.

"The insides of the baggie would stick together in places because the water molecules would be attracted to each other?" Alex struggles to remember the lesson on the properties of water.

"So you weren't just day dreaming about Adam in Chemistry class after all," Billy teases.

Alex and Adam both flush slightly.

"Humans have a fair amount of water in their lungs," Billy continues, "But not as much as Aquitians, obviously. Our bodies naturally produce a protein in our lungs that reduces surface tension. This is what keeps our lungs from collapsing."

Billy nods to Callipso to continue.

"Sometimes Aquitian offspring are born too early. Their respiratory systems are not completely formed. Their lungs are not mature enough to produce the surfactants mature offspring can. In the past, these offspring would soon die because their lungs would collapse both on land and in the water."

"I wish Trini were here," Billy says. "I think humans have a similar problem, but I can't remember. Medicine is Trini's specialty."

Alex smiles wickedly and shoots Cestria a look.

"Today, with our more modern medicine," Callipso continues. "We administer an artificial surfactant to the immature offsprings' lungs. This treatment coats the lungs and keeps them from collapsing. The treatment usually lasts one month. By the end of that time, the offspring have matured enough to begin making their own surfactant."

"I don't understand what you are getting at," Alex comments.

"My theory…," Callipso says.

"And it is only a theory," Cestro interrupts.

"My theory is that by introducing the synthetic Aquitian surfactant into human lungs, a human would be able to breathe like an Aquitian."

"You mean we would be able to breathe underwater?" Adam says, excitedly.

"Yes," Callipso answers.

"Perhaps," Cestro contredicts.

"How?" Billy asks.

"As you know, Billy, Aquitian water is supersaturated with oxygen. Hence why we have trilobed lungs and not gills," Callipso says. "I believe that by inhaling our supersaturated water, oxygen molecules will be able by random chance to make their way into your blood stream through the capillaries in your aveoli. The surfactant will keep your lungs from collapsing, allowing the oxygen molecules to reach the capillaries."

"Wow, breathing underwater. Wow, Trini would be amazed," Billy says, scratching his head. He stops abruptly when he catches Cestria's eye.

"Rangers, please," Cestro pleads. "This is only a theory. The surfactant works for one Aquitian month in Aquitian infant offspring. We have no idea how it will effect almost physically mature human beings."

"Cestro, Callipso. I am a man of science," Billy explains calmly. "Throughout history, scientists have put themselves at risk to gain knowledge to help humankind. I would like to join the ranks."

Cestro's doubts are infectious. Alex and Adam look at each other with concern.

"Billy, can we talk to you privately for a second?" Alex asks.

Once off to the side, Adam begins.

"Billy, I don't think this is such a good idea."

"This really isn't the time to get macho on us," Alex adds.

"We can't exactly call Zordon if things go bad," Adam says, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"You don't have the power to protect your body anymore," Alex says. "I'm sorry to be so blunt, but you know I'm right."

"Then you two don't have to do it," Billy says sharply. "I'll be the guinea pig."

Billy walks defiantly back to the Aquitians.

"Adam, I'm concerned," Alex says.

"Me too."

"Billy's been so reckless lately."

"Not just lately. He's been like this since…," then it dawns on Adam. "Since he gave up his powers."

"It's like he's on some kind of kamakazi course."

"Like he's trying to prove he's still powerful to everyone."

"I think he is trying to prove it to himself," Alex adds intuitively.

Thirty minutes later, calculations done, Billy inhales a small canister of surfactant. He zips up his wet suit and attaches a weight belt to himself. "Billy, are you sure you want to do this?" Alex asks one last time.

"Yes," Billy answers firmly and brushes past her towards the large glass tank.

"My rough estimates are that you will have approximately two hours of protection," Callipso says, tapping madly into his computer system.

Billy climbs up the ladder and lowers himself into the aquarium. He hangs heavily onto the side of the tank.

"Signal me at one hour to be on the safe side. Don't want to drown or anything," Billy jokes nervously.

"That's not funny, Billy," Alex says sharply. "I'm setting my stopwatch now. One hour only."

"Okay, everybody," Billy says breathing hard from trying to tread water with the added weights on. "Let's do this."

Billy stops treading water and allows himself to sink. Bubbles escape from his mouth as he expells all the air in his lungs. Billy begins to twitch and struggle as his lungs fill with water. He grapples with the weights trying to free himself.

"I can't watch," Alex buries her face into Adam's chest.

"Humans have been breathing air for thousands of years. Billy is not in pain, but his most primal instinct believes that he is dying. It is hard to retrain one's natural instinct," Callipso says.

Alex is not comforted by his logic.

"What if the plan doesn't work?" she thinks.

Alex feels Adam's breathing stop. She looks up at his panicked face and then over at the tank. Billy is slumped heavily on the bottom, eyes closed.

"No!" Alex rushes towards the tank.

"Wait!" Callipso orders, grabbing Alex's arm.

Billy's eyes slowly open and he cautiously looks around the tank. He opens his mouth a little wider, and Alex can see his chest expanding and contracting.

"He did it!" Callipso says.

Adam rushes to the tank to see for himself. Billy gives them an "okay" signal.

"I don't believe it," Adam says. "He is actually breathing underwater."

"Scan Billy's vital signs," Callipso orders his assistants.

Billy allows the Aquitians to poke and prod him, while he calmly lounges on the bottom of the tank. After the tests are done, Billy begins entertaining Alex and Adam by doing tricks. He does backward flips in the water and somersaults.

"This is incredible!" Billy thinks. "I can't wait to tell Trini all about it. She will be fascinated with…." The tank suddenly becomes dark to Billy.

"Billy? Billy!" Adam taps on the glass. He rushes to the side of the tank and climbs the ladder. "Alex! I need a brain!"

Alex 'lifts' Billy from the bottom of the tank and 'hands' him to Adam. Alex mentally helps Adam get Billy down the ladder and onto the floor.

Great floods of water gush from Billy's nose and mouth as Adam compresses Billy's diaphram. Alex tilts Billy's head to allow the water to spill out. Several more gushes of water escape before Cestria returns with an instrument to suction the remaining water out of his lungs.

"His heart is beating, but respiration has not resumed," Cestria says.

"It won't be beating for long if you don't begin artificial respiration," Adam diagnoses, his CPR training finally paying off.

"Artifical respiration? I do not know any alien medicine."

"Then get the hell out of my way," Alex says with a combined physical and mental push that sends Cestria spralling to the side.

"Tilt the head back slightly, pinch the nose," Adam talks Alex through the steps that they had learned together only a few months before. "Complete the seal over the mouth. Don't over inflate the lungs. We don't want air going into the stomach."

Alex breathes gently into Billy.

"A little harder, his chest didn't rise," Adam says.

Alex breathes a little more forcefully. She can see Billy's chest expand and then contract. Alex continues for several more breaths. She begins to get light-headed from hyperventilating.

Cestria stands, peering over Alex's shoulder. She rapidly types notes into her small, hand-held computer. She looks up when Billy begins to cough. Adam rolls Billy to his side to cough up any remaining water from his lungs. Alex sits back on her heels and breathes a sigh of relief.

"Had us worried there, Bill," Adam says, helping Billy get to an upright position.

"Of all the asinine ideas!" Alex explodes. "Chalk that science experiment up to a total disaster!"

"It wasn't a disaster," Billy answers softly, his lungs still aching and his nose feeling raw.

"If Adam and I hadn't been here, you'd be dead about now."

"But the experiment was a success. I breathed underwater. The surfactant calculations were wrong. That's all. Now we know where we went wrong. Next time…"

"Next time?" Adam interrupts. "Let's not tempt fate again, okay?"

"Then how do you suppose we are going to rescue the Aquitian Rangers?"

Adam and Alex are silent for a few moments.

"Exactly," Billy says smugly. "We don't have a choice. The oxygen tank wouldn't last long enough. We have no idea where the Rangers are. I'd run out of air before I could find them and bring the three back."

"Then let me go get my wetsuit," Adam says. "I'm coming with you. We don't know what kind of shape the Rangers are going to be in. You may need a hand."

"Who's going to pilot the Zord?" Alex asks.

"You are," Adam answers.

"I can't pilot that thing. I only know how to pilot Taurus and I haven't even done that in a while."

"She has a point," Billy says. "We need your expertise to get any heated meteors to the surface for the handoff to Delphine's Battle Borg while I'm diving."

Alex sighs, already regretting what she is about to say. "I guess it's back to Plan A. I'll dive with Billy."

"You aren't going to be a lot of help limited to that tank," Billy says.

"I mean that I am going to participate in this crazy experiment too," Alex says, looking apologetically at Adam.

"Absolutely not!" Adam stands up abruptly.

"Adam, we risk life and limb everyday as Power Rangers. How is this different?"

"With great responsibilities come great risks," Cestro says.

"Earth Rangers, I cannot ask you to do anything that you are not 100% sure of. If the risks are too great, please tell me now. I will need to begin an alternate plan. We have lost much time already," Delphine adds.

All of the Rangers look at each other in silence. Billy nods. Alex nods. Reluctantly, Adam nods. Delphine's face brightens and she immediately begins giving rapid fire instructions to everyone.


Part VI

Alex hovers lightly above the windshield/visor of Super Zeo Zord IV.

"The tension is so thick down there, I had to escape," Alex admits in a low voice to Adam.

"And here I thought you just enjoyed my company," Adam teases.

"That too," Alex replies with a wink.

"How's it goin' up there?" Billy's voice echoes up into the cockpit.

"So far, so good," Adam answers. "At our current rate of speed, we should arrive at the Atlantian foothills in about one hour."

"Good," Cestria answers from down in the Zord's chest cavity. "That will give me time to calculate the amount of surfactant to administer to Billy and Alexandra."

"I should have our communicators modified by then too," Billy says, while tinkering with the bracelets.

"Alex! Can you come down here?" Billy yells thirty minutes later.

Alex effortlessly floats down the ladder into the Zord's chest. Cestro and Cestria struggle to do medical computations while squashed on their backs. Billy had unhooked himself from his hanging perch and presently sat on the medical supply box.

"Here you go, Alex,