Disclaimer: Just to let you know, this is chapter 3.'65 Love Affair is by Paul Davis, Message Of Love is by Chrissie Hynde for the Pretenders, and Stay For Awhile is by Amy Grant. That's all.
It had been 2 days since the heroes had found the Pink Reality Gem. A sense of boredom had set in, and Jenny had taken to writing a song in her head. By strange coincidence, Keith Partridge had his guitar teleported to the Animarium, as had Laurie, Chris, and Tracy had their instruments brought there as well. Jenny heard the song Keith was playing, and heard him singing lyrics to the song. She didn't make any lyrics up, but she knew this was the same song.
Keith was thinking the same thing. He walked over to Jenny and asked "I think you and I have the same idea. How about a jam session? Since we can't seem to find Danny, how about you fill in for him?"
"I would LOVE it! Now?" Jenny asked, totally excited.
"Sure." Keith then got Laurie, Chris, and Tracy together, called his mom, Shirley, and soon an impromptu jam session/concert was taking place, beginning with the song both Keith and Jenny were working on:
I was a car hop
You were just a be-bop
You sang do-wop-diddy, wop-diddy,
All of them changes you put me through
If I could go back again
Well, I know I'd never let you go
Back with all of my friends
To that wonderful
'65 love affair
We wasn't gettin' nowhere
But we didn't care
It was a crazy
'65 love affair
Rock 'n' roll was simple and clear
Oh, I still can hear
I can hear it, baby
Well, I acted like a dum-dum
You were bad with your pom-poms
We said, ooh-wah go team ooh-wah
Ooh-ee baby, I want you to know
If I could go back in time
Well, I know somehow you'd still be mine
I wouldn't be so blind
To that wonderful
'65 love affair
When rock 'n' roll was simple and clear
Oh, I still can hear
I can hear it baby
Well, I tried to make you give in
One night at the drive-in
You said, oh-no baby, oh-no, whooo
All of them changes you put me through
If I could go back in time
Well, I know somehow you'd still be mine
I wouldn't be so blind
To that wonderful
'65 love affair
We wasn't goin' nowhere
But we didn't care
It was a crazy
'65 love affair
Rock 'n' roll was simple and clear
Oh, I still can hear
I can hear it, baby
We sang, do-wop-diddy, wop-diddy, wop-doo
Do-wop-diddy, wop-diddy,
Do-wop-diddy, wop-diddy,
Do-wop-diddy, wop-diddy,
Do-wop-diddy, wop-diddy,
Do-wop-diddy, wop-diddy,
Do-wop-diddy, wop-diddy,
Do-wop-diddy, wop-diddy,
Do-wop-diddy, wop-diddy,
If I could go back again
Well, I know our love would never end
Back with all of my friends
To that wonderful
'65 love affair
Rock 'n' roll was simple and clear
Oh, I still can hear
I can hear it, baby
'65 love affair
We wasn't goin' nowhere
But we didn't care
Applause filled the air. Everyone on the Animarium had come to listen. Jenny smiled and said "Thank you. If the Partridges don't mind, I am also a HUGE Pretenders fan. If they know this song, let's do it together."
They did, and the 2nd song played was 'Message Of Love'…
Now the reason we're here
As man and woman
Is to love each other
Take care of each other
When love walks in the room
Everybody stand up
Oh it's good, good, good
Like brigitte bardot
Now look at the people
In the streets, in the bars
We are all of us in the gutter
But some of us are looking at the stars
Look round the room
Life is unkind
We fall but we keep gettin' up
Over and over and over and over and over and over
Me and you, every night, every day
We'll be together always this way
Your eyes are blue like the heavens above
Talk to me darlin' with a message of love
Now the reason we're here
Every man, every woman
Is to help each other
Stand by each other
When love walks in the room
Everybody stand up
Oh it's good, good good
Say I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Talk to me darlin'
More applause filled the island as the group started another song
Long time since I've seen your smile
But when I close my eyes
I remember
You were no more than a child
But then so was I
Young and tender
Time carries on
I guess it always will
But deep inside my heart
Time stands still
Stay for awhile
Well it's good to see your smile
And I love your company
Stay for awhile
And remember the days gone by
For a moment it can seem
Just the way it used to be
Snowfalls, phone calls, broken hearts
Clear summer days
Warm and lazy
Long walks, long talks, after dark
We vowed we'd never forget
Now it's hazy
Time takes its toll
And time alters our view
It would be nice to
Spend some time with you
Stay for awhile
Well it's good to see your smile
And I love your company
Stay for awhile
And remember the days gone by
For a moment it can seem
Just the way it used to be
More cheers filled the small island. Right then, the fountain erupted into action. "Figures. We start having a good time, some loony tries to ruin it. Now what?" Phoebe Halliwell fumed.
"The Black Reality Gem! It seems that Captain Cold, Dark Spectre, Bizarro, Angle Man, the new Star Sapphire, the Riddler, and Wolfbane have joined together with several putties, Tengas…and…Skugs?" Hawkman asked. "Aren't they normally the VR Troopers problem?"
"Well, this time they're ours. We had best get to Point Place and NOW!" Isis 1 shouted.
"Isis, you stay here this time. Your counterpart is coming with us. I'm going as well." Batman 1 told her rather uncharacteristically gently. "Both of the Hawks, along with the Zeo Rangers from our visiting universe, your Trini, our Titans, our Flash, Bill, Tracy, Mark, Karen, Firestorm, both Billys, and our Black Canary. Let's get this done."
"And since the bad guys have already made their move, you Rangers had better morph," said Black Canary 1.
"Right," said Billy 1 with a nod. "It's Morphin Time!"
Bill then made the call: "THUNDERCATS, TIME TO ROCK! TIGER!"
Billy 2 then commanded, "It's Morphin Time!"
Jason 2 ordered, "It's Morphin Time!"
Finally, Karen made the call for her and her brother, "Geo Rangers, Unite!"
Once all of the chosen Rangers morphed, they were on their way.
As this was going on, Wonder Woman 2 was watching the sky, when her double walked over to her. "Um, Diana, can we talk?" Wonder Woman 1 asked.
"Sure. What's up?"
"Have you ever fallen for someone you work with…and they're younger than you?"
Wonder Woman 2 looked at her other self. "Zack?" It wasn't really a question.
As this was going on, Steven Hyde was looking at the white disc in his hands. He was in the Formans' basement, worrying about his girlfriend, Jackie Burkhardt, when the same nausea swept over him.
-God, I'm needed- he thought. Within seconds, he took the disc, which he now knew was a ThunderMorpher, stood up and shouted…
Clad in a white version of the ThunderCats outfit, with a black T on his chest, Steven…or Hyde, as he preferred to be called, disappeared from the basement in a white flash.
Normally, Point Place, Wisconsin is a quiet, rather dull place to grow up. NOT TODAY! Dark Spectre summoned a group of Skugs to trash the town…and find the Black Reality Gem. Hyde, not knowing this, had it on him, hidden in his outfit. He was going to give it to Jackie. But then all of this started up. He then took out a sword similar to Tommy's, but just as he was about to charge into action, the sword spoke, in a voice similar to Alan Alda's, saying "Shouldn't you have a plan before you go out there and risk getting us both killed?"
-A talking sword?- Hyde thought. –It's official. I have completely lost my mind.-
As this was going on, Eric Forman, Donna Pinciotti, Conner McKnight, Kira Ford, Ethan James, and Trent Mercer were walking along when they happened to come across the fight. Conner looked over. "Eric, Donna, is that Hyde?"
"Yeah. Why is he surrounded by Hunger Dogs & Tengas?" Donna asked.
Kira mused "Why don't we beat them to a pulp and then ask them nicely?"
Eric agreed. "Let's nail 'em!
As one, the Dino Thunder Rangers joined in the fight, they were shocked to see him morph. "How long has he been able to do that?" Ethan asked.
"First I've ever seen him do that!" Eric shouted.
"Shall we?" Conner asked. As one...
Hyde started battling Hunger Dogs and Tengas with a vengeance, landing several hard punches and kicks as well as taking down many with his new saber. After taking down the enemies in his immediate vicinity, he said to himself, "I got to say, I kind of like this." Not seeing anymore around, he yelled, "IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT?"
A cawing got his attention. As more Tengas and Hunger Dogs charged forward, the sword said, "Dear me. You probably shouldn't have said that."
"Oh, shut up," said Hyde as he thumped the sword on the head. He was about to reengage when he was joined by the Dino Thunder Rangers.
As they fought, Eric, the Black Dino Thunder Ranger asked, "Hyde, are you okay?"
"Never better," answered Hyde. Suddenly, he chanced to stop as he thought that voice sounded familiar. He had no time to ponder the matter any further, though. Conner fought off several lackeys with his Tyranno Staff. Ethan did the same with his Tricera Shield, Kira with her Ptera Grips, Eric with his Bracchio Staff, Trent with his Drago Sword, and Donna with her Sabertooth Power Bow.
Once the creeps in the immediate vicinity were taken care of, the Red Dino Thunder Ranger asked, "Alright, dude, how long have you been doing this?"
"This is my first time," answered Hyde honestly. "And why do you sound so familiar?" Pointing to the Black Dino Ranger, he asked, "And for that matter, how did you know my name?"
Once again, the Rangers were interrupted, this time by a dark voice yelling, "WHERE IS IT?" All turned to see Dark Spectre in giant form stomping through Point Place. "WHERE IS THE BLACK REALITY GEM?" Seeing the Rangers down below, he tilted his head to the side, before pointing at the new White ThunderCat. "YOU! YOU HAVE THE GEM! GIVE IT TO ME!"
"What's he talking about?" asked Donna.
"If he's talking about what I think he's talking about, I'm not giving it to him!" said Hyde defiantly.
"Then I guess we'll just have to take it from you," came another voice. The seven Rangers turned to see Captain Cold, the source of the voice. With him were Bizarro, Star Sapphire, Angle Man, the Riddler, and Wolfbane, along with more Tengas, not to mention Putties and Skugs. Captain Cold fired his freeze gun, the ice blast never reached its targets.
A wall of fire burst up between the Rangers and the villains. The fire dissipated as all turned to see many more heroes joining in the fight. Isis 2 said, "Looks like we caught you cold, Captain Cold."
Dark Spectre then said, "It makes no difference how many of you there are. We will destroy you all!" But before Dark Spectre could make a move, he was taken down by multiple superspeed strikes. "WHO DARES. . .?"
"WE DARE!" cried the voice of Paige Mathews, the Purple Wild Force Ranger. Dark Spectre saw the Wild Force Megazord in Cheetah Mode.
With Paige by his side in the cockpit, Cole said, "You're going down, Dark Spectre!"
The Predazord then approached. From his own cockpit, Merrick added, "And you're going down hard!" With that, both Megazords double-teamed Dark Spectre.
Back on the ground, Flash 1 sped forward and knocked down Captain Cold. Getting up, Cold held up his freeze gun and said, "You're going to wish you'd stayed dead, Flash. I'll freeze you into oblivion!"
RPM had fought off some Putties, Tengas, and Skugs when he saw Captain Cold aiming at Barry. As Cold fired, RPM dashed towards Captain Cold, grabbed him, and put Cold right in the path of his own freeze ray, freezing him and leaving only his head exposed. RPM smiled and joked, "You really need to work on your aim, Cold, because you just froze yourself!"
Shivering, Captain Cold sputtered out, "N. . . n. . . no f. . . f. . . fair!"
The Riddler asked Nightwing, "What's green and black and is the most treasured thing on Earth? Me!" He then swung at Nightwing with his cane, missing horribly.
Nightwing then quipped back, "Hey, Riddler, what's black and white and going back to jail? You!" He then knocked him out with one punch.
The visiting Zeo Rangers and the Dino Thunder Rangers were battling Wolfbane. But even with an 11-to-1 advantage, they were each taken down one-by-one. "You puny Rangers are no match for me!"
"We'll see about that Wolfbane," said Conner defiantly.
The Dino Thunder Rangers then cried out, "Super Dino Mode!" With their increased strength, they were able to take Wolfbane down, but not out.
"This guy's tougher than I thought," said Kira.
"Let us lend a hand," said Jason 2.
"Or rather, a foot," joked Zack 2. The Zeo Rangers then performed their explosive flying kick, temporarily disorienting Wolfbane.
Though hurt, Wolfbane remained defiant. He coughed out, "Is that. . .(cough). . . all you've got (cough, cough)?"
"Not even close, ugly," said Kimberly 2.
"That was just a small sample," said Justin.
"Let's show him what we're made of," said Tanya 2. With that, the Zeo Rangers then performed their flipping energy ball attack, sending Wolfbane flying.
"That's not all," said Ethan. "Not by a long shot."
The Zeo Rangers then summoned the Zeo Blaster, while the Dino Thunder Rangers combined their weapons into the Z-Rex Blaster. Both weapons were fired, but Wolfbane was still standing!
"I don't believe this!" yelled Donna. "We've hit this guy with everything but the kitchen sink, but he keeps coming back for more!"
"Not quite everything. Shield of Triumph!" commanded Conner. Ethan and Kira then siphoned some of their energy into the shield, transforming Conner into the Triassic Ranger. He and Wolfbane then disappeared into another dimension, where Conner gave Wolfbane a beating. After Wolfbane was sent crashing back into the real world, Conner reverted back to his normal state. "Had enough?"
"I can still crush you Rangers!" yelled Wolfbane.
"In that case. . ." Conner trailed off as he took on his battelizer form. He landed a hard stretching punch to Wolfbane that sent him flying. As Wolfbane struggled to get up, Conner leaped into the air and landed a stretching kick. When he landed, Conner commanded, "Dragon Yo-Yo!" A few hits took Wolfbane down again. Conner said, "Now, we end this." He then jumped into the air again, and fired the cannons on his shoulders, finally destroying Wolfbane.
Bill, Tracy, Karen, Mark, Black Canary 1, Billy 2, Trini 2, and most of the home Titans were battling Putties, Tengas, and Skugs. Close by Hawkman and Hawkwoman were fighting off the same enemy types with their maces, as Hawkman cried out, "Remember, the only way to defeat the Skugs is for them to make contact with each other!"
"Which is obviously easier said than done," said Hawkwoman.
"This might help," said Karen as she blew away some of the Skugs. Inevitably, several of them made contact with each other and disappeared.
"My turn," said Black Canary 1 as she used her Canary Cry to send Putties, Tengas, and Skugs flying. More of the Skugs made contact with each other, causing them to disintegrate.
Firestorm flew around and used his powers to rearrange the molecules of Putties, making them defenseless and easy prey. He also used his powers to halt the advances of the Skugs. "Thanks, Firestorm," said Bill.
"We'll do the rest," said Tracy as she and Bill pushed the now-defenseless Skugs into each other.
Billy 2 ran over to the defenseless Putties and put them out of their misery. "This sure beats a normal day at the office."
Trini 2 did the same and said, "I guess so."
Mark was knocked down by a Tenga and landed next to a fire hydrant. Smiling, he was given an idea. He said, "Hey, Firestorm, open this up, will you?"
"What for?" asked Firestorm.
"Just trust me," said Mark. Shrugging, Firestorm did as he was told, opening up the hydrant with his powers. "This isn't exactly legal, but. . ." He then manipulated the water to wipe out several Putties, Tengas, and Skugs. When that was done, he placed the water back into the hydrant and Firestorm sealed it back up. Smiling underneath his helmet, Mark said, "See? No harm done. Except to the uglies."
"Nice work," said Firestorm. Winking, he then added, "And I won't tell anyone, either." Mark smiled at this.
Green Lanterns Kyle Rayner and Billy 1 were battling Star Sapphire. She attacked with Sapphire beams, but both GL's easily blocked the shots. Kyle created a ring-generated sledge hammer and knocked her back. Sapphire's energy field protected her from serious harm. Billy 1 then created a mace and knocked her further back, but Sapphire was far from finished. She then created a bow that struck down Billy 1 and launched ninja stars at Kyle, but he managed to avoid them. Billy 1 recovered and joined Kyle in simultaneously punching Star Sapphire right in the face with glowing green fists. As she flew into the side of a building, Kyle said, "Sorry to do this to a lady, but..."
"No need to apologize," said Billy 1. "This is no lady."
"Enough of this!" yelled Star Sapphire. "I'll destroy the both of you!" She then fired a Sapphire beam. Kyle and Billy 1 responded with ring blasts. The beams collided with each other in a battle of wills. But as powerful as Star Sapphire was, she was simply no match for the combined will of two Green Lanterns, as she was overwhelmed and sent screaming to the ground unconscious.
Cyborg 1 blasted Putties with his arm cannon, destroying them. He also blasted Tengas and Skugs. "These guys just don't know when to quit."
Red Arrow shrugged and said, "Their loss." He then fired a fire arrow into a Putty, incinerating it and igniting more. He then took a boxing glove arrow and knocked a Skug into some of its companions, taking them out.
Cyborg 1 raised an eyebrow at this. "You still use those ridiculous things?"
"Hey, they're getting the job done, aren't they?" asked Red Arrow as he fired a stun arrow at a Tenga.
Isis 2 handled Angle Man easily, destroying his angler with a single lightning strike. "Hey! I didn't even do anything yet!"
"And you're not going to either," said Isis 2 as she manipulated the ground beneath him into a temporary natural prison. "That should hold you until you're back behind bars."
Hyde was knocked down by Putties and Tengas. He got to one knee only to see them moving in on him. However, he was saved by a concussive blast that sent them flying. The Purple ThunderCat landed by the White ThunderCat and helped him to his feet. Smiling underneath her helmet, the Purple ThunderCat said, "Hi, honey. Did you miss me?"
This caused Hyde to do a double-take. "Jackie?" he asked in surprise. "Is that you?"
"Yeah, it's me," answered Jackie with a nod. "I guess you got caught up in all this too, huh?"
"We need to talk when this is all over," said Hyde.
"Right," said Jackie with a nod. "Right now, the others need help." Hyde nodded as he and Jackie rejoined the fight.
Troia and Supergirl landed several punches on Bizarro, but Bizarro bashed them away. "Puny Troia! Puny Supergirl! No match for Bizarro! Me, Bizarro, strongest man in w…" It was as far as he could get, for both Supergirl and Troia had gotten together and hit him with a force that rivaled Superman & Wonder Woman combined, sending him into a building, then the ground.
"There are only 2 things strong about you, Bizarro, one of them's your B.O. …" Troia started.
"…and the other's your halitosis!" Supergirl finished.
Bizarro stood up, shouting "Stupid Supergirl and Troia! I crush you!"
"I don't think so! Try this on for size!" cried Starfire as she blasted Bizarro with Starbolts.
Unfazed, Bizarro yelled, "Stupid Starfire! Bizarro invulnerable!" He then fired his heat vision, but Starfire was able to both dodge, and fired a starbolt along the path of Bizarro's heat vision, temporarily blinding him in his left eye, causing him pain.
"Raven, we need your help!" yelled Starfire as she continued to fire away at Bizarro.
Raven 1 used her telekinesis to send Putties, Tengas, and Skugs flying. Some of the Skugs made contact with each other, destroying themselves. Raven 1 was able to destroy more with her shadow manipulation power, trapping them and forcing them to touch. When she heard Starfire's cry for help, she simply said, "On my way." She then used her telekinesis to send Bizarro into the side of a building. She attempted to trap him with her shadow manipulation power, but Bizarro blasted himself free with his heat vision, despite his left eye not being usable.
Bizarro said, "Puny Titans! Stupid Titans! No stop Bizarro!"
"Maybe they can't," said a voice from this shadows. "But this might." Bizarro turned only to get socked in the jaw. As he fell unconscious, Batman 1 stepped out of the shadows, having knocked out Bizarro with a single punch, courtesy of a Blue Kryptonite ring.
Most of the Skugs had been defeated. Realizing that all of the head villains except for Dark Spectre had been beaten, one Tenga said, "Let's get out of here!" The Tengas cawed and took their leave.
The Putties were left all alone. Tracy said, "You clayheads have a choice: You can either run while you still can, or stay and get your tails kicked." The Putties looked to consult with each other. Whatever they may have said, they seemed to agree. They teleported away.
"Guess they're not as stupid as we thought," said Bill.
Meanwhile, Dark Spectre knocked down both of the Megazords he was battling. He said, "You were foolish to challenge me!" He then breathed fire at them, causing more damage.
Danny said, "Man! I thought this guy might be tough, but this is ridiculous!"
"We're taking a real beating!" agreed Alyssa.
Taylor then transmitted to the Rangers on the ground, "If any of you down there can hear me, we could use some help up here! I repeat, we could use some help!"
The Rangers on the ground got the message. Conner said, "Don't worry, help is on the way."
"Bracchio!" ordered Eric. At his command, the Bracchio Zord made its way towards Point Place. The rest of the Dino Thunderzords deployed from it and combined into its own Megazord formation. Eric watched from the ground as Conner, Ethan, Kira, Trent, and Donna did battle with Dark Spectre, knocking him down. Dark Spectre quickly got back up and kicked down the Dino Thunder Megazord. However this allowed the Wild Force Megazord Cheetah Mode as well as the Predazord to recover. They both then took down Dark Spectre again.
"We have to stop him right now," said Max. "We can't take much more punishment."
"Agreed," said Cole with a nod. "Merrick, you ready?"
"I am," answered Merrick with a nod. "Dino Rangers, you ready?"
"Ready and waiting," answered Conner for his team.
"Mind if I join you up there?" asked Eric.
"Be our guest," answered Trent. With that, Eric joined his friends in the cockpit as the Dino Thunder Megazord linked up to the Bracchio Zord.
"Hit me with your best shot!" challenged Dark Spectre.
"You asked for it," said Paige. With that, the Wild Force Megazord Cheetah Mode performed its finisher. The Predazord followed that up with its own finisher. The Dino Thunder Rangers then launched their Megazord from the Bracchio Zord and struck Dark Spectre with multiple axe strikes.
Severely injured, Dark Spectre cried, "No! NO!" He then fell to the ground and exploded! However, despite being badly injured, he still lived! In a much weaker voice, Dark Spectre choked out, "I'll. . . be. . . back." He then teleported out.
The zords all returned to their hiding places as the Wild Force Rangers and Dino Thunder Rangers rejoined the other heroes on the ground. Noticing that Kyle was missing, Ethan asked, "Hey, where's Green Lantern?"
"He went to turn Cold, Sapphire, Bizarro, Angle Man, and Riddler over to the proper authorities," answered Troia. The assembled Rangers then demorphed. . . including the new Purple and White ThunderCats.
"Eric? Donna?" asked Hyde in surprise. "Now it makes sense, the way you two disappear all the time."
"Sorry for keeping this from you, Hyde," said Eric apolegetically. "But we hope you understand."
"Oh, I do," said Hyde. "Believe me, I do. Now, anyway."
"But how long have you and Jackie been doing this?" asked Donna.
"We just got started," answered Jackie.
"The bigger question now is, where is the Black Reality Gem?" asked Supergirl.
"Hyde, Dark Spectre seemed to think you had it," said Conner. "Any idea what that was all about?"
"You mean this?" asked Hyde as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a black gemstone. He explained, "I was walking to the record store when I kicked something in the street. I was going to give it to Jackie, but I guess that's out of the question."
"One thing puzzles me, though," said Trini 2. "We've got two Reality Gems already, and they both affected one of our own. And yet, you seem unaffected. How is that?"
"Are you kidding?" asked Jackie, barely controlling her giggles. "Steven here is as traditionally masculine as they come!"
"If that's the case," said Billy 1, "maybe he's so set in his beliefs that the gem didn't affect him."
"Whatever the case," said Batman 1, "we need that gem. Will you come with us, Steven?"
"First of all, I go by Hyde," said Hyde. "Second, I have. . . issues with authority figures. But I've seen and read enough about you guys that I think I might be able to trust you. So, I'll make a judgement call and say sure, why not?" He then handed Batman 1 the Black Reality Gem.
"Thank you," said Batman 1 with a nod. "Now, let's get back to the Animarium." With that everyone there teleported out.
When they arrived, the Black Reality Gem flew out of Batman 1's hand and joined the other two. Paige then noticed her half-sisters there. "Prue! Piper! Phoebe!"
As the Purple Wild Force Ranger was getting reaquainted with the Charmed Ones, the Dino Thunder Rangers looked around the Animarium. . . and were surprised with what they were seeing. "Whoa," said Ethan. "This is too weird."
"As opposed to all the wierdness we see on a regular basis?" asked Kira with a smirk.
Confused that he seemed to be seeing two of everybody, Hyde took off his glasses, blew them, wiped them, and put them back on. "What's going on here?"
"Oh, it's a long story," answered Jackie.
Soon, the Wild Force Rangers and Dino Thunder Rangers had to take their leave. "We'd better get back to Turtle Cove," said Cole. "Master Org's not going to rest on his laurels just because we're not there."
"We'd better get back to Point Place as well," said Conner. "Mesogog's not going to take a break either."
Right after the Wild Force and Dino Thunder Rangers left, Shirley said, "I'm worried about Danny. He's nowhere to be found. It's like he's dropped off the Animarium completely."
Little did she realize that, in a way, she was right. . .
On the moon, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, and Lex Luthor were conversing with an unknown figure. Rita asked, "Why should we trust you?"
"Because they think I'm not good enough," answered their new acquaintance. "I want revenge just as much as you do."
"Very well," said Luthor. "Bring us their gems and you will be rewarded most handsomely."
Danny Partridge stepped out of the shadows with an evil grin on his face. "Oh, I'll get their gems alright. So long as you live up to your end of the bargain, I'll live up to mine."
If he had a mouth, Zedd would have smiled. Instead he thought to himself with glee, 'This may work out better than I expected.'
Back on the Animarium, however, both Martian Manhunters and Phoebe Halliwell were aware of this new development. "We'd better get in touch with Batman. Danny has done what we thought he would do."
Piper looked at both Prue and Isis 1. "Are the fakes ready?"
"Yeah. And the trap is set. I don't think Keith and the other ThunderCats are going to like this." Prue told her middle sister.
"Actually, it was Keith who came up with this plan, in case something like this came about. Princess Shayla, Keith, Isis, and myself put this together. However, I am worried about Shirley…especially when she finds out about what I have learned about Danny." Batman 1 told Prue.
"What is it?" Prue and Piper asked.
"The possibility of Lex Luthor being Danny's true father." A disgusted Batman 1 told them. Both sisters gasped in shock
Just then, another portal was opened and the fountain sprang up. Princess Shayla said, "It looks like the Yellow Reality Gem is next."
"Yes," said Superman 2. "And it looks like we're headed back to Wisconsin. Port Washington, Wisconsin, to be exact."
"Well, at least now we finally get to see some action on our world," said Rocky 2.
"But I'm worried, though," said Carol. "Dana and J. T. are still there."
"Let's just hope they don't get caught up in all of this," said Frank.
NEXT: Power Of The Sun