The Innocent - The Secret of the Prism Crystals
Part I
2116. Dark Nebula sends a squad of children soldiers to Earth to destroy the Jewel Rangers. The Rangers are faced with the decision to fight and possibly hurt the children or be destroyed by them and Earth be conquered by the Dark Army.The Jewel Rangers are in London, helping a family rebuild their home which was lost in a tornado that swept through the city. The frame has been put up and the teens are currently installing the roof and outer walls. They are assisted by a professional construction worker and the couple that own's the home. A call comes in from Zordon that an attack is occurring in the city of Los Angeles and the Rangers leave to battle the group of Dark Army soldiers and the monster. They defeat the soldiers and monster quickly and return to London to resume the building efforts when they are called to the city of Beijing, where a group of children is said to be out of hand and destroying the city. The Rangers, not back on task, go to the city to investigate and find and army of children waiting for them.
The "Army" of nearly a hundred children between the ages of 4 and 12 years old are actually Dark Army soldiers. Black Nebula, sent the "small army" to defeat the Rangers with their innocent appearance. Upon arrival, the Rangers are confronted with a lot of worry about fighting the children, who are of the alien humanoid race, Ruzian as they view them from a distance. The children, dressed in the clothing they were stolen in look very innocent, even while holding powerful weapons and using them. The Rangers debate what to do.]
Xenos-- This Army is nothing but children!
Daisy-- Can we really fight them?
Evin-- I don't know what to do!
Sky--Let's hold off 'til we're sure!
[A child spot the Rangers watching them and fires upon them. A laser pistol beam nearly hits Skyland and she suddenly changes attitudes. The children run at the Rangers; all but Sky back off.]
Sky--I really don't feel like playing today! If they choose to attempt to finish us off, we have every right to defend ourselves. I'm not letting any kindergardener kill me! Let's finish these soldiers off!!
Brice--But they are children.
Sky-- And they will kill us like a fly if we don't act.
Jenii-- I cannot fight children!
Sky-- Save your high morals and fight!
[The children mob in around the Rangers and many beat the Rangers with clubs and use Karate on them. All the Rangers attempt to push the children away from them and not hurt them but Sky, who treats the controlled children as adults. Xenos looks at a little girl who reminds him oddly of his sister. He snatches the child up in his arms, takes her weapon and throws it away. Xenos then teleports to the command center with the fighting and angry child firmly in his strong hold. The other Rangers see what Xenos has done and teleport back to the command center after him. Skyland, storms up after Xenos, while removing her helmet to yell at him.]
Sky-- What is wrong with you? Why did you bring her here, when you know she may be bugged?
Xenos-- She is just a child!
Sky-- No, no she isn't. She stopped being a child when Nebula stole her from Ruzia six months ago. She is a soldier like all the others now.
Daisy-- How can you say that while looking at her?
Sky-- Look at how they acted. They were totally bent on destroying the city and us as well. Nebula already programed them. It apparently doesn't take long.
Alpha-- Not by my readings. This child has an implant in her brain that is controlling the way she acts, making her violent.
Zordon-- They couldn't have been conditioned so fast, so the implant is giving them the knowledge of how to attack and suppressing their true nature until the normal conditioning which takes years becomes ingrained in them.
Brice-- Are you saying that perhaps what has been done to the children and other newly captured soldiers can be reversed?
Zordon-- Perhaps. Further information is needed to see if the implant can be extracted without harming the child and causing brain damage.
Sky-- Have you contacted the Ruzian Rangers about the children already?
Zordon-- Yes, Alpha contacted them when the battle started.
Sky-- But we don't know for sure that the effects of the implant are reversible, do we?
Alpha-- We don't know for sure about anything until we try.
Daisy-- Maybe the conditioning is reversible as well!
Sky-- If it is, then I have murdered a lot of innocent people.
Evin-- You haven't murdered anyone!
Sky-- Then what about all the soldiers I have captured in the prism crystals and threw into the black hole. I threw away lives which I thought were irreversibly turned evil, and sent innocent people to an infinite unknown.
Jenii-- We all did it...No one knew that maybe, just maybe, the soldiers conditioning could be reversed.
Xenos-- Right now, starting with this little girl is a chance to redeem ourselves. Starting with this little girl, we may be able to return all those children back to their original state.
Sky-- What I have done is unredeemable!..........I, I can't deal with this.
[Skyland backs away and teleports to her ship. She takes off and battles within herself as to how to reconcile for what she has done. She cries, and becomes so tired as she goes to the black hole and so mad from guilt that when a Dark Army ship uncloaks suddenly in front of her, she doesn't make battle upon them. Skyland, so saddened in self misery, allows the ship to fire upon her and she simply cries in anguish. A sudden blast disables the controls and Skyland is sent hurling into the black hole. Skyland passes out before she reaches the event horizon.]
Part II
[Skyland later wakes to find herself, still in the ship, floating through a multi-colored spectacle toward a center point of light. She draws closer and becomes afraid of the light which envelopes her.
She then finds herself surrounded by majestical beings of light who whisper to one another in a fluttery, soft language. The seven beings then turn to Skyland with a look of confusion on their faces. The center, female Being speaks.]
Being-- Why are you here, Skyland?
Sky-- I am dead. This is Nirvana?
Being-- No, you are not dead. This is the Second Universe, you came here through the hole, don't you remember?
Sky-- Hole?......The black hole, this is the other side of the black hole?
Being-- Of course!
Sky-- And you know of me?
Being-- Of course, you send of things all the time from your universe. (holding up one of the crystals with a group of the Dark Army inside) You send us a lot of these, but why have you come here?
Sky-- I killed those people and after realizing that perhaps the conditioning could be reversed I came here to..
Being 2-- Kill yourself!
Sky-- I don't know, maybe....I allowed to Dark Army ship to fire upon me.
Being-- Was what you did truly so bad? When you first had the idea to do it, did you not feel that sending them through the hole would prevent them from further attacking the innocent?
Sky-- But they, too, are innocent as well.
Being 2-- Yes, but in their current condition they are dangerous.
Sky-- What is the point of all this, to torture my soul for infinity?
Being-- No, that is never our intention. You do not belong here, in this universe, and you must go back.
Sky-- Nothing can go back through the black hole, nothing escapes, not even light.
Being 2-- We are sending you back....And the people you trapped in the crystals are not trapped forever. Here, we can cure them of the evil inside, controlling them.
Sky-- Can you cure my guilt?
Being 2-- No, only you can cure your own guilt. Know that from now until forever that many people you trapped in the crystals do not die, they arrive here alive and we neutralize the evil then send them back to the other universe where they can return home.
Sky-- I, I don't know what to say!
Being-- Promise that you will never till anyone about this place and return back to Earth to fulfill your destiny.
Sky-- I will....What happens to the crystals when the people are removed from them?
Being-- They are sent back to the Prism Ranger!
Sky-- Lucent knows of this place?
Being 3-- Yes, the stone of her immortality comes from here.
Sky-- Do the other people, from the crystals remember this place?
Being-- No.... What is minutes for us is days in your universe.
Sky-- This universe moves at a slower rate?
Being 2--Your universe moves at a higher speed than ours. Time is relative to your point in the time line. Now get into your ship and leave.(alien waves his hand and a light raises up from behind him.)
[Skyland blinks. She is now aboard her ship again and it is no longer damaged. She is already on her way home. She arrives back to the command center and sees the little girl, now fully returned to her previous self. The other Rangers had captured the other children and are one by one removing the devices from their brains, all successfully. They look shocked to see her.]
Evin-- Where have you been the last three days? We thought you were dead.
[Two of the Ruzian Rangers come back into the room with children, now normal again next to them and look up to Sky oddly.]
Ruzian Yellow-- We were informed by the Cerosians that you were attacked by a Dark Army ship and fell into the black hole.
Sky-- If I fell into the black hole would I be here?
Jenii-- No, but why were you gone so long?
Sky-- Just figuring things out I suppose......Sorry to take so long.
Zordon-- As long as you are clear headed now, it's okay.
Alpha-- Are your questions answered now?
Sky-- Not all of them!
Ruzian Green-- All of a person's questions are never answered.
[The children are taken back home to their parents awaiting their arrival by the Ruzian Rangers. No long term effects seem to be apparent as a result of their implants, the children have no memory of the past six months under Dark Nebula's control.
Skyland honors her promise to the "Second Universe" beings and does not tell the others of where she had gone for the several hours she had run off. At least now Skyland has the peace of mind to know that all the people she captures in the crystals do not die in the black hole. That they eventually are returned home, unaware of what has happened.