It was only a stone.

Actually, it was more of a boulder. But either way, what difference did that make?

Leo Corbett pushed his way through the seemingly endless jungle that made up the surface of Mirinoi. It had never ceased to amaze him the way a simple rock could contain and protect one of the greatest powers in the universe: The five legendary Quasar Sabers. Each one placed into the stone by a mythical warrior centuries ago. Legend told that only a Quasar Saber's rightful successor could remove it from its dormant position. Hundreds upon thousands of the galaxy's greatest warriors had come to Mirinoi in attempt to force the swords from the stone, and reveal themselves as one of the chosen five.

All tried, and all had failed.

All had failed, but them. The young man came to a halt as he stood before the stone. He reached out, and closed his fist around the center sword. Red Lion Quasar Saber had been his.

Even now he could feel the electricity rushing through his bones as he touched the grip of the sword. At that moment, his mind clicked back to the first time he had held the Saber in his hand. The day he had snuck about Terra Venture as it left the Earth. The day he, Kendrix, Damon, Kai, and his brother Mike had traveled to Mirinoi to help the native Maya protect her home planet from the forces of evil. The day that Leo had uncovered his true destiny, as he learned that he was to become the Red Galaxy Power Ranger.

As he gripped his Quasar Saber, he knew that in moments, he would be again…

"Leo! Stop!"

Leo twisted around at the sound of a female voice. Pushing her way across the greenery at a rapid pace was a young woman. Her sky blue eyes were wide with alarm, as her hair bounced behind her. The freckles on her face only accentuated her obvious state of alarm.

"Karone," he said, recognizing his friend, and former teammate. Karone had once taken Kendrix's place as the Pink Galaxy Ranger. "What are you doing here?"

She held herself up by Leo's broad shoulders as she struggled to catch her breath. "Mike…told me…about some sort of…call…mission…on Earth?"

He nodded, releasing the saber. "That's right. I'm needed on Earth's moon. The message said that the fate of the entire planet is in jeopardy."

"No!" Karone cried, shaking her head adamantly. "You can't go!  The colonists are only days away from making their decision regarding the war! You can't just run off on some totally unrelated mission! We need you here!"

The young man put his hand on Karone's shoulder. "It'll be fine Karone, trust me. You guys will do fine while I'm gone. I couldn't possibly take more than a few days."

Karone pushed Leo's arm away. "I don't think you understand Leo. As a Power Ranger, you mean a lot to this planet. And if you just take off out of the blue, people are going to start talking."

Leo sighed. She was right. As one of the five chosen by the Quasar Sabers, Leo and the others had become surrogate leaders to the natives, as well as the colonists, during these troubling times. Leaving for Earth wasn't going to go unnoticed…

But Earth was his home planet. He'd been born there. He couldn't just let the possibility of a major attack slip through his mind.

"I'm sorry Karone," he replied. "But I can't just ignore it. Earth is my home." He reached for the saber again.

The young woman cut him off, gripping the weapon just under Leo's hand. "This is your home Leo. And don't you ever forget that."

Leo sighed, and dropped his hand yet again. Ever since the conflict on Mirinoi had started his life, as well as the lives of all those around him, had been plunged into turmoil and controversy.

It had all started out as a perfect little dream sequence. Terra Venture, Earth's first ever space colony, had set out to discover a new world. After close to a year, they had found Mirinoi, also the home planet of Maya, the Yellow Galaxy Ranger. The planet had all the necessities of life as humans knew it: oxygen, carbon based plant life, water. It was primarily a jungle planet, mostly primitive to the colonists. But Terra Venture's high command had high hopes that both the natives, and the colonists could do their share of adapting, to suit their respective lifestyles.

It had all gone terribly wrong.

For the first few months, there had been mostly peace between the two parties, as the settlers began to get used to their new surroundings. Their homes on Terra Venture, had been destroyed with the city dome, and thus, modern day Americans were forced to live primitive lifestyles. This left a number of the settlers unhappy.  Thus, many of those who could afford it left Mirinoi to return to Earth. Those who could not were stuck.

But then, things began to change. To the delight of most settlers, Terra Venture's architects began to unveil their plans for a grand city on Mirinoi, the likes of which Earth had never known. Not only a city, but an outer ring of suburbs as well. No longer would they have to live like primitives. They could return to life as they knew it!

The natives had been open to the idea of urbanization on their planet. Mirinoi had always been a peaceful planet, willing to compromise to solve any problem.

But little did they know the effects this new city would have. Miles upon miles of their once beautiful land were destroyed, forcing many of the natives to relocate, while robbing thousands of animals of their homes. The settlers and their argantuan machines polluted their glorious atmosphere, and poisoned their plant life.

After nearly eighteen months of construction, the natives could no longer stand for the destruction of their homeland, and promptly voiced their protest to the new city. But the colonists had refused to listen, deeming the natives ignorant, and unaware of the virtues that this new city would bring to them!

Finally, the line in the sand was crossed when the colonists unintentionally destroyed a historic Mirinoian landmark. Since that day, the colonists and the natives had been in a constant power struggle with one another, each fighting for their respective vision of the planet.

And now, as Leo stared into Karone's dark eyes, he knew that civil war had become a serious option, and was possibly days away.

But Leo had always believed, that as a Power Ranger, it was his responsibility to defend what was just, and true in the universe. Not only that, but to defend those in need. And if Earth was in need, then it was his duty to be there, to protect and serve his home planet.

"Karone…" He said, his voice deep with intent. "What if it was K0-35?"

Leo could see the edge disappear from Karone's eyes. He hadn't wanted to strike low like that, but he needed her to see his point.

Disheartened, Karone crossed her arms. "What's this all about Leo? And who called you anyway?"

Leo turned away from her. He knew that she would have to learn eventually. He had just hoped it would have been after he left…

But deep inside, he knew that she deserved to know.

He sighed. "Your brother."

Even without looking at her, Leo could feel Karone's reaction, and mentally cringed. "Andros?? What does he need you for? Is he in some kind of trouble??"

Leo turned to face her. "It's something about a Zord being dug up on Earth's moon. I think he said it was…Centaur…Serva…"

Karone let her head fall into her right hand. She rubbed her eyes with her thumb and forefinger. "Serpentera. "Oh god Leo…not Serpentera…"

"Karone, you don't need to worry. I'll-"

"You're right."

Leo smiled, pleasantly surprised.

"You're the one who should be worried."

He looked down at his feet. Once again, she was right. There weren't many things that Andros would admit needing help with. Whatever this was, Leo knew it had to be something of incomparable proportions.

"I know Karone." He replied. "But you have to have faith in me. You have to have faith in Andros"

He looked into her eyes. "You do have faith in us, don't you?"

Her shoulders sank. "Of course I do Leo."

Leo turned back to his Quasar Saber. "Then you have to have faith that I will return."

She nodded. "Okay then."

The young man made sure that she didn't see the small grin appear on his face. The guilt trip method always worked. He gripped the Red Lion Quasar Saber.

"But don't say I didn't warn you."

The sound of steel scraping against stone echoed through the jungle, as Leo pulled the sword from the stone. As the light of the sun shined down upon the newly freed blade, it began to illuminate a bright red. Leo raised the Quasar Saber to the sky, preparing to receive the power.

"Go Galactic!" he shouted.

Karone looked on as the red energy instantaneously consumed the body of Leo Corbett, his entire form shining brightly across the Mirinoi forest.

Then, as the light recessed back into the saber, Leo was no more. In his place was a man clad in a red suit. A dark visor was centered on his red helmet, just above his silver mouth piece, and below the pair of lion eyes designed into the head piece. On his torso he wore a white vest, marked with a black diagonal design. In his white gloved hand he held the Lion Quasar Saber.

Leo Corbett morphed into the Red Galaxy Ranger.

Karone approached the Red Ranger, and hugged him tightly.

He chuckled. "Easy there. Remember, you have a boyfriend."

She laughed, and shoved Leo's helmet away at the reference to Zhane, Andros' best friend, and her longtime boyfriend.

The Red Galaxy Ranger put his hands on Karone's shoulders. "I'll be back Karone. I promise."

She nodded. "I wish I could be there with you."

Leo pounded his fist over his heart. "You will be. All of Mirinoi will be with me."

Karone smiled. "Good luck."

He nodded. "You too."

The Red Ranger backed off a few steps. He reached his hand into the air. "Jet Jammer!"

Seconds later, an airborne red cart whizzed through by the trees, and set down next to the Red Ranger. Leo hopped into his Jet Jammer, and gave Karone a quick salute with his index and middle fingers.

The young woman waved, and watched as the Red Galaxy Ranger sped off into space, on his way to Aquitar, to pick up another Ranger.

Karone crossed her arms, shaking her head.

"Andros, why are you such an idiot…?"

From space it was like a big blue ball. Like the kind the little Aqualings would play with. At this distance, Aurico, the Red Aquitar Ranger, could just barely make out all the outlines of the many underwater villages and cities, which housed most of the Aquitian race.

not alone in the ships slumberhold. Standing in the doorway was Delphine, and Aquitian like himself. Like all Aquitians, her head expanded into a brownish gold peak, scattered with purple brain cells all around. Unlike humans, Aquitian brains were far less fragile. They had to be, as seventy five percent of the average Aquitian's brain was outside its skull, which did not conceal the entire mind. A good twenty five percent of it actually protruded out the back of an Aquitian's head. Between her eyes was a small white crystal, which was where Aquitian thoughts originated. She wore her usual black and purple tunic, over a white undershirt.

"Beautiful isn't it?" she commented, her eyes focusing on the distant planet of Aquitar.

He looked back to the viewport. "Yes, it is. It is not often that we see it as we do now, from above.

Delphine stood next to her partner in the Aquitar Power Rangers. "Well, the risks of space travel are hardly worth it, don't you agree?"

Aurico nodded. He knew all too well the risks of an Aquitian traveling beyond its natural aquatic environment. Their race relied on clean and clear water from their home planet, and could not survive without it for extended periods of time. Aurico remembered that the longest he had ever gone without Aquitar water was when he and his fellow Rangers had traveled to Earth, a planet only 75% water, to assist Zordon and his Earth Rangers. Using Earth's natural bodies of water, they had been able to re-energize to a certain extent. They had risked their lives to protect a planet they knew very little of, and had no obligation to serve.

But the Aquitians had always been strict believers in the code of peace, and honor. As Power Rangers, it was their duty and responsibility to defend truth, justice, and peace in the universe, not just on their planet, but on all planets, no matter how great the distance. It was a code that Aurico took pride in following. And a code he would be enforcing once again in a short while.

Delphine turned to look at her partner. "You do realize the immense danger this mission puts you in?"

Aurico nodded. "I am aware that there is no hydrogen or oxygen on Earth's moon."

"You will not survive more than twenty four Earth hours."    

He frowned at her. "I am aware of the possible consequences of my actions Delphine. Do you oppose my intentions to help defend the Earth against the Machine Empire?"

She shook her head. "No my friend. But we all fear for your safety. We fear you will not return."

"It is my understanding that the Red Zeo Ranger is with them," He replied. "And that he and his partner have prepared adequate hydraulic resources for me on their ship."

She nodded. "Ah yes, the Red Zeo Ranger…He was once our ally and friend, but that does not alter the hazardous nature of the quest you are about to undertake."

"Then I ask you Delphine," Aurico said. "What would you do, had you been summoned?"

The female Aquitian was silent, thus, submitting her answer.

Suddenly, a bright green light coated the room, taking their attention from the viewport. Puzzled, Aurico's eyes darted in all different directions, searching for the source of the light.

Delpine placed a hand on Aurico's shoulder. "It is a signal from the Cargo Bay. Your Mirinoian ally must be close by."

The two Rangers hastily made their way down a corridor to the Cargo Bay of the Aquilles. 

The entrance to the Cargo Bay slid open, revealing a man just a bit shorter than Aurico. His blue eyes perched below mid length sandy colored hair, identified him as a human. He was fairly muscled, though when the Aquitar Rangers had first known him, he had looked much more youthful and developed. He was clad in black tunic, much like the ones the Rangers wore. Around his left wrist he wore a golden wedding band, the trademark symbol of an Aquitian life bond.

He nodded to them. "Hey guys, the Red Galaxy Ranger appears to be in range of our sensors. He should be here shortly."

Aurico nodded. "I'm sorry you can't come with me. I know how you must long to see your home planet again after all these years."

The man shrugged. "The important thing is that you stop Serpentera. There's no telling what the Machine Empire will do if they're allowed to use it on Earth. If they succeed, there's no doubt Aquitar will be in danger as well."

"I assure you I will not allow that to happen." He replied.

Together, the three watched the monitor, as the small red dot approaching the ship began

to grow larger, and take shape.

"By the way," the man said. "Say hi to Jason and Tommy for me."

Aurico smiled. "I will Billy.  I will."