As Serpentera stomped along the surface of the moon, the minds of the ten Red Rangers raced with desperation and fear.

Carter turned to his teammates. "Are we ready for this?"

"We have no choice in the matter." Aurico replied. "It must be stopped!"

"He's right." Tommy agreed. "It may not look like it, but we've got Venjix right where we want him!"

Andros looked to his partner. "I'll get Alpha to teleport me back to the Megaship. But there's no way I can pilot it by myself. I'll need a co-pilot…"

The Kerovan turned to the Red Turbo Ranger.

Under his helmet, T.J.'s jaw dropped. He hadn't seen this side of his old friend in years. Not since Ashley had been paralyzed.

The Red Space Ranger patted his friend on the shoulder. "How about it Teej? Feel like taking one more ride?"

Under his helmet, T.J. smiled. Regardless of how long it had been, he was just glad to have his friend back. "Let's Rocket!"

The two Red Rangers teleported through the oxygen field, passing by the gargantuan Serpentera, who drew closer by the second.

Jason punched Tommy in the shoulder. "Go for it, legend."

The Red Zeo Ranger nodded. "Alright guys, let's do it!"

Mentally crossing his fingers, Tommy raised his gloved hand in the air.

He'd hoped it wouldn't come to this, for more reasons than one. None of the Zeo Zords had been used in over six years. He hadn't mentioned it to Andros, Jason, any of the others, but he wasn't entirely sure that his Red BattleZord would still be operational…

Though he supposed now wasn't exactly the best time to mention it.

Raising his hand into the air, he called for it.  "Red BattleZord, power up!"

For a moment nothing happened, as the Red Zeo Ranger stood nervously waiting…

Not realizing he was holding his breath, Tommy let it go as a blinding flash of red light shined from above. He turned just in time to see the Red BattleZord passing through a portal spread out above the moon's.

Built to be operated specifically by Tommy, the Red BattleZord had once incorporated special Aquitian technology, linking the Zord to Tommy's brain patterns. Thus, the Red Zeo Ranger was allowed to control it telepathically. However, when the Zeo Rangers abandoned their old powers for the Turbo Powers, Tommy's connection to the Red BattleZord was severed. It now seemed to respond only to the power of the Star Zeo Sub-Crystal.

Transporting into the cockpit inside the head of the Red BattleZord, Tommy looked through its star shaped viewport. From the Zord's neck, its metallic body curled into a set of massive shoulders. Its forearms consisted of gold cannons, which were capable of launching its two red fists forward in a firing attack. At the end of its red and gold torso, the Red BattleZord's legs were thick and powerful. A hard enough step could shake the very foundation of the ground below them.

The Red Zeo Ranger took a few moments to re-establish himself with the controls. It had been a long time since he'd piloted one of these.

Or faced an opponent of this magnitude…

Reaching deep into the recesses of his Aquitian mind, Aurico called upon the weapon he'd bee using to defend the planet Aquitar from the forces of evil for over a millennium.

"Come old friend…" He whispered under his helmet. "Let us rise up, and defend righteousness once again."

Just as the words left his lips, the Red BattleBorg, trademark battle machine of the Red Aquitar Ranger, materialized just above the moon's orbit. Shaped almost in the form of a red armored knight, the Red BattleBorg's inner coating was a shining silver. Atop the silver however, was a bright red armor, which served as the Borg's primary shielding against attacks. The armor wrapped over the top of the Borg's head, but not so much that it concealed the face sculpted on the mighty machine.

It was a thing of pure technological beauty.

Given to he and the other Aquitar Rangers by the ancient warrior sage Ninjor, BattleBorgs were not to be confused with Zords. Though similar in technological buildup, the BattleBorgs were incapable of merging together to form a MegaZord. Ninjor had also linked the giant battle machines to their Aquitan minds, allowing them to control them telepathically, and off the battlefield. The downside to this however, was that as the Borgs sustained damage, so did their Ranger counterparts. It was a consequence that had nearly gotten him killed on a number of occasions over the years.

And in the condition he was in at the present time…

But he had known the risks coming in. And now was not the time to dwell on it.

Regardless, Aurico was not afraid to die…

Thrusting his Quasar Saber into the air, the Red Galaxy Ranger watched the blade glisten in the starlight.

"Lion Galactabeast, arise!"

Trying not to think about how the people of Mirinoi would react to the departure of one of their sacred Galactabeasts, Leo watched through his visor as the mighty Red Lion materialized in the distance, beginning a fierce charge toward it's master.

Linked with the legendary powers of the Quasar Sabers, the Galactabeasts were peaceful creatures by nature. But when peace was tarnished by the forces of evil, they always proceeded to live up to their namesake, defending all that was just and true in the universe.

But the Galactabeasts were far more than tamed animals. Clutching his Transdagger in his left   hand, Leo prepared to transform the Lion Galactabeast into something arguably much more powerful…

Jamming his Quasar Saber into the ground, Leo thrust the Transdagger up towards the charging Galactabeast. "GalactaZord, transform!"

In Leo's hand, the Transdagger instantly crackled with Red electricity. Moments later, a bright red beam fired from the tip of the weapon. Spreading out in width as it raced toward its target, the beam would eventually engulf the entire Lion Galactabeast.

As the light from the beam faded, the Lion Galactabeast was no longer there. In its place was the metallic form of the Lion GalactaZord.

As Leo teleported up into the cockpit of the might battle machine, he pushed all thoughts of Mirinoi from his mind. If he didn't concentrate on the here and now, there was little doubt in his mind that a war of a much grander scale would fall upon the universe…

Wes activated his Chrono Morpher. Once again, the future was now.

"Red Time Flier, transport!"

The Red Time Force Ranger crossed his arms in anticipation. Much like Leo, Wes wasn't quite sure how Time Force would react to the departure of one fifth of their Time Force MegaZord, without even a hint of notice.

He supposed they'd just have to get over it.

The wind from the oxygen field brushed against his helmet as Wes saw something all too familiar appear in the sky: a time hole. Time Force's method of sending air and spacecraft through the annals of the space time continuum, he and the other Ranger had frequently relied on them to summon their Zords when Ransik's evil mutants had threatened Silver Hills.

Thus, Wes felt a wave of déjà vu wash over him as the Red Time Flier soared through the time hole from the year 3001.

Unlike Zords of previous generations, Time Force had created the Time Fliers as small one-man jet fighter. Rather simple in it's appearance, the Red Time Flier looked to be merely a red and silver jet, with two forward blaster cannons, and tremendous maneuverability. However, the power that it boasted eclipsed that of any other jet from the 22nd Century, let alone the 21st.

Teleporting into the cockpit, Wes powered up the manual controls, steering his ship down toward the surface.

It was time to fly.

Under the helmet of the Quantum Ranger, Eric grinned a cocky grin. The talking was over. It was time he proved he wasn't just boasting.

Touching his Chrono Morpher, Eric called out to his most trusted ally. "Q-Rex, arise!"

At his command, the outline of the Quantasaurus Rex traced itself amongst the stars, as if it were a grand constellation. Moments later, a blink of flashing light signaled the arrival of the Q Rex. Hovering downward from the sky, the mighty Zord made a thunderous landing on the surface of the moon.

With a face sculpted to strike fear into the hearts of its evil prey, the Q-Rex had been built with an especially arched back, and legs closer to its tail. This allowed the Zord to charge forward at unparalleled velocities. This build also allowed the two blaster cannons extending from its shoulders to be carried with relative ease. The Zord's eyes glowed a bright yellow, in contrast to its body, colored mostly red, black, and silver. Its tail was covered in artificial metal scales, and tipped with a sharp red blade. As the silver teeth of the Q-Rex rhythmically chattered together, the mighty Zord charged forward.

Eric drew his Quantum Defender. When constructed by Time Force, the Zord had been fitted with a set of controls that allowed Eric to control it using the specialized weapon. However if necessary, the Quantum Ranger could man the Zord's cockpit himself, and assume control.

In this case, Eric preferred to stay as far away from the satanic Serpentera as possible. He knew all too well that this could very well be the final time that his beloved Q-Rex rose to battle…

But neither he, nor his Zord would go down without a fight.

Looking up at the Lion Galactabeast, and then down at the Blazing Lion emblem on his chest, Cole couldn't help but feel a bit awkward…

But he shrugged the thought away. He supposed two lions were better than one.

Besides, this was no ordinary Zord.

Reaching within the depths of his proud, fearless heart, Cole summed the power and wisdom of the animal spirit that had chosen him to be the Red Wild Force Ranger.  The very spirit that would speak to him, and guide him as he prepared to enter the very depths of Hades.

"Blazing Lion Wild Zord!"

Feeling the purity of the spirit of the Earth wash over him, Cole listen to his heart, hearing the raging roar of the lion inside.

Moments later, the Red Wild Force Ranger was joined by his kindred spirit, the Red Lion Wild Zord. Together, a Wild Zord and it's chosen one forged together in a bond unlike any other in the universe. For unlike traditional Zords, the Wild Zords of the Animarium were in a sense living creatures. Though still composed of metallic bodies, and controlled by their chosen Rangers, the Wild Zords carried with them the embodied spirit of the planet Earth. The possessed a certain pride, and purity that other Zords could never hold.

As the Red Wild Force Ranger transported into the cockpit of his Zord, the lion let out a fierce roar. Primarily colored red, with a dark underbelly, the Zord's most unique feature was arguably it's long, golden mane. It wasn't just a battle machine, it was a thing of beauty, one of the many masterpieces on God's great Earth.

Though Cole knew in his heart that Venjix, just like Orgs, held no regard for the Zord's purity or origin. Under his helmet, his teeth tightened.

The time for battle was now…


A startled Alpha 7 jumped as Andros and T.J. burst on to the bridge of the Astro Megaship Mark II. Both men took their respective positions at the controls.

"Ai yi yi!" the robot exclaimed. "Andros! T.J.! What are you doing back? Where are the other-"

"No time to explain Alpha," interrupted the Red Turbo Ranger, who was still visibly limping. "We just need to get this thing off the ground!"

As the Megaship's interior began to heat up, Andros called out to the vessel's main computer. "D.E.C.A., initiate Astro MegaZord Mark II transformation sequence!"

Next to the Red Space Ranger, Alpha shook his domed head. "Ai yi yi, I was afraid of this…"

As the ship lifted into the oxygen field, it's docking bay doors spread open. Moments later, a white space shuttle marked with the N.A.S.A.D.A. logo blazed up into the atmosphere.

As it's altitude increased, the Astro Megaship Mark II proceeded to tilt on a vertical axis, the ship's nose pointed straight down at the ground. From there, the ship's port and starboard sides proceeded to spread downward, moving into a position parallel with the ship's nose. The MegaZord's legs made a loud clanking sound as they locked into position. Next, two massive arms spread out from the center of the Megaship's remaining centerpiece. What was once a spaceship had now transformed into the headless body of a MegaZord.

It was then that the N.A.S.A.D.A. shuttle whirled around for a pass at the Megaship. A master plan devised by Zordon himself, the original Astro Megaship had been built especially to collaborate with the specialized N.A.S.A.D.A.'s space shuttle. The Megaships second mark was no different. From the viewport, Andros, T.J., and Alpha 7 watched as the underside of the shuttle opened up, letting the head of the MegaZord to fall into place.

As the shuttle and the Megaship united as one, D.E.C.A. made the official announcement. "Astro MegaZord Mark II, online."

Transporting into the pilot's seat, with Alpha at his left, Andros looked to his right. "Hit the thrusters T.J.." he commanded. "We've got a serpent to slay."

As two sets of flames burst from under the boots of the giant battle machine, the mighty   MegaZord rocketed along the path that the Rangers had taken earlier on the Galaxy Gliders. At the Astro MegaZord's superior size and speed, it wasn't long before the gigantic form of Serpentera grew closer over the horizon.

However, fate had given them an advantage. As the MegaZord flew in closer, the Rangers could see that they were coming up behind the gargantuan serpent. Thus, giving them an opportunity they couldn't afford to pass up. Obviously, the others had noticed as well. The other Zords were visibly hesitant to attack…

"Alpha," T.J. Called to his cybernetic ally. "Teleport Jason and Carter on board. Since they don't have Zords, they'll be safer up here with us."

The robot did as it was told, and within seconds, the Red Morphin Ranger and the Red Lightspeed Ranger materialized in the seats next to their partners.

"Whoa…" Jason exclaimed as he sat snug in his seat. "Is this the Megaship?"

Under his helmet, T.J. flashed his winning smile. "Think of it as an angry Megaship."

Andros looked back at his new co-pilots. "Hang on back there. "I'm locking the Astro MegaZord Blaster on Serpentera. With any luck we can get in quick surprise attack, and catch Venjix off guard."

At the Red Ranger's command, a long one handed blaster appeared in the MegaZord's right fist.

"Be careful Andros." Carter warned.

The Red Space Ranger locked the MegaZord's targeting computer on Serpentera's back. He knew he could end it all here. With one shot, he could take Serpentera down, and then they could leave this place. They could all go home, and be with their loved ones once again.

Andros thought of Ashley.

Taking a deep breath, he placed his finger on the trigger, waiting for just the right moment…

And then, they came face to face with hell itself.

Cursing himself, Andros jerked the controls to starboard as Serpentera's head twisted around. Alarms wailed inside the cockpit as the flames spewing from the Zord's mouth brushed against the MegaZord's torso. The giant battle machine swerved off course, twirling through the oxygen field. The Rangers braced themselves as the ground suddenly raced up at them through the viewport.

A thunderous boom echoed throughout the Sea of Tranquility as the Astro MegaZord landed flat on its metallic chest. The rocks and dust from the surface cluttered across the body of the giant battle machine as it screeched to a halt on the ground.

Serpentera let out a victorious roar as the defeated MegaZord lay motionless at its feet.

For a moment, there was no motion inside the cockpit. Andros mentally cursed himself. He'd waited too long. Had he pulled the trigger a split second earlier…

"Andros!" Tommy's voice suddenly blasted over the com link. "Jason! T.J.! Do you copy? Can you hear me down there?"

The Kerovan pushed himself up from the controls, more thankful than ever that Power Rangers wore helmets. He looked back toward his teammates.

T.J., luckily strapped into his seat, clutched his wounded knee. Though obviously in terrible pain, the Red Turbo Ranger appeared to be okay.

Jason flashed his partner a thumbs up as he pulled himself back into his seat. He glanced over his shoulder at Carter. "You alright kid?"

The Red Lightspeed Ranger nodded. "Yeah," he replied. "I'm fine. Are we still on fire?"

Andros shook his head. "No, it looks like the dust and debris from the ground put it out."

T.J. re-positioned himself at the controls. "It's gonna take a minute to get everything resituated. We might not get back on our feet for a few minutes…"

Andros sighed, not sure if they had a few minutes to spare. "Alright then.  Alpha, damage report?"

When silence responded, the four Rangers turned to the sport where their android assistant had been seated. Alpha 7's body lay motionless. Draped across the control panel, his front covering crushed, his inner workings had spilled all across the controls.

The robot's severed head lay at its feet.

"Guys…" Carter said, nervously. "This isn't a good start…"