"Fear not little vermin," Venjix said as he rose the three wrist blades above his antennaed head. "You will only be the first to die. Soon, not only your friends, but your entire population will join you."

Suddenly, there was a loud clanging sound, as Steelon went down.

Venjix jerked his head to the left. "What?"

It was a chance that Cole couldn't afford to pass up.

The young man kicked Leo's Transmorpher out of the evil general's hand, and pushed off into a kick that connected with Venjix's torso. Venjix swung the blades down, but Cole was already gone, sprinting to grab the Transmorpher from the ground.

Venjix looked to his left, and let out a snarl from his voice modulator. "You!" He grabbed Andros by the back of his jacket, and yanked him into the air. Switching grips, the evil robot held the Kerovan in the air by his throat. Andros coughed and gagged as his lungs struggled for air. Venjix shook his head in dismay, and pull back the blades back yet again…

Just then, two laser blasts exploded against the robot's torso. The evil general dropped Andros, and looked to see Carter and Jason rushing out to meet their adversaries. The other Rangers rushed close behind. But on their heels, Venjix's wounded army limped in chase.

"Eric!" Cole shouted to the Quantum Ranger, the last man out of the base. "The control panel!"

Eric's head swung to the right, and shot a quick jump kick into the control panel. He quickly was able to somersault under the falling door as it came crashing down. There was a loud creaking sound as three Cogs were crushed under its weight.

Tezzla grabbed Venjix by the shoulder. "General! All the other entrances are sealed! Our troops are trapped inside the base!"

Venjix looked to see his opposition standing before him. They were only thing standing between the Machine Empire, and Serpentera orchestrating the destruction of Earth. Ten Red Rangers, ten opposing vermin.

The ten human beings were tired, out of breath, and fatigued. The heat of battle had taken its toll on their bodies, but not their hearts. And as long as their human hearts still beat, they would be fighting for the Earth.

"Well then, Venjix growled. "I suppose we'll have to destroy them ourselves."

Jason looked to Tommy. "Well, what are we waitin' for?"

The ten men looked to one another, and nodded.

It was time to turn on the power.

"It's morphin' time!" Jason Lee Scott called.

From his back pocket, the original Red Ranger pulled out his Power Morpher. Inside the silver and red device was the Tyrannosaurus Power Coin, an artifact he thought he'd never hold again. Gripping the morpher in his hand, he thrust his arms forward.

"Tyrannosaurus!" He shouted.

Jason morphed into the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

The Red Ranger's body quivered as the electricity soared through his body. Instantly, he was transported back to the glorious days of his youth. His visor, shaped in the form of a roaring Tyrannosaurus, and his chest, gloves, and boots were lined with red and white diamonds.

It was time to step up one last time.

"Red Morphin Ranger!"

Aurico pulled his fist back against his chest.

"Red Aquitar Ranger power!"

Aurico morphed into the Red Aquitar Ranger.

Feeling the sheathed sword behind his back, Aurico's helmet had a golden plate perched above a rectangular visor. Over his chest was a white and gold V, with the black outline of a lightning bolt over his Aquitian heart.

He was fully aware of the risk of what he was attempting to do. But nonetheless, he knew it was his duty as a Power Ranger to protect the universe from the forces of evil.  And now, once again, he found himself putting his very life on the line to protect the Earth.

"Red Aquitar Ranger!"

Tommy's body was alive with electricity, as the adrenaline soared through his nerves.

Now the time had come.

"It's morphin' time!"

Flicking both his wrists, Tommy watched the Zeonizers materialize on his wrists. Holding them to the sky, he united them together as one.

"Zeo Ranger Five, Red!"

Tommy morphed into the Red Zeo Ranger.

Through his star shaped visor, Tommy once again saw the world through the eyes of a Power Ranger. The white and gold lined upon the chest of his red suit glistened in the light of the stars.

In this moment, Tommy Oliver was home.

"Zeo Ranger Five, Red!"

Gripping his new key in his right hand, Theodore J Jarvis Johnson flicked his left wrist. His brand new Turbo Morpher materialized instantaneously.

"Shift into Turbo!"

T.J. placed his key into the slot on his morpher, and turned it. The key and the morpher instantly charged into a bright red electricity, that engulfed his body.

"Red Lightning Turbo Power!"

T.J. morphed into the Red Turbo Ranger.

It all seemed so surreal. T.J. looked over to Tommy, remembering the day he had selected him to take his place as the leader of the Turbo Rangers. He'd been so honored, so proud of the new gift he'd been given. But when his powers had been destroyed, he couldn't help but feel like he had failed Tommy.

But now, the Red Turbo Ranger was back. His helmet made to look like the front end of a car, and his red suit, designed to resemble a chrome surface, T.J. clenched his gloved fist.

"Red Turbo Ranger!"

Andros' eyes were flames of violent anger and rage as his body tensed. Long ago, someone had told him that it was impossible to get blood from a stone…

But the Kerovan silently swore to himself that on this day, he would get blood to flow from steel. He had to, for himself, for the Earth…

…and for Ashley.

"Let's Rocket!" he called. He opened his Astro Morpher, and punched in 3-3-5.

Andros morphed into the Red Space Ranger.

Andros clenched his teeth for a moment, listening to the hiss of his breathing inside his helmet. Staring through his visor at Steelon, he knew the time to take his revenge was now.

"Red Space Ranger!"

For a brief moment, Leo Corbett's mind clicked to his friends on Mirinoi. Venjix's words had left a hole in his heart. The worst part was that deep down, the evil general may have been right about the settlers. And if he was, Leo's entire quest as a Power Ranger was nothing but sheer hypocrisy.

But now was not the time for that.

Leo pressed the activation button on his Transmorpher.

"Go Galactic!"

Leo morphed into the Red Galaxy Ranger.

Feeling the power of the Red Quasar Saber flowing through him, Leo stood ready for battle.

"Galaxy Red!"

"Lightspeed Rescue!"

Carter opened his Rescue Morpher, and let the power engulf his body.

Carter morphed into the Red Lightspeed Ranger.

As he stood on the moon's rocky surface, once again a Power Ranger, Carter's thoughts dwelled on his Father. Although Captain Mitchell had taught him how to be a hero, and Tommy had taught him how to be a Power Ranger, his father had taught him how to be a man.

This was for him.

"Red Ranger, Rescue Ready!"

Wes glanced down at his Chrono Morpher, a device not meant for this time period. His powers had come from the future, the year 3000, an era otherwise unimaginable in their time. As a Time Force Ranger, Wes had come to learn so much about man's future.

But if they failed here and now, man had no future.

He activated his Chrono Morpher.

"Time for Time Force!"

Wes morphed into the Red Time Force Ranger.

Comprised of the colors red, white, and black, the Red Time Force Ranger's helmet had a triangular visor, with a larger triangular pattern on his chest.

The future was once again in his hands.

"Red Time Force Ranger!"

Eric Meyers was not a people person. He remembered one of his second grade report cards had even said: "Does not play well with others." For him, that was all well and good. Eric liked going it alone. It was just his style.

But he knew that this was something he could never accomplish alone. Only working together with Wes, Cole, Carter, and the rest of his newfound allies could the Earth be saved.

And he supposed that too, was all well and good.

He activated his Chrono Morpher.

"Quantum Power!"

Eric morphed into the Quantum Ranger.

Eric's costume was quite similar to Wes', in that the design was nearly the same, except that Eric's was mostly red and black. On his belt was his Quantum Defender gun.

"Quantum Ranger!"

Cole breathed a sigh in anticipation of the battle to come. He looked over to his new teammates, his brothers in red. For years these men had carried on the legacy of the Power Rangers, a legacy that had begun when Cole was only a child.

But now he was here with them, a part of that legacy. And to him, here was no greater honor than to be called a hero.

Cole reached into his pocket and pulled out his Growl Phone Morpher.

"Wild Access!"

Cole morphed into the Red Wild Force Ranger.

Cole's outfit was comprised of a lion shaped helmet, and was lined with white and gold. His gloved fingers were tipped with red claws.

"Red Wild Force Ranger!"

The five Machine Empire generals stood their ground. "Ten Red Rangers…" Vennjix growled. "How ironic, that the blood that will soon spatter across the moon rocks will be as red as the costumes they wear…"

The Red Zeo Ranger looked back at his teammates. "Alright guys, we're here to save the Earth. Let's do it!"

With that, the ten Red Rangers charged their adversaries. Suddenly, the Sea of Tranquility wasn't so tranquil anymore…


Venjix motioned with his fingers for Cole to come forth. "Come on little vermin, show me what you've got…"

Cole nodded his helmet, and scratched his claws against the rough, coarse ground. He took off in a sprint for his adversary, listening the wind cut around his body.

The Red Wild Force Ranger leapt into a flying kick that targeted Venjix's torso, but the evil general threw a kick of his own up that connected with Cole's chest. He felt his chest heave as his forward momentum was cut off. His body slumped to the ground. Venjix swung down with his blades, but Cole did a reverse somersault, and the robot made contact with the ground. The young man then kipped up, and executed a cyclone kick that Venjix ducked under. Cole swung downward with his claws, but the evil general blocked the blow, and hit his opponent with a body shot that knocked the Red Wild Force Ranger to the ground. Venjix tried the blades again. Cole caught the evil general's fist just before it made contact. Through his visor, he could see the razor sharp tips pressing down upon him.

Suddenly, Cole caught sight of the Red Morphin Ranger soaring above them. Jason hit a flying kick on Venjix, and then kicked off his opponent's body with the opposite foot. Venjix staggered backward, gripping his chest.

Jason looked back to Cole. "Hang back rookie, let me show you how it's done!"

Under his helmet, Cole grimaced. There was that word again…

The Red Morphin Ranger took off into a run, and leapt into the air, using his powers to levitate into a spinning torpedo kick that sent sparks flying from Venjix's torso.

Moments later, the evil general lay motionless on the ground.

Cole stood in awe as Jason walked over to Venjix's dormant figure. He shook his head. "Still number one!"

Suddenly, Venjix swung upward with his blades. Slashing Jason across the stomach. The Red Morphin Ranger screamed as his body spun around from the force of the attack, sparks flying.

The evil general stood up. "Yes…my number one victim."

Just then, Cole leapt into the air and tackled the leader of the Machine Empire. The Red Wild Force Ranger instantly jammed the claw of his right thumb into Venjix's left visual modifier. He felt a bit of voltage surge through his hand as the evil general's face crackle with electricity.

Venjix arched his knees up into Cole's lower back, and then scraped his blades down Cole's body. The Red Ranger howled in pain, his chest and stomach feeling as if they were on fire. He wrapped himself into a protective ball, as Venjix felt his metallic face. It didn't take long for the evil general to realize that his left visual modifier was no longer functional.

"You sick disease bag…" Venjix muttered. He reached his hand to his right hip, and dragged a long black sword from a hidden compartment on his waist,

The evil general looked to Jason, who was slowly rising to his feet. "Give it up Ranger. I'm more powerful than your human mind could ever possibly conceive."

Under his helmet, Jason growled. "So swordplay is your game huh?" With those words, the Red Morphin flicked his gloved wrist. Instantaneously, a sword of his own appeared in his right hand. The Red Power Sword, decorated with a red grip, and the Tyrannosaurus insignia etched just below the blade.

"Alright then," he said, gripping the sword tight, and focusing on the opponent standing before him. "Let's play."

Jason charged the evil general. Venjix held his sword in his right hand, and let his left wield his three protruding blades.

Venjix swung down with the sword, but Jason blocked, and ducked a left hook. The Red Ranger jabbed at Venjix's knee, but the robot blocked it with his blades. Jason then shot in a kick to the stomach. Venjix staggered backward a bit, but then pushed off into a curved swipe with his blades and sword respectively. Jason rolled out of dodge, and quickly used his powers to charge up the sword. A bright red light illuminated from the Tyrannosaurus insignia spread up the blade. Even through his suit, Jason could feel the heat emitting from the weapon. Crying out with a "Hi Yah!" Jason swung the sword downward.

There was a small explosion as Power Sword severed the blades on Venjix's left wrist.

Smoke emitted from the robot's left wrist as he looked it over with his good eye. Crying out in an emotionless battle cry, Venjix swiped his sword upward, cutting the Red Ranger diagonally across his chest.

Jason readied himself for another attack, when Cole touched him on the shoulder. "Feel like teaming with a rookie?"

The Red Morphin Ranger looked down to see his partner's Crystal Saber in his gloved hand. He hesitated for a brief second, but then nodded. "Sure. Two Rangers will always be better than one!"

Venjix wobbled a bit, slightly unsteady from the damage he'd sustained. Yet he still motioned for the Rangers to come forth.

Jason and Cole did not wait long to oblige him. The two Red Rangers charged forward. Venjix blocked two respective shots, and then swiped his weapon across their stomachs. The two men flew backward, but sucked it up to perform two downward swipes simultaneously. The evil robot overhead blocked the two swords, but Jason and Cole held the blow down, testing the strength of General Venjix. The combined effort of both men seemed to be enough to overpower the robot. But Venjix surprised the two men by suddenly charging his sword. The electric current from the sword transferred from Venjix's weapon to the Rangers', and resulted in an explosion that sent all three opponents to the ground.

Cole breathed hard under his helmet. Even with the protection of his powers, Venjix was beginning to live up to his own words…

Jason helped Cole up. "C'mon kid," he urged. "Don't quit on me!"

The Red Wild Force Ranger shook his head adamantly. "No way!"

The two Red Rangers charged their swords, the bright red glow lighting up the dull gray surface of the moon. As they did so, Venjix charged his own weapon, and shot a beam of black energy toward his opponents. Uniting their weapons into an X formation, the Rangers blocked the blast. But oddly, the black glow did not die. Jason and Cole looked on in are as the black seemed to merge with the red, and form one large pulsating power surge between the swords.

Jason and Cole looked at one another.

"Whenever you're ready old timer." Cole said, nodding.

"How 'bout now Neptune boy?"

The two Red Rangers thrust their swords forward, shooting the beam straight toward Venjix. There was a gigantic explosion as the power was released, and hit the leader of the Machine Empire head on.

As the smoke cleared, and the dust and rubble settled, there was no sign of General Venjix. Jason and Cole each breathed a sigh of relief. Venjix was gone, and the Earth was safe at last.

Through his visor, Cole eyed the Red Morphin Ranger. All that he'd ever wanted from Jason was a little respect. After all, he'd grown to admire him so much over the past forty eight hours.

He only hoped that after this fight, Jason had grown to admire him too.

Cole looked over to his partner. "Nice job Jason."

Jason nodded to Cole. "Yeah rookie, you-"

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound beneath the rubble.

"You sniveling little humans…" Venjix growled, fighting his way out of the mess. "You just can't understand…that I am invincible!"
