Disclaimer: Saban owns all the Power Ranger type stuff and I haven't asked to use it! 

Author Note: The Samurai Rangers, Power Force, Armageddon, the Samurai Zords and all the other stuff in here was created by me. If you ever want to use it in anything, just let me know. Once again, all feedback is appreciated from anyone. Thanx.

Time Scale: This takes place the day after 'Prisoners Of War.'

Purple No More
By Matt

Sara woke up suddenly, she had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. She got out of bed and ran to the door, then went straight to the quarters next to her own. She opened the door and looked in. A relieved expression spread across her face as she saw her parents lying in their bed. She had been scared that the previous day had been nothing more than a dream, but it wasn't. It had really happened, she really had her parents back.

She started to go back to her own room, but didn't have to walk all the way. Suddenly she just reappeared back on her own bed. 'That was weird!' she thought to herself. 'I don't remember activating my teleporter. Must have been a natural reflex or something!'

Glad to be back in bed regardless, she lay back down and closed her eyes, going back to sleep for a few more hours.

Later that morning, almost everyone was gathered together having breakfast. The place had never seemed that happy before. It had always been just the Samurai Rangers sat together in there. Now they had their families. Matt was last to arrive. He walked in with Mark at his side, holding his hand. The little boy looked nervous. He was quite outgoing and friendly, but meeting people for the first time was always difficult. Matt was surprised that he, and in fact all of the other ex-prisoners, were getting on so well. They hardly even seemed bothered about their previous incarceration.

Kane, Sara and their parents were sitting at one table with Niko and his little brother. Lucy was sitting with Michelle and her parents. Lee was with his Mom, Chad and Mike. Finally, there was Louise, who sat alone at a table.

Matt walked over to her and sat his brother down beside her, then took the seat next to him. The White Samurai could see the surprised look on Louise's face, so he decided to introduce them to each other.

"Louise, this is Mark. Mark, this is Louise, she's a really good friend of mine." Matt explained.

"Hi Louise!" he said, all inhibitions he had about meeting her melting away instantly.

"Hi Mark." Louise smiled at the boy. She looked over at Matt.

"You looked a little lonely!" he said quietly.

"Yeah, I guess I do feel kinda left out." Louise said, putting on a brave face.

"Hey, I know it must be hard. This must all be reminding you about your own family!" Matt said, "But remember, we're still all here for you, now there's just. . . more of us!"

Louise chuckled slightly and said, "Yeah. Yeah you're right."

Suddenly they both looked down at Mark. He had stopped listening to their conversation and had become engrossed in something else.

"What are you doing?" Matt asked him.

He finished pushing the food around on his plate and said, "Look, I made a face!"

They both looked down and saw the food arranged into shape of a face. They started laughing at it and Mark soon joined in.


Crush was starting to lose track of time. Day after day she did exactly the same thing. She walked the same way to Armageddon's chamber, at exactly the same time, stood in exactly the same place and gave near enough the same report. It was really starting to bore her now. With Ultima, hardly a day had gone by where they hadn't gone into battle. At least she had something different to report today, even if it wasn't good news.

She stood there and didn't even wait for his command today, she just went straight into the report. She didn't care that the report would put him in a bad mood. In fact, she looked forward to it. At least it wouldn't be boring.

"The Rangers infiltrated the prison camp and destroyed the guard you placed there. They rescued their families and escaped. When I faced Power Force, they destroyed both of my swords, and they also destroyed every drone in the place." She commented.

"Good!" Armageddon said sharply. "That is all good news!"

"But. . . but how is it good news?" she asked, astounded by his response.

"Those Drones were useless, and your swords were mere replicas. Had you been armed with the real things, you would not have been defeated." Armageddon explained.

"But how about their families? I thought we were going to use them to blackmail the Rangers into giving up their powers." She commented.

"Now why ever would I want to do that? I want them to have their families back!" Armageddon said, a strange tone in his voice.

Crush didn't even bother asking what he meant any more. He would always tell her she would find out eventually, or he would tell her to stop asking questions. She walked out of the room. She hadn't been given any orders yet, so she stopped and asked, "Do you wish me to attack the Rangers yet? Several of your creations are nearly ready. An extra burst of Power and they can be on the battlefield within the hour!"

"Why not!" Armageddon said, hardly even bothered about it. "Send Sasuke."

"Yes Sir!" she said, before leaving the room.

The door slammed behind her. "That pathetic monster doesn't stand a chance, but at least it will give me the time I need to recover. I just need to keep the Rangers busy a little longer so I can fully recharge my Power." He said to nobody in particular. However, had he actually been concentrating, he would have known about the eavesdropper. As soon as Armageddon had finished talking, the large figure scrambled back through down ventilation shaft.

The Black and Purple Rangers stood back to back, facing the oncoming hordes of creatures. Their parents stood watching from a safe distance, so the two Samurai's didn't have to worry about them. A Drone charged at Kane, but moments later lay on the ground, chopped clean in half by one of his Shadow Sabers.

Swiping her Searcher Staff low and then high, the Purple Ranger swept two Piranhatrons off their feet then smashed a Tenga round the head. As a larger monster approached Kane, he charged up one of his Swords and swiped it. The monster fell to the ground and exploded.

Sara jumped away from her brother and delivered a flying kick to a Cog. It was stood at the front of a line of them, and as it fell backwards, it knocked all the others to the ground too. She turned and punched a Drone in the stomach, followed by an elbow to the back as it doubled over.

The Black Samurai activated his Samurai armor and continued fighting. As he saw a large group of foot soldiers approaching, he saw his opportunity. A blade emerged from each forearm and he floated off the ground. He suddenly sped across the ground and swiped the blade into the assortment of henchmen. There was a flurry of feathers, wires and blood as they were all cut up by the attack. He didn't even need to turn for a second attack.

"I think that's all of them!" Sara called out.

"Right, let's Power down!" Kane ordered. They both deactivated their powers and started to head for their parents.

"Kane, look out!" Sara screamed as she saw a drone running at him. He turned round but it was too late for him to defend himself.

"NOOO!" Sara called out, attempting to reach the Drone, but she was too far away. Suddenly, the drone just blew apart.

Kane just stood there in shock. "What the hell happened to it? I didn't do anything!" he said, astounded.

"I think. . . I did it!" Sara said, confused by it all.

"How?" Kane asked.

"I don't know." She answered. "I just got a sudden feeling of Power and imagined the Drone exploding, and then it happened!"

"Hey, are you two alright?" their Mom asked as she approached them.

"That was pretty impressive!" their Dad added.

"Don't worry, we're fine." Kane insisted.

"I'm glad you liked it, trying to change the subject away from what had just happened.

"Yeah, but we have to go now. We got some Ranger business to sort out." Kane commented, leading Sara away. "Computer, end program." The area disappeared, replaced by the four walls of the Simulation Room.

"Okay, but can you send us down to the City. If that's where we're going to live, we should at least look around!" their Mom said.

"Live there? I thought you were going to live here!" Sara said quickly.

"Come on, Sara. We're a family now. We need our own home." Their Mom commented.

"But. . ." Sara started, but Kane lead her away.

"We'll talk about this later, right now we have something to do." Kane said as they went out of the room. "Alpha, teleport my parents down to the New Angel Grove please."

Alpha didn't answer, instead, the two adults just teleported away. "Kane, why didn't you tell them we don't want to move? This is our home now!" Sara said, upset.

"Look, I'm not gonna say this again. We've gotta get you checked out. From what happened, it seems your Powers may be effecting you when you're not morphed or something. How else do you explain that Drone?" Kane insisted. Without letting her say another word, they went to the Power Chamber.

"Zordon, I need your help with something." Kane said, as the Purple and Black Samurais entered the Power Chamber. When they got there, they saw Alpha running a scanner over Matt. "Something wrong?" he asked.

"No. They're just checking me out to try and find out what happened to me the other day against Jaxir!" Matt explained.

"And I think I have determined the cause!" Zordon added. "Kane, whatever you needed me for, can it wait until later. I must explain this to the others."

"Sure, it's not urgent." Sara commented, stepping in front of her brother.

"Very well. Please call the rest of the Rangers, Alpha." Zordon instructed.

Minutes later, the rest of the Rangers, even Sean, were stood in the Power Chamber, waiting to be told what was going on.

"I have gathered you all here to explain the cause of boost in the White Ranger's Powers." Zordon said.

"Did you really need us all here for that? Surely it just effects Matt!" Sean said bluntly, making it obvious he didn't want to be there.

"No. Ultimately, it may effect you all!" Zordon said. Now that got their attention. They all looked on eagerly, awaiting his explanation.

"I believe it is time to explain to you the origin of your Powers." Zordon said. They all started to make themselves comfortable. They knew that when Zordon explained something like this, it could be quite long and detailed. "Many millennia ago, before the Morphin grid had even been thought of, there existed a single being of Light in a Universe of Darkness. She was unknown to the evil, just as her own power was unknown to herself. Over the centuries, she started to discover her monumental Power and use it against the darkness. She started to take over world after world, cleansing every being on those worlds of evil and using her own Power to create the side of light.

When the darkness discovered who and what she was, they attacked her. She was severely injured, but not yet beaten. She picked the ten most powerful beings from the worlds she had saved and passed on her mission, and her Powers to them. They became the Samurai Rangers. Using her gift to them, the Samurai Rangers fought back against the darkness, and although it took several lifetimes, they were victorious. The Darkness was beaten. It had not been destroyed, they knew such a feat was not even possible. Satisfied they had done all they could, they gave up their Powers and left them in a place where they could remain safe from evil.

However, centuries later, when the forces of darkness started to grow in secret, they caught the Rangers off guard and powerless. They were destroyed and once again, the Universe was there for the taking. But the Samurai Power would not allow the Universe to return to the darkness. It created a race of beings to combat the evil, a race known as the Morphin' Masters. But in doing so, they also created the evil Morphin' Masters. This lead to the first of the Great Morphin' Wars, a war fought for control of the very Samurai Powers themselves.

The Morphin' Masters claimed the Samurai Powers and activated them, thus becoming the Samurai Rangers. Using all their Power, the Morphin' Masters defeated the evil Masters and the first of the Morphin' Wars was over. The Masters gave up the Samurai power until it was needed again, but discovered a strange side effect. The Power had given them the ability to create their own Rangers. They could never hope to be as powerful as the Samurai Rangers, but they were a truly formidable force.

When the dark forces once again grew, the Morphin Masters did not take their role as Samurai Rangers. Instead, they used their own Rangers. They seemed to be winning, but the Evil Morphin' Masters captured the Samurai powers and used them. This was the start of the second Great Morphin' Wars. Although the Rangers fought valiantly against the now evil Samurais, they were outmatched and outpowered. That was when the Samurai Powers started to take over. They attacked their new owners and eventually freed themselves from the Dark side's control, but not before the Dark Masters could sabotage them.

The Evil Masters placed a spell over the Samurai Powers, allowing their users to access only a fraction of the true Power. Using the weakened Samurai powers and the Rangers created by the Morphin' Masters, the second Morphin' War was won.

Now wanting to risk the Dark ones taking the Samurai Power once again, the Morphin' Masters kept the Samurai Powers, and slowly realized the sabotage was repairable, but only by the correct being.

When the Dark Morphin' Masters appeared once again and started the third Morphin War, they were actually victorious. Some of the Morphin Masters were destroyed and they retained the Samurai Powers. That was when I was given the Samurai powers to guard until they were once again needed.

Now, to explain the surge in the White Ranger's powers, I believe Matt is one of those destined to hold the Samurai Power, and as such, is the only one capable of restoring its full Power. I believe the Ultra Samurai transformation is only the beginning. If you keep control of the Powers and continue to let them grow stronger, their full Power should be destroyed. However, I can not explain why it has chosen now to begin." Zordon finished.

"Maybe it knew it was needed!" Lee said. They all looked round at him. "Well from what you said, it would seem the Power knows when it is needed. When it happened, we were near enough beaten, Matt was virtually dead and Jaxir was nearly unbeatable. It just seems strange that it should happen then, just when it was needed the most."

"I believe you may be correct." Zordon said to the Green Samurai.

"So how about the rest of us? Nothing's happened to us! What does that mean?" Kane asked.

"Maybe it means we're not the true holders of the Samurai Powers!" Sean commented.

That caused an uproar. Most of them disagreed, but they all considered the possibility.

"That is not necessarily true. Perhaps it was ready to happen in you all, but the tremendous stress on Matt's body and mind was the catalyst for it. We will just have to wait and see what happens, but I assure you Matthew, whatever it was that started two days ago, it is not over yet!" Zordon said.

They all had questions to ask, but they never got the chance. The alarms started going off and they all rushed to the view screen to see what the problem was. As Alpha activated the scanners, they saw an image of a monster appear. He was quite short, but he didn't look any less nasty because of it. He had large wings on his back and he wore a green bandana. He was dressed in light green armor and carried a long staff in one hand.

"I guess we'd better get going." Kane said. "And we'll get you checked over when we get back." He whispered to his sister. "LET'S SAMURIZE!"











They were gone in seconds, leaving Zordon and Alpha to merely watch the events taking place on the View Screen.

"Hey you, what do you think you're doing?" Kane called out to the monster.

"Actually, I'm not doing anything." He answered. He was right, he was just stood there, not even moving. "And my name's Sasuke, not hey you!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry Sasuke! Next time I'll ask Armageddon for a formal introduction before we destroy his minions!" Niko called out sarcastically.

"Destroy me? Is that what you're here to do?" Sasuke asked.

"Well that's usually the idea. Bad guy sends monster, Rangers fight monster, Rangers destroy monster!" the Silver Ranger replied.

"Oh now that is a shame. I do so hate to break traditions." Sasuke commented, almost sounding genuinely disappointed.

"Well don't start crying just yet, you haven't defeated us!" Niko said.

"I guess I'd better get started then." Sasuke said. He raised his staff and looked at the group of Rangers. Quickly assessing the situation he realized Kane was his first target. Take them out in order of command. Without a leader, they would be easier to defeat.

He ran forward and thrust his staff into Samurai Black's stomach. He raised the staff and threw Kane through the air and onto the ground behind him. He turned round and jumped towards Kane as he started to get up. A quick leg sweep and the Ranger was back down on the ground, leaving him vulnerable to a blast of energy from his eyes. Kane was hit straight on by the blast and stopped moving.

Sasuke was about to turn back to the other Rangers when he was blasted in the back. He too was thrown through the air, but he never hit the ground. While he was still in the air, he started to flap his wings and floated soared up into the sky. He shot a blast from his eyes at the group of Rangers below and they flew in every direction from the resulting explosion.

The Silver Ranger was first to his feet. He brought out his Star Laser and fired. The massive blot of silver energy shot into the sky and hit Sasuke's left wing. The monster tried to retain his altitude using just one wing but he soon found himself spiraling towards the ground. He soon found a way to turn it to his advantage. Using his working wing, he steered himself towards the group of Rangers and crashed into them.

Chad and Sean took the brunt of it and didn't seem to be moving about much. Sasuke clambered to his feet amongst the Rangers and held up his staff. It started glowing green. He turned to see Matt and Lucy both coming at him with their weapons held high. He swung it at the White Ranger and immediately followed through with the same move on Lucy. Sparks flew from their protective suits and they collapsed to the ground.

"Regroup!" Louise called out. The remaining Rangers, Red, Pink, Purple, Silver and Green, all stood together awaiting Louise's command. "Activate your armor." She ordered them.

"SAMURAI ARMOR!" they all called out. Their suits seemed to transform into metal plated versions, growing much larger.

"Now, blast him." Louise shouted. They all raised their hands and pointed them at Sasuke, palms forward. The blasters built into their hands fired at the monster, every one of them striking him directly.

In a shower of sparks, he fell to the ground, but he wasn't beaten yet. A bolt of green lightning hit him from the sky and rejuvenated him, even his wing healed. Crush appeared next to him and called out, "You'll have to do better than that."

"You want better, we can do better!" Louise called to her. "Guys, Charge attack." She said through the communicators in their helmets.

As they all prepared for the attack, Crush saw what was about to happen. Just as they charged at Armageddon's two minions, they jumped high into the air. The five Rangers passed harmlessly underneath them. Crush thrust her hand out, commanding some hidden power and a bolt of green lightning struck the Rangers where they had stopped.

They landed and watched the Rangers falling to the ground, injured by one of Crush's favorite and most devastating moves. But some of them were still moving. The Red and Purple Samurais clambered to their feet.

"You take Sasuke. The bitch is mine!" Louise snarled. She brought out her Scorcher Axe and jumped over to Armageddon's second in command. She swiped several times at the evil warrior, but she kept dodging the attacks. Crush held out her hand and the green lightning appeared again, but this time it struck her hand and a sword appeared. Its blade resembled the lightning that had spawned it. When the Red Samurai tried to plunge her axe into Crush, she raised her sword and blocked it.

Sara stood face to face with Sasuke. He held out his hand and the staff he had used earlier reappeared. He held it in a fighting position and looked at the Ranger.

"Big deal, I've got one too!" Sara sneered as she made her Searcher Staff appear in her hands. The two circled each other for a moment, both waiting for the other to make the first move. Eventually, Sasuke stepped forward and swung his staff at Sara's feet. She jumped over it and simultaneously hit Sasuke on the side of his head with her own weapon. Sasuke shook it off and attacked again. This time he went for her head. She ducked the attack and knocked his feet out from underneath him with her weapon.

Sasuke started to get angry. He rolled backwards onto his feet and walked away slightly, then without warning, he charged at her. Instead of attacking her, he plunged the end of his staff into the ground and vaulted himself over the Purple Samurai. As he landed he kicked her in the back and she stumbled forward.

Without turning round, Sara put her hand over her shoulder, palm pointed towards Sasuke and fired. The blast hit him, but it only stunned him. However, that was what she had planned. She turned and ran at him. As she built up speed, the right foot of her armor started to glow. She put the end of her staff into the ground in front of him and held onto it as the staff stood upright. Holding onto it, she spun around it and her glowing foot struck him in the chest. In a massive explosion he was thrown backwards and blew apart as he landed.

"Don't mess with the Purple Samurai!" she said to him, celebrating her victory. She looked over to see how Louise was doing. Crush was stood over the Red Samurai, ready to strike at her.

"NO!" Sara shouted. She put her hand out in front of her and blasted Crush with the laser in her palm. She flew clear of the Ranger and Sara ran over to help Louise back to her feet. "Louise, Louise can you hear me?" Sara asked, shaking her ally.

She got no response. The temporary Samurai Leader was out cold. Sara looked around again at the rest of the Rangers, but they were all still down. Suddenly, the sky shimmered with color as some kind of shield appeared. It looked just like the one that had stopped the Shinobi Rangers teleporting away when they faced the Dark Rangers.

"Zordon, this is Sara. Can you teleport us away?" she asked, hoping to escape the situation.

"I'm sorry Sara. Armageddon has placed a shield around your area. Unless you can get yourself and the others out of its range, you are on your own." Zordon said back. "Alpha is searching for a way to penetrate it as we speak."

"Right, I'll try and hold out." Sara said back bravely. She looked round for Crush and didn't like what she saw. Instead of coming after her, the evil warrior was going after some of the fallen Rangers, hoping to finish them off.

"Hey, aren't you forgetting someone?" Samurai purple shouted out, hoping to get Crush's attention.

"Oh I didn't forget you, little girl. I just couldn't be bothered with someone so insignificant." Crush called back.

Sara was furious at the reply. She hated being called a little girl, especially from someone like that. "Yeah, well this little girl may not be quite as insignificant as you think." Sara called back.

"What are you going to do, threaten to tell your Mommy?" Crush sneered.

Now Sara was too mad to even speak, but she didn't react. Suddenly, she felt something take control of her very being, but it wasn't in a bad way. She gave in to the calming influence that gripped her and let it take over.

The Purple Samurai waved her arm and the nine fallen Samurai's disappeared. Next, she held both of her hands out in front of her, palms down and started to raise them. As they raised, so too did a large piece of the ground to either side of Crush. Sara turned her hands and the two colossal pieces of rock turned, so that the smooth sides now faced each other with Crush in the middle.

The dark warrior wasn't stupid, she could see what was coming, and managed to teleport away just before they slammed together. She waved her arm again and the shield disappeared, that was when Sara felt the presence leave her and she collapsed to the ground.

When Sara woke up, she was in the med lab. "What's going on?" she asked as she opened her eyes and looked round.

"It's okay, honey, you're in the med lab back in HQ." her Dad said gently.

"Why? What happened?" Sara asked.

"We were hoping you could answer that. You were doing some pretty fancy stuff back there." Kane said. "It was just like the thing that happened in the Simulation Room with that drone."

"I. . . I don't remember. All I remember is arguing with Crush, and then I woke up here." Sara said, extremely confused. "What exactly did I do?"

Alpha butted in and said, "Sara, you're all clear. The scans indicate no physical damage to you so you're free to go."

"Thanks Alpha," she commented, sitting up. "So what did I do then?"

"I'll show you." Kane said. He helped Sara up, then the two Samurai's, their father, mother and Alpha all left the med lab to go back into the Power Chamber.

She was greeted eagerly by the other Rangers and power force. She assured them she was okay. "Alpha, can you display the battle on the View screen?" Kane requested.

"Certainly!" Alpha agreed happily. He hit some controls and an image of the battlefield appeared, Sara was stood facing Crush and the ground was littered with fallen Rangers. Sara stood, watching in shock as she saw what had happened.

"How the hell. . ." she started.

"We don't know!" Lee commented.

"Could it be my Ultra Samurai powers surfacing?" she asked, almost scared by what she had seen.

"That's what we originally thought." Zordon said.

"But when we scanned you for the energy we detected in Matt when his powers activated, we didn't detect anything. Whatever you did out there, we just can't explain it." Lee said.

"I think I might be able to!" her mother said, stepping forward from where she had been standing at the back of the room. They all let her pass through, they all wanted to know what she had to say.

"Please, explain." Zordon said.

"I feared this day would come, but now that it has, I have to do something." she said. They could all see the worried, almost scared look on her face.

"What is it, Mom?" Sara asked.

"Sara, this may sound completely unbelievable, but you are not human." She said. Sara just stared at her. "You are only half human. Your father, is not your natural father."

"Then who is?" Sara asked, taken aback.

"His name is Saravius, he came from the planet Ridmar." She continued.

"But. . . how? Why? Dad, did you know about this?" Sara demanded.

He just nodded. "Let your mother explain it all." He said.

"Well he came to our planet to fulfill a prophecy. On his planet, it was foretold that one day a great evil would attack, and the only one who could stop this evil was a being from a distant galaxy, a girl, half of their world, half of another. His journey led him here, to Earth and eventually to me. He told me of the prophecy, and we discussed it with your father. We both agreed for me to have his baby. That baby was you, Sara. He told me one day, when the evil attacked their world, a power would emerge within you and it would be time for you to fulfill the prophecy."

"So what do I have to do?" Sara asked.

"Saravius said he would return to Earth when you were needed. Then you will travel to his world and rid their world of the evil." Her Mom explained.

"Travel to his world? You mean I'm gonna have to leave Earth?" Sara said, sounding extremely confused and worried.

"Yes, I'm afraid it is your destiny." She said.

"I can't! How can I leave to save another world when I'm needed here to protect my own? I have duties as a Ranger." Sara insisted.

"Sara, I have heard of Ridmar and I know of this prophecy very well. I also know there is more to it than Saravius has told your mother. Although you are needed here, I believe your presence on Ridmar is more important right now, not only for the people of Ridmar, but also for you!" Zordon explained.

"But. . . I'm scared!" Sara said, her eyes watering.

Kane walked over to her and hugged her. "I know you are, sis. We all would be in your situation, but you gotta be strong. The people of Ridmar need you, and you'll be home before you know it."

The Purple Samurai wiped the tears from her ayes and stood away from her brother. "You're right. I have to do this!" she said bravely.

Just then, a vortex appeared in the Power Chamber and a large man emerged. He was about seven foot tall and had shoulder length blonde hair, tied back beneath his helmet. He wore slight armor, but most of his muscular body was still visible. He looked around for a moment.

"Saravius!" Sara's mother said as she walked over to greet him.

"It is good to see you, it is just a shame it must be under these circumstances." Saravius replied. He looked over at Sara and said, "You are the one destined to save my world. You are my. . . daughter!"

Sara just nodded.

"How bad is the situation on Ridmar?" The Black and purple Samurais' mother asked.

"It is not good, but if we hurry, it can be reconciled." Saravius said. "Are you ready to go?"

Sara looked around at the others. "Can't I go with her?" Kane asked.

"No, I'm afraid you will be needed here." Zordon said.

"How about me then?" Louise offered.

"No, Louise. We need as many Rangers here as we can get." Zordon said.

"Then how about me?" Jandra said, stepping forward. "I'm hardly vital here. The rest of Power Force will still be here to help."

Zordon thought for a moment. "I do not see any problems with that! Are you aware of the risks of this mission?"

"Completely, but I can't let the Ranger have all the fun to herself." Jandra smiled. She walked over to where Sara and Saravius stood. "I guess we're ready to go."

One by one, the Rangers went up to hug Sara and say goodbye. Kane was the last. As he said goodbye to her, he had to wipe a tear away from his eye. "Thank you!" he said to Jandra as he passed her.

"Any time." Jandra said. "Rygog, I'm leaving you in charge of the team while I'm away, take care of them!"

"You can count on me!" Rygog replied.

Sara looked down at her morpher. "I'm ready." She said.

"You will not be needing that. It is the chosen warrior that will save our world, not the Purple Samurai." Saravius said.

Sara looked worried for a moment, but as she saw the sincerity in his eyes, she felt reassured. She took off the morpher and placed it on one of the consoles. "Take care of it for me, I'll be wanting it when I get back." she said. All the others smiled at that as the three of them turned and returned through the vortex. In a flash of energy, they were gone.

Kane sat alone in his quarters. When Sara had left, they had all immediately sought out refuge within their own domains, and since then, nobody had ventured out. He held a photo of himself, Sara and their parents in his hand.

"We only just found our parents, finally we were a family again, but now you're gone! I've always managed to be strong, sis, but only for you. I knew I had to keep going because I was all you had left, but now you've left, I don't know if I can. You'd better come home safely Sara, and soon!"