Disclaimer: The Power Rangers Zeo belong to Saban Entertainment and I have no legal permission to use them.

Author Note: Okay, I think nearly everybody should be happy this week. Two of the choices were drawn in first place, so I'm gonna use them both! Remember, from this point on, I am no longer responsible for the actions of the Rangers. The parts will get a little shorter now, so that almost every decision is made by you. Remember to think carefully before you vote! From now on, it really is life or death decisions!

Time Scale: Continues seconds after Part ur

Cube 5
By Matt

'If we give up, we've lost, if we fight back, we'll just lose again and we've lost. Only one thing for it! Compromise!' Tommy thought to himself.

"Come on human. Give us your morphers!" Trinta Blue challenged him.

"No!" Tommy said back.

"What?" Trinta Blue exclaimed in shock.

"We won't give up, but we won't fight back either. Release us and we will willingly go back to your route." Tommy offered.

Trinta Blue went quiet for a moment while he thought over the offer. "Accept the offer Kryz. You know it's the only sensible option here! Do the right thing and you could still get out of this and keep your powers!" Jenzar insisted, getting back to his feet at last.

Kryz took another moment to think about it, then moved away from Zeo Red. "Very well, but you try anything and we will have no mercy!"

The Trintans released the other Zeo Rangers who all got back to their feet, glad that the Power healed them so quickly. Some of them had taken a few nasty hits. Without another word, they started heading back to where they had originally met. They went back past the trap into the empty room, then back into the room with the trapdoor. They pulled it open and jumped down one by one. Two of the Trintans jumped down first so that they could make sure the Zeo Rangers didn't make a run for it when they got down there. Next, the six Zeo Rangers and Trinta White jumped down, closely followed by the remaining two Trintans.

"Okay, so we're here! Now which way?" Tommy asked.

Trinta Yellow looked at their small computer device and pointed to one of the doors. They led the human Rangers along, not knowing that they were speaking quietly to each other via the small communicators built into their helmets. Normally they were just used to summon or control Zords, or activate weapons, but in an emergency like this, they could be used for person to person communication.

"Okay, we're clear!" Zeo Yellow said as she scanned the room with the Turbo Navigator. The Zeo Rangers' computer was able to scan for traps, which was why the Trintans needed them.

"Go on!" Trinta Blue said, pushing the Gold and Red Rangers into the room. As soon as they were all into the next room, Tommy called out, "NOW!"

The Zeo Rangers broke away and turned to face the shocked Trintans. Bringing out their Zeo Power Weapons, they charged. Zeo Red and Blue took on Trinta Blue who had once again drawn his sword. The Zeo V Power sword gave off a shower of sparks as it struck against the Trintans weapon, and both held their weapons there for a moment. That moment was all the chance Rocky needed. He rolled in and attacked with the Zeo III Tri-daggers. They hit Trinta Blue in the stomach and cut through his protective suit.

Zeo Yellow and Pink were taking on Trinta Yellow who also had a sword in hand. She swiped the sword at Tanya, but she blocked with one of her Zeo II Nunchuks, then knocked the weapon away with the second one. That left her open to Kat's attack. Kat charged up the Zeo ! Power shield and shot towards the Trintan. In an explosion of Pink energy, the alien Ranger flew backwards and smashed into a wall.

Zeo Green stood toe to toe with Trinta Black. The Trinta Ranger was armed with a pair of daggers, which he used to parry the Green Rangers Zeo IV Power Hatchets. The two continued to exchange blows. Although both managed to stay unharmed for a while, Adam was still winning. He was constantly on the offensive, waiting for the Trinta Ranger to make a mistake and let his attack through. Trinta Black was defending constantly. One of the daggers slipped in the Black Rangers hands and Adam was immediately taking advantage of it. A Power hatchet had connected with the Trintans chest, then another to his stomach. Adam finished with a leg sweep.

Finally, Gold Ranger was fighting against the Silver Trintan, but he was severely outmatched by Jason. A few blasts from the Golden Power Staff and a Gold Rush and he was defeated.

The Zeo Rangers stood over the defeated Trintans. Tommy didn't know what to say to them. He left Kat and Rocky guarding them while he discussed what to do now.

"We're going to follow the Trintans route! If they're so determined to go this way, the chances are it really is a way out!" Tommy commented. "The question is, what do we do with them?" He pointed at the four rogue Rangers.

"We've got to take them with us!" Tanya insisted.

"Why don't we just leave them here!" Jason suggested.

"I'm not sure about either of those. How about we give them a chance. Give them our route to follow and make sure they don't follow us!" Adam suggested.

"You know, we could just kill them and be done with it! If they get out of here, they will be sentenced to death by our society anyway. This way, we just spare them the trial!" Jenzar suggested.

The Rangers were taken aback by his comment, but Tommy had been briefed very quickly by Zordon on customs in other cultures. He had always been told it was best not to interfere, but this just seemed a bit steep!

That's it! Told you it was a bit shorter, anyway, pay attention cos here come the choices!!!

Take the Trintans with them. Leave the Trintans there. Release the Trintans and send them on a different route. Kill the Trintans right there!

I look forward to hearing from you, this could be an interesting vote! 8^)