Disclaimer: Saban owns the Zeo Rangers, I don't own them and that's that!

Author Note: Well here comes part four, I should warn all you voters that after this part, your votes will literally be life or death decisions, so choose well. Thanks once again to all the voters and keep tuning in. I just want to apologise to apologize to Shelly. Once again you haven't got what you voted for, but keep voting and it's bound to happen eventually. 8^)

Time Scale: Straight after part three.

Cube 4
By Matt

Tommy walked away from the others, paced around for a moment, then rejoined the others. "Okay guys, I've made up my mind. We're gonna go back to our own route. We don't know much about these guys. I'm not saying I don't trust them, it's just that if we take their route and find we can't get out that way, we might not be able to find our way to the original route. We gotta play this safe guys or we're not gonna make it!" he explained.

Nobody spoke in reply, so he took that as an agreement from all of them. Now he just had to tell the Trinta Rangers.

Zeo Red turned to the White Trinta Ranger and said, "Thanks for the offer, but we've decided we're gonna stick to our own route, just to be safe."

"What, so you don't trust us?" Trinta Green called out.

"You're too good to follow our route are you?" Trinta Yellow added.

"Silence!" Trinta White called out. The other Rangers in his command all stopped arguing. "I understand your decision Earth Ranger, I would probably make the same one in your place. Please just promise us one thing." He requested.

"Of course." Tommy agreed.

"If we don't make it out of here, and you do, please contact our world and let them know what has happened." Trinta White said.

Tommy found it very disheartening that a team of Rangers such as these could have lost so much hope that they would say something like that, but he could understand. They'd been there for months, five of them had died and that would get to anyone. "Of course, and if we don't make it out, promise you'll do the same for us."

"You can count on it." Trinta White replied, shaking Tommy's hand. "Now come on people, we've got to get these Rangers back up to that room."

The seven Trinta Rangers helped the Zeo Rangers climb back up to the room they had fallen from and merely seconds later, the door was closed and the two teams went their separate ways.

As they slowly made their way over to the next doorway, Rocky said, "I don't think we did the right thing. If their route took them months to follow, ours could too. They said they were close to the end. If our route takes months, well, we can't live that long!"

Nobody replied, but Jason stopped and held Rocky back for a moment. "Rocky, these are tough decisions Tommy's having to make, and having us question them is only gonna make them harder!"

"Yeah, I know, but what if he makes a wrong decision?" Rocky asked.

"I think that's already on his mind, he doesn't need us reminding him of it!" Jason commented.

"Come on you two!" Tanya called out as the door slid open. Zeo blue and the Gold Ranger both ran over to them and followed through to the next room. This room had doors on the ceiling, left wall and right wall. As Tanya checked the computer, she started heading for the right. Silently the others followed. Once again, there were apparently no more traps.

This led on to the next room, which had only two other doors, straight ahead, and to the left. This time though, Tanya didn't start walking.

"What is it?" Adam asked.

"Stay near the outside of the room. There's a trap in the middle." Tanya reported. Bringing out a discus, she threw it. If the ground had been divided into an equal three by three square, it would have been the center square that was trapped. The moment the metal disc passed over that area, spikes shot out from the ground and ceiling. Each spike could only have been an inch across, but they all extended the entire height of the room. The ceiling spikes started retracting first, then the floor spikes. Once they were clear, they looked down at the disc. It had been completely perforated.

"Good call Tanya." Tommy congratulated her on the warning once again. "Now which door?"

"Ahead." Tanya said, concentrating on the Turbo Navigator. She looked as if she were trying to figure something out on it, but she said nothing to any of the others yet.

They all knew where the trap was, but they still walked cautiously around the edge of the room. Tanya was about to activate the opening mechanism for the next door, when they heard the door they had just come through sliding aside. They turned to see why and the White Trinta Ranger stumbled in.

"Jenzar, stop!" Kat called out as she saw him heading for the spiked area. "There's a trap!"

He didn't hear them, so Jason called out, "It's time for a Gold Rush!" In a blur of Gold energy, he had shot across the room and moved Jenzar away from the danger area. He helped him walk over to join the others and lay him down on the floor.

"What happened? Where are the others?" Tommy asked quickly.

The white Ranger was struggling to speak, but he just about managed the explanation. "When you left, the others got angry. They thought I should have made you come with us, just so we had as much help as possible. When I told them we had to take care of it ourselves, and just let you go your own way, they... they turned on me. They all attacked me!"

The Zeo Rangers were shocked, Rangers refusing to follow their leader's command was rare, but actually turning on him like that was unheard of! "I had to come and warn you!" he stuttered. "They want to make you go with them, so they can make you test the rooms for traps! They want you to put your lives at risk instead of their own. I couldn't let that happen!"

"Jenzar, is there anything we can do for you?" Kat said softly to him.

"No, thank you Pink Ranger. Just allow me to rest for a short while and the Ranger healing should kick in." the White Ranger replied. Suddenly he gasped. "They're here!" he called out.

That second, the door opened once again and the Green, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Black and Silver Trinta Rangers came in. "Thanks oh great leader!" Trinta Green called out. "You led us right to them!"

"I order you to stop this! Do as I command and the Galactic Council need not hear of it!" Jenzar called to them.

"Oh they won't hear of it anyway. We won't tell them, and none of you will be around to tell them either!" Trinta Green called out as they all started heading towards the white Trinta Ranger and Zeo Rangers.

"We have to warn them about the trap!" Jason whispered to Jenzar.

"No, if they attack us, we may not be able to defeat them. If one or two of them get stopped by the trap, the odds are more in our favor." Jenzar replied.

"You'd let your own Rangers be killed?" Tommy asked.

"These aren't my Rangers any more! The Rangers I came into here with died a long time ago, they died the moment they lost hope and became desperate enough to do something like this!" Trinta White explained.

The Zeo Rangers didn't reply they just stood and watched as the other Rangers walked steadily closer. Most of them were tempted to shout out a warning. They hated to see anyone, even someone turned bad, get killed It was even harder to watch another Ranger walking into their own death.

Green and Pink were at the front. At the same time they stepped onto the trapped area. In a spine chilling series of screams, the Green and pink Trinta Rangers were skewered. The spikes retracted and the two bodies fell backwards to the ground, green blood trickling from their thousands of puncture wounds.

The other Trintans gathered around them and checked on their fallen allies. "They're dead!" Blue called out. "We'll make you pay for this!" They charged the Zeo Rangers, who all immediately took fighting stances.

Each Trinta Ranger drew a sword. All four were similar in design, but bore the color of its wielder. In return, the five Zeo Rangers drew their Zeo Blades and the Gold Ranger his staff. The two teams clashed and sparks flew as swords struck against each other. The Trinta Rangers were in frenzy. Already crazed by their imprisonment, the death of two more colleagues had pushed them over the edge. Moving at an incredible speed and striking with deadly precision, the Zeo Rangers all fell, one after the other. Tanya was first to fall, taken out by the other Yellow Ranger, next came Zeo Green and less than a few seconds later was Zeo Blue, both taken down by Trinta Blue. Kat was trying her best against Trinta Black, but the sword had never been her best weapon. She too joined the others on the ground. Jason and Tommy put up quite a struggle, standing back to back while Trinta Red and Silver circled them. Tommy brought out his power weapon and attempted to knock Trinta Red's weapon away from him, but the attack missed and was countered with a powerful blow. Jason was last to fall, his Golden power Staff keeping all four Trintans temporarily at bay, but when all four ran at him from different directions, he was helpless. He fell beside the others.

Tommy lay on the ground, looking up as the Blue Trinta Ranger held his weapon to the Red Zeo's neck. "Power down and give your morphers to us, or we will take them by force!" he commanded.

"No, we can't!" Jason called out. "Tommy, don't do it!"

"We've got no choice. It's do or die!" their leader replied.

Well that's it for this week, I hope it doesn't disappoint. Here come the choices:

  1. Power Down and give the morphers to the Trinta Rangers.
  2. Attempt to fight back.
  3. Offer to go back to their route and co-operate with them.

Okay, I look forward to hearing from you all again. Keep voting and remember, think well before voting, one wrong move and it's bye bye Zeo Rangers.