Transdimensional Archives


Disclaimer: Power Rangers are © Saban. Rescue Rangers are © Disney. Pokemon is © their respected owners. All other characters are © Lamont Stewart.

Note from Author: I originally wrote these stories in the 4th grade, © 1989- 1990.

Richey & Zach's Spy Group
By Lamont Stewart

It was late in December, which could only mean one thing. It was Christmas Vacation for the kids at Helke Elementary.

(Theme song for Pikachu's Vacation)

After school, our five heroes are seen playing in the snow.

Lamont says, "You know, when we get back to school in January, I'm going to have turned ten."

Zach said, "Ya, you're becoming an old man."

They went to a nearby place that was around some railroad tracks to see if they could see a train go by.

They pasted by some teenagers talking, and Lamont accidentally bumped into one of them. He said, "Excuse me, and handed him back his ID he dropped.

The teenager said, "Don't worry about it." Our heroes walked away as Lamont remembered the name on the ID, Charlie Nako.

They went farther into the woods and then heard a train coming, and went off the tracks to see it. A train had gone flying by, but then someone jumped off the train, his name was Giant.

Zach and Richey freaked when they saw him, and managed to hide in some bushes. However, Lamont and the others were not so fast, and were caught by him.

He carried them to an old torture device and strapped Lamont and Danny down with Tina in the middle. Above them was an axe that swung like a pendulum, getting closer with each swing, and then he laughed and walked off.

Richey and Zach watched from a distance and saw what was going on.

Zach said, "We have got to do something."

Richey said, "You know how me and Danny became secret agents, how about we form a spy group to solve this problem?"

Zach said, "Good idea."

Then as true spy fashion, they snuck around Giant, and got them off of the device just as the axe was beginning to cut the leather strap that tied them down.

Giant saw that out of the corner of his eye and smiled. He pulled out a remote and pushed a button. Then the ground below our heroes crumbled and everything went dark.


When our heroes awoke, they were tied up again, but this time they were dangling in the air. They saw an axe in front of them, and saw that they were on some kind of belt. Lamont was first, followed by Danny, and then Tina, Zach and finally bringing up the rear was Richey. Over to the left on a platform, they could see who was behind this, the Kid Eating Ducks.

Their leader said, "Ah we meet again, but this time, we will win. You see this is a bird food factory, and after we stuff you all in some cans, we are going to have some fine eating." Then he pressed the button and the machine started.

One by one, the axe cut the ropes and our heroes fell in the funnel below.

After falling through it, they landed on a conveyer belt. They try to untie each other but see five axes up ahead, ready to chop the food up.

They manage to dodge all of them and luckily the axes cut them loose. Just when they think they are safe, they go through some kind of tunnel, and are hit by a powerful blast of water, which washes them into a vat. They swim to the side to get out, but then a hole opens up and they are washed down a whirlpool.

They were then spit out on another belt, and saw flatting device in front of them. Beyond that they saw the slide where the food gets packed into the cans. They started running in the opposite direction, back to the vat.

They managed to tie some of the ropes back together and made a lasso and hooked a lose nail and pulled themselves to safety. They climbed on a ledge and went in a door, because it was the only way out. Then they smelt some gas and everything went dark again.


Then they awoke again, there was strings tied to parts of their bodies and found out that they were on a stage. Richey looked up to see who was behind it this time. Above him he saw the Puppet Master.

The Puppet Master played with our heroes for a while and then got bored and went off to get a snack, when he got back they managed to escape.

They discovered that there were back under the school and a tunnel was they only way out, then they pasted through a room that was very familiar to Lamont. It was the room that David and he and trapped the Count, with the help of Doctor Charlie Blunt. Now before them stood the mutated form of him, Mickey Blunt.

Mickey said, "Ah I see you managed to work your way out of the test. Which proves my theory, who have to be dealt with."

Zach said, "You made those tests?"

Mickey said, "Yes, I waned to see what you were capable off, and I saw it. You know I'd almost forgotten all about you until I saw your name on the news. The Rescue Rangers, Double-O-Danny and now Richey and Zach's spy group. Different names for the same old losers." Then he grabbed the pink crystal out of Lamont's pocket. "This is the Pink Merger Crystal and the final step in my plan." He walked over to a case and the saw ten other crystals that looked like the Crystal that Lamont had, but different colors.

Mickey them pushed a button and all of them cane together and then they saw only one clear looking crystal. "Finally, the complete Merger Crystal is mine."

Tina said, "I think this is trouble."

Danny said, "What are we going to do?"

Lamont said, "Here is what." He pulled out the device he had gotten from the maniac. He whispered to Tina, "See that machine over there? It is a time vortex, go and activate it."

She jumped past Mickey and activated the machine. A vortex opened which distracted him. The Lamont said, "You will never gain the power of the crystal." Then he fired a beam, which struck the crystal, shattering it back into 11 pieces, and basting them into the vortex. Seeing that he was defeated Mickey Blunt disappeared in a puff of brown smoke.


Our heroes came out of the secret wall by the map and looked around then a voice said, "Hey stop." They thought something else was going to happen, but it was just a teacher. "I thought you all had left, go home and enjoy the holidays."

They agreed and started to walk home. In the middle of the Media Center was a giant Christmas tree.

Merry Christmas everyone


The group Danny put away is thirsty for Revenge in, The Return of Double-O-Danny

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