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Note from Author: This is the three-part series finale of our 8th grade adventure.

K-I-L-L-E-R II: The Ultimate Threat
By Lamont Stewart

Lamont said, "How did you get here?"

Cyborg Andy glowed for a minute and turned back into Andy White.

Chris said, "How did that happen?"

A figure appeared and said, "He is becoming good again."

Jacob said, "How do you know that and who are you?"

The figure said, "I am known as Tomoe Hotaru, I am from Japan."

Lamont said, "Hotaru, have we meet before?"

Hotaru said, "Yes, in another dimension."

Roger said, "You never explained why Andy is becoming good again, why he became evil in the first place."

Jamie Pounds said, "Or who is this Ultimate Threat."

Hotaru smiled and pulled out a long staff with a curved blade at the end, then she said, "I will tell you."


Back in Count Funela's hideout. Deviot, Daniel and Khan were working over a table.

Kyle's fall had been very critical and they were merging him with Steel Thunder Hawk. Just then Deviot knocked both of his helpers out, and merged both of them with their creation, then placed a device on it to control him.

Deviot said, "My Ultimate Threat is finished, now for my Ultimate Revenge."


Meanwhile Hotaru told them Andy's story.

The Last time you saw Andy was after he Saved you all from the Radiation Leak.

Roger said, "We need to seal the doors, but they are only closeibal from the inside. They need to be closed for four minutes."

Andy said, "I'll do it."

Andy went inside the room, and with his ring held the door controls to the door shut. The rest of the team could just wait.

After the time was up, the radiation faded out. The doors were open, and there was Andy's body.

The Viewing Room

The team said good bye to Andy, as they put him in an air proof casket, and launched it into space.

Hotaru continued and said, "But soon you discovered that he was still alive. However what you didn't know was that the Radiation warped his mind, and the time changes by the Curse turned him evil. He tried to betray you all but, you stopped him."

Eric finds a way to activate the device, and brings back everybody. Chris with his new abilitys senses something about Andy.

Lamont said, "Don't give up, we can beat this evil." Then he remembered about the power he had gotten from the other dimension from the last adventure he just had. He opened the box with the power in it, and it entered the rings of the L-team members. A star appeared on each ring. He said, "Try the powers now, this new energy plus the effect of the alien ship should be nice."

Lamont said, "It's L-team time!"

They held their rings in the air.

Brad Bergman: White Wizard Star Power!

Brad transformed into wizard of white magic.

Jacob McLaughlin: Trapper Star Power!

Jacob transformed into a trapper of the mountains.

Chris Leis: Tracker Star Power!

Chris Leis transformed into a master tracker of stuff, but he also gained another power too.

Jennifer Blessing: Spy Star Power!

Jenny was transformed into a professional double agent.

Jamie Moore: Telepathy Star Power!

Jamie got the ability to read minds.

Eric Griffith: Promoter Star Power!

Eric got the ability to give people more powers.

Andy White: Master Black Belt Star Power!

Andy transformed into a martial arts expert.

Jamie Pounds: Medical Doctor Star Power!

Jamie transformed into a doctor.

Zach Atkinson: Black Wizard Star Power!

Zach transformed into a wizard of black magic.

Mandy Darnell: Red Wizard Star Power!

Mandy transformed into a wizard of red magic.

Aren Dyer: Ninja Star Power!

Aren transformed into a ninja.

Lamont Stewart: Knight Star Power!

Lamont transformed into a knight.

Just then Andy jumped in front of them, and joined Todd Bull. He said, "Now you're finished."

Aren said, "He's turned against us."

Serena said, "We'll help stop them."

Luna said, "Do it now."

Serena said, "Moon Crystal Power!" She transformed into Sailor Moon.

Amy said, "Mercury Star Power!" She transformed into Sailor Mercury.

Raye said, "Mars Star Power!" She transformed into Sailor Mars.

Lita said, "Jupiter Star Power!" She transformed into Sailor Jupiter.

Mina said, "Venus Star Power!" She transformed into Sailor Venus.

Darien activated something and he transformed into Tuxedo Mask.

Jason said, "It's our turn now, It's Morphin Time!"

Tommy said, "Dragonzord!" He transformed into the Green Ranger.

Zach said, "Mastodon!" He transformed into the Black Ranger.

Kimberly said, "Ptyradactle!" She transformed into the Pink Ranger.

Billy said, "Triceratops!" He transformed into the Blue Ranger.

Trini said, "Saber Tooth Tiger!" She transformed into the Yellow Ranger.

Jason said, "Tyrannosaurus!" He transformed into the Red Ranger.

Just then Andy fired a ray at Aren, and he joined Andy in the bad side, which was really not good. They took out the Power Rangers, the three cast members, the Sailor Scouts, and the L-Team except for Lamont and Chris. So now it is Chris and Lamont vs. Andy and Aren.

Andy says "Now you two will die and that will be the end of you little L-Team."

Lamont responds "I don't think so. You have to still go through a knight and a Jedi master. Good Luck."

Aren is laughing "Ha, you two are no match for a Ninja and Master Black Belt."

Lamont said. "We'll get you back to normal, but Andy is going down."

Chris begins to walk toward Aren and Andy, but says nothing. He just looks and Lamont nods his head, as they pull their weapons out. To Lamont's surprise, his normal sword is not there, instead in it's place was Chris's lightsaber.

Chris then says "It is just like yours, but does more damage."

Chris the takes off his robe and Aren and Andy look like death warmed over. Because now there is two lightsabers. One normal one that Lamont has, and the new double bladed one that Chris has.

The battle is fierce, Lamont and Andy are have a great duel. Andy strikes first, but Lamont, just absorbed his fury. And turned it against him. Lamont has Andy down on one knee, and then says "Andy you are a trader and a liar. You are here by finished and are no longer welcomed in our time line. As of now, you no longer are living. I said I would never kill anyone, but there is always an exception to the rule." Lamont slices his head off in one quick stroke. He then turns to see Aren and Chris's Duel.

Hotaru said, "You thought he was dead, but you saw him about two weeks later, with a being called Dark Parallax, and the Mirror L-team.

Jacob said, "We have to morph to break this wall down."

Jamie Moore said, "But we need to distract the Mirror L-team first."


The Mirror L-team was scanning or sounds, when they heard a beeping sound, and chased a car. They blasted the car into a wall, and ripped the door open. However, all that was there was a machine."

Mirror White Wizard said, "It's a decoy."

Back at the warehouse, Lamont said, "It's L-team time!"

They held their rings in the air.

Brad Bergman: White Wizard Star Power!

Brad transformed into wizard of white magic.

Jacob McLaughlin: Trapper Star Power!

Jacob transformed into a trapper of the mountains.

Liz Gordon: Demotter Star Power!

Liz got the ability to take away powers.

Chris Leis: Tracker Star Power!

Chris Leis transformed into a master tracker of stuff.

Jennifer Blessing: Spy Star Power!

Jenny was transformed into a professional double agent.

Jamie Moore: Telepathy Star Power!

Jamie got the ability to read minds.

Eric Griffith: Promoter Star Power!

Eric got the ability to give people more powers.

Roger Roberts: Master Black Belt Star Power!

Roger transformed into a martial arts expert.

Jamie Pounds: Medical Doctor Star Power!

Jamie transformed into a doctor.

Zach Atkinson: Black Wizard Star Power!

Zach transformed into a wizard of black magic.

Mandy Darnell: Red Wizard Star Power!

Mandy transformed into a wizard of red magic.

Aren Dyer: Ninja Star Power!

Aren transformed into a ninja.

Lamont Stewart: Knight Star Power!

Lamont transformed into a knight.

Lamont pulled out his sword, and smashed the force field. Just then out of nowhere the Mirror L-team blocked their way. Mirror Knight said, "Nice try, but it will take more then that to defeat us.

Meanwhile, Joseph and Danny escaped, and the L-team spotted them as they teleported back to the ship. Lamont/Knight said, "Now we can really defeat you."

Mirror Tracker said, "You don't stand a chance against us."

Just then Chris/Tracker spotted Cyborg Andy and said, "Oh my gosh, look."

The L-team was surprised when they saw Andy who was now Cyborg Andy.

Cyborg Andy and Dark Parallax went to their ship and blasted off.

Lamont/Knight saw Dark Parallax and remembered his friend Blade. He said to him self, "After all of this is done, I need to contact Blade."

Just then the Mirror L-team blasted the L-team and knocked them out. However, before they could finish them off, they were transported back to their ship. After they were gone Joseph and Danny transported the L-team back to the ship.

After they recovered Joseph told Lamont that they built Frosting One into the new ship L-team 001.

Lamont said, "So we can use the time machine when ever we need it?"

Danny said, "That's right."

Chris then said, "Now we have to follow Andy or should we call him Cyborg Andy now.


Back on the enemy ship the Mirror L-team confronted their bosses. They said, "Next time you won't stop us."

Dark Parallax said to Cyborg Andy, "Don't worry they are under my control."

Cyborg Andy said, "Nice plan you had tapping the energy of Sinestro from your dimension. They will kill the L-team slowly so Sinestro is left useless."

Dark Parallax said, "Then we finish off the L-team and the rest of the Railroaders, and then we go to my dimension to get revenge of the weakened Sinestro. Then I'll retake over the Evil Council and then destroy Parallax and the Galaxy League."

Just then the ship was under fire by the L-team 001, and Chris/Tracker teleported over to the ship to do battle. Mirror Tracker said, "I will kill him."

Cyborg Andy said, "No, he is mine." Cyborg Andy pulled out his blade, while Chris/Tracker activated his double bladed lightsaber. The battle was a long one, and it seemed like there would be no winner. However, Cyborg Andy left himself open, and Chris/Tracker finished him off with the lightsaber. This time Cyborg Andy was vaporized.

Hotaru said, "But Andy survived that too. However since then he has slowly becoming good again.


Hotaru said, "Does this satisfy your question."

Zach said, "I'm sorry we asked now."

Lamont said, "Ok now more important, who is this Ultimate Threat that you and Andy were talking about."


Back at Count Daniel Funela's hideout. Deviot had Merged together, Kyle Harring, Steel Thunder Hawk, Khan and The Ghost of Funela in his artificial body. He had also placed a device on him so he could control him.

He said, "Now let's go and destroy the L-team."

It said, "Yes sir."


The L-team was walking back to the school, because for some reason their teleportation device was down.

They were half way up, when they got a message from Joseph. He said, "We both are on our ship. The power to our hideout was cut."

Hotaru said, "It was to be the Ultimate Threat."

Mandy said, "OK, who is this Threat?"

Just then Deviot appeared and said, "Right here. Meet Kyle, Khan, Steel, and Daniel, together as the Ultimate Threat."

The Cyborg came closer to them.

Roger said, "You know I think we are in trouble."

The Ultimate Threat said, "I will kill, the entire L-team, and once I kill Lamont, Danny here will get his body back. Then I can free both Magical-El-Play, and Metallic Magicdarkviot. Then when they merge together, the two of us can control the Earth."

Deviot said, "It would be fun to see my Shadow counterpart, but I soon will rule the World."

The Ultimate Threat said, "That's what you think." He quickly turned around and stabbed Deviot in the heart. His body slumped to the ground. Then he grabbed Lamont and transported to their ship that they had in orbit."

Mandy said, "Danny transport us aboard, and follow that ship."

Jenny said, "I'll stay down here with Andy."

The rest of them went aboard and gave chase.

Meanwhile, Andy and Jenny were talking about what happened, when they were attack by Johnny Brown. He said, "'Today I turn six years old, and as a present I want your lives.

Andy said, "I came good again, at the right time. Didn't I."

Jenny said, "Really!"

Andy said, "I was being sarcastic."

Jenny said, "Oh."


Back on the L-team 001 they were giving chase to the enemy ship when it just stopped and turned around to face them.

Jamie Pounds said, "What is going on around here?"

Mandy said, "Get the missiles ready."

Just then the view screen came on and a Cyborg Lamont appeared. He said, "prepare to surrender your ship."

The entire ship was amazed at the sight before them. Mandy just took a deep breath and said, "Fire!"

To Be Concluded...