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<P><B>Disclaimer:</B> <I>All used items from other shows are © by their owners. Kid Vid is © Burger King. Everything else is © Lamont Stewart.</I></P> <P><B>Note from Author:</B> <I>The tide of battle is about to turn.</I></P> <P align="CENTER"><B>Jurassic Day II: Jamie Saves the Day<BR> By Lamont Stewart</B></P> <B> <P>Vandalia, Ohio</P> </B> <P>The Railroaders were talking about their latest adventure.</P> <P>Jamie Pounds said, "I can't believe he's back?"</P> <P>Jamie Moore said, "Yah, that was very scary."</P> <P>Zach said, "We have to find a way to defend against the power Davis has."</P> <P>Mandy said, "We also need to find this Flamer guy. If I'm right, Davis is also looking for him."</P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <B> <P>Davis's Hideout</P> </B> <P>Davis was complaining about his defeat.</P> <P>Davis said, "I can't believe those brats escaped. That interloper will pay."</P> <P>One of the voices said, "Once I used dinosaurs to try to kill them, but it failed."</P> <P>Davis said, "I remember, but you used robots. As I will use the real things." He opened up a time vortex and called several Velociraptors. "Now go out in the city, and cause general chaos."</P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>Meanwhile in the Railroad headquarters an alarm went off.</P> <P>Danny said, "Joe, the dinos are back."</P> <P>Joseph said, "Contact the Railroaders at once."</P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>They were still talking when Danny called them on their communicators.</P> <P>Mandy said, "What's up Dan?"</P> <P>He said, "Velociraptors have returned."</P> <P>Mandy said, "What?"</P> <P>Danny said, "They're down town, you must stop them."</P> <P>Zach asked, "What's happening?"</P> <P>Mandy said, "Davis brought the dinosaurs back."</P> <P>Andy said, "Oh, and I thought are problems were over." Just then his hat flew off his head.</P> <P>Jamie Pounds said, "I'll get it."</P> <P>She went to get his hat, when she heard a voice say, "Freeze Beam!" When she turned around the rest of the team was frozen in ice. She saw Davis fly away.</P> <P>She said, "Don't worry guys. I'll take care of him."</P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>Davis landed on a roof and saw the trouble his pets were causing. "Excellent, with those Rangers out of the way. Flamer is the only one that can save the day."</P> <P>Jamie said, "Don't forget about me."</P> <P>Davis said, "Well, I guess the cute one survived. Does the babe think she can defeat the big bad man?"</P> <P>Jamie said, "Yes...I...do!" She kicked him right between the legs.</P> <P>Davis said, "Oh!" He fell over in pain. The kick made him weaker and the ice around the team slowly started to melt.</P> <P>Jamie said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did that hurt?"</P> <P>Davis said, "Solar Blast!" A blast from the sun hit Jamie.</P> <P>Jamie got back up, but she was burned.</P> <P>Davis said, "Solar Blast! Solar Blast! Solar Blast!" Jamie and the surrounding area were continually hit with blasts from the sun. Soon the roof caught on fire. "So still think you're still tough?"</P> <P>Jamie burned and in pain said, "What am I going to do?"</P> <P>Just then a voice said, "Aqua Wave!" A wave of water washed over everything, putting out the fire, and cooling Jamie off.</P> <P>Davis said, "Who dares?"</P> <P>A voice said, "Aquanizer dares." A figure stepped out of the shadows. "I am Aquanizer, my Aqua Wave will drown any evil."</P> <P>Davis said, "I don't know, who you think you are, but prepare to fry. Solar Blast!"</P> <P>Aquanizer said, "Aqua Wave!"</P> <P>A blast from the sun, met with a wave of water. A bunch of steam built up around the area.</P> <P>Davis got the steam out of the way, and said, "Ok, Aquanizer, lets dance. Huh where did he go?"</P> <P>Mandy said, "Care to tangle with us?"</P> <P>Davis said, "The Railroaders escaped."</P> <P>Jamie Pounds said, "Lets rumble."</P> <P>Davis said, "You seemed to forget, the real reason you were called here."</P> <P>Zach said, "We have to split up. Some of us need to go after the dinos, while some of us try to stop Davis."</P> <P>"Aqua Wave!" A wave washed over the dinos. Aquanizer said, "I can take care of the dinos for you."</P> <P>Jamie Pounds said, "Thanks, man."</P> <P>Davis said, "So you think you can defeat me? Electrical Lightning!" A lighting bolt of electricity hit the team.</P> <P>One of the Velociraptors jumped up to attack the team. Jamie Pounds quickly kicked it back to the ground, as Aquanizer drowned them all.</P> <P>Davis said, "Electrical Lightning!"</P> <P>As he was charging up, Aquanizer said, "Aqua Wave!" A wave of water hit Davis electrocuting him.</P> <P>Davis said, "Oh, you...haven't...seen.... The last of me." Gray smoke surrounded the area, and he was gone.</P> <P>Jamie said, "Thanks, Aquanizer."</P> <P>He said, "It was no big deal." Then he did a back flip off the roof.</P> <P>They all rushed to the side, but there was no sign of him.</P> <P>"Well, things sure are a lot more interesting now that Lamont's gone," said Zach.</P> <P>Mandy said, "And more dangerous. We have to train, we can't rely on a mysterious, but very cute hero to save us every time."</P> <P>Liz said, "Besides, Davis is just paving the way for the real enemy."</P> <P>Mandy said, "Let's get back to the headquarters."</P> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P>Meanwhile, Davis was complaining about his defeat. "Oh even with less of them, and no powers, I still can't seem to defeat those brats even with my powers. Plus those two interlopers Flamer and Aquanizer putting their noses in my business. I have to find a way to rid my self of the lot of them so my Master can return. Hmm, I just may have a way."</P> <h5><center>The End</center></h5> <p><center>~*~</center></p> <P><I>What is Davis's plan, and where are these strangers coming from? More clues relieved of the next episode.</I></P><p>ò