Disclaimer: Haim Saban owns a lot of stuff and he certainly owns Power Rangers. I however claim Sora Meyerson, and Chet Wilson. Please email me if you want to borrow them.
Suggested Reading: The other 19 fics, Defenders, and Zeo Disaster. Or you will be completely lost. You can skip Protectors of Space #18 and #19 though.
Dedication: This fanfic is dedicated to my cat, Spunky, who was put to sleep at approximately 2:00 PM on June 30 2000.
Time Frame: Two days after Missing You.

Healing Old Wounds
By Dana

Tommy walked into the Surf Spot and saw Katherine waiting she waved and he came over. He remembered Jason telling him yesterday that Kat said she really needed to talk to him. The others were on the ship or at their homes. The down time was hard for everyone to adjust to.

He walked over to the table Kat was sitting at and smiled. "Hi Kat. Jason said you wanted to talk."

"We need to talk. I know you've been seeing Sara Meyerson lately. I hope you two are happy. She really seems like a nice girl. Chet's coming next weekend."

"Good." Tommy said uncomfortably. "Kat you want to tell me what happened three years ago?"

Katherine stared at Tommy for a minute before she spoke. "You know, when you left for KO-35, I used to pray that you would come back to me safe and sound. The others tried to assure me that you and Jason would be back soon. I believed it. I really did! The thing with Chet wasn't planned Tommy you have to believe me. We just started talking after one of our classes and we really hit it off. I told him all about you leaving out the part that you went to KO-35. Tommy…" She paused looking away. Tommy stared at her for a second before he also looked away. Kat continued. "After we didn't hear from you and Jason a year later I started to think that you weren't ever coming back. I kept hoping and praying that you would. Then when I went to London for ballet I went wondering if you would know I was here when you came back."

"My parents told me when I did come back. They said they thought you left because you didn't think I was coming back."

"Well that is partly the truth. Another part was the fact that this was an opportunity I couldn't pass up. My mother kept reminding me of that. It's not like I had stopped loving you then. When I arrived in London I kept thinking about you. Lizzy, my roommate at the school, told me that I should move on. That you would understand. I said no way. I had been going to the school for six months before Chet Albright was moved to my class. Lizzy introduced him to me saying he was from Stone Canyon California. We became fast friends. Turns out he knows Rocky and Adam. He's a lot like you. Maybe that's what drew me to him at first. I really don't know. He asked me to go eat dinner with him just as friends. Lizzy came along too. I never even thought anything of it. Just three friends grabbing a bite to eat but then we really started talking and we went on a date by ourselves a couple days later. Then we both headed back to the United States for winter break and we ran into you." She said sadly.

Tommy didn't say anything for awhile. He just sat there thinking about the information he had just been given. When he had seen Kat and Chet at the Surf Spot, he was angry and sad by the fact that his girlfriend had met someone else. Sure he and Katherine hadn't been dating that long when he went to KO-35, but it didn't make the pain any less.

Kat sat there watching him nervously waiting for a response. She knew that Tommy deserved an explanation and that's why she had given him one. His eyes seemed to soften as he finally spoke.

"Kat I hope you are happy with Chet." Tommy said. "You'll have to introduce me to him. He must be pretty special." He said with a smile.

"Maybe if you get Sara we can all get to know each other. She really seems like a nice girl. I think I remember seeing her around Cornwall High School and Angel Grove High, she was good friends with Ashley Hammond. So, I talked to her a couple of times. I hope you two are happy together."

"I can't believe we're having a conversation like this." Tommy said with a laugh. "Discussing each other's new relationships like this. I'm glad we did though."

"Me too." Kat said grinning. "Friends?" She asked.


The End

Okay that's it. That's the final fic of the series. I wasn't going to let that relationship die without them at least talking about it! I haven't forgotten about Guardians of Time. I'm in the process of writing the fourth fic in the series, Regroup. Some old faces appear in this one. Email me with comments on this fic at Willow@grrtech.com.