< Sora, Dallas, Roland, Petra, Timari, and Tevu. Oh and Lisa Varns Jonathon Stillar, and Gina Cellis, and Darcy Nichols. I do not claim Jonathon Tzachor, David Yost, Christopher Khayman Lee, or Justin Nimmo. They belong to themselves!
Author's note: Remember this series is full of alternate dimensions. I changed the cast of Power Rangers in Space to make it even more interesting! No flaming for it please!
Suggested Reading: You have to read all of Zeo Disaster, Defenders, Protectors of Space, Surprising New Friends, and Familiar Faces and Places.
Time frame: Starts where Familiar Faces and Places ends.

by Dana

Sora opened her eyes and realized she was in the Infirmary. She didn't know how she got there. She did remember getting shocked by a monster and that was it. She saw Tommy's worried face leaning down towards hers. "Tommy?" She whispered and was shocked by how tired she sounded. "How did I get here?"

"You were injured in a fight. I tried to heal you but you didn't regain consciousness till now." Tommy answered grabbing her hand.

"Where are we?"

"Back on the Talorn. We are in another dimension the others went exploring. I volunteered to stay with you." Sora looked at him hopefully. "No it's not the correct dimension unfortunately. You need to rest. That electric charge took a lot out of you."

"You don't have to stay here Tommy. I'm fine."

"But I want to. I don't mind being with you."

"Well I feel fine now. Can we go check on the others?"

"Dimitria?" Tommy called to the Defenders mentor.


"See? Dimitria says I can go. Let me go change and we can both go." Sora said and allowed Tommy to pull her to her feet. "You don't have to baby me Tommy. I'm fine. I'll be back in a second."

Tommy went to change also. He put on a gray tank top and white jeans before waiting for Sora in the hallway. Sora was there a minute later in a blue T-shirt and black jean shorts. "Ready?" She asked. Tommy nodded and teleported to the spot the others were.

They found Andros, Petra, Dallas, Zhane, Roland, Leo, and Jason standing around near a building talking. "What's going on?" Tommy asked.

"We don't know. This area looks like a television set." Jason said pointing at the side of the building that was hulled out.

They were looking in the other direction when someone tripped over Tommy's foot. He helped the person up and saw Alexis. "Alexis?" He asked in confusion.

She gave him the strangest look. "Uh yeah. On the T V show Power Rangers in Space. The name's Lisa. Wait a second! Justin, Christopher, Gina, Jon, and Darcy shouldn't you be on the set?"

"Uh we'll be on there soon." Zhane said with a confused look on his face. Lisa nodded and walked away. As soon as she was out of ear shot Zhane turned to the others and said, "What's going on?"

"I don't know but she really did look just like Alexis. Maybe we should change back to our other disguises so we don't confuse them anymore." Dallas suggested. The others nodded and ducked into a deserted corner before they transformed.

"Let's go see what's back here." Jason suggested. They were quickly stopped by security guards.

"Where do you think you kids are going?" One of them asked.

"To look around the set." Dallas said.

"Well you're not allowed on the set young lady." The second guard said. "If you want to sign up for a tour of the studio you go sign up at the gate."

"Thanks we will." Zhane said as they were ushered away from the set.

When they got to the building that had the sign up sheet, they found a pamphlet of the show. "Power Rangers in Space." Sora read the front page. "What kind of name is that?"

They started walking away and to a quieter area. "Hey Dal you might want to check out page four." Zhane suggested.

"Why?" She asked flipping to page four. She found a picture of herself with a short bio. "Gina Cellis is twenty-four years old and this is her first TV role." Dallas stopped reading. "Who's Gina Cellis? Why does she look like me?"

"I think in this dimension Power Rangers is a TV show." Tommy summed up. "Gina plays you, the Pink Astro Ranger, on a TV show."

"But I'm a Purple Ranger if anything else. Why would I be pink?" Dallas asked in confusion. "And what's this Astro Ranger stuff? We were never Astro Rangers! That was Billy, Cassie, TJ, Carlos, and Ashley."

"Calm down Dallas. It's another dimension is all. It's bound to be weird." Jason said.

"I say we sign up for this tour and find out what is going on." Zhane suggested. The others nodded and watched as Zhane signed the sheet for the 3:00 tour. The others quickly followed suit using the names they had made up in the last dimension.

"We've got a half hour. What do you guys feel like doing?" Petra asked.

Andros was looking at a newspaper that he found on a park bench. "We're in Hollywood California. Wherever that is."

Sora giggled after seeing Andros's confused face. "It's a town known for its movies and TV shows. I'm not exactly sure where we are. Or I'd suggest somewhere to go."

"I say we go look around here." Jason suggested.

That decision made, they started walking.

"Master! I found the position of the Defenders!" Tevu said excitedly.

"Good. Where?" Timari asked walking over. Tevu gave him the piece of paper. "Good. Let's go there. This should be easy. There are no other Rangers to help them. Unless you count television stars." Timari said laughing. "Get the drones ready. We'll attack in an hour."

"Yes my lord." Tevu said bowing before running to do what Timari demanded.

"Get ready to say goodbye to your son, traitor." Timari growled; glaring at the image, he had of Petra.

A half-hour later the Defenders and Leo gathered around the building they had signed up. The tour guide stood marking names. They quickly gave her their names before moving away.

"Okay people! We're about to begin the tour!" The tour guide yelled above all the noise. When she had everyone's attention, she informed them, "you are all in for a treat. You are all going to be able to see the show being taped!"

Everyone else on the tour looked excited but the Defenders and Leo were nervous. They weren't sure if they wanted to see this show being taped. It seemed to them that the show was making fun of what they did for years. But if they were going to find out anything about this show, they would have to learn from watching it.

They quickly filed into the studio and sat in the empty seats. Roland watched in amazement how fast people were setting up the lights and other items. He wished he could ask one of the technicians how the lights and computers were done. But he knew he couldn't.

Leo watched in amusement at all the kids who seemed to be really excited about seeing this show. As it was, he knew the other Rangers were feeling out of place since they didn't have a little kid with them. The youngest of them, Andros, was seventeen. He saw the Zhane lookalike staring at them in curiosity. Leo quickly checked the others and noticed they were looking like they should.

A voice spoke up. "Please welcome the stars of this show. First there is Gina Cellis who plays Dallas the Pink Astro Ranger!" Dallas's lookalike came onto the set and waved. "Next there is Lisa Varns who plays Alexis the Yellow Astro Ranger!" Alexis's lookalike came on the set. "Next there is David Yost who plays Billy Cranston the Blue Astro Ranger!" Billy's lookalike came onto the set and smiled. "Next there is Justin Nimmo who plays Zhane the Silver Astro Ranger!" Zhane's lookalike came onto the set, waved, and smiled a cocky smile. "And the last of the Astro Rangers is Andros played by Christopher Khayman Lee." Most of the crowd went crazy when Andros's lookalike came out. "Next are the two lady villains of the series. Astronema who is played by Melody Perkins and Petra whose played by Darcy Nichols." The crowd booed good naturally after they came out. Then the voice started telling the audience the rules of watching a show being taped. Then it started.

Dallas watched her boyfriend's lookalike staring at her. She could have sworn he saw him wink at her. She didn't know if Zhane saw it, but he grabbed her hand quickly.

Zhane stared at his lookalike. He saw the wink he gave Dallas. What gave that guy the right to wink at his girlfriend? 'Whoa calm down Zhane.' He chided himself. 'He doesn't even know Dallas. Maybe it's just a coincidence.' He felt Dallas put her head on his shoulder. He gave her hand a squeeze.

Andros stood there not quite believing that he was staring at himself. Sure he had seen himself in the last dimension but this was different. This person wasn't Andros Dante. This was someone named Christopher Khayman Lee who was from Earth and an actor. The 'fights' comprised of short little action then stops and then doing it all over again. 'I see Roland's having problems with there being an actress that looks exactly like Alexis. Can't say I blame him.' He saw Tommy wink. Sometimes he knew he had to know how not to project his thoughts.

He turned and saw his mother was looking uncomfortable. She was clutching a medallion tightly in her hand and kept looking behind her as if she thought someone was going to be there.

Petra knew there was something wrong when her medallion, which was a gift from Timari, started glowing. She wanted to know what that meant. Timari was most likely destroyed. So why was the medallion glowing? She watched in shock when drones teleported down in front of the actors. Correction, Rock Drones.

The Defenders and Leo jumped out of their seats but security surrounded them. Zhane was arguing with one of the guards. "We can help them!" He yelled. The guard looked at him in bewilderment but moved out of the way anyway.

That's when Petra saw Tevu standing there. Timari hadn't been destroyed after all! She watched in shock as Timari jumped at her son. She knew this wasn't going to be good. She knew she had to keep an eye on her son in case that was what Timari was after.

The actors were attempting to help but they weren't all into karate and were useless. Tevu spun around. "Long time no see Petra! Miss me?" He asked.

"Oh not really." She said nonchalantly while trying to block his sword. "What does Timari want?"

"I would think you'd know Petra. Your son Andros of course."

"Don't you dare harm my son!" She yelled and felt her own magic surging. Before she could blast Tevu into a million pieces she felt something fall on her foot. She looked down and realized it was the medallion. 'Was that a sign?' She wondered. She vaguely heard Zhane call out the morphing call. Petra would have to worry about her medallion later.

"Sound Power!" Sora called.

"Lightning Power!" Tommy called.

"Thunder Power!" Jason called.

"Wind Power!" Andros called.

"Solar Power!" Roland called.

"Comet Power!" Petra called.

"Sun Power!" Dallas called.

"Star Power!" Zhane called.

"Go Galactic!" Leo called.

The audience let out ooh and ah thinking this was all a part of the show. The actors and actresses looked at the director in confusion and the camera kept rolling.

'Great they think it's just some show. This is real.' Leo thought as he ran to get the audience out of the way. Their safety was of utmost importance. "You've got to get out of here! This is no joke!" He was yelling. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Sora was doing the same thing.

Zhane was shoved roughly into Andros causing him to fall. "Watch it Zhane." Andros called struggling to his feet. By then, everyone was forgetting to call each other by their fake names.

"Not my fault Andros!" Zhane said struggling to his own feet. The fight was getting to them all. That was when he noticed that the Drones seemed to be completely concentrating on Andros. They weren't going to get Andros; Zhane was going to make sure of it.

Petra was still struggling with Tevu when she heard a familiar voice a few feet away say, "the Comet Ranger Petra? I would have expected differently from a former queen of evil."

Lisa looked up in surprise upon hearing all of the names of characters on her show. She turned to the director. "Is this some kind of publicity stunt?" She yelled.

"No Lisa." Jonathon Tzachor yelled. "Be careful."

There was another flash of light and another monster appeared behind Andros. He clamped his arm on Andros's shoulder in a form he learned a long time ago. Andros slipped to the ground unconscious.

Zhane spun around in time to see Andros be picked up and placed over the shoulder of the monster. Zhane knew he had to act fast. He ran towards the monster before it had time to teleport away and kicked the monster swiftly in the arm causing him to drop Andros. Zhane stepped over Andros in order to protect him and didn't see the hit from the Drone that had been behind him.

Timari smirked. 'Might as well take both of them.' He thought. He signaled the Drone to grab Zhane as he grabbed Andros. They were out of there before Petra could stop them.

Petra ran over and tried to stop Timari but it was too late. She turned to Tevu and threw a fireball. It hit him on a glancing blow as he and the Drones teleported away. She weakly sank to her feet.

Dallas jumped into leadership role. She noticed her sister and Leo re-enter the room. "Leo is everyone out?"

"Yeah." Leo answered coming over to them. They quickly powered down and back to their normal selves.

"That wasn't a joke was it?" Darcy Nichols asked.

"Afraid not. Petra who was that?" Dallas asked.

"An old partner of mine. I should have known he would do that. Now he's got both Andros and Zhane."

"Excuse me are you trying to say you guys are really Dallas, Roland, and Petra?" Jonathon Stellar asked.

"Yes. We come from another dimension. We are all Defenders except Leo who's a Galaxy Ranger."

Roland's watched. "We can continue on." He informed his teammates.

"Can we though?" Jason asked. "We can't exactly leave Zhane and Andros here with some villain.

"I doubt they are actually here Jason. Timari has been working on a time device for a long time." Petra looked at the ground. "We were going to use it to go back and take Andros…"

"Let's go up to the Talorn and figure this out." Dallas suggested. She knew she had to take charge. Zhane was gone that made her leader.

"Good luck." The actors called not completely understanding what was gone.

"Thanks." The Rangers called before teleporting away.

The Drones held Andros and Zhane in place as Timari paced back and forth. "This wasn't exactly my plan but without a leader they won't get far. Take Zhane to a cell. I want to deal with Andros first." He told the drones. The Drones quickly pulled a struggling Zhane away. "Now as for you Andros. Did you know that your mother, stepfather, and I worked together? We were putting together a time device to take you before your father did. Your mother changed sides and she's going to pay. I'm going to get my revenge through you." He said with an evil glint in his eyes.

To be continued…

I know it was short but I thought it got everything it needed across. Look for Guardians of Time #4 Regroup very soon! Email me with comments and suggestions at willow@grrtech.com.